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What Free IDE Do You Use? 1055

postermmxvicom writes "I program only occasionally and mostly for personal interest. I went to update my favorite free IDE, Dev C++, yesterday and noticed that it had not been updated since 2005! I went looking for other free IDEs and came across Code::Blocks and Visual Studio Express. I work from a Windows machine, use C++, and make mostly console apps; but have written a few Windows apps and D3D or OpenGL apps. I wanted to know what free IDEs you use and recommend. What do you like about them? What features do they lack? What about them irritate you (and what do you do to work around these annoyances)? For instance, when I used Visual C++ 6.0 in college, there was an error in getline that had to be fixed, and the code indenting in DevC++ needed to be tweaked to suit my liking."
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What Free IDE Do You Use?

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  • Vim (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:43AM (#28105751)
    nuf sed
    • Re:Vim (Score:5, Funny)

      by 5865 ( 104259 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @05:28AM (#28107219)
      too awk ward
  • Eclipse and Netbeans (Score:5, Informative)

    by Ethanol-fueled ( 1125189 ) * on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:44AM (#28105761) Homepage Journal
    I don't mess with C++ often but I still use Dev C++. Code::blocks wouldn't even install on my machine(or maybe it did, but never started up without a fatal error, can't remember which) and Visual Studio Express is a monstrosity which will take 45 minutes to install tons of weird crap while making your monitor flicker. Visual Studio express also allows only one programming language.

    Contrast those with Netbeans and Eclipse which are known as Java IDEs but can be configured with plugins and add-ons to do all kinds of stuff, including C/C++ development. I haven't tried either of the two for C/C++ but I believe that Eclipse would be a the good middle ground between Dev C++ and the bloated NetBeans.

    Here's [][PDF warning] a good place to start. Good luck.
    • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:09AM (#28105913) Homepage Journal

      I've used eclipse since version 2. I can't comment on it, I'm still waiting for it to open.

      I'm here all week, try the tuna salad!

      • by Dr. Hok ( 702268 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:29AM (#28106507)

        I've used eclipse since version 2. I can't comment on it, I'm still waiting for it to open.

        Huh? OK, Eclipse may start up slower than freecell, but I usually start it only once a day while I pour me a coffee. The real issue with Eclipse is that it's (almost) no use with less than 2GB memory, so it doesn't really run everywhere (yet).

        I tried it as a C++ IDE for a while and found it quite nice, only to find out that C++ sucks compared to Java (from a developer's POV). I had to look at someone else's code and it was uber-hard to locate the places where all those macros and typedefs are. I haven't found an IDE that can help you here, so I ended up grepping a lot.

        NB: As a Java developer I was mildly insulted by the fact that TFA never even bothered to mention that he's looking for an IDE for C++.

    • by whm ( 67844 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:46AM (#28106203)

      I am surprised to see you describe Netbeans as bloated when compared to Eclipse. I fought with Eclipse for years before trying out Netbeans, and have been nothing but pleased with it. More than anything, it is the bloat of Eclipse that drove me away! Plugins upon plugins upon plugins, all heaped together in some massive directory. Configuration panels that need a search box!

      My Netbeans experience has been a breath of fresh air.

    • by Sectrish ( 949413 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:50AM (#28106237) Homepage
      I also use Dev-C++ for my windows development, I find the interface to be superb in not getting in my way, while not being dog-ugly or slow.

      Conversely, I was searching for an alternative for linux (yes, I'll learn vi/vim some day, just not now), and what I found was Geany []. It starts up at the flick of a finger and manages to look a lot like Dev-C++ (perhaps more polished even). The only thing I dislike about it is its (intentional) weak project support, but that could conceivably be fixed with the nice plugin system. So, Geany is very lightweight and supports quite a lot of languages, it has its default settings such that if you have the necessary compilers installed (which is basically mostly true on most linux systems, or can be done with one line at the shell), it'll work out of the box. The same for python, perl, etc.

