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Mozilla Firefox 1.5 RC3 Released 258

Jasper Bryant-Greene writes "It doesn't look like the official website has updated yet, but Firefox 1.5 RC3 has been just been released. MozillaZine has the scoop."
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Mozilla Firefox 1.5 RC3 Released

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  • Well (Score:3, Funny)

    by dep01 ( 730107 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:03AM (#14061984) Homepage
    I hope IE is updating their notes on what to incorporate in to IE7 *rolls eyes*
  • Yea but... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by MtViewGuy ( 197597 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:04AM (#14061993)
    Any news about when will the Mozilla Foundation release the final version? Hopefully, it will be around the first two weeks of December 2005.
  • by LiquidCoooled ( 634315 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:04AM (#14061995) Homepage Journal
    I was in the middle of typing a posting and this thing popped up taking away focus.
    Didn't have full time to check, but hitting return would/could have started the update process off without informed consent.

    I realise they want to get it updated, but I think the new regime is just a bit too forceful - it should be on application startup and not checking whilst I'm browsing.
    • Some people never shut down Firefox, though I couldn't do that since it's memory usage seems to constantly increase during use.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:16AM (#14062083)
      I was in the middle of typing a posting and this thing popped up taking away focus.

      Actually this is very common behaviour in most Windows (and to a certain extent OSX) apps. I don't know how many times I've been typing away in App A, when App B decides it needs to throw up some stupid dialog right when I'm pressing the key, leading to me wondering WTF I just said ok to. This is a general design flaw in many/most windowing systems today as they assume that the user tends not to multitask much, which may be true for many/most, but certainly not true for me.
      • by Pieroxy ( 222434 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:37AM (#14062229) Homepage
        The worst one is when you're downloading some stuff with IE. Hopefully this happens only once per windows install (when you download Firefox).

        IE is downloading its stuff in windows temp folder. If you are unlucky and decided to save the file in another drive, at the end of the download it will move the file to wherever you wanted it. The move dialog then pops up and the selected button is... Cancel !!!

        So if you happen to press Space or Enter at that time, you are in fact cancelling your download.

        Just plain insane.
        • Actually, the dialog doesn't pop up. It's there the entire time and always has the cancel button. So the chances of that happening are pretty much zero unless you alt-tab to it and press enter - which is hard to do accidentally. The text in the download window changes to tell you it's moving the file, but it's the same dialog and it doesn't pop up or focus itself. Just tried it in IE 6 to make sure.
          • We are not talking about the same popup. When the download popup is done, there is another one popping up, which moves the file. You can see it only if the file is quite big and your destination is on another drive than windows. If you download on your C:, of course, I don't know if the dialog is displayed at all.
        • The worst one is when you're downloading some stuff with IE.

          That's not the worst one! This is far worse [bash.org] (NSFW).

      • tell me about it (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Ender Ryan ( 79406 )
        This is one of my "favorite" annoyances with windowing systems in general these days. I think there's actually tools to prevent apps from stealing each other's focus* - I dunno, I haven't really used Windows for other than gaming in a long while, so I don't bother dicking around with it much - on 'doze and Mac. But, like FF, many apps automatically shift their own focus at inopportune times.

        That drives me even more insane than usual. There is absolutely nothing like cancelling a long download or initia

        • TweakUI says it will, but it doesn't really work. Apps continue to steal focus left and right.
          • TweakUI says it will, but it doesn't really work. Apps continue to steal focus left and right.

            Under which version of Windows? It works perfectly for me, under Win2K.
            • It was under XP Pro (which uses a different version [microsoft.com] of TweakUI than 2K [microsoft.com]).

              I hadn't tested the problem in a while, and I'm unable to reproduce it now. Perhaps it was something that got fixed in SP2.
        • You can configure FVWM to not allow apps to grab focus without permission. I would suspect that other Linux WMs allow for that too.

          You're on your own in windows.
          • You can configure FVWM to not allow apps to grab focus without permission. I would suspect that other Linux WMs allow for that too.
            You're on your own in windows.

            Actually, from a usability point of view, this feature is very easy to implement on Windows and nearly impossible on Linux window managers.

