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Enlightenment Graphics Ubuntu X

Enlightenment Returns To Bring Ubuntu To ARM 198

mu22le writes "Enlightenment, the daring window manager that disappeared from our collective radar years ago, is back to bring Ubuntu to ARM. The bet that E developers made years ago to neglect 3D, compositing, and make a fast and versatile 2.5d engine may have finally paid off. The current popularity of ARM-based devices could be a niche that the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries can fill comfortably."
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Enlightenment Returns To Bring Ubuntu To ARM

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  • Grammar Fail (Score:3, Informative)

    by The Mighty Buzzard ( 878441 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @01:44AM (#31180964)

    ...for ARM based devices everybody that is so hot right now...

    Yeah.. um... huh?

  • by Interoperable ( 1651953 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @01:59AM (#31181020)

    I'm happy to see Enlightenment getting some more exposure. I may have to dust it off and take the latest version out for a spin again. I've been using XFCE for a year now and it's high time for an arbitrary switch to a new DE.

    • I am running Illume (a version of Enlightenment) on my openmoko and developing applications [glitch.tl] for it. It took me a while to get going because many of the example applications are out of date and the APIs change quite fast. It doesn't help that documentation is either hard to find or non-existent. The toolkits are vulnerable to buffer overflows as well. Sometimes it is best just to stay off the heap while Elementary is starting up.

      But once I got a few applications working I found enlightenment quite conducive

  • I can't wait to try E out on my new Pandora!
    http://www.open-pandora.org/ [open-pandora.org]
  • Re-check (Score:3, Interesting)

    by BlackHawk-666 ( 560896 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @02:42AM (#31181196)

    I always liked Enlightenment, though found it impractical for getting things done. Might be time to take another look at it if it's seeing development work again.

  • not for long (Score:3, Insightful)

    by smash ( 1351 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @02:56AM (#31181276) Homepage Journal
    Given that even portable devices like the iphone and N95 onwards support openGL these days, I suspect that the "bet paying off" will be for an extremely limited time only.

    Hardware will catch up in due course.

    • Re:not for long (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tftp ( 111690 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @03:08AM (#31181362) Homepage

      Hardware will catch up in due course.

      For each and every hardware that catches up and gives you $n hours of battery life there will always be hardware that chooses to not catch up, and as result gives you 2*$n hours of battery life.

      Personally, I disable animations on every computer I use just because they are wasting my time. 3D effects are nice for a few minutes, but become irrelevant after that. The important part of a window is not its decorations, it's the client area.

      • Animation can add another level of context to the user interface. For instance, status messages with fading background colors (made popular by 37Signals with their Yellow-Fade Technique [37signals.com])--that's animation, but it's used subtly, sparingly and appropriately, so it gets a pass.

        The places where it is simply unforgivable to use animation is in scroll effects, form fields or menu items. I always end up using nLite [nliteos.com] when I reinstall an operating system because it lets you create new installs that have all that CR

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by vxice ( 1690200 )
        I think xkcd demonstrates why fancy graphics are necessary. http://www.xkcd.com/676/ [xkcd.com]
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Trepidity ( 597 )

      On Linux I think it'll be a bit longer, because 3d drivers, especially free ones that can be shipped out of the box, continue to lag behind actual hardware support.

    • Re:not for long (Score:5, Informative)

      by xcomputer_man ( 513295 ) on Thursday February 18, 2010 @03:32AM (#31181508) Homepage

      Your comment would make sense if EFL/E17 did not already support OpenGL ES on embedded devices. Illume, the E17 variant designed for mobile/embedded devices, already runs quite well with hardware/OpenGL acceleration on platforms like Maemo, and I already have built and successfully run EFL-based OpenGL apps on the Palm Pre (available in the WebOS Internals WIDK tree [webos-internals.org]).

      Evas was designed from the ground up to be modular and support every graphics platform known to man. Windows GDI, DirectX, iPhone OS, X11, WebOS, native Linux Framebuffer, SDL, OpenGL, OpenGL ES - you name it, EFL runs on it. Evas will take advantage of hardware acceleration when it is available, but benchmarks actually show that in many instances, when it comes to regular UI graphics operations, OpenGL/hardware accelerated interfaces don't necessarily perform better than Evas' own software engine and in several cases are actually worse -- on the Palm Pre, for example, GLES is actually much slower at doing things like alpha blending. So in that respect, yes, hardware does have some catching up to do.

      • OpenGL/hardware accelerated interfaces don't necessarily perform better than Evas' own software engine and in several cases are actually worse

        That greatly depends on your definition of "better". The whole point of offloading those operations to the graphics accelerator is so the main CPU isn't bogged down performing those operations. On a mobile platform, that may make the difference when it comes to battery life, as it's possible the graphics chipset can perform those operations more efficiently (if not

  • i remeber it for having the ugliest theme ever.
    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      And it had some of the best - including the ones Rob Malda did before he started Slashdot.
      A lot of the people here on day one came here via his ePlus and themes page.
  • It's no secret that Maemo isn't exactly allowing the N900 to spread it's wings - perhaps having other OS options such as Ubuntu would let more developers in the door. I know Maemo's Debian base isn't exactly an alienating factor for developers but, given Ubuntu's current prevalence, it opens a few more doors competition-wise.

    Would be somewhat indicting of Nokia's choice of OS should an alternative, indepdent platform take off though!

    • by jo_ham ( 604554 )

      What about options for iPad? Slashdot users can make the tablet/keyboardless appliance they always wanted, running Linux.

    • by Toy G ( 533867 )

      Er, the original Maemo was in fact based on an old Ubuntu AFAIK.

      But it's irrelevant anyway, considering that Maemo doesn't exist anymore: it's been merged with Moblin to create the new "MeeGo" distribution, which will be RPM-based and completely independent from any "parent" distro.

  • I've tried several times to "move on" to the next WM, be it compiz or e17, or maybe even lxde, but I keep coming back to e16 because, well, it works. It's the only compositing WM I know that updates the pager with the actual contents of the screen using, well, compositing (compiz doesn't really have a pager, and awn, gnome-panel, etc. use polling instead of compositing). Compiz is nice, but still crashes often and unexpectedly, and still runs noticeably slower even when I have most of the plugins turned o

The first Rotarian was the first man to call John the Baptist "Jack." -- H.L. Mencken