      Then I noticed that it also has a windows port, that comes with its own GTK+ runtime (all nicely contained in Geany's folder, and nicely uninstalled if you want), I tried it and while the first startup is not as fast (due to the GTK+ libraries needing to be loaded), all the rest is just as snappy. Ofcourse the windows version needs a little more help to get started, but not _that_ much more. All you basically have to do is install MingW [] and set your $PATH to search MingW/bin.

      So basically the only problem with Geany that still remains (for me), is that it doesn't really support projects like Dev-C++ did, so for now you basically have to make your own makefiles. This could also be viewed in a positive light ofcourse, as learning about makefiles will prove to be a good skill if you want to do some open source contribution. But I'm sure it could get tedious as well (haven't done many large projects lately), so someone developing a plugin would be really nice, and probably not too hard as well.

      Well, I've been ranting and promoting long enough now, time for Geany to promote itself, give it a spin (it's free, the only cost is your time ;) ).
    • by major_fault ( 1384069 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:22AM (#28106467) Homepage
      I have to recommend Code::Blocks. I used Dev-Cpp for a long time before Code::Blocks and I've tried Visual Studio, but Code::Blocks wins at least for now because: 1) it starts up and is mostly faster on my machine than Visual Studio, 2) it supports more than one compiler (can compile with both gcc and cc), 3) and the best part is that you can have the project directory respond to actual directory layout when you have made the project before without an IDE. If someone gets a fatal error in case of Code::Blocks was probably because of not downloading extra package with .dll-s. Also, it's safe to use it's nightly builds.
  • Emacs (Score:5, Insightful)

    by onnellinen ( 303528 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:47AM (#28105777) Homepage

    What else would you need?

  • Eclipse (Score:5, Informative)

    by cblack ( 4342 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:47AM (#28105779) Homepage

    I like Eclipse as an IDE because it supports many languages/modes and is very customizable. I mostly use it for Java, Perl and HTML/XML/CSS right now. There are MANY plugins and the context-aware help/auto-complete is very well done.

    • Re:Eclipse (Score:5, Informative)

      by El_Muerte_TDS ( 592157 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:50AM (#28106239) Homepage

      Also a great feature of eclipse is that you can install multiple copies of it on the same machine.
      This is specially useful because MANY plugins make eclipse slow. So for every major project environment (i.e. Java, or PHP, or PDT, ...) I have a separate eclipse install.

    • Re:Eclipse (Score:4, Informative)

      by buchner.johannes ( 1139593 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:13AM (#28106391) Homepage Journal

      Eclipse is pretty awesome for C aswell: Automatic Code formatting, resolving macros (and even respect them in auto-formatting).
      Yeah and what every other does: Ctrl-Click on functions to jump there, project tree, file outline, etc.

      But at the end of the day, you'll still have to think and write the code yourself :-)

    • Re:Eclipse (Score:4, Informative)

      by oldhack ( 1037484 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @09:36AM (#28109477)

      Language-sensitive reference search sold me on Eclipse. No more recursive grepping through the source tree. That was years ago, and now all IDEs seem to have that and more in varying capacity.

  • by linzeal ( 197905 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:49AM (#28105787) Journal
    I like it, just wish I could get CUSP (Lisp plugin) working in Ubuntu. If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by oGMo ( 379 )

      If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.

      Heh. If you think that, you have never written (or perhaps grokked) a single line of Common LISP in SLIME. There is nothing quite like developing your code while it's running. And debugging and changing your code. While it's still running. And, well, never really being out of your program.

      IDEs are a quaint imitation. Source analysis? Pfft. How about "active running code analysis" that's tied int

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by debatem1 ( 1087307 )

      I like it, just wish I could get CUSP (Lisp plugin) working in Ubuntu. If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.

      Let me start this out by saying that I use Eclipse daily, and that I consider that a modern environment.

      Let me qualify that statement by saying that if our ultimate ancestors had known that the eventual development of Eclipse was the price of progress, they would have stayed in the trees.

      I may be insane but 10k is nothing compared to some of the projects I've worked on using vim, and while I can't claim to be 100% satisfied, at least I don't feel like it's actively fighting me.

    • by Haeleth ( 414428 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:44AM (#28106191) Journal

      If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.