            The only ways to willingly produce new windows in MS Windows is to click a desktop icon, or something on the panel (menu, quick launch, systray). The trick is that these actions unfocus all windows. So when the n
        • On the Mac, the apps's dock icon will just jump up and down for a while without stealing focus. The modal dialog will be there waiting for you when the app is selected.

      • This is a problem, especially if you're typing a password or something.

        I found this behaviour elsewhere within Firefox (and IE too, I think).

        If you're loading a page, and it's taking a while; then you start typing in the addressbar. Once the page loads, if it has a text input box, what you're typing automatically continues in the text input box of the page.

        I was thinking, before changing focus, a simple thing to do would be as follows: If more than 2 keys were pressed in the last second, do not switch foc
        • Better solution, don't steel focus, EVER. A program does not need my immediate attention, EVER. Even if it is a terrible virus that will kill my hard drive, or a new version of FF that is SO much better than the previous, it can wait until I finish answering that email, or typing that /. response.

          I have enough distractions on my computer taking my productivity away, that I don't need one more. Steeling focus is a design flaw, period. There is no reason for it. It is bad usability, in that programs in the back ground are there for a reason, I don't need to be reminded that they exist. As for FF, I really don't need it to check for updates, and it really doesn't have to ruin my work-flow (/. reading?) for a silly update.

          I like how OS X does it in theory, by bouncing a dock icon. Tasteful, subtle, and not to attention grabbing. Windows does it all wrong, though I've noticed a move on some Mac developers to do the "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!! NOW!" thing to.
          • Windows has a 'flash taskbar icon' feature which does much the same. I hate *most* applications stealing focus, but occasionally there are some "You need to know this NOW" messages, such as remote shutdown, which I am fine with stealing focus as long as they have some failsafe to stop themselves closing instantly as I keep typing before i notice it is there.
          • Funny thing. I've been on the latest release of Ubuntu, and nothing behaves the way I expect. When applications try to take focus, all Ubuntu Gnome does is start the taskbar button flashing for that application.

            Sometimes I prefer this, but I've gotten in trouble with my girlfriend for not answering her instant messages, because I didn't notice that they got sent.
      • Gnome stops windows from stealing focus, when they want focus they just start glowing very lightly in the window bar. I would think OS X has a similar feature.
      • Gnome is really nice in this matter. Not even IM windows (I'm using skype) can't steal the focus. They just blink in the taskbar. Open source can do things really nice sometimes, and Ubuntu and its components is one of those examples.
      • there's an option in "windows control panel->mouse" to automatically move the mouse pointer to the default button on a dialog box. (Or at least it was there in win2kpro)

        I turned it on once because it seemed like it would make, but when I found myself accidentally doing stuff, I turned it off, and stayed clear of it since!

      • Which apps on OSX steal focus? I don't think I've ever seen that. Usually the icon in the dock jumps up and down to tell you there is another app that wants some user input.
      • Mobile phones too (Score:3, Interesting)

        (Slightly veering away from the topic) Mobile phones also annoy me in this regard. If I'm typing a message, browing a menu, or doing something else on my phone and someone calls, the phone switches straight into answering mode, in which the button I was just about to press has a completely different function. It's then a matter of complete chance whether I answer or reject the call, or send it to voice mail.

        This problem could easily be solved: when the phone changes modes due to an event not initiated by
        • Motorola Triplets phones (V300, V500, V600, and others, but those are the primaries) which are quad-band GSM if you have the right software on them wait a moment before updating buttons. It actually really annoys the piss out of me when I'm calling voicemail and want to use speakerphone, because it does it on outgoing calls, too. The phones (or at least the v300) have about 5MB of storage and will do mp3 ringtones, java/midp 2.0, and has a VGA-res camera. Plus, there's a lot of "hacking" tools so you can en
      • I don't know how many times I've been typing away in App A, when App B decides it needs to throw up some stupid dialog right when I'm pressing the key, leading to me wondering WTF I just said ok to.

        If any KDE users are annoyed by this, go to Control Centre | Desktop | Window Behaviour | Advanced, and change "focus stealing prevention level" to one of the settings None, Low, Normal, High or Extreme. Low works fairly well for me.

