XHTML 2 Cancelled 222
Jake Lazaroff writes "According to the W3 News Archive, the charter for the XHTML2 Working Group — set to expire on December 31st, 2009 — will not be renewed. What does this mean? XHTML2 will never be a W3C recommendation, so get on the HTML 5 bandwagon now. According to the XHTML FAQ, however, the W3C does 'plan for the XML serialization of HTML to remain compatible with XML.' Looks like with HTML 5, we'll get the best of both worlds."
Good (Score:5, Informative)
html and xhtml (Score:2)
I know a lot of web developers who dont know the difference between XHTML and HTML
I've used both, and because of the strictness and use of lower case tags of xhtml I prefer it. Maybe there's only a few people it bothers but using all large cap tags bothers me. I also like it that xhtml separates content from structure. I don't know much about html5 but I hope it includes these.
The HMTL5 spec is quite readable,but if you've not taken a stab at working with HTML5 (it runs all browsers) yet this article sho
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The thing is, you're not really serving XHTML to the browser, the browser still interprets it as text/html. The DOCTYPE does nothing except trigger standards mode in IE.
Unless you're actually getting your server to send content-type: application/xhtml+xml in the response header (which IE6 can't handle, so nobody does it), the browser just treats it as malformed HTML (technically, >br /> is invalid HTML).
I code in XHTML "style" (lowercase, self-closing tags, etc) as well, but "strictness" doesn't real
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If you're going to send the header, you might as well detect what it supports first, and send application/xhtml+xml if it's supported. It's a simple stristr() on HTTP_ACCEPT. I've been doing it an all of my sites since I started with PHP, and do it with Perl and Python as well..
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Neither of these are unique features of XHTML. HTML is case insensitive, so you can use lower case tags if you wish, and XHTML 1 has exactly the same semantics as HTML 4.01, so XHTML and HTML are equally strict and separate content from structure to exactly the same extent.
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I know a lot of web developers who dont know the difference between XHTML and HTML, and I hear XHTML as a buzzword all the time.
Duh. Everyone knows that the "X" is for Xtreme! It's Xtreme HTML, right?
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Duh. Everyone knows that the "X" is for Xtreme! It's Xtreme HTML, right?
Brought to you by Doritos, Mountain Dew and the W3C.
Re:Good (Score:5, Insightful)
The main key is, that, while HTML5 is based on the superior SGML (because of more freedom), XHTML had started to enforce strictness and cleanness. This meant the browser did not have to support a ton of typos, just because the editor was a freakin' lazy ass. Imagine a compiler that would eat any typo. Missing brackets, braces, semicolons, object-function separators, completely meaningless semantic messes. HTML4 browsers eat it all.
It is horrible, and actively supports the dumbing down of people. (Those who want to write websites.)
Face it: If they have to, they will learn it. Nobody is too stupid for that. Some just repeat so often that they are stupid, that they actually become stupid. But this can be reversed in exactly the same way. (Ask any psychotherapist about self-fulfilling prophecies.)
Another great feature of XHTML, was its modularity and cross-language features.
You could integrate XHTML, SVG, MathML, etc, into one document. Imagine a P tag inside a SVG circe, containing a math formula, and you begin to understand the sheer power of that concept.
Now if they implement HTML5 right, and we get the same cleanness that XHTML 1.1 had (Strict only. No transitional shit.), and they add cross-language abilities too (trough SGML), then I'm all for it!
But if not, this could be a huge step backwards, into the web development mess of IE6 times!
Re:Good (Score:5, Interesting)
So, what you're saying is that the computer works for people instead of the other way around?
Re:Good (Score:4, Insightful)
But by working that way, the computer encourages people to create unreadable messes, that other developers can't easily understand.
Simpler parsing rules are more a boon for the people than for the computers. Think about it.
Re:Good (Score:5, Insightful)
No, what it means is that the computer tries to guess what some dyslexic jackass who insists on writing code despite being functionally illiterate and proud of it meant. Since we have no sentient computers yet, and since the markup diarrhea these people produce would be challenging even for a human to decrypt, the task is hopeless, and the websites that result will break in fascinating ways with each new browser version, or whenever whoever visits them has a different screen resolution than the "designer", or the stars are not just right. And whenever that happens, the website gets replaced by a new, equally broken version, and the designer gets paid for delivering said abomination.
And of course whenever the browser fails to extract meaning from the chaos that would horrify even Cthulhu, it's the user who gets blamed: he didn't use the right version of the right browser, running at the right resolution, with the right versions of the right plugins installed. That, or he has Linux installed on another and unrelated machine.
