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X GUI Operating Systems Software Windows

A Free Software X11R6.9 X Server for Windows

Anonymous Coward writes "Xming has been released with latest Xorg X11R6.9. Xming is a Free Software port of the X Window Server to Microsoft Windows. It shares the same source code base as Cygwin/X but does not depend on the Cygwin environment or cygwin1.dll. Xming is a fully featured X Window Server that is very simple to install and use interactively. Xming X Server for Windows, is made from Xorg (X11R6.9), and a patch bundle, cross-compiled with MinGW and Pthreads-Win32 For MS Windows users who have never tried Linux this could prove to be the easiest way when used with Microsoft Services for Unix (SFU) or coLinux."
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A Free Software X11R6.9 X Server for Windows

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