    • by Southpaw018 ( 793465 ) * on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:18AM (#14062100) Journal
      I believe this was addressed as part of the RC2 to RC3 update in the "Background tab steals foreground focus" bug.
    • I think this may be from the 1.6 nightly builds, but I've noticed when the update dialog pops up on its own (as opposed to when you make it come up via Help-->Check For Updates), the OK has a ~3 second countdown before it becomes enabled, the same way unsigned extentions work. Should prevent acidental action in the future, though the anoyence factor is still there.
    • no, this is the only way. (people *never* update their Systems unless forced to to so)

      btw: the default setting is install without asking me, so most users shouldnt even see this message
  • Why do we care? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by TheZeusJuice ( 766754 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:05AM (#14062010)
    Not to be a troll or anything, but why does slashdot deam every minor release of Firefox to be worthy of a story? Its no different from any other OSS. And also, anyone who uses Firefox would notice and know what the little green upward-pointing arrow on the upper-right-hand corner means.
    • Re:Why do we care? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by dep01 ( 730107 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:10AM (#14062039) Homepage
      I love firefox.... and slashdot.... but good point, actually. "News for Nerds. Stuff that MATTERS." -- Does another RC matter? Not a whole heck of a lot. Tell me when Firefox 1.5 final is out.. Enough of the RC updates.
      • Well, considering how buggy I found RC2 to be, it's good to find out ASAP when there's a new version available. Your browser is an important tool, probably one of the most used pieces of software on your system. Keeping it up to date is important to a lot of people. Furthermore, Firefox is one of the most widely-used and visible open-source projects. If we were talking about something like xmms, a new release would be a far less significant event.
        • I upgraded to the first rc of version 1.5 only to find that most of my extension would not work. I will wait at least a month after the final version is released so that everyone will have time to update their extensions.
          • You can always add in the Nightly Tester tools that 'fixes' the version numbering problem. I'm finding that a lot of devs are updating their extensions to work with 1.5 (most of which seems to be adjusting the allowed version numbers) in any case.
    • Re:Why do we care? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by SComps ( 455760 )
      I agree with you completely, but the firefox evangelists will cry if they don't get their weekly press. Sadly Firefox has become the darling child of the OSS movement because of it's successes. Those successes are largely due to the evangelists themselves, but also in no minor part to it being a vastly useful product. This separates itself from much of the OSS on the market today. Thats not to say that most OSS isn't useful, but not globally so.

      Of course it's also truly sad that a web browser is the sym
      • Those successes are largely due to the evangelists themselves, but also in no minor part to it being a vastly useful product.

        Actually, the best thing I like about Firefox is the fact most websites will now display the pages correctly with this web browser, unlike pre-Mozilla 1.7 versions and older Netscape 4.x versions. I'm all for the improvements that Firefox 1.5 will offer! :-)
    • Re:Why do we care? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by squoozer ( 730327 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:23AM (#14062134)

      It is a little different to every other piece of OSS in one really important way - loads of people use it. It is the one real shining jewel of the OSS community so we should give it plenty of column inches.

      Before I get flamed out of existance I am not saying that there aren't other good pieces of OSS - there are plenty - but Firefox / Mozilla is the _only_ one that a good number of non-geeks use (although I imagine Azureus comes close but that's a bit hard to promote).

    • Re:Why do we care? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by TubeSteak ( 669689 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:23AM (#14062140) Journal
      Actually, I never noticed a green arrow

      As for why /. considers FF updates to be important, it might have something to do with the fact that FireFox seems to be one of the few (only?) reasons MS is bothering to add features to Internet Explorer.

      Or it could just be that /nerds like to keep, one of the few pieces of software they interact with constantly, updated. I'm sure once MS starts cracking out Windows updates we'll see more "Critical Update" articles and that trend is vulnerable to the exact same criticism: why does slashdot deam every minor update of windows to be worthy of a story? Its no different from any other commercial software.*

      *I might be stretching that one a bit, but you get the point. When all else fails, most nerds like the default setting to include as much information as possible. Which is worse: losing a few seconds of your life scanning and dismissing /. articles you don't care about or never seeing an article you might find important because someone else (/. editors) didn't think it was anything special? /end
    • by Jesus 2.0 ( 701858 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:27AM (#14062158)
      Not to be a troll or anything, but why does slashdot deam every minor release of Firefox to be worthy of a story? Its no different from any other OSS.

