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Japan To Get 1Gbps Home Fiber Connections 275

ashitaka writes "KDDI has announced that they will be launching a 1Gbps Internet service to single-family home and condo users in October. The service is supposedly synchronous, with 1Gbps in both directions, although the article implies that speeds will vary with location. Cost will be 5,985 yen/month (about US$56.50) for the basic Internet and IP phone service. This is intended to compete with NTT, who currently control over 70% of the Japanese FTTH market."
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Japan To Get 1Gbps Home Fiber Connections

Comments Filter:
  • by ChienAndalu ( 1293930 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:27PM (#25178587)
    I mean, they have to do *something* with the bandwidth
  • Sweet! (Score:5, Funny)

    by commodoresloat ( 172735 ) * on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:27PM (#25178589)

    That makes it much more likely that Japanese slashdot users will get first post!

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      Wouldn't that be the one with a station wagon full of DVDs? Or are you confusing two concepts here...

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Starmengau ( 1367783 )

      They have their own slashdot for that.
      Ironically, this isn't a front page story on

    • It wouldn't give them first post that would be ping. It will just allow them to post a few trillion times an hour.

  • Just means we would reach our cap that much sooner. And of course, the ISP's would just go off and over sell that too.

  • by RichMan ( 8097 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:36PM (#25178637)

    I thought the service providers were already complaining about individual users clogging up "the pipes".
    Giving a bigger bandwidth to end users is just asking for more backend network congestion.

    Unless they are expecting us to continue along the http: clicky traffic model with all this new bandwidth.

    YouTube and movie on demand services look more usable with this increased bandwidth.

    I suppose the service providers are drooling at the thought of pricing per gigabyte downloads along the lines of text-message pricing.

    • by Kneo24 ( 688412 )
      Service providers in the USA, afaik. Those people in Sushi-land? They apparently love giving out lots of bandwidth at affordable prices.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Then upgrade the backbone. Instead of limiting the speed for end users, invest in the backbone and eliminate the clogging. I'm guessing Japan doesn't have that big of a problem with the backbone though. (neither does Sweden it would appear, I can easily reach 100 Mbps if I download directly from someone else on a 100 Mbps connection within Sweden)

      • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 27, 2008 @02:52PM (#25179183)

        I work at tech support for one of swedens largest ISP:s (bredbandsbolaget). We're currently testing 1gbit-connections with a couple of hundred customers. I'm guessing we'll start selling to the general public within the next two years or so. ^^

    • Not in Japan (Score:5, Informative)

      by RawsonDR ( 1029682 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @02:21PM (#25178931)

      I thought the service providers were already complaining about individual users clogging up "the pipes". Giving a bigger bandwidth to end users is just asking for more backend network congestion.

      Far from it, actually. Japan is the world leader in internet infrastructure.

      See the recent study [] that quantified this into a "bandwidth quality score" for 42 countries. Japan's score was basically double everyone else. USA scored 16th, UK 24th.

      And their population is only a little less than half of the United States, but being spread out over an area 25 times smaller is really what makes adoption a bit easier for them.

      • Re:Not in Japan (Score:5, Insightful)

        by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Sunday September 28, 2008 @07:03AM (#25183591) Homepage Journal

        The idea that the size of a country is what holds it back from high speed access is a myth. Japan may be smaller than the US, but it is a lot larger than the UK and contains some really difficult terrain. Yet, they are still pushing for universal fibre access by 2010, even in small remote villages in mountainous regions.

        If it was simply a question of population density, then why does no-where in the UK have fibre yet? Why does fibre in the US seem to be stuck at 20mb?

        The reason Japan is so fast is that the government decided BB was an important infrastructure/utility, like the road and rail networks or the electricity grid, and pushed it forwards themselves. After nationalising all our publicly owned infrastructure and utilities here in the UK, we are now realising that they need to be state owned or heavily state regulated or the country as a whole suffers. I expect BB will go the same way eventually, or we will simply fall very far behind and loose out to the rest of Europe.

    • SMS is free in japan and most ISPs charge a flat rate with hard caps around 30Gigs a day (upload i believe). I'm sure this much faster service will have a cap around 500G upload per day. Almost no chance they will be charging by the gig.

  • by bconway ( 63464 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:41PM (#25178677) Homepage

    Chances are good the price you pay for your Internet access is largely irrelevant.

    • It's cheaper than what I pay for 30mbps down/2mbps up here in Germany, which would be 39.90 EUR == ~58.28 USD.
  • "synchronous" = symmetric?
    • by dubl-u ( 51156 ) * <> on Saturday September 27, 2008 @02:03PM (#25178811)

      No, it's really synchronous. That's how they can afford to do it cheaply. It works like this:

      Suppose you want to download a video. For every packet of the video you download, you need to upload one. Now naturally, you can't upload somebody else's copyrighted content. So you have to upload original video content that somebody else wants to watch.

      The main sponsors of the rollout are porn companies, because that's the only kind of marketable content most people can create. Some camwhores will probably do all right, too. And if you live in an interesting neighborhood, you can put up some webcams to meet the synchronous data requirement.

