Prescription Meds For Vista Sleep Disorder 144
Arnold O'Connor writes "NeoSmart Technologies has compiled a list of hotfixes and patches provided by Microsoft for Windows Vista that address a large number of issues related to waking/resuming a Vista PC (both x86 and x64) from sleep or hibernation. Sleep-related disorders have plagued Vista since its release, though they were not present in earlier betas. Most of these fixes are due to be included in Windows Vista SP1 — codenamed Fiji."
Ah! (Score:5, Funny)
Yes! (Score:1, Offtopic)
Zombie [slashdot.org] has new life too. These issues will never go away, will they?
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In other words, nice try at a pretence that the article you linked to labels Vista machines as being part of botnets - in fact, the article itself was up on Slashdot before Vista was even released.
Lies, lies, and more lies. Tragic, really.
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Problems? (Score:1, Informative)
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Hey, I think I see you outside -- in a body bag.
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And when your seat heater malfunctions and the seat catches fire, and then you can't leave the car because the rear door lock won't open... what will you do then?
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Based on how many samples? If a smoker lives to his nineties, and some of them do, will that prove there are no links between smoking and cancer?
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Implication? (Score:3, Insightful)
The implication is that it's a far more widespread problem than it is.
I don't know why anyone would think a problem would be common in a monoculture OS, do you?
You're right about it not being widespread. Vista's not selling. How's that for FUD?
There's a massive conspiracy to not purchase Vista! It's kind of like the one I launched against SCO, the infamous Distributed Lack of Purchasing (DLoP) attack. It's all the FUDster's fault. It has nothing to do with the thing taking six years to get here a
Life imitates parody. (Score:2)
I said:
There's a massive conspiracy to not purchase Vista! It's kind of like the one I launched against SCO, the infamous Distributed Lack of Purchasing (DLoP) attack. It's all the FUDster's fault.
and SCO agreed! [slashdot.org]. How pathetic.
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I, for one, haven't seen a *working* Vista computer yet, so I naturally have a different take on things.
Also, if I were to guess, laptops are more likely to have trouble with hibernate than desktops, although one of the Vista PCs I helped repair (as much as possible, at least) was certainly having some odd issue with shutting down. In fact, it seemed like the system didn't want to do a proper shutdown
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This is the difference between anecdotal evidence and sampling all your customers. Noone is claiming Vista's sleep modes don't work anywhere, in fact, you can bet they were tested and confirmed
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Couldn't help but to comment on this.
That one sentence is a prime example of a major difference between Windows and Mac users. It is seldom one finds a Mac user who expects stuff not to work properly, whereas I see many Windows users who have this same expectation of performance. I don't understand how one can just casually expect their OS to not work.
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Can you define "much lower expectations"? We're talking about installing Windows on a possibly unsupported/untested configuration. Noone expects your laptop with preinstalled Vista by the manifacturer to hang.
What happens if you try to install OSX on a random self-assembled hardware? Oh yea, it won't even install, license restrictions. Hurray for the much higher expectations.
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Secondly, I hold the Mac and it's awake from sleep mode in less than 2 seconds as the pinnacle of what it should be.
Third, I've read that Vista does this in it's RTM version.
Fourth, It's a blatant lie from Microsoft or whatever review junket that spewed the lie as I've had the displeasure of having to turn off the sleep function on an 2 week old Dell as 3 and a half minutes is way too long to awake from sleep.
I already know Microsoft is crap
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As for your problem with a slow
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I can confirm this is not FUD and yes, you have been somewhat lucky. Lenovo/IBM ThinkPad R5x and T6x both exhibit problems with Vista sleep disorders. Even with the latest patches and bios updates the OS is very unstable after wake up from hibernation or sleep.
Lenovo has hinted that further Microsoft updates will be needed to Vista to make sleep/hibernation fully usable again.
I'm interested to know what kind of hardware are you using?
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How widespread? (Score:4, Interesting)
Our next generation of software is being tested under Vista and we have a number of dedicated test machines and dual boot development machines of different vintages. None of them have any problems at all with suspend or hibernate.