      You just answered your own question. Slashdot deems every minor release of every OSS thing to be incredible breaking news.

      I can't count the number of times I've seen front page Slashdot posts that essentially boil down to:

      ThingYouNeverHeardOf 0.6.3 Released

      Slashdot user Doofus [whitehouse.gov] reports that ThingYouNeverHeardOf 0.6.3 has been released. Many cool new features in this version, such as the blarglefier tool no longer causing a crash when run under Ubuntu 4.6. Licensed under the GPL! Is this the end for Microsoft?

      Half the time, they never even give you a hint as to what ThingYouNeverHeardOf is supposed to be used for. Is it an email client? Is it an IDE? Is it a MIDI playback library? Does it cook my eggs? Who knows.
      • I feel that you may have just discovered a concept called 'advertising'.
        Possibly no one has thought to patent this concept.
        However, your friendly PTO will be happy to slide you some justice.
        So ya got that goin' for ya!
        Just try not to notice that the words 'news' and 'matters' in the phrase 'News for nerds. Stuff that matters' may not mean what you think those words mean, 'K?
      • I liked your post, giggled, and also realized something: Firefox is not ThingYouNeverHeardOf. I would venture to guess that for most nerds, it's their most-used app (or close). It's quite right to closely follow its progress here in some detail, and I for one certainly appreciate it.

        But to prevent whining, admins could make a "release announcement" sub category that would be blockable from the user's config page. That way the whiners could save themselves the 0.1 seconds that it takes to scroll past the s

    • Hey, I got news for you. Slashdot has always been like that. We're nerds, geeks and losers. We like these things. We like updating kernels, playing with the latest bleeding edge cool software, especially when it's something as big as FF, etc.

      So fuck off.

    • Not to be a troll or anything, but why does slashdot deam every minor release of Firefox to be worthy of a story?

      Because slashdotters tend to be the perfect beta-testers. They're many, they're tech-savvy, and they're eager to try out new things. After all, this is open source development (another thing /.'ers love), and we love to participate on it. And if we can help improve IExploder's competition, why not?
    • You are being a troll. Turn off firefox news if you don't want to see it. I saw the update on /. before the update icon appeared (assuming it would have appeared) and my firefox was running all night (1.5rc2) so it's not like it wasn't running long enough or something. This story told me that there was a new firefox, for which I am grateful. So, sod off :D
  • Last night, just after killing FF's process due to another hang, I restarted the app and was immediately greeted with the updater's announcement of a new version. I thought it was a glitch since neither the updater nor the About box indicated that this was indeed a new release candidate.
  • Another RC already? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by the computer guy nex ( 916959 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:06AM (#14062014)
    I love FireFox as much as the next guy but we need to stop bragging about "100 million downloads !!!" when a new version is out every few weeks.
    • by GweeDo ( 127172 )
      You don't count twice in that 100 million my friend. If you are getting your updates via the update server (as any good 1.5 user should be) you aren't counted. If you go to getfirefox.com and download from the same IP address as before, you don't count. I am sure there are some duplicates, but I highly doubt it is any kind of problem like you are wanting to make it out to be.
    • by asavage ( 548758 )
      This is wrong for several reasons:

      1. Updates aren't counted
      2. Download.com, Google, and other mirrors aren't counted
      3. Bundled installations (IE with a Linux distribution) aren't counted.
      4. Some single downloads are installed many times in offices etc.
      5. FTP, apt-get, etc. aren't counted

      Only people who go to mozilla.org and download from there are counted.

    • Why? 100 million is a huge number of downloads, and really says something about how widespread the program is. (Unless you can name a program that's been downloaded 100 million times and isn't widespread).

      If you're misinterpreting the number to mean something it doesn't, that's your problem.