Re:Good (Score:4, Insightful)
It is horrible, and actively supports the dumbing down of people.
This is where I take issue with your argument. I completely agree that having the page break catastrophically when there was an error would be easier and better for people who design websites professionally (like me), especially in this day and age.
However, I don't believe that it supports the dumbing down of people, I believe it support less knowledgeable users. To use the compiler as an example, when my sister-in-law learned programming, she learned Java; to get to the point where she could do basic things like "hello world," she had to instantiate objects and call functions. My wife learned with php, and she had to type one line, a command and a string. The barrier for entry was much lower and she was rewarded much faster, thereby gaining a greater desire to learn more.
Br. At the time, browsers taking incorrect HTML was the same philosophy: you lower the barrier of entry. When someone writes a lot of web pages, they tend to become more knowledgeable, not less. There are exceptions that make everyone serious about the craft cringe and want to beat their heads against a brick wall, but for the most part skills are progressing. I don't know whether the web landscape would be better or worse right now if they'd required strict HTML for every web site, but I can tell you that a lot of people who were enthusiastic supporters and creators of web pages in the early days wouldn't have gone down that route had the barrier for entry been higher.
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I blame development tools.
Every web browser should have a development mode where it will tell you about simple syntax problems with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and so on. This should have been standard since day one! I mean, really simple things that won't bloat the browser. Complex things like validation can be handled with extensions, like the Web Developer and HTML Validator extensions for Firefox.
Most people I know who do web development aren't aware of a simple typo here and there, and it's hard to vali
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Imagine a compiler that would eat any typo. Missing brackets, braces, semicolons, object-function separators, completely meaningless semantic messes.
Must... resist... must... resist...PHP! Bloody PHP! Bloody E_NOTICE!
Oh dear, there goes my karma...
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Must... resist... must... resist...PHP! Bloody PHP! Bloody E_NOTICE!
Oh dear, there goes my karma...
In attempt to preserve your "karma", I give you asolution:
.': '.$message.' at '.$filename.' ('.$line.').'); }
function errorHandler($code, $message, $filename, $line) { die($code
You know, less talk, more action
P.S.: You could also throw an exception, which is the most convenient option, as you can handle the errors in some cases.
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HTML 5 is based on the DOM. The HTML4-compatible syntax is defined from scratch, it isn't based on SGML because no web browser actually parses SGML correctly. Most of them don't do HTML4.01 fully for that matter (IE doesn't do simple things like <q>, Moz doesn't support all the weird table-column align stuff...).
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HTML5 comes in two forms.
It comes in an SGML-inspired format, that is not strictly SGML but matches real word HTML almost exactly. The big difference from HTML4 besides the new tags is that it does not use a DTD, nor does it support the shortag features of SGML, with the exception of the short attribute feature. Thus "<title/</<body/".
(Yes, that has three open brackets, zero close brackets, and 3 slashes) is not valid HTML5, despite being valid HTML4. (At least once you add the DTD).
There is also a
XML mode and separating author/browser concerns (Score:3, Informative)
Now if they implement HTML5 right, and we get the same cleanness that XHTML 1.1 had (Strict only. No transitional shit.), and they add cross-language abilities too (trough SGML), then I'm all for it!
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The main key is, that, while HTML5 is based on the superior SGML (because of more freedom), XHTML had started to enforce strictness and cleanness. This meant the browser did not have to support a ton of typos, just because the editor was a freakin' lazy ass. Imagine a compiler that would eat any typo. Missing brackets, braces, semicolons, object-function separators, completely meaningless semantic messes. HTML4 browsers eat it all.
Totally wrong. One of the most important rules in software is: "be liberal in
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In the ideal world, software would *do what I mean*, not *do what I say*.
No it shouldn't, and the reason is quite simple. And no, it's not 'elitism' or any of those red herrings you're throwing.
Lack of formalized languages has done enough harm elsewhere, you can take a relatively complex phrase in English and two people will come up with two different meanings for it. Perhaps they'll only differ sightly, perhaps not, but chances are they won't be perfectly interchangeable. Extrapolate that to software, and you have pretty much the same situation as today only worse: IE interpret
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Except it does add new features, XML namespaces to start. Embedded RDF, SVG, MathML, and endless other possibilities. You can embed XUL in XHTML in Mozilla, for instance, or vice versa. Plain old HTML has none of these. Plus, stricter rendering that doesn't confuse CSS parsers makes debugging stylesheets much easier.
