Innovation's Role Is Sorely Exaggerated 203
Strudelkugel writes "The New Yorker has a book review describing our common misunderstanding of the value of technology and its ultimate uses. The reviewer notes that the way we think about technology tends to ignore older objects of technology. Quoting: '[W]hen we do consider technology in historical terms we customarily see it as a driving force of progress: every so often... an innovation — the steam engine, electricity, computers — brings a new age into being. In "The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History Since 1900", by David Edgerton, a well-known British historian of modern military and industrial technology, offers a vigorous assault on this narrative. He thinks that traditional ways of understanding technology, technological change, and the role of technology in our lives, have been severely distorted by what he calls "the innovation-centric account" of technology.'" Money quote: "Seen in this light, my kitchen is a technological palimpsest."
Hmmmm. (Score:3, Insightful)
He throws up a bunch of examples, like the fact that the army is still using horses in Afganistan, because they're efficient. And that "huge" innovations, like the V-2 rocket in WWII weren't as pivotal as people think they were (no mention of, you know, the tank).
Basically, he's saying that what people view as life-changing technology isn't always...That the real world changing technology isn't always something that is obvious at the time.
Basically, I think he's full of it. Sure, we often don't recognize the significance of certain innovations which end up shaping our whole world. And then there are things like the cell phone, the internal combustion engine, and the personal computer...Technologies which actually are as influential as we think they are.
Sure there are times where we jam high tech where it doesn't belong, and there are past innovations which are just as valuable today as they were decades ago. But that doesn't immediately invalidate our perception of technology as a driver of change. He talks about the pneumatic tube mail system they used to have in the big cities, and how people thought it was a great thing, and how it's now a non-thing...The thing is that system served a need, and was superceded by better technologies that allowed society to fulfill that need in a more meaningful way.
So society drives technological innovation, yes, but it absolutely depends on the right innovation coming along at the right time, and there is a certain amount of serendipity in that.
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But they're about the last people I'd trust on a technological issue. The article reminded me of the "Luddite" column from Wired.
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Sorry, nothing to offer except nitpicking just now!
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Not that that wasn't absolutely huge, because it was, but it wasn't anywhere near as decisive as the role of the tank in WWII. Tanks and airplanes were the big winners as far as military tech in WWII; they'd both be
Re:Hmmmm. (Score:4, Informative)
I presume you're thinking of "lozenge" tanks such as the British Mk. 4 with side-mounted guns. These were specifically designed to cross trenches and large shell craters, and are still the finest vehicles ever made for that particular role, being capable of traversing terrain and climbing vertical obstacles that would immobilise a modern tank, despite having 100 HP engines that gave them a power to weight ratio of only 3 HP/ton. Early designs had a turret, but this was discarded in production models for the side-mounted gunnery because it allowed "female" (machine-gun carrying) tanks to fire downwards into a trench while crossing it, while providing "male" (cannon equipped) variants to engage two separate targets simultaneously.
Not all WW1 tanks were lozenges, and some looked quite a bit like early WWII designs, e.g. the Renault FT-17 with its rotating turret and tracks that lie under its body instead of going over the top. Over 4700 of these were built, and the US army bought a fair number of them -- about 2,500 were still in service in France in 1940, and actually scored several kills against German tanks (which were mostly lightly armoured Pzkfw 1 & 2 types in 1940).
"In WWI the role of the tank was basically to provide light fire support, and a slow moving wall for soldiers to walk behind while it crossed the land between the trenches."
This is just plain wrong. British tanks at The Somme and Cambrai were used to storm enemy lines, in both cases with considerable success, although only 49 were used a The Somme itself. At Cambrai, an attack planned by the visionary J.F.C. Fuller smashed through the previously impenetrable Hindenburg Line to a depth of five miles, the biggest single territory gain in the entire land war. Fuller's plan was in most respects classic Blitzkrieg, using mixed tank and infantry formations with air and artillery support (combined arms) that simply bypassed heavily contested positions, the idea being that the could later be mopped up after the fast-moving front had cut their supply lines. Unfortunately for Fuller, the British in typical fashion completely failed to exploit the opening that he'd made.
