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OpenOffice 2.2 Released 291

xsspd2004 wrote with a link to a Desktop Linux post about the newest version of Bug fixes and the usual changes can be found in the project's release notes. The developers are using the turn of phrase 'a real alternative to Office 2007', hoping to win over some folks not too thrilled with the commercial software's new look. "Overall, version 2.2 should appear better to users thanks to its support for kerning, a technique that improves the appearance of text written in proportional fonts; kerning is now enabled by default. OpenOffice's PDF (Portable Document Format) export function has also been enhanced with the addition of the optional creation of bookmarks feature, and with support for user-definable export of form fields. A quick look at the release notes also reveals that many minor bugs have been repaired in this new version. Most of these appear to relate to the Calc spreadsheet and Base database programs."
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OpenOffice 2.2 Released

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  • probably (Score:2, Interesting)

    maybe not yet but this can easily be fixed by using an open standard. hopefully Microsoft's plan to get a closed source one won't happen. but then isn't a clsoed standard an oxymoron?
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by pr123 ( 1082103 )
      Has anyone had success inserting .eps (epsi) figures which have no preview figure? I have found that I am unable to: 1) View such figures, 2) Print such figs. 3) Export such figs to pdf If eps figs can't be supported, OO is virtually useless for tech papers. How about the draw outputs...There was no capability to export to eps so such figs could be imported into other apps.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by gweihir ( 88907 )
        OOffice is compatible with MSOffice in that is has problems handling EPS. Under Linux it works usually, by using GostScript to render the graphics. However the same documents do not display EPS on MS platforms.

        Made me stick to LaTeX for all my technical writing.

        Side note: No MS-Office Component can handle EPS, despite of what some people claim. Some can handle EPSI, which is EPS with an embedde bit-image for non-EPS capable applications.
      • by pe1chl ( 90186 )
        eps figures work for me, but only when printing to a Postscript printer. this is to be expected, as there is no postcript rendering engine anywhere in the chain except in the printer.

        (this can be different in Linux, where there often is a "virtual" postscript printer that uses ghostscript to convert to the printer-specific format before sending it to the printer. but this depends on the spooler configuration which usually depends on the particular distribution and the printer installation wizard they use)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:39PM (#18551025)
    I have a 1 GHz Athlon system with 1 GB of RAM, running Ubuntu Linux. I just tried out this release, and it's damn slow. It's not due to a lack of memory, either. The top command shows I consistently have 300 MB free, and the machine isn't swapping.

    This is pretty bad. It takes three to four seconds for the menus to appear, even after opening them several times. There's a noticeable delay when typing. It actually reminds me of college, when we had to use the teletypes connected to the DEC PDP-whatever, and there were 45 other users connected.

    Anyway, does anyone know what might be causing these problems? KOffice runs just fine, as done AbiWord. I know my system isn't the fastest, but 1 GHz should be more than sufficient for an office suite. I haven't used previous versions of OpenOffice, so I don't know how they compare to this release. Regardless, I am not impressed. Could these speed problems be due to OpenOffice's supposed use of Java for certain tasks?

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Microsoft Word on Mac with a super dual core intel has an irritating delay. I can type significantly faster than it can display. This is problematic because I work past errors because the don't display until I'm sometimes a few words down. I am guessing MS word is faster on its native Windows. But the point is, even in the 21st century here, typesetting programs are still slow. Who'd athunkit.
      • by zubernerd ( 518077 ) * on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:38PM (#18551605)
        Microsoft Word on Mac with a super dual core intel has an irritating delay

        Office Mac 2004 (I'm assuming that's what you are using) was compiled for PowerPC, therefore the Rosetta PPC emulation layer is executing the program. Even the best PPC emulation can come close to but is not going to match the "real thing". ( []) I run MS Word for Mac 2004 on a G3/266 (OS 10.2.8 w/ 384MB RAM) and it is fairly snappy. Using the MS office suite on Intel based macs will get better when the next version comes out, since it will be a Universal application ("Fat binary").
      • by OECD ( 639690 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @09:12PM (#18552253) Journal

        I am guessing MS word is faster on its native Windows. But the point is, even in the 21st century here, typesetting programs are still slow.

        Arggh! Word is a Word Processing application. It is NOT a typesetting program!

        Word is centered around getting you the info in the doc, it doesn't care much about how it was displayed on the originator's computer. Fair enough, that works when you're just worried about the info. If you're at the point where you care about design, Word fails it. By design. (You should have the info in some other program at that point.)

        Sorry, but that sort of confusion makes my life hell (but also keeps me employed.)