      I've worked on programs much larger than 10kloc in both Emacs and Netbeaans. I gave up on Netbeans and went back to Emacs because I was just so much more productive there -- even when working in (yuck) Java.

      It's pretty modern these days, too. It has intelligent autocomplete, it has a class browser, it has jump-to-definition, it will tell me the type of the variable under the cursor, it does code folding, it does source-level debugging ... in fact, pretty much the only thing present in "modern" IDEs that Emacs doesn't have is a point-and-drool GUI designer, and that's fine by me because I don't design GUIs.

      And it is far, far better at actually editing text than any IDE editor I've ever seen.

      Also, it reads mail. :p

    • If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.

      Hoping that I'm not about to start a flame war: why?

      I assume you're qualified to make that statement, which means you know both emacs and vi very well. Whenever you think there's something $EDITOR can't do, you have (1) searched the web for that functionality; (2) asked in the relevant IRC channel(s); and (3) asked on mailing lists, news groups, forums and the like.

      Let's see; they have (I'm most certain that I'm speaking about emacs, less certain about vi)

      • Syntax highlighting (i.e. colouring)
      • Good automatic indentation
      • Automatic auto-completion of names
      • Easy code navigation (ctags, etags, ecb-minor-mode)
      • Version control integration (M-x shell or vc-minor-mode, :!git-commit)
      • Debugger integration (M-x gdb, achida*)
      • Build system integration (:!make & or M-x shell make)
      • man page (vi) and browser integration (both emacs and vi) to view your documentation

      Uhmm... what more do you want? Especially for small 10k-line projects. Example: wminput, which translates wiimote events to uinput events, is 9236 lines (in wminput/**/*.[ch]; this doesn't include bluetooth or wiimote libraries).

      I think that if you think 10k lines even begins to stretch the capabilities of emacs (or vi), you don't know either editor very well. And you can probably find people who'd point at me and laugh (and suggest I don't know the editors very well) when I suggest that 10m begins to stretch their capabilities ;-)

      And I think they'd have a good case: at 10m lines, it's not a question of good editors but of good architectures. Good architectures will allow each developer to work on somewhere between 10 to 100 klocs at a time, not worrying about anything outside their slice of code (until they move on to their next project). [But this is wild conjecture, so take it with a bucketload of salt...]

      * pronounced "a(rrrrrhhhhh)ida", like how Stallman pronounces the chi in "LaTeX" and "TeXinfo" or ch in "Bach". I'm not sure about spelling. Search Google tech talks for Bram Molenaar if you really want to know (and hey, it's a nice talk in its own right).

    • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:06AM (#28106363)

      If anyone says Emacs or Vi they are insane and have never done 10k lines of code in a modern environment.

      While the handling of Vi or Emacs actually *is* breathtakingly bizar and unwieldy, what you're saying is not correct. If someone actually takes the time to learn to use Emacs and the extensions it offers for developement - which can take a few years - it can be the most powerfull and fast IDE out there. And it opens files upwards of 40 MB (that's Megabyte) in half a minute and then you can navigate around them with no delay at all. That league of performance is the reason I started using it. In terms of performance Emacs is the most powerfull IDE on the planet.

      Then again, I started using Emacs 3 years ago - after briefly considering the purchase of Macsperts new darling child TextMate, basically a modern Emacs rip - and I still can't bear it for longer than 10 minutes - mostly because it so totally doesn't comply with CUAS (Common User Access Standard). Yet then again, Emacs was created when CUAS didn't even exist, so that's no fault on behalf of Emacs.

      Bottom line:
      If you are willing to invest months (!) of time actively learning an IDE, the cli version of Emacs will be with you until the day you die, as it runs well on everything that uses electricity. Up from the most powerfull supercomputer using the most bizar unix variant right down to a 10-year old handheld PC.

  • by BadAnalogyGuy ( 945258 ) <> on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:50AM (#28105789)

    Keep in mind that VC++ is not the Microsoft Platform SDK. These are two completely different, albeit related, products. The SDK had a bug in getline(), but VC can't really do anything about the quality of the installed SDK.

    The best free IDE is the one that you don't have to think about, it just gives you the tools to do your job without getting in your way.

