Linus Says No GPLv3 for the Linux Kernel 415
HenchmenResources writes "Late Wednesday a posting from Linus Torvalds appered on the the Linux Kernel Mailing List. In it Linus states that the Linux Kernel will remain under the GPLv2. Types Linus,"The "version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version" language in the GPL copying file is not - and has never been - part of the
actual License itself.""
What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
What is that thing about developers having to turn over their private keys? I don't think anything that stupid is even considered for GPLv3.
I wish there would be a rational and friendly discussion. Is that too much? Have we come thus far?
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Don't contributors assign copyright to some type of Linux foundation?
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Informative)
It's also why the Linux kernel is much more popular among developers than HURD (because people and companies can contribute to it and still keep their copyright).
Which is why HURD will never see the light of day (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Which is why HURD will never see the light of d (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Which is why HURD will never see the light of d (Score:5, Interesting)
"Which is why HURD will never see the light of day in any substantial fashion. Philosophy doesn't yield code."
If you simply want to argue over the semantics of whether or not philosophy yields code or people yield code, read no further; I have nothing to say to you. The point of this post realtes to substance, not semantics. (And before you stop reading, ask yourself this: what is philosophy without people?) Your second statement is clearly a generalization you're drawing from your first, and in incorrect one, at that. As GP alluded to, the GNU in GNU/Linux is all the utilities you use on the command line, up to and including the command line itself, and is under the copyright of the FSF. I haven't done recent SLOC counts on GNU vs. Linux, but I would be surprised if they weren't at least comparable - I'd expect that GNU actually has produced substantially more source code (that is used all the time by all manner of users and developers) than the Linux kernel itself these days. Back in 2002 [dwheeler.com], RedHat 7.1 was studied and though the kernel was the largest single body of source (~2.5 million lines), there are GNU programs all over that quickly outstrip the kernel in sheer volume of source: gcc alone is huge (~900k lines), but emacs (~600k lines) and glibc (~600k lines) are both quite large as well. Those are only three GNU programs, the directory of FSF software [fsf.org] contains (as an estimate) hundreds, including the Hurd itself.
Indeed, philosophy is a manner of viewing of the world and is expressed not by some abstract theoretical paper you write, but in how you choose to live and contribute your work to others. In this sense, philosophy is very much responsible for yielding code - do you honestly think that without the philosophical buy-in of its contributors, free software would be anything today?
Re:Which is why HURD will never see the light of d (Score:3, Interesting)
BTW, code quantity is in no way an indicator of *quality*. On top of t
Re:Which is why HURD will never see the light of d (Score:5, Insightful)
> with both individuals and companies because it is more flexible (from a copyright
> standpoint) than HURD.
Linux is more popular than HURD because at certain critical points in history it was "working" and "ready" for definitions of "working" and "ready" that could not really be applied to HURD at the time. Basically, Linux was in the right place at the right time. HURD never showed up to the party, and there was a licensing lawsuit connected with BSD at a particularly critical point in time which left it just a little behind in just the wrong ways at just the wrong time, allowing Linux to get "ahead" in terms of mindshare and popularity in the developer community. Consequently, there was a several-month time window, at a particularly important time in history (right about when a lot of college undergrads were first getting net access) when if you wanted a freely-available, freely-modifiable, freely-redistributable operating system, Linux was _the_ obvious choice. That gave it a leg up, got a lot of people involved with improving it, and made it the leading and most popular free OS. Nothing has yet managed to unseat it from that position.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying that the FSF's policies haven't hampered HURD development. They likely have. What I'm saying is that that is not the key important reason why Linux is ahead of HURD (both in terms of popularity and development cycle). The key reason is because Linus had working, usably complete code at an important time when the FSF (in terms of a kernel) did not.
If the timing had worked out differently, the HURD might have been in the leading position, in spite of the FSF's (admittedly rather strict) copyright policies. It is notable that a number of the FSF's *other* projects, despite said policies, are leading implementations in their respective niches, because those projects were finished to the degree they needed to be and working to the degree they needed to be when they needed to be. Emacs for instance was there enough and working enough (for _most_ of the folks who wanted an Emacs, albeit not for Lucent) that XEmacs is just another, somewhat less popular alternative, rather than completely eclipsing Gnu Emacs as Linux has done to HURD.