      Most people, though, won't be able to generate enough content, so they'll have to pay extra to get the synchronous requirement waved. It's sort of like how cellphone companies sell you a cheap plan, knowing they'll screw you on extras.

  • Synchronous? (Score:5, Informative)

    by 680x0 ( 467210 ) <> on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:45PM (#25178705) Journal
    What the heck is synchronous [] about these connections? Don't you mean symmetric []?
  • by rbrander ( 73222 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:50PM (#25178729) Homepage

    It must be almost 10 years now since I wrote (Ethernet inventor) Bob Metcalfe when he was an Infoworld columnist, to ask why the hell North America was building an Internet system out of wires installed for completely different purposes: a 1930's POTS network and a 1970's cable-TV network. There was much talk about the "unaffordable" trillions it would take to run fiber to every home.

    This begged the question of how we managed to run phone to every home with the much-smaller 1920's-1940's economy to draw on, then did it all again with more-expensive cable in a decade over the 1970's. And, you see, I work for a water and sewer utility and KNOW what it costs to run big, heavy, iron 6" diameter pipes both to and from your street and get payback on the capital out of the $40/month water bill, even after operating costs.

    Metcalfe had no reply, he tossed it to his readers; none of whom had an answer either, save those who wrote me by E-mail to rail against telephone monopolies and lobbyist-ruined governance.

    What's Japan going to DO with 1Gbps? By the time we find out, it'll take us over a decade to catch up, even if all the monopolies and lobbies are broken the next day. (In my business, we used to get a few gallons per day of water out of wells and have a shower once a week or so; now consumption can be a ton of water per day per person and we shower all we want, we have hot tubs and pools, kids in Nevada learn to swim, we irrigate gardens, and fill our cities with trees in arid climates: trust me, uses for bandwidth WILL arise, and our kids will wonder how we got by without.)

    Americans might want to start getting advice from the British on how you handle it, psychologically, when you wake up a decade or so into a new century and realize that you just aren't the most important nation on Earth anymore.

    • Watch streaming video without having to hit 'pause' on the player to let it fully buffer before even starting to play?

      Not have to shut down other applications because my 4 BitTorrent connections are making my email logon time out and my web browser not load images on the pages (assuming it can even load the page to begin with)?

      Lots of possibilities for new applications, but just fixing the current problems would be marvelous.

      Yeah, these problems won't be fixed without backbone upgrades, but I bet Japan does

    • by OriginalArlen ( 726444 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @03:30PM (#25179399)

      Americans might want to start getting advice from the British on how you handle it, psychologically, when you wake up a decade or so into a new century and realize that you just aren't the most important nation on Earth anymore

      You become terribly bitter and unhappy, but you try really hard not to show it. Then you invent Monty Python.

    • by rbrander ( 73222 )

      Oh, sheesh, slashdot. No, I wasn't thinking of faster downloads or gaming. I was thinking of some of that stuff WiReD promised us ten years ago: most office jobs done from home via telecommuting, equipment managed from home by telepresence.

      Telecommuting didn't take off for the same reason we have business travel in a world of phones and faxes and E-mail: because people doing business want to connect personally. 80% of human communication, we're told, is in voice tones, facial expressions, body language.

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      What's Japan going to DO with 1Gbps?

      Well, today I bought the GTA collection on Steam since it was half off. Trust me, those 8.6 GBs would go a lot, lot faster with Gbps downloads. At 1-2 minute download time, you could almost call it instant satisfaction.

  • Funny how we hear (Score:4, Insightful)

    by joeflies ( 529536 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:51PM (#25178741)

    that the world is getting more bandwidth capacity to individuals on new technology, whereas most of the US is on cable modem and we're getting new restrictions after years of unannounced restrictions placed on our bandwidth.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 27, 2008 @01:58PM (#25178785)

    Their appetite for tentacle rape porn is insatiable. I expect we'll see another bandwidth increase in about 6 months. Honestly, how much tentacle rape porn can there be in the world?!?!

  • how far does the 1Gbps go? in town only? in the local switch only?

    • If it's anything like my broadband connection here in the USA, it probably goes to the curb where it is converted into 1200bps bisync running on a Zilog 8530 (not the new fangled fancy 85230 with data FIFOs).

  • No Fair!!

    I wish I could get 1/10th of this at a decent price. Good for them though

  • This highlights exactly whats wrong in the U.S. Japan gets faster and faster speeds, the U.S. gets slower and slower. In my area, Comcast is now offering a SLOWER speed for less money (but not much less). 640 Kbps in 2008? Come on! 1/10th the speed for 1/2 the price. We're getting robbed.
    • Please state price, speed (downstream and upstream) and country.
      I pay $58/month for symetric 100Mbps in Sweden.
      • Around $45 a month, Chicago suburb (USA), just tested at about 4.5Mbps down, 1.5 Mbps up, no other significant traffic on my connection.