    My in-laws have a Mercedes. On the infrequent opportunities I have to drive it, I am always amazed at how well it supports my driving. It is the little things like rotating the headlights into a turn, actually automatically switching into neutral when the car comes to a stop, and auto-dimming rear view for night driving that make driving it a pleasure.

  • by jfern ( 115937 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:50AM (#28105793)

    version 7.0 RC5 came out 2 months ago.
    Wiki page with link []

  • Visual Studio (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @01:57AM (#28105839)

    As long as you don't piss yourself in disgust when Microsoft is mentioned (as many here do) - Visual Studio is actually very good.

    • Seconding this (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Unoriginal_Nickname ( 1248894 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:23AM (#28106009)

      I use Visual Studio exclusively when developing in Windows. My only complaint is the lack of multi-monitor support but that's coming in 2010.

  • What I use (Score:3, Interesting)

    by JazzXP ( 770338 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:00AM (#28105857) Homepage
    For Java & PHP development, Eclipse. Does everything I need it to. For Windows C++ development, VS2008. Work in a MS shop, so not much choice here. Mac Objective-C development, Xcode. Not much choice with this due to nib's being so intergrated with the code.
  • Turbodelphi (Score:3, Informative)

    by andersa ( 687550 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:01AM (#28105869)
    Free edition of Delphi [].
  • by EsbenMoseHansen ( 731150 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:02AM (#28105877) Homepage

    Two options that have not come up yet. KDevelop 4 is shaping up really good, but I do not think it is actually working on win32/64 yet. The other is Qt Software's offer Qt creator [] which is also getting a good deal of praise. The latter is probably extra good if you use Qt... and if you don't, I would recommend at least looking at it, since it is a very nice LGPL library.

  • by daVinci1980 ( 73174 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:03AM (#28105879) Homepage

    You hit it in the summary. I program professionally. At work, I use gcc, xcode or msvs (depending naturally on the platform).

    At home, for personal development on Windows in C++, nothing beats Visual Studio Express. It's lightweight, meaning they've trimmed out most of the stuff that you don't care about anyways for personal projects.

    As much as it might pain the free software crowd, Microsoft has done a good job with Visual Studio Express.

  • eclipse (Score:5, Informative)

    by tero ( 39203 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:03AM (#28105881)

    I swear by Eclipse - I mostly do Java these days though, but I do have it setup for C++, Perl and PHP as well.
    Good plug-in support - easy to install and update.. what's not to like? :-)

    Integrates with most versioning tools through plug-ins (CVS, SVN etc).

    Runs on all platforms. It's great.

  • Eclipse (Score:4, Informative)

    by ErikPeterson ( 912282 ) <(dexters) (at) (> on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:08AM (#28105909)
    I use Eclipse [] for all my IDE needs. I have found that it works well on any platform (and with any language) that I find myself sitting behind (or coding in). Eclipse gets my vote mainly for its very wide language AND platform support.
  • by Jartan ( 219704 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:15AM (#28105949)

    Notepad++ isn't really an IDE but it's probably the best c++ editor I've found for Windows. If you want a full blown IDE then Eclipse is probably your best bet. It's written in Java but with a little fiddling it's not too ugly. As for Dev-C++ it's probably lost support because it's written in Delphi of all things.

  • What I use(d) (Score:5, Informative)

    by Lord Lode ( 1290856 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:16AM (#28105961)

    Years ago I worked mainly in MS Windows, and I used Dev-C++ as the free IDE, because it's fast and simple.

    Then I switched to Linux. Tried KDevelop for a few days but didn't like it. Then discovered Kate, which can work as a sort of IDE, because you can open multiple documents, and open a console window at the bottom to type compile and run commands.

    Then KDE4 was release and Kate suddenly was unusable for programming (due to ruined search function). And that's when I discovered Geany, which is really nice, it has the same functionality as Kate but is more clearly geared towards programmers.