Re:Which is why HURD will never see the light of d (Score:3, Interesting)
If the only thing "holding HURD back" is really the assignment of copyright to GNU, then perhaps the way to move forward is to create a non-GNU fork (which doesn't require people to assign copyright). In fact, if someone did that they could even immediately merge all the usable code they can
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Interesting)
Linux is more popular than HURD because it has been around longer and is is more useful. Hurd came late. A developer can go one of two ways. Work on Linux and expand a working system that is used by millions or work on a system that few have ever heard about.
Frankly I don't like what I have read of GPL v3 and I feel that it will not be as po
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Informative)
Don't contributors assign copyright to some type of Linux foundation?
No. Linux kernel contributors retain their own copyright. This is frequently considered to be a good thing, as it means that no single group has copyright over everything, which means that no single group can change the license to e.g. BSD and start selling a proprietary version of Linux.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Interesting)
"; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version"
clause in the original version. One of two things _can_ happen:
1. The FSF _can_ change the license to a MIT/BSD style AT ANY TIME.
2. The GPL _sho
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
No, we don't need to trust this. You can't take a paragraph from a contract and say "that's all with it". You need to see it in context.
Now: what does point 9 say?
"9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
That's thin ice. Is not "future versions", but "different copies".
Say I managed Linus to accept my (gpl-ed) contribution to the kernel, like that:
Then the *copy* (not the version) that goes into the kernel gets gpl-ed, thus all other copies from that copy get under the gpl too. But since I'm the
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:4, Interesting)
At least with the FSF model, it's not 100% trust based; at least last time I checked they do sign a contract with the assigner saying that they'll distribute the code under a free license or the copyright reverts, or something along those lines. I can't remember the exact wording.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, if somebody set up a non-profit to create the nextest bestest portal application, there's a real chance that the non-profit org could go bankrupt, regardless of the sincerity of their intention. Or the org could undergo a leadership change and a change of philosophy. If you had assigned your code to them, it could easily wind up in a proprietary commercial application. The GPL would protect existing releases, but anybody who held all the copyrights could update and re-release under a proprietary license.
Even if the terms of assignation were written to preclude this, such provisions might not survive bankruptcy.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah but that is not the reason Linus is giving. He doesn't like it (and he mentions that bizarre private key issue as a reason for that), and so he doesn't even get to the point where he starts wondering whether it would be practically possible to change licenses. At least that's the way I read his post.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Insightful)
It sounds like his gripe with the GPLv3 is that it is imposing restrictions on what modifications or contributions can be made, which is not the same agnostic view as in previous versions.
The idealist (RMS) and the engineer (Linus) are definitely at a point of contention on this issue...it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree the general point of your post, but I just wanted to add that this "idealist/engineer" contrast is slightly inaccurate. In fact, I think Linus once said something like "RMS is the great philosopher, I am the engineer" (correct me if I'm wrong). RMS sure talks a lot about philosophy and Linus does not, but that doesn't mean that RMS isn't as much of an engine
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
The GPL has always been focused on the user, not the developer. It certainly is no great benefit for a developer who wants to use some GPL code to have extra restrictions placed on him. Those restrictions are there so that users cannot get locked out of their own softw
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:4, Funny)
Welcome to the wonderful world of GNU!
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Informative)
The purpose of Free Software is to provide _ALL_USERS_ 4 basic freedoms. Not just some... as such certain restrictions would have to apply.
Enter the GNU GPL
The GNU GPL is a Free Software license that fills the ring making it an unbreakable circuit of Freedom by stopping people from removing Freedom to anyone. This is a basic point of the GPL: Freedom for all, and that means that uses that mean removing Freedom are against th
And, after all, HE can do that (Score:2)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2, Informative)
I'd have to look into it in more detail to figure out what keys he is referring to. Does anybody know? I could see the logic of GPLv3 requiring this, and I can also see Linus' objection.
In other words, this isn't a knee-jerk reaction.... there is logic to it. Now maybe what Linus should be doing is commenting on GPLv3 so that it gets changed, and for all we know he has.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Informative)
He misinterpreted part of the GPLv3. The private key section says that if private keys are required for the code to function (in other words, your program will only load signed code) than you must make available a means to generate the signed code. The theory here is that certain hardware devices (*cough*TiVo*cough*) use GPLed software, but make it impossible to actually modify and run that software on their hardware device. In order to allow people to make changes and actually use those changes, you have to make available any private keys required to make the code actually run.