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Try this:

      File -> Tools -> Options -> Memory

      Increase the values of: Use for

      from the default value to something like 64MB or more.

    • I just tried OpenOffice 2.2. Run Windows XP with an Athlon XP 3000+ and 2GB of ram. Fairly underpowered for today, and it's startup is pretty snappy (~3 seconds). It's significantly faster than OpenOffice 2.1.

      I'm not saying OpenOffice hasn't been bloated and slow to start--but this is a huge improvement. I'm happy.

      Plus, it IS free (beer/source)...
  • by andy314159pi ( 787550 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:42PM (#18551057) Journal
    I stopped using OO because the equation editing is really difficult. I'm sorta dumb, so I wasn't able to pick up the jist of it. In my own defense, I can use TeXmaCs without any problem so I was able to figure that one out. But for interoperability with Word, OO is the only option on Linux, so I don't generally use TeXMaCs unless I really want something to be pretty. But in any event, I hope they work on the equation editor in OO and then I'll switch over.
    • by SCHecklerX ( 229973 ) <> on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:24PM (#18551477) Homepage
      I haven't used the EE in OO (heh) lately, but from what I recall, it is very much like what was in word perfect. You are able to actually TYPE equations instead of having to click-click drool and hope for the best. Take the time to read the help files on the equation editing language in OO. You'll wonder how you could have ever done it any other way :)
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by CastrTroy ( 595695 )
      I like it a lot more then the EE in MS Word. I like the fact that you can type the equation. In MS word, you are forced to click on stuff, and even with a lot of practice, it still takes about 10 times as long to enter a complex equation in MS Word. With OO.o, once you get some practice, you can enter very complex equations very easily.
      • by miro f ( 944325 )
        actually I used to do a whole lot of equations in word. Getting sick of clicking, I found out there are shortcuts for most things in word, and it made writing equations MUCH quicker. Google is your friend here.

        One thing I like about Word's equation editor is that it shows up instantly as you type, OO'o, while I prefer the way equations are written in it (since I'm a coder), is incredibly slow in actually showing me what the equation looks like.

        Give me oo's syntax, with Word's speed, and I'll be happy =)
  • Nice :) (Score:5, Interesting)

    by teebob21 ( 947095 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:43PM (#18551063) Journal
    The kerning issue should help OpenOffice immensely. Most of the folks that call me asking for a "real" word processor after they bought their bottom-dollar Dell have complained that many of the fonts "look funny". Personally, that was my only complaint about OO. Many times, during an edit, I would try to delete that small space between characters thinking I had fat-fingered the space bar while typing.

    To the first poster: No, I assure you it is NOT 100% compatible with all the bells, whistles, proprietary hidden tags, and closed formats of Office 2007. Nothing short of MS switching to ODF will allow that to happen. It WILL however, produce .doc documents that are readable by those still stuck with no other option than MS products. It will also allow you to read the flood of .doc-only documentation out there.

    Hmmm, methinks we need more ODFmentation in online manuals. The switching by several European goverments is a good start....
    • > The kerning issue should help OpenOffice immensely. Most of the folks
      > that call me asking for a "real" word processor after they bought their
      > bottom-dollar Dell have complained that many of the fonts "look funny".
      > Personally, that was my only complaint about OO. Many times, during an
      > edit, I would try to delete that small space between characters thinking
      > I had fat-fingered the space bar while typing.

      Pheeeh. You shouldn't be bothered about shit like that when writing. When you actua
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Blakey Rat ( 99501 )
        Sorry, regardless of what your workflow is (or "should be", although I'm not an elitist jerk to tell other people how they should be doing things), bugs like that should be fixed. Also, as a good philosophy, applications should be adapted to users, not the other way around... look at how Excel killed off other spreadsheets for a perfect demo of how this should work.
  • by Gertlex ( 722812 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:43PM (#18551069)
    When I read what was new in this version a few days ago (and it's the only main thing I've read to be new about this release), I expected the most obvious fix to be in the equations objects. Every computer* I've seen has had some sort of problem rendering and often even printing a document with equations in it. It still isn't fixed. The workaround for this, however, is exporting to PDF.

    I've never had any other sort of display problem with OOo. It's still a good program.

    *All Windows machines... The one time I opened a .odf file on OOo in Linux, the formatting was entirely different from what it was on Windows and I had to back to a Windows machine...
    • by daeg ( 828071 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:13PM (#18551369)
      As a slight rebuff to your comment that rendering was completely different. We run OOo in Windows in the office to create documents and insert placeholder text, then run them through an automatic python script that decompresses and alters the document (mail merge, basically, but slightly more complex), then automatically generates PDFs hundreds or thousands of times per day. The only difference between Windows and Linux (RHEL4) that I have really seen are sentences breaking at different words and fonts in general appearing slightly larger, but not horribly obvious unless you're an anal retentive perfectionist.