Re:Hmmmm. (Score:4, Informative)
One of the things that amazes me is that Robert Heinlein, admittedly like so many others of his time, completely failed to see the implications of the modern computer. His view of the computer was consistently that of a better sliderule. Although, I'm somewhat ignoring his ideas of Computer intelligence here, which arose by the end of the 50's. He was still imagining computers solely as massive installations, existing solely for special purpose uses, or as master control systems. Despite the fact that he was so prescient in so many others ways. And he was in the Navy, one of the first places to see widespread deployment of mechanical computers, although admitted these were not General Purpose and were for the calculation of ballistic trajectories for long range gunfire. He foresaw the profound impact of Computer Aided Design in Drafting, although he imagined it as a special purpose device, rather than an application of a general purpose computer. It wasn't really until the 1980's when visionaries really started to get a grasp on what the computer really meant.
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In Expanded Universe, Heinlein speculates that the computer chip would revolutionise the world. In the Number of the Beast, Friday, the Moon is a Harsh Mistress and other novels, computers are central to the story. Friday has something that sounds quite similar to an intranet.
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But by then, computers already had changed the world; Friday was published in the mid '80s, and by then, it took only a minimum level of perception to realize that the then-growing personal computer industry was not going to stop growing; much of what would become the WWW was already departing from blueprints and becoming reality. Same thing, to a slightly lesser extent, with NotB (1980), when contemporaenously there was obvious practical innovation in personal computing, and the Apple II was right around
Re:Hmmmm. (Score:4, Informative)
Heinz Guderian, the father of Blitzkrieg, credited J.F.C. Fuller and Liddel Hart as the originators of the theories behind it. Fuller had already used Blitzkrieg-like tactics at the Battle Of Cambrai in 1917, and the British pursuit of retreating Germans during late 1918 began to look very much like it indeed, with rapidly advancing tanks being supported by troops in a growing number of armoured personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, and aircraft, all of which the Germans fought desperate rear-guard actions to stop. The war ended before Fuller's 1919 plan for a fully mechanised army could be realised, but his post-war writings about it and the strategic and tactical advantages it could offer would ironically end up inspiring a new generation of German theorists, while both the British and French military authorities decided to build armies that were beautifully suited to fighting a static trench war. As is often the case in military history, the losing side ends up learning a whole lot more from the experience than the winners, who have a propensity to use the last war as a basis for planning the next one.
The tactics of Blitzkrieg were thus not only already in place during WW1, but actively being used, albeit in a piecemeal fashion by a few visionaries who received little support (and in some cases outright opposition) from people higher up the command ladder. Hitler acknowledge this by inviting Fuller to his birthday party in 1939, where he said "How do you like your children?" while they both watched Germany's mechanised army and airforce parading past them.
"That time was necessary for military theory to catch up to the tank's true implications for warfare"
It was actually more a case of technology having made Blitzkrieg practical in a way that it hadn't been during WW1. Technology in 1918 was more or less up to the job of attacking fixed positions from other fixed positions that were a few miles away, but tanks which can only move at walking pace, have a 1 in three chance of breaking down every five miles, and eat so much fuel that they can only carry enough to go 20 miles wouldn't have been very useful for invading another country, and the aircraft of the time were also severely limited by their engines in speed, range, ceiling, and the amount of ordnance they could carry.
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I just scanned
Re:Hmmmm. (Score:4, Informative)
Freaked a lot of people out, but didn't do all that much damage. Couldn't be aimed accurately enough to take out a strategic target. There is some debate on how worthwhile strategic bombing was in general, but the V-2 especially was much less worthwhile as an innovation than the late planes and subs that the Germans were capable of producing; subs that could run underwater the whole way, and the first true jet aircraft.
Compared to that, the ability to toss a bomb across the Channel is small potatoes.
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And I am one of those people. World War II was, above all other things, the first test of WMDs on civilian populations, whether it was the V-2, incendiary bombs, nukes, or just conventional drop-a-ton-of-TNT-on-yer-house. Looking at Tokyo after the firebombing, a nuke would have been redundant. Then there is London, Dresden, Warsaw...They bombed a lot of cities, and while the stated goal was often strategic (e.g. destroying f
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(7) Albert Speer discussed the bombing of Hamburg when he was interrogated in July 1945.