So if Mr. Torvalds has a private key that he uses to sign code, he is under no obligation to release that key to the public assuming that an end user can build and run the code without requiring the private key. You only have to release your private key if a third-party build of the software will not run without being signed by that key.
Now, another common misinterpretation that came up at the GPLv3 launch was that this meant that if you had set up your system to require signed code that you would have to make your private key available. This isn't the case. The only requirement is that a third party must be able to build and run the system without your private key. If this requires them to generate their own private key, that's perfectly acceptable.
If a GPLv3ed program cannot run without a specific private key, that private key must be made available. That's all the license says. Developers are not required to disclose private keys that they use to sign code.
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:5, Insightful)
This simple, clear statement should be at the beginning. I think if you argue about this in the future, you would help your case to lead with this, and then back it up afterwards.
Read the LKML Archive. this has been discussed (Score:3, Informative)
The issue of private keys, DRM, code signing and the effect of GPL V3 has been in discussion for a long time. Linus has said he might in some circumstances sign binaries, in which case you would need the private key to regenerate the signed binary.
"And since I can imaging [sic] signing binaries myself, I don't feel that I can
disallow anybody else doing so."
Linus Torvalds, LKML April 2003
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
Whos to say what will or will not run? They give all their code back, but their hardware is not even close to related to the GPL. You can run every mod to the software you want on your own hardware just fine, but to just let anyone run their own forks on their hardware is far past the scope of the software license. It sounds like a good idea, but it would really lead to a state we
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Funny)
One great means of achieving this mis-characterization is to apply the old formula: "a text without a context is a pretext".
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course it is!
Can't refute an exclamation point.
For one FLOSS developers often happen to be users as well
Yes, but it only protects their freedoms as users, not developers. It is possible for one person to be affected in both positive and negative respects from a given situation.
also developers tend to be more interested in source code then users...
That's true, but what does it have to do with your point? Substituting an ellipse for reasoning isn't the bes
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Well, it's a draft, and that language could be tightened up, but I think the intent is quite clear. So mostly complaining about this as a reason to not adopt the license without some kind of acknowledgement that the wording is likely a mistake and needs to be fixed is FUD.
I think Linus is just looking for reasons to not adopt GPL v3 because of his rather ambivalent (tipping towards negative) feelings towards the FSF in general and Richard Stallman in particular.
Re:How to force disclosure of private keys (Score:4, Insightful)
Nice try, but it wouldn't work. You don't have legal rights to Linus' key. Section 12 states that if you cannot legally meet the obligations of the license (in this case, giving out Linus' key), you cannot distribute the code at all.
Since you can't force Linus to give up his key (it's under his copyright, and there's no obligation for him to give it up under the GPLv3), you simply can't distribute your embedded device to anyone with the GPLv3ed software included. Doing so would be a violation of the GPLv3.
The only time that you would have to give up a key is if you distribute the code in such a way that a key is required for custom modifications to work. Trying to do so using a key you don't have rights to falls prey to Section 12, meaning you can't distribute the software at all.
DRM, private keys (Score:5, Insightful)
I think he's thought it though, and I think the decision makes sense. No one says you have to increment from GPLv2 to GPLv3, it is at your option. RMS make the license more restrictive, too restrictive, therefore Linus said no.
Re:DRM, private keys (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:DRM, private keys (Score:3, Interesting)
If the manufacturer wants to do this, then it should not use the GPL, beacuse the explicitly stated, driving philosophical goal of the GPL is to ensure the freedom of the user. Ensuring the freedom of the developer is the job of the BSD license.
DRM is incompatible with the GPL because it violates the principle that the us
Re:TiVo Series II uses this trick to prevent hacki (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Informative)
I think that he is confusing the private keys used to prove authenticity of code (usually binary) or media for restrictive purposes (DRM) and keys that prove authenticity of code (source) to protect against modifications.