XHTML merged (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:XHTML merged (Score:5, Informative)
They should have XMLized HTML in the first place.
They did. It's called XHTML.
Unless you mean XML-ise HTML 3.2 or earlier, but I believe XML didn't exist back then.
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They should have XMLized HTML in the first place.
They did. It's called XHTML.
And now it's failed. What does that tell us?
Re:XHTML merged (Score:4, Informative)
That most web page authors are too incompetent to even follow XML's validity rules, let alone HTML's?
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XHTML 2 is being canceled not because it failed, but because the only advantage over XHTML 1 was being more modular, which nobody really cared about. Besides, HTML5 will define XHTML5, which will be a significant improvement on XHTML 1.
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Ditto. XHTML is just another "combined technology" term like DHTML (although standardised) imho; it was an incomplete compromise between two still-developing technologies.
XHTML's demise was a natural one. HTML is the foremost "static" web language, and has been for decades already; it is only normal that the "best" of other lesser-used languages be integrated into it to make a more performant protocol whole.
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XHTML would have been great standard.
When fed invalid XHTML, the browser chokes, which would have gone a long way to eliminating much of the crap code, and crap "web developers" out there.
I don't see why it's the browsers business to be THAT lenient, and second guess the developer all the time.
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Exactly. XHTML is not that hard to get right, and it makes a web page "clean" in that there doesn't have to be any guessing going on in the browser to figure out what a page designer wants.
The best thing in the world would have been browsers adapting a rigid HTML standard to begin with and browsers simply saying "Sorry, this page has invalid HTML" on bad pages.
I can dream, can't I?
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Yes, we can dream.
How lazy do you have to be not to close your tags, and nest them properly? It's a low barrier, but given people's infinite laziness, they will write their code until it is just not-too-crappy to render in IE. Then call it a day.
A strict standard would also give MS less wiggle room to subvert the standard in their IE implementation of it.
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Getting a web page clean is a hard problem ... when you accept user input in something approaching HTML format, like /. does. Or we can all be forever subjected to incomplete wiki-style markup that can only do about half of what the user wants. I find myself constantly going back to html in mediawiki to get the formating I want - whether mediawiki supports it or not, I don't know, because at some point the wiki markup gets to be just as convoluted and hard-to-read as html, so I use HTML. Other times, I k
Re:XHTML merged (Score:4, Informative)
Getting a web page clean is a hard problem ... when you accept user input in something approaching HTML format, like /. does
No it is not. Have php run the user input through tidy. Even if it doesn't display as the user wanted in their browser, at least it displays consistently between browsers which is more important imho. Just go. Install it now in php [php.net]. Seriously, if you are not checking html code coming in from users, something is not right. They could destroy your page with some of those unclosed tags.
Re:XHTML merged (Score:5, Insightful)
Getting a web page clean is a hard problem ... when you accept user input in something approaching HTML format, like /. does.
No it isn't. You should not ever, ever, be inserting user-provided HTML directly in to a document. If you do, then well done, you've just created a cross-site scripting vulnerability. And you've let pranksters submit <!-- and hide half of your page.
The correct way of handling user-provided HTML is to parse it with an HTML parser, construct a DOM tree, navigate this stripping out any tags that aren't on your whitelisted set, and then use the result. Most of the time, you want to run it through a very relaxed HTML parser because hand-typed HTML in a web form is likely to be full of errors. When you dump the DOM tree as HTML, it can be XHTML 1, HTML 3.2, or any other dialect you want.
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Seconded. Drupal doesn't parse it directly, but it does use regex replacement to strip out tags an administrator declares unacceptable (usually everything except tables, lists, the basic formatting tags, and links). The only user who defaults to having full HTML (unstripped) is the root user, and you still have to enable another module to allow direct insertion of PHP.
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But when people put <a hrefhttp://www.goatse.cx> in the comments, you can end up with the rest of the page being a hyperlink to some horrible picture. That's not a good thing, and you need to do some checking to stop that from happening.
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A key feature of html5 is that is specifies the algorithms to use when normalizing poorly formed markup. It doesn't eliminate ambiguous cases, but it gets rid of many of them, meaning that the presentation and DOM should almost always be the same, regardless of the browser.
Re:XHTML merged (Score:5, Insightful)
XHTML would have been great standard.
When fed invalid XHTML, the browser chokes, which would have gone a long way to eliminating much of the crap code, and crap "web developers" out there.
I don't see why it's the browsers business to be THAT lenient, and second guess the developer all the time.