We were of the opinion that a rapid repetition of this type of attack upon another six German towns would inevitably cripple the will to sustain armament manufacture and war production. It was I who first verbally reported to the Fuehrer at that time that a cont
V2ROCKET.COM (Score:2)
The V-2 had a one-ton warhead and a range of about 200 miles. First used against London in September of 1944. Too little, too late. V2ROCKET.COM [v2rocket.com]
What about the rest? (Score:2)
1. Gyro Gunsights [wikipedia.org]. It's something that most people don't even know existed, because it wasn't hyped much. Everyone knows about the
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I personally believe the problem with "innovation" today is that it's marketing - rather than something genuine. Every product, from Bounty kitchen rolls to the latest TV to make-up is "innovative" and "futuristic" and will "change your life forever".
Amazingly, none of them do. Many of the significant innovations are less tangible - the tank is a product built on the application of innovations such as the internal combustion engine, electricity (for factories), mechanised metalworking machines,
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Re:Hmmmm. (Score:5, Insightful)
Some examples of hyped technologies right now:
stem cells
quantum computing
anything fusion related
Are any of these going to change our lives the way they're hyped to be? Perhaps, but there's a good chance that something else from left field will do much better at the same things these technologies promise to do.
Of course, speculating on such things is mostly futile since we can't know a world that would have been (at least without some weird quantum technology). We only know the world that is. Thus, I don't know if saying that innovation is important is unwarranted. However, this article does point out that our placing so much importance on innovation is also unwarranted.
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For a business class I took recently, I had to read an article from the Harvard Business Review written in 1969. The strange thing about the article was that it talked about fuel cells as a potential replacement for gasoline which was "just around the corner". I had to keep going back and checking that it really was written in 1969 and never revised.
So some of the hyped technologies *right now* have been hyped before.
One of the other interesting things about this class is the way it defines innovation:
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how about the simple fact that a given new technology doesn't automatically eliminate the old one?
as soon as the first ford model T rolled off the assembly line, we didn't start killing off horses in droves. the radio is still here inspite of the television, people still handwrite despite the invention of the printing press, the typewriter, and the computer. the book is probably
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I agree. It seems as though he's just gunning to be the next non-fiction super-star like "Blink", "Tipping Point" or "Guns, Germs, and Steel", but he has to completely destroy his credibility to make any substantial claims.
Consider his dismissal of the impact on technology in first world countries:
It is said that we live in a "new economy," yet, of the world's top thirty companies (by revenue), only three are mainly in the business of high tech--General Electric (No. 11),
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And then there are things like the cell phone, the internal combustion engine, and the personal computer...Technologies which actually are as influential as we think they are. ... Sure there are times where we jam high tech where it doesn't belong...
Let me put forth an opinion that I know will be universally rejected here on slastdot, and keep in mind that I am a computer programmer.
Computers have not nearly been as revolutionary as people claim they are. In fact they more often than not are a detrim
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Hell, between tanks and ICBMs, which one has done more damage in the entire history of warfare? Hell, the ICBM and the fricking bow and arrow! ICBMs are such a powerful w
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Hell, between tanks and ICBMs, which one has done more damage in the entire history of warfare? Hell, the ICBM and the fricking bow and arrow! ICBMs are such a powerful weapon that they're never actually used; in other words, so powerful that they're useless.
That assumes something which is very obviously untrue, which is that war is an end in itself. If dead bodies were the point, then you could make an analysis of weapons of war by their bodycounts. However, war is usually an extention of politics, a
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I don't know about pure charcoal, but I'll go with you if you add a little sulfur and phosphorous.
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The huge glaring problem with the V-2 is that it never did much damage. If they'd had 100 times as
Information technology (Score:4, Interesting)
I wonder (Score:2, Funny)
It's an American Thing (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:It's an American Thing (Score:4, Insightful)
As for the atomic bomb versus the machine gun, I'd wager that Richard Gatling is at least as famous as any of the Manhattan Project scientists, save Einstein - who was famous anyway.
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The quote is "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", and the test was the Trinity test in July 1945.
Answers to yer questions here. (Score:2)
A: an improved version of the Puckle gun (the first machine gun, invented 1718). The Gatling gun, invented in the 1860s, incorporates the same improvements in technology that other guns did over the same century and a half - better machining, true rifling (which is even better than square bullets) and of course the elimination of the flintlock in favor of percussion caps. It keeps the multiple barrels and crank of the Puckle gun but has a phenomenally higher rate of fire,
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20 year poor economy (Score:2)
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China is successful right now, but so are the other "Asian tigers" that followed Japan's model: Taiwan and South Korea.