Hopefully Torvalds will clarify this soon enough, but I got the impression that he was referring to companies which use private keys to implement DRM as "developers" (which makes sense -- engineers at these companies develop Linux code, and if the company's suits couldn't deploy DRM wit
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
I seem to recall reading something from the FSF stating that even though it's not finalized, the draft will be the final license unless a serious problem is identified.
Linus refusing to support it might be enough of a problem. Certainly, I strongly suspect that the code signing issue will be largely
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What v3 does he mean? (Score:2)
That discussion was very friendly between the main opponents, Linus and RMS, if I remember it correctly at all. There is a degradation in style and quality when Linus says he won't use a document that hasn't even been written.
Don't see how this is a story. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Don't see how this is a story. (Score:2, Funny)
Whilst I wouldn't mind being the liason to contact Jennifer Love Hewitt for extended "meetings" and "negotiations," I don't believe she does much coding.
JLH??? (Score:3, Funny)
Juicy Lumpy Hamburgers?
Just Limp Humphrey?
Re:Don't see how this is a story. (Score:3, Interesting)
IIRC Linus has said that back when he started coding Linux that he was not aware of the *BSD project (Free only at that point I think but am not sure) and that if he had known of it he would have simply used that. Also, and I'm going to just disclaim the rest o
Huh (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, this is how it goes: (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Well, this is how it goes: (Score:2)
Re:Well, this is how it goes: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Well, this is how it goes: (Score:3, Informative)
If I create a program that counts to 100 and then exits, I can release it under any license(s) I want. If I release it GPL v2 and someone says, "Hey, Stine, management wants us to avoid GPL. Can we get it under BSD?", I can decide to release it under BSD if I so choose. You cannot decide to release my code under any other license than I have explicitly said that you can. If you want it under a dif
Actually, ... (Score:2)
If you distributed your code to me under the terms of the GPL, and I made a derivative work, and I distributed my derivative work (under the terms of the GPL also, because this would be mandatory), then a third work, derivative of my work, can only be licensed under the terms of the GPL regardless of any change in the license of the origi
Re:Well, this is how it goes: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Well, this is how it goes: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Huh (Score:5, Informative)
1) Because the GPL license can optionally include the statement that it's covered by the GPL and/or any later version.
2) Because a copyright holder can relicense, dual-license and in general put any conditions he or she wants on their copyrighted work, including multiple different sets of conditions (licenses).
What you are asking is akin to saying "If someone lends a book to me on a set of conditions, how can they be allowed to lend it to someone else on different ones?".
If it can be, why can't I take it and license it with a BSD-style or completely closed source license?
Because you don't own the copyright.
Re:Huh (Score:2)
It's trickier with Linux, however. Because of so many authors, who have independantly retained copyrights on their personal contributions, they would all have to agree on an alternative license scheme before it could be done. You can have the same problem when you have a compilation of works by many authors.
And as for obtaining permission from contributers that may no longer be with us, in the case of something like Linux, their pe
I don't get it... (Score:2, Redundant)
And quite frankly, I don't see that changing. I think it's insane to require people to make their private signing keys available, for example. I wouldn't do it.
Private signing keys? I must have missed that in the GPLv3 discussion so far. What on earth is he talking about?
Re:I don't get it... (Score:5, Informative)
DRM clause I guess?
"Complete Corresponding Source Code also includes any encryption or authorization codes necessary to install and/or execute the source code of the work, perhaps modified by you, in the recommended or principal context of use, such that its functioning in all circumstances is identical to that of the work, except as altered by your modifications. It also includes any decryption codes necessary to access or unseal the work's output."
http://gplv3.fsf.org/draft [fsf.org]
Re:I don't get it... (Score:4, Insightful)
Is Linus on crack?
Re:I don't get it... (Score:3, Insightful)
Linus clearly plans for the Linux kernel to support DRM in the future if hardware and future content seems to demand it. Has has no qualms about supporting DRM, as long as it's done "right". When and if DRM comes to the kernel, those provisions of the GPL could have serious consequences for Linux, perhaps even making it illegal to realistically use Linux on the DRM hardware it was designed to support.
Re:I don't get it... (Score:3, Interesting)
Nor does it matter if we create a large infrastructure where Linus signs his releases and we write software that rejects unsigned releases
The fact that you _could_ use the unsigned releases elsewhere is irrelevant [or else TIVO could say that you _could_ run their source unsigned elsewhere].