    Geany works great in Linux, I see that it's cross platform, so I guess you can also get it to work in Windows. But note that due to Windows not having the same compiler tools as Linux available by default, it might be handier in Windows to have something that comes with its own compiler like Dev-C++ :)

  • getline and IDE (Score:3, Interesting)

    by shird ( 566377 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:18AM (#28105981) Homepage Journal

    The error with getline is a bug with the library/compiler etc. This is separate from the IDE. It's not very difficult to modify the compiler/C runtime etc VC uses - its just an editor which calls out to other executables to do compilation.

    In any case - I'm sure that problem has been fixed with Visual Studio express - Microsoft actually do IDEs and compilers very well, especially with their last few iterations. 6 is pretty old.

    Personally I use vim on unix. But when doing GUI work on windows, Visual Studio is hard to beat.

  • by floydman ( 179924 ) <> on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:23AM (#28106019)

    and I keep them here: []

    It looks cute, girls get interested in the field.

  • by snookums ( 48954 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:25AM (#28106043)

    Try SharpDevelop if you ever decide to trade in C++ for C# and the .NET framework. [] []

    I'm not really a Microsoft platform coder any more, but I've used this one in the past and it's not bad. Basically a free (as in speech - LGPL) clone of VisualStudio.

  • NetBeans (Score:5, Informative)

    by timothyb89 ( 1259272 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:30AM (#28106075) Homepage

    I've been using NetBeans lately for C/C++ development, and (for the most part) it has it's usual awesome editor features. Unfortunately, the C/C++ plugin only works with the Cygwin/MinGW development tools on Windows.

    I'd say that it's most useful editing feature is it's code completion- it completes quite a few of the usual syntactical characters, and it enters them for you in a way that makes sense. Compare that to Eclipse, which only fills in (as far as I know) parenthesis and some brackets. Being accustomed to the completion NetBeans offers, I found the way Eclipse completes characters to be more frustrating than helpful.

    For example, if you have this mostly-typed statement (')' autocompleted by editor):
    some_function(something()[cursor]) might think that pressing the ';' key should make the cursor jump to the end and skip over the ')'. NetBeans will do the small things like this, where I haven't seen Eclipse do it.

    I haven't used Eclipse as much as NetBeans, so I may have missed the "turn this feature on" checkbox, but I've always found NetBeans to be a more intuitive editor. I'm not an expert C/C++ programmer (Java is my main language), so I could just be making assumptions that may be true for one language but not another. Either way, its just my $0.02.

  • by MaineCoon ( 12585 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:43AM (#28106181) Homepage

    Not free, and also no longer sold for Windows, but it's my favorite IDE of all time. I still use CW9 on Windows for anything that doesn't require absolute latest C++ compiler/libs (mainly, my MUD, which I do my dev on Windows, but run it on a Linux server).

    CodeWarrior has a feature no other current Windows-based IDE has - independent free floating edit windows without being locked into an MDI container with grey backdrop. I'd gladly pay a few hundred dollars for a modern, actively supported editor that had such a feature (I hear SlickEdit has been planning it, but they have yet to deliver).

  • by Kensai7 ( 1005287 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:44AM (#28106187)

    I'm essentially a beginner in C++ programming and at least for that language I found extremely easy and straightforward doing projects on Qt Software's free IDE. Even if you don't implement their toolkit in your projects, you can still have a stable and unbloated environment to do some serious coding.

    There is only one caveat, afaik, with Qt Creator. It's still in version 1.1.1... this means it probably misses some features (or has some not so obvious bugs) which shall probably be covered in later major releases. Nevertheless, if you bind Qt's capabilitities (ie, signals and slots) to your C++ projects there is no better IDE to unleash your productivity!

    You can have more information and download your free copy here [].

  • by syousef ( 465911 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:45AM (#28106201) Journal

    Vi is one editor every professional should know the basics of because it's very feature complete and versatile. Emacs is more specialized but I'm not knocking it. However if you're developing today, you need to move away from modal editors that have awful help systems and no menus. They simply don't encourage learning and get in your way if you're away from the editor for too long and have to try to remember obscure commands (or look them up!). Note they are EDITORS. An IDE does much much more. You should also be using IDEs and editors that support multiple languages. Gone are the days when a computer professional could afford to know just one or two languages. Who the hell wants to learn the quirks of different editors for each one?