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I forget the comedian on Dr. Katz who said it but it was referring to fans at sporting events shouting "We're number 1! We're number 1" "No, you're a little confused, THEY'RE number 1, you're fat and drunk."
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Probably fairly few know either - especially since the former was a group project and the latter a process that took place over time. With regards to the atomic bomb, most people probably associate Einstein with the bomb, even though he had nothing to with the Manhattan Engineer District and nothing to do with the larger concept of atomic weapons besides lending his name and fame to a letter urging research into
I don't take advice about technology from writers. (Score:2, Insightful)
Seriously, this sort of story stinks of sour grapes. Most of the arty-farty crowd can barely pay their rent, and they've long envied t
ooh I think you're talking smack about ME (Score:4, Funny)
Seriously, this sort of story stinks of sour grapes. Most of the arty-farty crowd can barely pay their rent, and they've long envied the successes of the technical sector.
Actually all those arty-farty subjects came in real handy in law school, so don't worry, I'm doing just fine rent-wise.
Even back in school, while those of us who were able were studying differential equations and calculus (and the arty were saying things like "math is hard")
You know, my first job was as a sysadmin and I never had to do any differential equations or calculus. Don't think any of my programmer friends had to either.
it was that way. Try telling some lit major about your new file server, see how interested he is in it. Good luck; you'll be lucky if he or she sticks around for more than five minutes.
There isn't anyone on the planet who would stick around for more than five minutes to hear about your file server, technical sector or not. And if you're telling a "she" about your file server, you really have to work on your pickup skills...
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You have a lot of opinions on something you don't have any first-hand knowledge of, don't you? I can assure you, the more arty-farty stuff you do in undergrad, the easier time you'll have in law sc
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As far as "practice law" goes, well, you should recalibrate your humor detector; I think it's on the fritz
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Ahhh, but we have a lot more pull with the legislature than you guys. Plus in most states the state's Supreme Court gets to say who practices law and who doesn't, so that's another level of protection. While we might end up outsourced, it's not going to happen for a very long
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On your next point, I think that academics with a background in technology tend to not be too useless. Usually they tend to be more sensible than the mainstream "liberal artisans" (a friend of mine calls them this) they're lumped in with. I'd trust Kuhn or Hegel to come up with a sensible point; the historian of the article, on the other hand... Well...
I occasionally experience the suspicion that luddites like him wo
Points Schmoints? (Score:2)
What does Marty Bergen [wikipedia.org] have to do with this?
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Guess somebody should have told me that before I got an honours degree in Soviet & East European Studies. If I were to describe myself in terms of training, I'd say I was a historian.
.... and I started out at Control Data, which was SCIENTIFIC, not business computing.
Funny how that hasn't stopped me from being a programmer since 1982
Then there's the shutdown system I worked on for a nuclear reacto
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Re:I don't take advice about technology from write (Score:5, Funny)
Well, they need some sort of way to open the hidden door to their secret lairs.
Re:I don't take advice about technology from write (Score:2)
Which is another way of saying he was a shrewd and innovative craftsman of popular entertainments.
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But people deify him; he was just a writer! Making him into some kind of god is just silly. And the idea that nobody since has been his equal is just nutty. I'd rather read Henry Miller any day. Or Kerouac, or Chuck Palahniuk. MUCH more interesting and relevant to my century, you know?
a technological palimpsest? (Score:3, Funny)
Standing on the shoulders of giants (Score:5, Insightful)
The current IP-obsessed culture inhibits collaboration, and hampers the natural process of innovation in society.
Fortunately, initiatives like the Free Software movement have shown that innovation can thrive without creating artificial monopolies.
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That was the original rationale, certainly.
I don't think it has been the reality for a long time.
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Software patents are a serious problem, but they are not the only issue.
The IP consensus in the Real World (outside Slashdot) is very cultish and 'faith-based'.
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It might have something to do with it being a very successful method.
You're doing the standard PTO evidence-free hand waving. We can't even measure success let alone evaluate whether the IP law we currently have is better than the virtually infinite number of possible alternatives, including no patents at all. It would great to see even basic science driving the high impact decisions about what forms of IP law to create, if any.