      I've been extremely happy with the 2.1 version of OOo, and I can't wait to try out 2.2.

      I do wish their revision log were better written, though...
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Hooya ( 518216 )
        are you using the UNO bindings? we do something similar with about 1000+ documents on each run. and found that after about 100 or so documents, OOo stops responding. so we had to put a nasty hack of killing OOo after evey 50 or so documents and restarting it. this was OOo 2.1. i'd love to hear what your experiences are...
    • by niiler ( 716140 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:15PM (#18551385) Journal

      My big thing as a scientist is that it would be nice to have equations display ON THE GRAPH. It's really hard to suggest this as an alternative to students in lab classes when it doesn't have even this basic feature.

      On the other hand, this is/has been my only real complaint for years. I use it exclusively, but then, I'm a geek.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Gertlex ( 722812 )
        I'd forgotten this problem... I had it last semester. I assure you my professors had no qualms telling us to put the equations on the graphs. Conversely, I had qualms to tell them that OOo can't do that. General solution, especially since campus computers all have Office, is just to import the graphs from excel. Worked. Usually...
    • BIG improvement. Not quite LaTeX level yet, but it's at least usable now. And you can enter formulas entirely from the keyboard, no mouse involved.
  • It's gonna take a lot more than just saving some money to make people consider switching. Not that I think there's very much room for improvement on MS Office at all at this point, but competing based on price alone doesn't work in almost any business. In fact, that's Business 101.
    • Re:More than money (Score:5, Interesting)

      by vux984 ( 928602 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:35PM (#18551575)
      It's gonna take a lot more than just saving some money to make people consider switching.

      OO's word processer and spreadsheet are pretty much on par with Microsoft. If those are the only components of office you regularly use, you probably shouldn't be shelling out for MS Office, period.

      I can't speak to OO's powerpoint equivalent - I hear its decent on its own, but not as compatible with MS as it should be. So if you need to create and present powerpoint its fine, but if you need to share power point with others its not as good. (Although OO is free so there is nothing stopping the people who you need to share with from getting their own copy - this may or may not be practical depending on who you have to share with. Conversely if you only need to view other peoples powerpoint stuff then you can use MS's free powerpoint viewer.

      The real OO killer in business is Outlook. Businesses essentially buy outlook and get the rest of office for free. And outlook is tough to unseat, there aren't a lot of great alternatives, especially once you start looking for groupware features, calendering, and PDA sync support.

      But for home users, where most of them are on webmail/gmail/msnlive/whatever, outlook express, or are just using outlook as POP3 client, OO is a great alternative.

      That said, even in business Office isn't unkillable -- Exchange web access is rapidly reaching the point of unseating outlook, PDA sync is becoming wireless direct with the server, and if outlook takes a fall then evaulating Office v OO becomes a much more level playing field.

      Meanwhile, in the home market, Microsofts increasingly aggressive anti-piracy moves are finally starting to shift people away. It used to be that everyone had a pirated version of Office at home, but as these become more of nuisance to use, users are starting to open up to alternatives instead of shelling out for office or fighting with Genuine (dis)Advantage.

      But I think the biggest thing OO needs is some advertising to build some brand awareness and credibility. Couple that with a pre-installation deal with the likes of Dell or HP and they could make some serious inroads.
      • Re:More than money (Score:4, Insightful)

        by LaughingCoder ( 914424 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:49PM (#18551677)

        OO's word processer and spreadsheet are pretty much on par with Microsoft.
        Well, I can't really comment on the word processor, but I can say definitively that the spreadsheet is a far cry from Excel - especially the graphing feature, which is very poor. As I understand it, the whole graph subsystem of Calc is scheduled for a ground-up rewrite, which substantiates my claim. So, if you require graphing capabilities in your spreadsheet, it is best to avoid Calc and use Excel.
        • by vux984 ( 928602 )

          I find the graphing feature in both of them too annoying to use except for basic data visualization, in which case either are perfectly adequate.

          Its true Excel's extra options get one closer to 'presentation quality results' but not close enough.
      • 'And outlook is tough to unseat, there aren't a lot of great alternatives, especially once you start looking for groupware features, calendering, and PDA sync support.'