The problem is, a lot of web pages today are not a single coherent document, they're a bunch of little code fragments concatenated together (template, content, advertising, etc.). When coders get sloppy, this can result in invalid markup. When browsers choke, the content producer may have no idea how to fix the problem - it may not even be their problem.
What HTML5 tries to do is clearly define exactly how broken markup is supposed to be handled, so all browsers can try to "second guess the developer" in exactly the same way.
Kudos to Firefox for reigniting the browser war. In Browser War 2.0, all the major players are striving toward standards compliance, trying to bring their behavior in line with a single unified goal instead of adding their own proprietary features to HTML itself. Five years from now, when IE6 and IE7 are as distant a memory as IE4 and IE5 are now, web development is going to be a lot easier.
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trying to bring their behavior in line with a single unified goal instead of adding their own proprietary features to HTML itself.
I guess that's why Mozilla implemented support for the Ogg Theora codec with the tag? Because that's not in any standard. Firefox 3.5 added a proprietary extension that is not based on any existing standard.
Drafts can change any time. HTML5 is nothing but a draft now.
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Slashdot's idea of "plain text" differs from that of any rational human. The option you're looking for is labeled "extrans".
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Yes, and unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this is how support for the two leading hi-def formats is right now:
Chrome 2: Supports both Theora and H.264
Safari 4: Supports H.264
Firefox 3.5: Supports Theora
IE 8: Supports neither.
Congratulations, between the 4 largest browsers we've managed to have all four possibilities you can have with two booleans (2^2)!
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Good compilers still choke on syntax error, you idiot. Hell, scripting language will crash immediately if you made a syntax error too.
XHTML isn't worse than programming language compilers and interpreters. It won't detect wrong semantics if you didn't use what you needed but it chokes on syntax error, malformed tag, which is a GOOD thing.
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Good compilers still choke on syntax error, you idiot.
And if you downloaded a program and it choked when you tried to use it, you'd download a different one, now wouldn't you?
Your plan only works if all of the browser vendors promise to obey it all at the same time. The first vendor to break the promise wins.
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Agreed. XHTML was rather pointless. It didn't add any particularlly interesting features, made pages more difficult to author, and its claim that it made life easier for browser authors was belied by poor support and slow rendering. Making things more "XMLish" with closed tags and quoted attributes was a good idea, but in reality writing XML-conformant CSS/Javascript XML was a pain in the butt and usually not done.
I suppose XHTML might have been useful as part of a document management/transformation system,
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We made great use of it once in an internal web-based system. There was a command-line client that basically just did a GET/POST and then parsed the xhtml with an xml parser to display the output, which made implementing that a doddle. Coding the website to be xhtml compliant added very little overhead, much less than defining a whole separate soap service or similar.
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Yes, that sounds like a perfect application for XHTML.
I wish more people were arguing along your lines instead of simply claiming that it's Better(TM) [actually it slows down page loads considerably while offering no new features], or wishfully thinking it would eliminate their competition for jobs.
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> The ability to parse a web document using native XML methods is pointless?
In the general sense, yes. Web documents are nearly always served to web browsers, and every single web browser does a faster & better job of parsing HTML over XHTML.
As I mentioned, there certainly are cases when XML can be useful, but the usual situation of serving content to end users isn't one of them.
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Lazy? Writing messy HTML takes more effort than writing clean XHTML. If you use a decent editor -- one that can take advantage of the structure and parseability of XML to provide validation, auto-completion, etc. on the fly -- then XHTML practically writes itself.
Re:XHTML merged (Score:4, Insightful)
Bullshit. Every person on Earth should be allowed, and encouraged, to create web pages. I hate this elitist crap.
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Bullshit. Every person on Earth should be allowed, and encouraged, to create web pages. I hate this elitist crap.
You're conflating 'putting content on the web' with 'writing HTML'. They don't mean the same thing.
There is something to be said for your perspective, though: The majority of the 'tag soup' that's crufted up the Web these days is software-generated, not hand-crafted by so-called stupid users.
XHTML would have forced makers of stupid (i.e. non-XML-compliant) software applications to fix their engines. That would have required lots of effort, but the value of such an effort is philosophically similar to enforc
Re:XHTML merged (Score:5, Insightful)
But, XHTML has corrected many wrong thing that HTML developpers used to do.
No it hasn't! Writing valid code (be it HTML 4.01, XHTML, or HTML 5) and checking it with a validator [w3.org] is what has corrected many wrong things that HTML developers used to do. Valid HTML 4.01 is still just as legitimate as XHTML ever was.