I would support IP laws if there were actual evidence for them. There isn'
Kind of like the layman's view of evolution (Score:3, Interesting)
The most important subtle complexity is the answer to the question: "What is the f***ing point?" The simple dumb answer is "progress." The real answer is "just get the f***ing job done." That the job gets done with more and more complexity is merely an after effect, not the point of evolution or technological innovation. But the common layman's answer needs a driving force to dumb down the narrative, and progress has become that mythical answer, and it's mostly a harmless replacement in how to think about evolution/ technological change.
I mean, technology and innovation are intertwined. Duh. The article doesn't dismantle the idea of technology and innovation being intertwined, but merely tweaks the concept by pointing to old technologies being retained, and new ones not always working out. Well no shit.
Likewise, evolution doesn't care one stinking bit about what creatures are made, there is merely deviation from the average complexity of an animal, and occasionally the animal gets very complex. Like our brain. From evolution's point of view, it's just a statistical aberration in terms of complexity to get the primary job done: surviving death and breeding a new generation. Increasing complexity isn't the point. All evolution cares about is that we successfully breed, or not. From evolution's point of view, human beings, horseshoe crabs, and slime molds all do a good job of that, and so we are equivalent successes. That we do it with a lot more complexity than a slime mold means nothing at all. That horseshoe crabs have been doing it for billions of years while we only a few million or less means nothing at all.
Same with techonology and innovation: who cares how complex, as long as the f***ing job gets done. So some technology hardly evolves, old ones are picked up again after years of neglect, etc. It's a subtle and complex versus simplistic and quick way to sample a deep and gigantic field of inquiry, and if mythical concepts like "progress" have to be created as a driving force in order to bridge the difference between intense study and quick overview, so be it, it's a harmless mental substitution.
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I'd say the real answer is, "just get the f***ing job done more efficiently".
As far as progress being mythical, I think there's a semantic problem that makes a world of difference.
Progress without a goal is meaningless. So, the generic term "progress" when referring to technology in itself means nothing, it's a catch phrase to intimate that somehow things are incrementally better than previously. Note that "better" is an amorphous term as well.
you are correct (Score:2)
it is just a matter of what you mean by progress, so i shouldn't have dismantled the idea of progress in what i wrote, but only the one narrow speci
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Same with techonology and innovation: who cares how complex, as long as the f***ing job gets done.
Excellent point. Often people focus on the novelty of solutions and forget to ask after the efficacy of the solutions. For example, it's been a big fad to come up with ways to do everything with computers without necessarily thinking through all the details of how well the old solutions work. People say, "Oh, well in the future we can replace teachers with computers!" and they sometimes fail to recognize th
well said (Score:2)
except for one small problem: it doesn't do the job better. you just need audio. adding video makes it less useful and more complex. and so people keep trying to introduce the videophone again and again thinking its the next big thing. and it just never happens. because progress != mo
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agreed 100% (Score:2)
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Evolution doesn't "care" whether you survive death, just as long as you get the breeding done beforehand.
New and/or Innovative isn't always better... (Score:3, Insightful)
New innovation doesn't always mean better, just different.
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Give me a cast iron skillet for $30 any day versus teflon anything, irrespective of cost. Your great grandkids will still be frying bacon on that thing.
It all comes down to money. There is a good living to be made in parting fools from money.
Re:New and/or Innovative isn't always better... (Score:4, Insightful)
In essence, the majority "outvoted" you with their pocketbooks, thinking they'd rather have a shovel that isn't as likely to tear up one's hands during use, even if the plastic handle might break off after a few years of use.
If everyone thought the same as you do, the plastic handles and rubber grips would disappear, as everybody ignored them.
(I'd also add here that you illustrate the point that people often don't make the smartest purchasing decisions. Sometimes our options are on the store shelves because they successfully fool the majority into buying them - rather than because they're the "best" products.)
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Nothing cooks bacon better than my 'properly' seasoned cast iron skillet. That goes the same for fried chicken, chicken fried steak, gizzards, okra, and potatoes.
I have bought the most expensive plastic handled shovels on the market and broken all of them within weeks. I own the majority stake of a light construction business and no one that works for me will use a fiberglass handled shovel. Hell, I broke one stumping a small azalea.