The "recommended or principal context of use" would be an environment that checks for the signature (which is the whole damn point), therefore the keys would have to be disclosed.
GPLv3 attempts to prohibi
Wasn't this already covered? (Score:2)
When you have the code, any "protection" of the executable generated can be easily stripped out, as can also be the case of output files of the app.
Case closed?
Re:Wasn't this already covered? (Score:4, Interesting)
And Linus's point is that that makes it fundamentally incompatible with other forms of code signing too. The whole "Trusted Computing" thing is just a logical extension of current code-signing practice, you can't ban one without affecting the other.
Example: You want your OS's auto-update mechanism to validate updates against your vendors' private key ? I do. That's how I trust it. Your OS is GPL v3 ? - then your vendor has to publish the keys. Bye bye trust.
Linus does not trust Stallman (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Linus does not trust Stallman (Score:3, Insightful)
I wasn't aware the FSF was a failure either.
Why on earth loathe the guy? I feel like I missed something.
Re:Linus does not trust Stallman (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Linus does not trust Stallman (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Linus does not trust Stallman (Score:4, Insightful)
I rather doubt that. I think he is trying to fight the creation of an environment where free software is either illegal to run or technically impossible to run. Both are quite possible. After all, what good is software with no hardware to run it on? Stallman is right to worry about that point.
Stallman has ALWAYS considered non-free software immoral. He is "leading by example," so to speak. The problem is the hardware side is more difficult to handle, since fab equipment for chips is not a simple or inexpensive proposition.
I don't like the GFDL because of its invariant sections (primarily) and so in that regard I disagree with the approach he and the FSF have taken, but on the whole they seem to be facing up to some very unplesant possibilities and trying to put roadblocks across their ever being implemented. I'm reminded of two Lord of the Rings quotes:
"It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two."
"Those without swords can still die upon them."
Stallman is doing exactly what he has always done - respond to the threats as they become apparent. His approach to patents is another step in the same direction.
To paraphrase a sig I saw somewhere: "it's only paranoia if they AREN'T actually out to get you." Like security, license writers should be paranoid about threats to their intent. It's just too expensive to try hashing things out in court.
Why trust anyone? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Why trust anyone? (Score:3, Insightful)
This whole argument about GPLv3 is moot anyway. Why on earth would anyone want to relicense? Its like upgrading software that works just fine the way it is. I think Linus made the right call - There is no reason to promote a relicensing of the kernel. In fact there is no reason why anyone would.
Not many people license under the GPL anymore (compared to 3-5 years ago). Most use dual BSD/Apache style licensing now. This latest "update" to the GPL is pushing more companies away from OSS, not closer. I know my
Re:Fear Uncertainty Doubt (Score:3, Insightful)
As multiple posts point out, it's more to do with the licensing minutae then a some kind of relational "trust" problem. I'm not sure where you get that, but please re-consider the facts.
and his social agenda.
His "social agenda" is at the very least partially responsible for the loads of free software and **innovation** in the computing industry. If you don't agree with his views, then there's lots of commercial software vendors with proprie
Full Text; Lots of MySQL Errors (Score:3, Informative)
Date Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:39:16 -0500 (EST)
From Linus Torvalds
Subject Re: GPL V3 and Linux - Dead Copyright Holders
On Wed, 25 Jan 2006, Chase Venters wrote:
> This means that when the code went GPL v1 -> GPL v2, the transition was
> permissible. Linux v1.0 shipped with the GPL v2. It did not ship with a
> separate clause specifying that "You may only use *this* version of the GPL"
> as it now does. (I haven't done any research to find out when this clause was
> added, but it was after the transition to v2).
Bzzt. Look closer.
The Linux kernel has _always_ been under the GPL v2. Nothing else has ever
been valid.
The "version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version"
language in the GPL copying file is not - and has never been - part of the
actual License itself. It's part of the _explanatory_ text that talks
about how to apply the license to your program, and it says that _if_ you
want to accept any later versions of the GPL, you can state so in your
source code.
The Linux kernel has never stated that in general. Some authors have
chosen to use the suggested FSF boilerplate (including the "any later
version" language), but the kernel in general never has.