Well this is a surprise... (Score:2, Insightful)
Much like the sun rising in the east tomorrow. I never quite understood what w3c thought it was doing trying to override browser developers.
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Much like the sun rising in the east tomorrow. I never quite understood what w3c thought it was doing trying to override browser developers.
Yea, the W3C should have let the browser makers create their own non-compatible markups so we'd have a worthless web. Or one dominated by a single company, sorry to be repetitive.
Yawn (Score:2, Insightful)
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To paraphrase Jean Chrétien: "It's not a good [standard], it's just the best we 'ave".
"...we'll get the best of both worlds." (Score:2)
Best or worst?
CSS 3 spec (Score:5, Insightful)
More importantly, when are they going to finish the CSS3 spec?
I love that HTML5 is getting pushed to the forefront and browsers are advancing more than ever, but as a web designer that CSS3 spec needs to get done and pushed on the browser developers because it will be another 2 - 5 years before mass adoption and I'm pretty tired of CSS2.1's limitations.
Re:CSS 3 spec (Score:4, Informative)
There is no "CSS3 spec". There is a whole bunch of separate specs all advancing along the REC track separately. They're at various stages of readiness.
For example, CSS Namespaces is in CR ("spec work done, implement it please"). It'll become a REC once there is a test suite and two interoperable implementations and the various paperwork involved in becoming a REC is done.
Selectors Level 3, CSS Color Level 3, CSS Multi-column layout are all in Last Call, with the next step being either CR or PR (PR is "this is done implemented and all; just needs sign-off from the W3C staff"). Same for Media Queries, CSS Basic User Interface, CSS Marquee Level 3, CSS Print Profile, etc.
Was there a particular part of "CSS3" you were interested in seeing specced and implemented?
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That's the whole problem. All the experts are working for the browser vendors. The W3C never had any business overriding them. Css3 will never happen (standardized & widely implemented). But of course the relevant bits have long been implemented and now those await standardization. It would be nice if w3c bureaucracy could catch up here.
Basically what's wrong here is that after a agile start in the nineties, w3c turned into yet another standards organ. Essentially, for most of the past ten years they've
No more compound documents? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:No more compound documents? (Score:4, Informative)
XHTML 1 is basically HTML4 with the added requirement that the document must also be well-formed XML. This is useful, because it allows you to put any other arbitrary (but properly-namespaced) XML data in the same file. XHTML 2 was meant to dramatically reduce the number of valid tags, clean up HTML even more than HTML 4 did, and split the spec into a large collection of smaller standards. No one really liked it; it was developed in the traditional W3C 'let's create a new standard without thinking too hard about how it will be implemented' way.
HTML 5 is an evolution of HTML 4 backed by people who actually implement these standards and developed in a more incremental way. Unlike HTML 4, HTML 5 doesn't specify the representation. It has SGML and XML bindings. HTML 5 with the SGML binding looks like classic HTML, HTML 5 with the XML binding looks like XHTML. HTML 5 with the XML binding has all of the advantages of XHTML; you can mix it with any other XML data in the same file, and have a unified DOM tree.
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``HTML 5 with the XML binding has all of the advantages of XHTML; you can mix it with any other XML data in the same file, and have a unified DOM tree.''
Thanks for pointing that out. Suddenly, I don't resent HTML5 anymore.
And yes, I lower my head in shame for not having found that out on my own. I've been too busy with other things to find time to try finding good things about something that has been promoted as everything I never wanted HTML to become.
Re:No more compound documents? (Score:4, Informative)
"XHTML 1 is basically HTML4 with the added requirement that the document must also be well-formed XML"
It also deprecated a lot of the older tags that were made obsolete by CSS hence encouraging better separation of document structure and presentation. Unfortunately HTML5 undoes this particular good work because it caters to the lowest common denominator (i.e. bad developers who don't "get" separation of concerns and trivially parsable markup).
"HTML 5 is an evolution of HTML 4 backed by people who actually implement these standards and developed in a more incremental way."
The problem is, those people implementing those standards have proven time and time again how incompetent they are at implementing those standards. The state of standards compliance in browsers has for well over a decade been utterly shameful and that really goes for Firefox as much as it does IE. I'd argue it's those who use the standards that know best - people building the biggest sites on the net because they're the ones who need the markup to be able to support large scale application development. Browser vendors need to be able to implement that standard, don't get me wrong, but putting faith in them as the ones who guide the standards has time and time again proven disastrous - look at the HTML5 video tag debacle for perhaps the most recent example.