Just because there is a cure it doesn't mean that the problem affects everybody
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I found I can fix it fairly easily by "testing out" a new desktop resolution. When it switches resolution, the other screen comes back. I then tell it I don't want the new resolution, and everything
When will they learn. (Score:5, Insightful)
First they have people pay them to be Beta Testers (for the privilege of being able to use the OS before the general public, and being those jerks who put 3 years of MS Vista experience on their resume). This doesn't attract people who want to thoroughly test the product, this only attracts people who think it is still the 1990s and wants to inflate their resume. So if they did report any bugs or problems it was probably for more minor things or the most major things. Sleep Problems are kinda in the middle annoying but not enough to put a bug report on.
Second poor response from my when bug testers do report a bug. Either they state that it isn't important or the conditions to get it are to off. In contrast I remember putting a bug in for Mozilla years back for an obscure problem on sizing the app across multiple displays of different resolutions. They weren't able to fix it quickly but they kept track of it until it was fixed.
Third Beta Testing is not used as much for Bug Testing but for product evaluation. It is used to see if the product is liked by the general population not as a method of fixing problems. This creates the problem 2 ways because Microsoft Beta Testers are of the following.
1. Love MS so much that they like everything that it does no matter how crappy it is, or make excuses for it problems (Don't get me wrong there are these type of people for every OS)
2. Wants to keep their Resume up to spec to keep in demand of stupid employers so they can have 3 years of Vista Experience. They don't want to report bugs or difficult to use problems because it gives them the advantage over people who just started using production Vista.
3. College Students/Professors mostly because they have extra time during the day to research these things. This group is most likely to report problems and give feedback. But that is only one segment of of the user base. And most college students and professors don't use the sleep options as much because they are on Campus which pays their electricity bills.
It works fine! (Score:2)
MS had promised Vista in 2006 and many companies had put Vista buying in their 2006 budgets. Thus, MS had to ship something for these companies to buy in 2006. From the perspective of the customer companies, keeping the budget on track is far more of a deal than a few sleep problems. MS just had to sh
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Any serious software project cannot achieve 100% perfection. There's simply always another feature to add or a bug to fix. It's even more true for products like Windows which are so exceedingly complex that even small changes can be destabilizing. At a certain point, you have to choose keeping
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The biggest sale has to be to the shareholders not the customers.
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True. But it is hard to believe that all the talent in MS could spend $5bn and come up with so little.
Vista is easily the biggest update to Windows since Windows 3.0 -> Windows 95. It's on the order of Apple's transformation of NeXTSTEP into OS X 10.2 (and took about the same amount of time). Just how much more "stuff" were you expecting ?
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It's a sad statement of affairs that the above is a serious and earnest comment about a few applications, a kernel and the API's to develop applications. If you step back and look at it as a system it really does not need to be exceedingly complex, and even with all the extra complexity from flawed legacy support there are engineering projects of far greater complexity which do not ma
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Vista And The Hype (Score:1, Insightful)
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You need the 64-bit version for that.
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Re:what hype? only hype is the /. vista-whining hy (Score:1)
This really helps the consumer because in a
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I for one thought it was mildly amusing.
Vista... (Score:1)
They have a codename for Vista's SP1 already (Score:3, Interesting)
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Windows XP wasn't perfect either. (Score:1)
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And frankly, in this case, I would not be surprised to learn that Microsoft (as a key player in the development of ACPI) shot themselves in the foot by allowing, or maybe even encouraging, the atrocious complexity behind ACPI
How can it be FUD.... (Score:1)
1995 called (Score:5, Funny)
Fiji is Vista SP1? (Score:2)
What are your sources that Fiji is the codename of Vista SP1 anyway? For what we know, Microsoft confirmed neither of those.
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Results 1 - 100 of about 9,100 for "windows vista sp1" fiji. (0.31 seconds)
and if you hit the first link you get this http://vistasp1.net/images/header.jpg [vistasp1.net] at the tops which states
Windows Vista SP1 codenamed Fiji preview and information center
so i would think that Fiji = windows vista sp1 is quite probable
When will they fix the DRM bug? (Score:4, Funny)
Of course, they'll probably claim they can't take out the DRM because it's a crucial part of the operating system.
Hmmm - wonder how ReactOS is doing lately....