In other words: the _default_ license strategy is always just the
particular version of the GPL that accompanies a project. If you want to
license a program under _any_ later version of the GPL, you have to state
so explicitly. Linux never did.
So: the extra blurb at the top of the COPYING file in the kernel source
tree was added not to _change_ the license, but to _clarify_ these points
so that there wouldn't be any confusion.
The Linux kernel is under the GPL version 2. Not anything else. Some
individual files are licenceable under v3, but not the kernel in general.
And quite frankly, I don't see that changing. I think it's insane to
require people to make their private signing keys available, for example.
I wouldn't do it. So I don't think the GPL v3 conversion is going to
happen for the kernel, since I personally don't want to convert any of my
> If a migration to v3 were to occur, the only potential hairball I see is if
> someone objected on the grounds that they contributed code to a version of the
> kernel Linus had marked as "GPLv2 Only". IANAL.
No. You think "v2 or later" is the default. It's not. The _default_ is to
not allow conversion.
Conversion isn't going to happen.
Re:Full Text; Lots of MySQL Errors (Score:5, Informative)
I think Linus is mistaken on this point. Nowhere does the GPL v3 say anything about making private keys available. This was hashed over in the previous discussion [slashdot.org]. Now if he still doesn't like some of the terms of the GPL v3, then more power to him. Even then, as other posters have commented, it'd take a small miracle to find every last copyright holder and have them agree to the change in license.
Re:Full Text; Lots of MySQL Errors (Score:2)
Since this was just a repost of Linus' comments, did a Slashdot moderator give Linus the moderating finger?
In other news, I just saw a pig fly by my window.
I GNU it! (Score:4, Funny)
Nothing to see here, please move along.
Refusing contributions? (Score:2, Interesting)
Including a GPLv3 licensed parts will require distribution of the derived work (i.e. the kernel) to comply with both GPLv2 and GPLv3 requirements, thus effectively making the whole kernel GPLv3.
Re:Refusing contributions? (Score:2, Insightful)
If someone has released software under a previous version of the GNU Public license and they did NOT include the clause allowing relicencing under a later version of the GPL then you can NOT combine it with GPL version 3 code.
The suggestions were to contact the copyright owners and see if they will agree to re-licence the original code, or for you dual license YOUR code so that it could be used under either license.
Now, for the Linux Ke
Maybe Linus doesn't LIKE what GPL3 requires? (Score:2, Interesting)
I can tell you that I don't care for several of the provisions. They are VERY anti-business. This license is less free than others because of the new provisions. I predict that the new wording will drive more new projects to BSD style licensing.
Don't get me wrong - I hate DRM just like everyone else, but I think GPL3 goes over-board. It seems more a
Re:Maybe Linus doesn't LIKE what GPL3 requires? (Score:5, Insightful)
heh. That depends on what you mean by free:
A) Free as in free to do what you like with. eg, GPLv2 is more "free" in this sense because businesses have more "freedom" to DRM or patent encumber software under this license.
B) GPLv3 has more restrictions in place to guarantee that software licensed under it is not encumbered by patents or DRM restrictions. Thus it guarantees that DRM and patent restrictions don't restrict people "freedom" to use the software.
BSD style is more free in terms of (A) and less free in terms of (B). For example I am "Free" to contribute secretly patented code to your BSD project and then take you to court for patent infringement when you distribute said software. Is that a freedom you intended to grant me or would you actually have preferred to use a more restrictive license after all?
Linus is wrong (Score:2, Informative)
Of course, it's actually GPLv2 or later, because several source files have the "v2 or later" clause.
Re:Linus is wrong (Score:3, Funny)
To quote the key section:
If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
That just gave me an idea on how Microsoft and others could destroy Linux and other OSS...
Step 1: Take over FSF
Step 2: Turn GPL into a more BSD like license
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!
And I think we all know what could and would happen for Step 3.
About the LKML site (Score:2)
Anyone else notice... (Score:5, Interesting)
http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/1/20/226 [lkml.org]
http://lkml.org/lkml/2004/10/23/186 [lkml.org]
Just the kernel? (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm primarily concerned with gcc, glibc and the likes. X has its own license that I'm OK with. The rest of the apps are not critical and easily replaceable. gcc glibc and the kernel are damn hard to replace... they exist alone. Others have competitors.