I'm not disagreeing with you though, XHTML2 wasn't brilliant, but I'm not convinced HTML5 is even any better than XHTML1 which was also an evolution of HTML4 and IMHO a better one. It was designed with those people building enterprise applications for the web in mind rather than joe average, who is more content using the likes of MySpace and Facebook to manage their content for them in the first place.
Of course, HTML5 can do everything XHTML does for the reasons you state, but sadly it seems to encourage bad practice whereas XHTML discouraged it. One final beef I have with HTML5 is that accessibility seems to have been ignored in it's creation, for example there were no real efforts to ensure easy inclusion of subtitles the previously proposed audio/video formats. Again, we really just don't seem to be any further on with web standards than we were at the start of the decade and again, the people to blame are the browser vendors as much as the W3C and it's allowed not particularly ideal or portable proprietary tools such as Flash to gain a lot of ground as a result.
Re:No more compound documents? (Score:5, Informative)
It also deprecated a lot of the older tags that were made obsolete by CSS hence encouraging better separation of document structure and presentation. Unfortunately HTML5 undoes this particular good work because it caters to the lowest common denominator (i.e. bad developers who don't "get" separation of concerns and trivially parsable markup).
I think you read a different version of HTML 5 to me. It still deprecates or removes all of the tags that HTML 4 and XHTML 1 removed, for example removing the center and font tags which were only deprecated by HTML 4.
Where it introduces new tags, it is for expressiveness. A lot of the 'separation of content and presentation' folks seem to think that HTML just needs three tags; span, div, and object. HTML 5 doesn't add more presentation elements, but it does add more tags with well-defined semantics. Examples of this include section and nav tags. These don't specify anything about the presentation, they just indicate that a part of the document is a section, or a set of navigation commands. A mobile browser, for example, might have an option to hide and show the nav section to conserve screen space.
Take a look at the current draft of HTML 5 [w3.org]. You'd be hard-pressed to find anything presentation-related. Presentation still goes in the stylesheets, HTML 5 just adds tags for common things so you don't need quite so many class attributes.
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"Presentation still goes in the stylesheets, HTML 5 just adds tags for common things so you don't need quite so many class attributes."
Even if that were true, it still leads to the issue of inconsistency where you have half your markup using these pre-defined tags and the other half using the classic spans and divs because there aren't generically predefined tags. It also means that more likely that not, as the web evolves some of those tags will become obsolete and just unneeded cruft on the spec.
The reaso
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> Examples of this include section and nav tags
I find this encouraging because it starts to make HTML actually "semantic" for real world web pages, as opposed to the physics paper approach of pretending everything is a heading, paragraph, or generic block (DIV).
Re:No more compound documents? (Score:5, Insightful)
I think this attitude is more a case of wishful thinking and sometimes outright denial rather than than reality. Take a look at some of these, for instance:
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Count me in as one of the "give me more expressiveness" crowd. Span, div, and object are good enough for most purposes, but have their own problems. Writing [X]HTML/CSS pages for all media--conventional browser, print, and screen readers--is a bear. Having sane defaults for tags like STRONG and EM--that is, a certain inflection for the screen reader, and a decent-looking print default--saves developers a lot of time.
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That's not true, check the spec such as here for some good examples:
http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/graphics.html#h-15.2.1 [w3.org]
Stuff like bold, italic and so forth which are clearly presentational rather than structural elements aren't deprecated in HTML4.01 and similarly are not so in HTML5 although the meaning has changed somewhat it's not ideal.
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AC is right. XHTML 1.0 is almost identical to HTML 4.01 semantically. Element types like <b> and <i> aren't deprecated in either. Read the specs.
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So treat the B tag as the STRONG tag and the I tag as the EM tag (that is, semantically identical) and you have structural elements (because, unless I'm misunderstanding the point here, EM and the like were chosen to replace B, I, etc. because of screen readers and such, not because they weren't semantically important).
Something wrong with doing this?
Re:No more compound documents? (Score:5, Informative)
No, HTML 5 has an XML serialisation and a tag-soup-compatible serialisation that, yes, looks like classic HTML, but in fact isn't based on SGML. It's based on the way popular browsers parse HTML rather than what they are supposed to do according to previous HTML specifications. One consequence of this is that obscure parts of previous versions of HTML that are not well-supported by popular browsers are not supported by HTML 5 - it's not completely backwards-compatible with previous versions of HTML.
Sounds like a few people are confused... (Score:5, Informative)
XHTML 1 was the XML-ization of the existing HTML 4 stuff.