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Either way, it's unfortunately still a very long way off.
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I think you mean Windows Vista PE (pirated edition).
It'll be available soon for download from an online [isohunt.com] distributor [thepiratebay.org] near you!
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Haha (Score:1)
More Disorders (Score:2, Funny)
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I'm so shocked (Score:2, Interesting)
What's odd is that none of those patches or things mentioned going wrong is what I was dealing with. I was getting the click of death from my hard drives until I rebooted the computer.
I guess I can see this as very unfinished hardware drivers but for something as serious as this, Vista should have never been released
Problems with Nvidia (Score:2)
Standy Issues (Score:2)
Probably not Microsofts fault (Score:5, Interesting)
When Microsoft creates a new version of windows they most likely develop it to follow the ACPI standard. By doing so, the functionality may break on non compliant boxes, and Microsoft will have to go back to add quirks to make it work.
Being the dominant OS vender, Microsoft at usually manage to get full specs to the failing devices, and have a fair chance of compensate for the errors in the hardware and BIOS.
Developers of other less common OSes, such as Linux may not be that lucky. So I really wish Microsoft hadn't bothered to fix this, unless of course they really are the ones that are responsible for this screw up, and left it to the hardware vendors. That way it would be easier for all OS vendors, including Microsoft, in the long run.
Historical Perspective (Score:2)
Despite the many irritations that my Mac brought with it, this one thing that it does extremely well.
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Still, I would assume backwards compatibility. No scratch that--I would expect it, but wouldn't count on it.
Comatose? (Score:1)
Confirmation (Score:1)
When does the "Wow" start again? (Score:1, Funny)
Mac and PC (Score:5, Funny)
Mac and PC in twin beds, an alarm goes off. Mac wakes up but PC was sitting up in bed twitching nervously.
"Good morning--"
"I'm a... Mac."
"And I'm a p-p-PC."
"Hey, PC, haven't you been sleeping?"
"No! No, I, uh, I-I can't sleep."
"Really, do you need something?"
"No, it's not that. I-I mustn't go to sleep because I'm afraid I won't wake up. There have been reports, you know, that since the release of Vista, PCs have had problems with not waking up from sleep."
"Gee, that's too bad. Me, I have no problems waking up from sleep. I mean, within two seconds, I'm up and fully alert. That isn't true for you?"
"Uh, PC? PC, hello? Hey, PC, wake up!"
"Oh my."
Vista WON'T Sleep (Score:2)
Now since i installed something (I believe my new GFX Drivers) it won't sleep. It'll turn the monitor off, but when i nudge the mouse or hit the keyboard it'll turn the monitor on and it'll be at the lock screen. According to powercfg it does support S3 sleep, strange.
Couldn't be any worse than the Mac (Score:2, Insightful)
That's called "defective hardware"... (Score:2)
Sleep has worked like an absolute charm on every Mac I've owned, including the Macbook Pro I'm typing on right now. I never had a PC where it worked.
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Are you retarded? x64 is the extremely important architecture from the early-mid sixties. It wasn't replaced until the x86 architecture in the mid to late 80s.
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Turn on AHCI after installation (Score:2, Informative)
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Re:I'm not going to be an early-adopter lemming (Score:5, Insightful)
Exactly the same. Especially since IE7 is more or less the same for me as a webdev, I can test all of my stuff on XP.
And we gotta realize: early adotpers always get stuffed with higher prices and lower quality. It's just the way things are, even if the product is developed under most stringent quality requirements, a bunch of undetected defects will be known soon after a wide launch.
The only thing that bothers me here is that on many consumer offers, companies FORCE you to get OEM Vista with a new PC. This early after launch, and with so many known flaws, how could you possibly require your customers to buy Vista PC when XP is much better right now?!
Do you have such experiences yourself? How easy it is to get a "downgrade" and in which hardware vendors it's easiest to do so?
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I haven't had any sleep issues, a couple programs I use aren't compatible, but nothing big. The only time I have seen a BSOD is in my screensaver [microsoft.com].
I'm not Microsoft fanboy, but it seems pretty stable for my use.
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The advantage to those, if you just need to update say your web browser, or music app, or other random file tool you don't have to reboot.
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