I dont want any of GPLv3 in my system just as I dont want any of SCO code in my system. Maybe the final GPLv3 will be more palatable than it is now.
Re:Just the kernel? (Score:3, Interesting)
GPLv3 is still in development (Score:3, Funny)
cost vs. benefits (Score:4, Insightful)
OK, so it appears Linus has decided that Linux will not be converted over to GPL v3. Lots of people have given philosophical opinions about this, but what if we step back and look at it from a purely practical point of view? What are the costs of converting to GPL v3, and what benefits would it provide to the Linux maintainers and users?
Possible benefits:
That's pretty much it as far as the positives for Linux, as far as I can tell. Now, what about the negatives?
So what is the bottom line? Converting offers basically no major advantage. GPL v2 is just as good as GPL v3 for the purposes of Linux. And, converting is a huge hassle. So, rather than looking at why Linus isn't converting the kernel over, why don't we ask this question: why should it be converted over? There doesn't seem to be any kind of compelling advantage.
My guess is that the same thing is going to apply to lots of other projects. Converting is a great big hassle, and it doesn't offer any big advantage, so people just won't bother.
Re:cost vs. benefits (Score:3, Informative)
What most people *are* listing under the disadvantages is the DRM stuff. It is believed by many that it would be impossible to make a DRM decoding device using Linux without giving out enough information to break the DRM, thus preventing a huge potential market for Linux.
There's basically thre parts to the DRM section.
The first part says you can't use the GPLed code for illegal purposes. The GPL already sais that it's
Up to the contributor, mostly (Score:5, Informative)
If the kernel project guys really do not want GPLv.3-released code in their product because they consider it to be virally too restrictive, then fine. That is their prerogative and they don't need to include it. However, if the author of some highly-desired code really wants v.3 and doesn't care if it lands in the official kernel source tree, then the contrapositive applies: they can't force him to change it, either.
Remember, the GPL in its various forms is not restrictive; it is permissive. It starts with the default copyright restrictions allowing no copying of the code. It then generously gives permission to copy and use it while only asking for a few small acts of good behaviour in return.
Re:slashy mc dotted (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Thank you Linus! (Score:2)
What a load of steaming excrement this is. I don't think I've heard a stupider statement about the GPL even from a Microsoft spokesperson.
Re:GPL weakness: "at your option any other version (Score:3, Informative)
There's no grey area. It's recommended but optional, and linux doesn't use it.
Re:Not sure I understand (Score:5, Interesting)
- Public domain allows people to do anything they like with your code, including making minor mods and claiming it as all their own work, or making minor mods and selling the result as closed-source code.
- BSD allows reuse of your code or a modified version of your code, in anything (including commercial software), without releasing source, so long as they credit you. In other words you can't claim it as your own work.
- LGPL allows reuse of your code as a component part of a commercial software system - hence its alternative name of "library GPL". You don't need to release the code for anything that uses this code/library. However if you make changes to the LGPL code/library then you must release the changes. Again, credits are required.
- GPL goes a step further. If you use a GPL code/library component as part of your software, then you must also release *all* your software as GPL as well, otherwise you may not use that code/library component. Again, there's the requirement for releasing code and credits.
There's many other licenses, but you get the idea.
There's two different philosophies here that drive this.
The first is the Open Source philosophy (Linus and ESR are the drivers here). This says that if everyone works together, we can build something better than closed source software. But it doesn't invalidate the existence of closed source software - it acknowledges that this only works for mass-market software, so there will always be niches where closed-source is a better choice. Basically their drive is to help people do their jobs more efficiently.
The second is the Free Software philosophy (driven by RMS and the FSF group). This says that the very *existence* of closed-source software is immoral, and anyone using closed-source software (even in niches where no free equivalent exists) is guilty of immorality (RMS says that if no free software exists to do a job, then you should refuse to do that job). Software is therefore created as a moral imperative, rather than as a means to an end of carrying out some task (such as web browsing or word processing).
Re:Not sure I understand (Score:5, Informative)
That's simply not true, and amounts to a gross misrepresentation of RMS' position.
What he says is: "If you value freedom, you will resist the temptation to use a program that takes away your freedom, whatever technical advantages it may have." [linuxdevcenter.com]
Which is a different thing altogether.