        Yes but I wonder why? Evolution was good but I've never seen an actual cross-platform open source attempt usurp outlook. If you had a cross-platform backend that provided groupware and email functionality then I could use your app tomorrow. The only thing that keeps exchange in most offices is the fact that you need it for groupware functiona
        • I have to say that Entourage, MS's Mac groupware effort isn't even close to as good as Outlook. Seriously it's probably the single best thing they've ever come out with from pure usability/user experience point of view. Sure it's got security issues, but from the straight "it does what I want it too" point of view it's an awesome app, and one of the few things I really miss from Windows.
          • It's always puzzled me because I can't think of anything especially spectacular that outlook actually does. You might have trouble converting some power users because they are married to outlook specific behavior but 99% of outlook. I honestly haven't seen anything that should take more than 6 months or so to replicate in outlook. Most of the useful features are basic and obvious. Are some of them patented or something?
    • Not that I think there's very much room for improvement on MS Office at all at this point

      Having played with Office 2007 a little bit, I feel like they were mostly trying to get two things done:

      1) Improve the UI. I can't think of anything I ever wanted Office 2003 to do that it wouldn't do -- but figuring out how the hell to make it happen, that was the rub.

      2) Open up the APIs better from a developer perspective and make it easy to write other programs that interact with Office easily, such as p
      • I disagree (Score:4, Interesting)

        by geek ( 5680 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:49PM (#18551681)
        I think OpenOffice can do the plugin thing better than MS can. Just look how multi platform plugins work for Firefox. The OO team can make cross platform plugins that work pretty seamlessly if they tried. MS will be locked into doing it on Windows only. I could be wrong of course but I don't see how MS can do plugins better than the OO people, especially consider OO uses open API's and formats. I would find OO the much more appealing option if I were a developer.
  • by Anonymous Brave Guy ( 457657 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:47PM (#18551093)

    So, I have just two questions:

    Firstly, does anyone have a useful, user-focused summary of the new features, instead of the cryptic mess on the development site?

    And secondly, have they fixed PDF export bug in Writer that we were discussing here the other day []? The bug database suggests not. :-(

  • Open Office (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Henry V .009 ( 518000 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @06:51PM (#18551137) Journal
    Because she does all the real work at our workplace, we set up the secretary's home computer for her. She wanted an office suite, and we put Open Office on it.

    Just yesterday she was telling me that she doesn't like it and wants Microsoft Office (for Word and Excel). Open Office is slow and ugly, according to her, and the default font size in Writer is way too small.
    • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@ y a h o o . c om> on Friday March 30, 2007 @07:03PM (#18551243) Homepage Journal
      So, who did you hire to replace her?
      • RMS (channeling is inner Inigo): "I just work in Henry V's office pay to bills. There's not a lot of money in arrogance and self-righteous indignation."
    • by nexex ( 256614 )
      Awww c'mon you can admit it! We just wanted to go home with the secretary, getting to set up her computer was icing on the cake.
    • On a side note, I have plenty of co-workers who don't want to use computers at all. They hate email, hate MS Office, don't understand spreadsheets, and want to go back to "the way things were before". I'm wondering whether our workplace will accomdoate them, or just make them suck it up and get used to what we have to use today.

      Seriously, I understand that people have preferences. But every time I hear that someone doesn't want to use OpenOffice, or Linux, or even LaTeX, and that this is a reason wh

  • From the summary:

    OpenOffice's PDF (Portable Document Format) export function has also

    Wow, I just glanced at it, but this whole "pee-dee-eff" thing looks like it might do well...
  • by JimMarch(equalccw) ( 710249 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @08:19PM (#18551905)
    I'm running the Ubuntu Feisty Beta with OO2.2 and I exchange fairly complex Word docs with others, including legal pleadings and other hairy stuff, and I'm having no problems whatsoever.
  • Glad this is finally available. I checked the website periodically and noticed the release date slip from 14th March to 24th March to 28th March ... and then a bit more.

    Anyway I still haven't managed to install.

    On running the install it complained there was no disc in my CD drive. I closed it - it had a Hiren's boot disk in there - installation proceeded. Why on earth is it insisting on the CD door being closed?

    Then the install tried to clean up my OO 2.0 install. (I'm using 2.1) It asked for the location - in my temp folder - of the OO 2.0 install files. Of course they were deleted long ago - they were in temp folder - where OO 2.0 put them. I pressed cancel thinking the installation would handle this gracefully but ...

    No, install was aborted. Still haven't checked out OpenOffice 2.2
    • "I'm using 2.1"

      Rather I was using OO 2.1. OpenOffice just uninstalled it for me. Now I'm left with an uninstallable OO 2.0. Welcome to the OpenOffice downgrade wizard!