XHTML 2 was a new HTML version that sought to remove lots of HTML cruft (including non-XML syntax) and add new capabilities. Basically, it was working toward a new HTML version. This effort has died, because browser makers are not behind it - they are all behind HTML 5.
HTML 5 has always had an XML profile called XHTML 5, and that won't go away.
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HTML 5 has always had an XML profile called XHTML 5, and that won't go away.
So, we should still be ensuring that all tags have matching close tags? What will the document header be?
I have been told that making page uses XML compatible HTML makes for a more predictable browsing experience and also lowers memory requirements. This being the case I will try to maintain the approach, on the condition that I can take advantage of HTML5.
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So, we should still be ensuring that all tags have matching close tags?
All tags that need a closing tag should have one, yeah. singular tags like br and img simply close themselves, <br /> , <img src="blah" />
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Well, I think the most important thing will be, how strict the browsers will actually be.
If they are just as strict as with XHTML 1.1, then we will get easily parsable, nicely crawlable (eg. by Google) and always properly rendered pages, no matter if it's XML or not. (Although it is sad, that it is not SGML anymore, as I read.)
If they are as "forgiving" (read: crappy messes of interpreters that foster laziness and stupidity) as HTML 4 Transitional browser engines, then we can say goodbye to Google's search
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Yeah, it's a good thing everyone has been using valid XHTML since 1996; Google would just fall apart if it had to crawl non-valid HTML.
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> So, we should still be ensuring that all tags have matching close tags?
Only if you want to use the XML serialization.
> What will the document header be?
Not sure what this is asking.
> I have been told that making page uses XML compatible HTML makes for a more predictable
> browsing experience and also lowers memory requirements.
Tossing in random "/>" has no such effect. Properly nesting your tags (i.e. avoiding ) most certainly helps reduce memory requirements.
With HTML5 the browsing experie
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> What will the document header be?
Not sure what this is asking.
The doctype.
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The doctype.
Not sure you'll like the answer : ) :
<!doctype html>
I believe because they wanted to keep it short and simple, and hixie doesn't believe in versioning HTML - having a version-less doctype forces people to keep it backwards-compatible when html6 rolls around. Perhaps someone else who followed the process better can chime in here.
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And even that was only kept in for backwards-compatibility reasons: it's the shortest "doctype" needed to trigger standards mode in all current (non-HTML5-aware) browsers.
Thing is, the XML serialization doesn't really need a doctype (and never has; XHTML1 without the doctype is not conformant, but works just fine in any reasonable XML processor), and the non-XML one is no longer an SGML application, so a doctype doesn't actually make sense.
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So, we should still be ensuring that all tags have matching close tags?
Well, its not going to hurt, even if it won't magically transform stuff into "proper" XML.
What will the document header be?
Anything that cares is supposed to look at the MIME type that it s served with.
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You've been told wrong. Making your HTML or XHTML valid [w3.org] does make for a more predictable browsing experience, and may even lower memory requirements. Writing HTML that looks a bit like XML (e.g., using self-closing tags) and then serving it as HTML is completely pointless [hixie.ch].
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There are no SGML parts of HTML 5. It's not an SGML application at all.
And it doesn't break backwards compatibility. In fact, not breaking backwards compatibility is one of its key design goals (unlike XHTML2).
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I don't understand why they don't just go ahead and drop the SGML parts of HTML 5
If they were going to do that, they might as well have dropped the HTML bits of HTML 5 and, on the blank sheet of paper, wrote "WRITE AN XML SCHEMA THAT MATCHES YOUR DOCUMENT AND THEN FORMAT IT WITH CSS"
(Just a few details missing, like I don't see how to embed Javascript...)
HTML 5 parsing is just awful. (Score:4, Insightful)
At least with XML you have a simple, well-defined way to convert the XML text to a tree. With HTML 5, there's only "well-defined error handling". Read the sort-of specification [whatwg.org] for this.
Here's what's supposed to happen for just one of the hard cases. (There are dozens of other cases, some at least as ugly.) Parsing is in "body" mode (normal content) and an end tag whose tag name is one of: "a", "b", "big", "code", "em", "font", "i", "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u" has been encountered.
Follow these steps:
If there is no such node, or, if that node is also in the stack of open elements but the element is not in scope, then this is a parse error; ignore the token, and abort these steps.
Otherwise, if there is such a node, but that node is not in the stack of open elements, then this is a parse error; remove the element from the list, and abort these steps.
Otherwise, there is a formatting element and that element is in the stack and is in scope. If the element is not the current node, this is a parse error. In any case, proceed with the algorithm as written in the following steps.