Wood handled mauls and ax
Elsworth Monkton Toohey (Score:2, Informative)
James Burke (Score:3, Interesting)
Innovation when you're not looking (Score:5, Insightful)
One thing that people note about most predictions for future technology is that they rarely come true, while the technology that actually makes a difference seems to "come out of nowhere" before it's suddenly everywhere.
The reason is that people are fixated on the new and amazing promises of technology, but the thing is that those are new and amazing simply because nobody actually does things like that in normal life. All real advances of technology are the result of changing ordinary everyday things because those are the things people do all the time, and a little improvement has a big effect.
Giant airplanes like the Boeing 747 or Airbus 380 are not world changing because they are giant flying things, they are world changing because they let people travel more effectively. People like the idea of flying as entertainment but almost nobody does routinely it for its own sake (some do in private planes or gliders), but people travel all the time. The fact that it's in the air is incidental.
But many people only see the flying, and not the travel, and think that flying is the world changing event. So they miss out when they try to predict the next world changing event. For example with computers, everyone thought the world changing event would be amazing hypercool virtual reality, but it turned out to be email. I mean, really, even if VR worked, who would have time for it beyond a few video games each week, and what would it change in your life? But how often to you communicate with someone else? Compare and contrast.
Same with robots. The world's most successful robot is a puck-shaped vacuum cleaner.
The next big technological advance will be something where you don't notice the technology. It will just spread until you wonder to yourself "I wonder what ever happened to cable television/flat tires/floppy disks?".
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This makes me think of kitchen gadets. O.k. everyone needs a dishwasher, stove/oven, refrigerator, and micowave, but then what else do you need? A wok, blender, toaster, coffee maker? Don't get me started on all those spoons and other sticks with odd shaped ends. (Oh and a good potato peeler.) N
Medicine? (Score:2)
I personally know someone who had a heart valve replaced (with a pig valve); several people with hip, knee, and shoulder replacements. Prostate cancer is much less terrifying than it was as little as thirty years ago, thanks to nerve-sparing operative techniques. And think of what endoscopes and laparoscopic surgery hav
User adoption (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't think the writer is arguing against innovation, but his point is that until there is a use for an innovation and people are ready to use it, it will languish. Among other things, his argument explains why the technically-superior Betamax was replaced by VHS and why the technically-superior Amiga lost out to the Macintosh. The technology was better, but the use wasn't there.
All of us who use or develop technology can learn from this by keeping our focus centered on the practical. What group of users will apply this technology toward what ends under what circumstances? As a developer/technical writer, I am force to think of the user perspective constantly, and it has caused helpful changes in my technique.
Like most books, this is probably an overcorrection, a "the sky isn't blue, but a shade of purple, OMGWTF" where a truly scientific viewpoint might be more subtly stated. However, that's just selling books for ya. I think there's a good valid point here the open source movement and any developer can't afford to miss however.
innovation != invention (Score:2)
The consequence of this is that we should probably not value innovation very highly; innovation is frequently achieved through marketing, business strategy, and copycat products, and the purpose and consequence of innovation is fre
Thomas Pynchon (Score:2)
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In other words: "You goddamn kids get off my lawn!"
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He also installed the first visual telegraph system in France. Thanks to the telegraph, Napoleon was able to improve his communications turnaround with the battlefield to mere minutes instead of hours to days. That innovation paved the way for the invention of the electric telegraph; an invention that literally defined the computer and telephone communication standards we use today.
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Then to add injury to insult (his lack of thought), he tries to compare the costs of planes and tanks in terms of contribution, and does not realize that those MADE huge innovations in the previous war. Even the jet plane that the Germans made would have made a difference
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Indeed. America and Russia's first space programs consisted of nothing more than launching the V-2 rockets we had captured from Germany. (Thus why the iconic "rocket" image always looks like a V-2.)
The V-2 would have been combined with the nuclear bomb if Germany had succeeded in their research before the end of the war. Thus giving
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This notion is at least as old as The Octagon House, A Home For All, published by Orson Squire Fowler in 1848.
But in residential construction it sucks. Big time.
The octagon brings light and air to the central core, but interior living spaces take on very odd shapes and sizes. The roof will always leak because its design and construction is an exercise in frustration even to the original buil
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Correction: That hasn't happened yet.
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