      'a real alternative to Office 2007' ... hum
  • by massysett ( 910130 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @09:01PM (#18552179) Homepage
    Come on Zonk, why is this categorized under "Linux" with a Tux icon? OOo is cross platform--runs on Linux, Windows, and OS X (even if it does take X11 to run under Mac.) I'd even be willing to bet that there are more Windows users of OOo than there are Linux users of OOo.
    • IIRC, one of the resons that Sun bought StarDivsion was to have an M$-Orifice compatible office wuite to run on Solaris. There were some office suites that ran on Solaris, Island Write, Draw & Paint (which had a much saner way of inserting graphics than I've seen in either M$-Orifice or OOo) and AplixWare are two that come to mind - both only had very limited Office compatibility and neither was cheap.

      OOo runs on both Solaris/Sparc and Solaris/x86 - both Sparc and x86 versions will work on 32 bit or

  • by sgent ( 874402 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @09:15PM (#18552283)
    Calc is the only spreadsheet EVER (since Visicalc) that doesn't allow the start of a formula entry using the + sign -- making numeric keyboard use for spreadsheet junkies almost impossible.

    This has been a bug (submitted by myself and many, many others) since before 1.0 came out.

    • by LaughingCoder ( 914424 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @09:28PM (#18552385)
      And another thing ... it uses semicolons instead of commas to separate fields in things like IF statements. Very irritating. I use Excel quite a bit and the few times I've tried Calc it drives me crazy with its different syntax.

      And don't get me started about the graphing function. Here's a fun parlor trick. Using Calc, make a couple of columns of about 2000 numbers each. Then highlight them and graph them as lines. Be prepared to wait awhile. Go get a coffee. Maybe read War and Peace. And no, your computer didn't crash even though the UI is frozen ... give it time. Voila ... you are now rewarded, after a looonnngggg time, with a crappy looking graph (the default Xaxis labels are "ROW ROW ROW ROW ..." - who thought that was a good idea?). Try the same thing on Excel. The graph appears instantly and you don't have to fiddle around with it to make it presentable. The graphing feature in Calc is pretty bad.

      Another parlor trick with Calc. Save those two columns of numbers as a CSV file. Exit Calc. Change the CSV file to read only. Now open it with Calc. Try to graph it again. Note how it lets you highlight and select graph... and then .... nothing. It appears to ignore you. Try it again. Same thing. Try the same file in Excel. It will warn you the file is read only. Graphing works fine.
      • Umm yeah, does excel have space invaders? OpenOffice Calc meets my needs perfectly ... I mean, the last thing I want to do in a spreadsheet program is actual work.
      • by MrBoombasticfantasti ( 593721 ) on Saturday March 31, 2007 @01:50AM (#18553607)
        it uses semicolons instead of commas to separate fields in things like IF statements. Very irritating. I use Excel quite a bit and the few times I've tried Calc it drives me crazy with its different syntax.

        In most European countries the comma is used as the decimal separator. Three thousand dollar and twenty-five cents would be $3.000,25 (not $3,000.25 you might be used to). In a locale that does this Excel uses the semi-colon too.

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by dodongo ( 412749 )

          In most European countries the comma is used as the decimal separator. Three thousand dollar and twenty-five cents would be $3.000,25 (not $3,000.25 you might be used to). In a locale that does this Excel uses the semi-colon too.

          That's it. I'm not using Open Office until someone in their organization can explain to me why they hate America.
  • Everyone said that at my office when i replaced some office installations with open office...
    i just told them it was the new version and they were satisfied.

    like most people, they dont mind different and new, as long as they feel like its not too different and new.
  • by Teilo ( 91279 ) on Friday March 30, 2007 @09:51PM (#18552521) Homepage
    I do not understand why this is. Freetype has supported OpenType for ages. The Windows version of OpenOffice supports OpenType fonts. Why is this so hard to implement universally in every port of the product?

    I realize that the Windows port uses the Windows font API, and thus provides the ability that way. NeoOffice does the same on OS X. Yes, it's not so easy to use OS X Core services from X11, but why not switch to a decent type library like FreeType that already has the support? Not robust enough for typography? I just don't get it. You would think this would be a priority.

    • by jim3e8 ( 458859 )
      Is there a particular reason you prefer the regular X11 version over the native OS X version (NeoOffice)?
  • OOXML (Score:2, Interesting)

    Is OpenOffice planning to include OOXML translator [] anytime soon. It is required, as more and more people are now using Office 2007 (and they are sharing their documents with us Linux users).
  • "How do you turn a phrase?" -- Peter Griffin
  • There still isn't proper support for video in presentations. That's been in PowerPoint for years. OpenOffice still looks like a "prettified" PFS:Office to me.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