    • by backwardMechanic ( 959818 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:21AM (#28106463) Homepage

      They simply don't encourage learning and get in your way

      That's exactly why I just gave up on Eclipse, and decided to finally learn to use vi well. Modern IDE's try to do far too much. The last straw with Eclipse was when I wanted (as an inexperienced new user) to write a very short C++ file to test an idea. Eclipse forced me to jump through hoops, defining a project and suchlike. Many of my files are not a project, they're a short self-contained piece of code to do something specific. For coding, I want an editor with syntax highlighting, and a command line. I'm not averse to the right tool - I'm also a happy Qt-designer user, but I'm writing the code with vim.

  • DEATH TO PROJECTS (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Chris Snook ( 872473 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @02:48AM (#28106221)

    I've used several different IDEs, with several different languages, for many different programming tasks, over the past decade. I have encountered exactly one instance where having a "project" be anything more than a collection of files I work on at the same time was actually a good thing. Every other time it has simply been an obstacle to bottom-up design, by forcing me to make a lot of decisions about the structure of my code before most of it had actually been written.

    The one time the project-oriented IDE was a good thing, I was working on a large app with more than a dozen people who never got to all meet at once, with a central authority dictating the general structure of things to make sure we didn't duplicate effort or step on each others' toes. There was AI involved, so having an integrated debugger to figure out why the AI was making particular choices was very useful. Kdevelop served us very well.

    Of course, large development teams are inefficient and prone to communication problems that cause delays and bugs, so they should be avoided whenever possible, just like top-down design. Most of the time, I'm either working on incremental modifications to mature code, where a glorified source browser is sufficient, or writing a small utility from scratch by myself, where I really just need a text editor and a command line. I generally use kscope for the former, and kate for the latter. They get out of the way and let me code.

    Sure, I still use a debugger, but the overwhelming majority of the time it's to analyze dumps from crashes I can't reproduce easily, so integrating it with the IDE offers no benefit. A debugger is no substitute for understanding the code, and I can count on one hand the number of times there have been enough control flow-relevant variables being modified at once to make that something I couldn't work out in my head or on a whiteboard.

  • Geany! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by R3dL3d ( 1072474 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:14AM (#28106409)
    Geany [] is small, fast, and has the basic features I need. It has syntax highlighting for everything from Assembly to Latex, Java, C, C++, HTML, you name it. And (very important) it stays the hell out of my face and just lets me do the job. I love it.
  • Qt Creator (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Capt. Beyond ( 179592 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:23AM (#28106469)

    I use Qt Creator, xemacs and vim. On all platforms.

  • Code::Blocks (Score:3, Informative)

    by apharmdq ( 219181 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:42AM (#28106581)

    I used DevC++ for quite some time until I found out that it was out of date as well. Since then I've used Code::Blocks, and I find it to be quite an improvement. Since it's cross platform, working on different operating systems is pretty easy too.

    KDevelop is my alternative choice. For all intents and purposes, KDevelop is my favorite IDE, but since it's only on Linux at the moment, Code::Blocks is my best choice for now. (Still, KDevelop is quite powerful, and I'm eagerly awaiting the cross-platform release.)

    Eclipse is also a great choice, though I haven't used it nearly as much. I feel it's a little more focused on Java development, but many /.ers swear by it, so it's probably worth a try.

    And on a final note, I've been using Vim a lot more often lately, and with the IDE plugins detailed in the Ars Technica article [], I may make that my IDE of choice in the near future. (For others, there's Emacs. Both are great, take your pick.)

  • by sardaukar_siet ( 559610 ) on Wednesday May 27, 2009 @03:54AM (#28106641)
    ... but Visual Studio Express is actually quite good. I'm a Linux guy, and I use Komodo Edit (I do mostly "dynamic language" development now) and before that I used Eclipse for C/C++ and Java, and although Eclipse gets a lot of things right, it can't beat Visual Studio's breadth of features and simplified work-flow. Of all the things MS has done over the years, VS is hands down (IMHO) the best. They don't give it away with all the features so as to not kill the 3rd party market, but it's clear nothing out there in Win[32/64] land comes close (especially for C++ and C#).

Help fight continental drift.