      • USA, 9m/2m via Cox cable, $50. They have a 40G/month cap (up+dn), but I've never noticed any slowdown when(not if) I go over. Like now. Currently, 49.9G for the month of September, just on my main machine.

        Available speeds:
        15/15 via Cox cable,
        20/20 via Verizon FIOS - $70/month
        1.5/384k via Verizon DSL - $30
      • ~20$ a month for 512kpbs down in Canada, plus 15% discount for having cable TV.

        I'd rather have 1gbps and drop my cable plan, but it doesn't look like there's good stations on IPTV (the two CNNs are a must, as would be local channels, but I can get the local ones OTA).

  • Too much (Score:3, Insightful)

    by UnixUnix ( 1149659 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @02:17PM (#25178903) Homepage
    You cannot be too rich, too thin, or have too much bandwidth :-P
  • ...than I get on my wired LAN.
  • Fuck you Comcast. Fuck you AT&T.
    Because of your greed and sloth, the US is laggard in online innovation and content delivery. Enjoy it while you can. We may have invented everything, but the Japanese are making it cooler, smaller, faster, cheaper, and more reliable than us. The snarling greed of US corporate enterprise has reared its ugly head for three decades. It has ruined our way of life and our safety and our nation. This really doesn't surprise me all that much. I pay the same price for 6Mb

    • High speed bandwidth without anything to put in it is useless. Remember, Congress is the opposite of progress in that the Senate has passed a restrictive 'IP protection' bill and sent it back to the House for another vote since they had to peel out the IP cops provision when the Justice Department told them it wouldn't fly cause it would cut into Defense's budget.

      Of course we'll never see that kind of high speed internet here in the US. The Senator from Disney would have a fit if we could pirate their ol

      • oh dear, I almost had milk come out my nose. The Senator from Disney line made me laugh harder than I have in weeks. And yet it makes me weep.

        I have long been calling them congresswhores since their services seem to be available for the right price to anyone and they're up for anything.

        It's really just the U.S. slipping its wang into the tired, loose diseased vag of fascism. The fascina. It has magical powers over people.

        It causes bad things later on when the U.S. is trying to pee. By pee, I simply mea

  • The link (fiber) may be able to handle 1gbps, but users aren't going to get that much in reality. Why not? It's the routing. Call up your favorite router vendor, and ask what it would take to route 100 gigabits. Then consider that with the density of living in Japan, you could put one of those in every neighborhood, and still not be able to get even half of the people up to full gigabit speed.

  • by thetoadwarrior ( 1268702 ) on Saturday September 27, 2008 @03:34PM (#25179429) Homepage
    then why does the island of the UK have such slow broadband?

    Some countries claim their size holds them back but the UK doesn't have that excuse. We're just getting screwed.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      It is not entirely about population or population density. There's almost as much people in London as there are people in the whole of Sweden. UK people should on average have better internet access than us swedes.

      Sweden: 9,2 million
      UK: 60 million (7 million in London)

      Land area:
      Sweden: 450 000 square kilometer
      UK: 245 000 square kilometer

      Population density:
      Sweden: 20 individuals / square kilometer
      UK: 250 individuals / square kilometer
      US: 30 individuals / square kilometers (still there should be e

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        I know (or at least some businesses claim this) that part of the problem is who owns the exist holes in the ground and how much money they want to run fiber optics and the likes of BT not wanting to pay extra to run it through their holes.

        We do have fiber at work and that's one of the joys of getting in before 8am before anyone else. The speeds I get are enough to make me cum my pants harder than any woman could do for me. :D
  • Im on a 22mb/s (small b) and I havent seen a server yet that makes use of this bandwidth. The sad thing is most web services have a capped connection speed per IP/MAC address so you can have 2,000,000Gb/s and it wont make an difference.
    • by Fumus ( 1258966 )
      Ah, but you forgot that this is an 1Gps download AND upload speed too. So you can set up your own goddamned youtube on your home server. It'll fry before you even hit half your pipe's capacity.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I've got a 30mbps connection (also with a small 'b'), and it's not a big problem to come by servers which max out my line; package updates, trailer downloads, etc. Not speaking of BitTorrent downloads. Given the right number of seeders, and the right seeding speeds, it's not problem to (theoretically, of course!), download a BD-movie rip (in around 4.4GB) in approx. 20 minutes when maxing out my line with ca. 3.7MB/s
  • If we did we would quit whining about what the telecoms offer us and let our power utility districts build us a real network.
  • Comcast is just another corrupt American business that rips off our citizens and uses our government to legalize and enforce their never ending blood sucking existence.

    Broadband is just that... and if you can not provide it... I hope your company dies a swift death so that another more serious business can move in and do the right thing.

  • FIOS (Score:2, Interesting)

    by soundguy ( 415780 )

    FWIW, I'm in the Seattle 'burbs and just got Verizon FIOS 20/20. The router claims that it's connected to the CO at 251mbps and the techs I talked to said the system and the fiber drops were capable of 1gbps. I got the impression they would have to install different switches though.

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