    • Isn't it about time this comment got put on the "copy & paste trolls" list, alongside "quake 3 is hard to install" and "piracy killed my music store"? It's been refuted so many times, it never provokes any discussion that hasn't been said a hundred times before :/
  • Unknown upgrade (Score:5, Interesting)

    by at_18 ( 224304 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:07AM (#14062018) Journal
    My firefox prompted me a few hours ago about an "important upgrade", which I did. But it didn't say what this upgrade was about, and therefore I don't know if I'm running RC3 or not. It would be nice to know what has been downloaded.
    • Re:Unknown upgrade (Score:2, Informative)

      by y0bhgu0d ( 168149 )
      look under your help->about dialog, 20051111 is the build date at the very bottom for rc3
    • The "About Mozilla Firefox" box only says 1.5 (Build 2005111116), nothing specifically says RC3.

      However, the release notes are now up [mozilla.org].

    • Lucky you. When the first version of 1.5 came out, after trying it on Linux that was an infinitely quicker and smoother browser, I installed on my parents computer. About a week a later I found out one of them had managed to 'upgrade' back to version 1.0 and it's buggy slowness.
    • Re:Unknown upgrade (Score:2, Insightful)

      by FCon4 ( 843020 )
      My firefox prompted me a few hours ago about an "important upgrade", which I did. But it didn't say what this upgrade was about, and therefore I don't know if I'm running RC3 or not. It would be nice to know what has been downloaded.

      If you really want to know what is about to be downloaded, I believe the proper time for such thoughts would be before agreeing to receive it. But that's just me.

  • by tronicum ( 617382 ) * on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:11AM (#14062041)
    I tried RC1 and now I swichted at my work PC to RC3, too. It checks if your plugins are working and gets you the latest updates (in my case adblock+ and pdf download). Compared to the 1.4 debian package it renders pages much faster, but (at least with Linux) the font rendering changed a bit. Even this textarea text is now smoothed (a bit to much for my taste) but I enoy the speed.

    Good work Mozilla. I can't wait to see the source to look if they cleaned it up yeat. Last time I built mozilla from scratch is was filled with switches which where not supported for ages (like native qt support).

  • by potaz ( 211754 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:13AM (#14062060) Homepage
    And the truncating title text bug that arbitrarily drops information from websites still hasn't been fixed. It's now five years old! Hooray!

    https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45375 [mozilla.org]

    I think Moz is a great project, but I use Opera because things like this are allowed to linger for um, half a decade, instead of being fixed.
    • My favorite is the ugly black blobs in tooltips bug. It affects pretty much every platform, and is readily obvious to even casual non-tech users and really an embarrassment for anyone trying to encourage others to use Firefox.

      https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67127 [mozilla.org]

    • There is an extension to fix that behavior:

      Here [sakura.ne.jp]. I agree that it's annoying that they haven't fixed it in the browser yet, but at least they offer an extension system so users can fix annoynces themselves. I also like Opera, but if they had a bug like this, would there be any workarounds available for you?
      • It's true there's workarounds, but they really should ship it out of the box. This bug has become something of a celebrated one for me: my online comic does use long title tags, and I get emails from confused Firefox users all the time. I point them to that patch on my site too.

        However, I can't believe that Opera would let a user-interface bug like this linger for half a decade - they're very fast in responding to bugs and to user complaints. I read over the arguing back and forth about standards on the
  • Bugs solved from RC2 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by darteaga ( 806257 ) <darteaga@y[ ]om ['a.c' in gap]> on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:14AM (#14062061)
    http://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/200 5/11/17/15rc3-available/ [mozilla.org]

    Notice that RC will be the final version if there are no new bugs.
  • I have been running rc2, and it works well but it does have some freezing issues.

    From http://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/200 5/11/17/15rc3-available/ [mozilla.org] (The release notes blog):

            * A recent regression that either crashes or breaks certain usages of innerHTML for dynamic applications. (315189/315999)
            * A recent regression and most common RC2 crash (316025)

    Hopefully, this will resolve most of my issues.