Otherwise, append whatever last node ended up being in the previous step to the common ancestor node, first removing it from its previous parent node if any.
Re:HTML 5 parsing is just awful. (Score:4, Informative)
Now try to imagine Microsoft, Opera, Mozilla, and Google implementing that compatibly.
I believe they already do, for the most part. HTML5 parsing rules were mostly reverse-engineered from existing browsers' HTML parsing rules, which are more or less consistent across modern browsers, so it's only documenting what most existing browsers already do.
What the spec is defining is a limited subset of an SGML-like language (whose entire parsing rules, if incorporated into HTML, would span for pages) and how to transform it into a DOM. It isn't mandating any new parser rules, it only documents them for the benefit of new implementations of the spec, and to align what minor variations there are between browser parsing models together. Compared to SGML rules (of which HTML 4.01 is technically a subset), this is a great improvement.
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Formally, HTML 5 is no longer based on SGML; the spec says this. The only SGML directive allowed is <!DOCTYPE ... >. One advantage of this is that bogus (but not uncommon) HTML comments of the form <!This is an invalid comment> can now be parsed unambiguously. There's no need to worry about parsing unexpected SGML directives inside HTML.
Will they roll XHTML 2 features into X/HTML 5? (Score:3, Interesting)
I see a lot of debate here about XML versus SGML (or SGML-like) serialization and parsing rules, and plenty of people (rightly) pointing out that there is an XML version of HTML 5.
But what about those features which those of us who already code strictly to spec either way really care about? New elements that were scheduled to debut in XHTML 2.0 such as nl, h and section, the ability to put href and src attributes in any element, etc [xhtml.com]?
Those are the sorts of things which made the debate for me, not some silly XML vs SGML, strict vs lenient debate - either way I'll be writing my code for strict compliance with spec. I'm more concerned with what the features of the spec will be! Less so with how it deals with people out of compliance with it.
So any news on whether X/HTML 5 will be incorporating any of these, now that it's a W3C project and XHTML 2 is dead?
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XHTML has some great features, notably the ability to embed MathML and SVG in it (great for academic sites) and strict error handling. Unfortunately these features never caught on because Internet Explorer doesn't understand the XHTML MIME type at all. What a shame.
I'm not familiar with the MathML and SVG features. Hopefully there's another (if less elegant) way to do what you want in HTML5.
As for strict error handling, one of the things HTML5 is doing is defining exactly how errors are supposed to be handled. This doesn't mean "strict" error handling in the sense that any page that contains an error will completely fail to load at all, but it does mean we can expect a consistent behavior across multiple browsers even when the HTML doesn't validate.
The trouble with
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There is, in fact, something they can do: tell browser makers to consider all content to be application/xml+xhtml for a day, and let the idiots find out just how stupid they really are.
No, they can't. No browser maker (except maybe Opera [muppetcentral.com]) would take them seriously.
Mime Type didn't matter (Score:2)
The MIME type sent in the headers never mattered.
If you fed IE7+ a XHTML doctype, it would pretty much render XHTML. Ditto with every other browser.
As has been said, XHTML is basically well formed HTML (with "depreciated tags" that you'd use anyway). When HTML5 rolls around, I expect many people including myself to just use the new tags and attributes and still produce well formed XML. Same as we've done for XHTML--take HTML4 and make it valid. All the browsers will take it and I bet it won't even violat
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> XHTML has some great features, notably the ability to embed MathML and SVG in it
Here's an HTML5 snippet using the non-XML serialization that shows an "x squared" when parsed with the new HTML5 parser in Firefox:
I'm not sure how much more "embed MathML" you could get here... ;)
If you wanted to put xmlns attributes on the and , with the XHTML and MathML namespaces respectively, you could use this snippet as either th
Re:Rendering (Score:4, Insightful)
Does this mean that someday /. will actually render properly in a browser? I used IE, FF, Opera, and Safari all regularly. /. does not reneder 100% in any of them :(
How do you know that one of them isn't proper and the rest are merely deviations from proper? Or, more accurately, how do you know what it is supposed to look like if you say they are all wrong?
Re:Rendering (Score:4, Funny)
Simple: view source --> use your "The Matrix" vision to render everthing in your brain.
Every serious developer knows how to run code in his brain, that's how I run all my unit tests!
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How do you know that one of them isn't proper and the rest are merely deviations from proper? Or, more accurately, how do you know what it is supposed to look like if you say they are all wrong?
It's Slashdot, incompetence is assumed.