    Remember, if you can't wait a day or so for the auto update: Help -> Check for Updates. (If you are running a RC of 1.5)

    Kudos for the dev team.
  • Fixed drag and drop (Score:3, Informative)

    by BenjyD ( 316700 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:16AM (#14062087)
    They fixed the drag-and-drop crashes I was seeing all the time in RC1/2. It was getting really annoying having the browser lockup all the time whenever I accidentally dragged a tab or some text.
  • As of last night (when I submitted the story), the official site mentioned it.

    Anyways, I can't see much different in this version, but it's supposed to fix some bugs.

  • by thebdj ( 768618 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @09:34AM (#14062208) Journal
    has been just been released

    I hear the new RC has a grammar and spell check that automatically fixes slashdot before it loads...
  • Every time I use firefox and open a few tabs my vm size goes to 1GB. It's getting ridiculous how developers of firefox are ignoring to fix this problem. I hope they fixed this otherwise it gets uninstalled once IE 7 comes out Apart from tabbed browsing and few cool addons It's just not worth it in my opinion.
    • by Kiaser Wilhelm II ( 902309 ) <slashpanada@gmail.com> on Friday November 18, 2005 @10:29AM (#14062671) Journal
      It is serious. I have the same issues, up to 1.5 rc2 and the 1.0.x series.

      I just upgraded tp rc3 but its too early to tell if that was fixed.

      The parent should be modded up - this is a LONGSTANDING issue that has not gotten any attention.

      I have 1GB of RAM (FF usually peaks at about 160MB for me before I restart it) so I dont care that much, but I know lots of users on lo-mem systems who are highly annoyed by this behavior and switched to Opera. I think this kind of thing should be a high priority critical/major bug and receive attention ASAP.
    • Every time I use firefox and open a few tabs my vm size goes to 1GB.
      Don't post about it in Slashdot. If you want the problem fixed, you need to submit a proper bug report in Bugzilla.
  • Is there anything user visible and interesting with this release?
    • Burning edge hasn't updated, but from my own trawlings through bonsai, the following checkins were made:

      • Bug 313335 Update the URL bar before showing security warnings r+sr=jag a=asa
      • Fix bug 316025 -- no need to create a wrapper on plugin teardown if we don't have one already. r+sr=jst, a=mscott
      • Bug #315189 --> Loading this url crashes [@ nsHTMLDocument::MatchLinks] Camino and Firefox Fix a probme with inline style rules on innerDiv elements that was breaking Yahoo! webmail. patch by bz r/sr=jst a=me
      • b
  • by jZnat ( 793348 ) on Friday November 18, 2005 @10:51AM (#14062855) Homepage Journal
    How great of both TFA and the Firefox 1.5 "What's New" page to not mention the Unofficial Firefox 1.5 RC3 changelog [squarefree.com] from The Burning Edge [squarefree.com].
  • I'm assuming this is some sort of exploit, or workaround for Firefox, that people have figured out, but I frequently get unwanted popups, mainly from bullshit sites like casalemedia and fastclick.

    I'm trying to find some examples I can link to for this post, but go figure - when I need to show it, not there! Typically if you search for "[band] lyrics" - those lyrics sites have tons of popups.

    Anyway, I'm sure most of you using Firefox know what I'm talking about.

    What's up with this?
  • Firefox 1.5 RC2 notes:

    The CPU hogging bug in RC2, in which Firefox eventually begins using 98% CPU time, is much worse than in release versions of Firefox. The hibernation bug is far worse, too.

    Even though there have been reports from many people, and even though the bug is easily demonstrated, Mozilla developers refuse to investigate this bug. Below is a quote from comment #45 of Bugzilla bug 222660.

    The URL is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2226 6 0#c45 [mozilla.org], but it must be copied into a n
    • To say the Mozilla people "have been refusing to investigate this bug for 2 1/2 years now" is a gross mischaracterization. It was right for them to mark this bug as invalid because it's not a bug. What it is is a collection of symptoms running the gamut from crashes to extreme memory usage to cpu hogging.

      The folks at mozilla are fixing these sorts of bugs all the time. But since the report is too vague to let the Mozilla coders know when the bug that caused the crash is actually fixed, it could never be

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
