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"Moot" Working On Reboot of 4chan Platform 205

Hugh Pickens writes "Nick Bilton has an interesting interview with Christopher Poole, known online as 'Moot,' founder 4chan, a jumble of content, hosting anything from pictures of cute kittens to wildly disturbing images and language. Poole, now 22, started 4chan when he was 15 after he discovered a Japanese image-board Web forum called 2chan dedicated to anime. 'The code for 2chan was publicly available and I took it and translated it from Japanese to English using tools online and I threw it up on the Web and sent it out to 20 people,' says Poole. 'I wanted to keep with the 2chan naming and the URL for 3chan was taken at the time so I just jumped to the next number.' Although 4chan gets 8.2 million unique visitors every month, 600 million page loads per month, and 800,000 new posts a day, Poole is working on a new project to reimagine what an image board should be today using the current technologies available."
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"Moot" Working On Reboot of 4chan Platform

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  • by lilmunkysguy ( 740848 ) on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:26AM (#31547496)
    Three sentences turned into a frontpage story..
  • by LostCluster ( 625375 ) * on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:32AM (#31547508)

    Website creator promises to redesign his website. We'll be monitoring this story overnight and have a full report to you on the Saturday Really Early News. We start when normal people wake up.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:34AM (#31547522)

    For the web2.0 tubgirl experience.

  • We could discuss this further, but I'm afraid it'd be a Moot point.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by julesh ( 229690 )

      We could discuss this further, but I'm afraid it'd be a Moot point.

      Headline should've read: 4chan Redesign Mooted.

  • I call Vaporware! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by LostCluster ( 625375 ) * on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:39AM (#31547560)

    Doesn't Moot know that it's bad luck for geeks to discuss software they're going to write before it's written? It's the Vaporware curse that has been dogging classics like Duke Nukem Forever.

  • by j-stroy ( 640921 ) on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:40AM (#31547574)
    That site is kind of like living with strange and often helpful people who leave you cryptic notes on your fridge, with pictures of your mom from some party you swear you don't remember being at. And yet all that is somehow comforting. A sort of magic 8 ball that both answers and re-enforces some of the lunacy and hivemindedness I remember from lambda moo. Also be sure to go there and ask people about the secret board where you can play "the game."
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      The Game

      Well played, Sir.

    • "the game."

      I officially hate you now.

    • That site is kind of like living with strange

      You know, that's a really insightful post.

      I've also noticed something rather interesting about the Internet. If you just start googling something and randomly follow your casual interests and highlight interesting words or names and google those and just keep doing this over and over, say for 500-700 iterations, you will eventually and inevitably land on either 4chan or Encyclopedia Dramatica. I know, weird, right?

      It's like one of those dumb algebra tricks whe

  • by Xaemyl ( 88001 )

    Needs moar pooper.

  • ...Open the nExt."
    Although if that where to happen, I'd probably wind up more like poor Mika-chan than Lain. ...Just keep the plumbing going during the transition Moot, we don't want a spillage.
    "The other side is overcrowded. The dead will have nowhere to go.", indeed.
  • et tu, 4chan? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Punto ( 100573 ) <puntob@ g m a i l .com> on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:48AM (#31547614) Homepage

    first slashdot goes web2.0, and now 4chan? there'll come a day when you won't be able to look up man pages on the internet without a web browser with javascript and java enabled. mark my words.

    • first slashdot goes web2.0, and now 4chan? there'll come a day when you won't be able to look up man pages on the internet without a web browser with javascript and java enabled. mark my words.

      Don't forget Flash! :)

    • Does this mean that 4chan will go through a phase with randomly distributed resize widgets spread about the screen? THEY'LL COVER THE BOOBIES!
      • Does this mean that 4chan will go through a phase with randomly distributed resize widgets spread about the screen?

        No, it means that 4chan will copy the "enlarge all images" scriplet from 7chan. This is cue for 7channers to complain about 4chan and "party hard", that is, make the background change colors in rabid strobo effect to supposedly drive "niggertitters" out. Expect lots of epic drama as two sets of losers badmouth each other over nothing; in other words, information age entertainment at its best :

    • there'll come a day when you won't be able to look up man pages on the internet without a web browser with javascript and java enabled.

      Meh. I'm only interested in the WOman pages. Not saying it's wrong though. I mean, I don't see the attraction, especially to guys on 4chan or slashdot, but I guess you have a type...

    • by Ma8thew ( 861741 )
      Java enabled? When was the last time you used a Java applet? Certainly it has nothing to do with 'web 2.0'.
      • by Punto ( 100573 )

        I was actually thinking "flash" but typed "java" accidentally. something to be interpreted about my subconscious I'm sure.

  • /b/ (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Darth Cider ( 320236 ) on Saturday March 20, 2010 @01:52AM (#31547622)

    this is your id and this is your id on drugs /b/
    see? same thing
    and that's even if you don't know anything about drugs

    it's not as if /b/ tries to be the wild wild west
    it just is
    what else is left that's like the old usenet?
    or like a place without rules?
    it's there.. not that one can continue to feel well
    if one looks into /b/ too deeply
    so it's funny to think that net freedom is healthy coz /b/ is there
    yet.. there you have it

    • what else is left that's like the old usenet?

      I always thought the point of being nostalgic about the 'old usenet' was that the conversations could actually be worth having. The 'new usenet' strikes me as far more similar to 4chan and other sites of that ilk, particularly considering the often-similar content of those sites and alt.binaries.*.

  • Sup /b/?

  • /. and /b/ share a common history. /. is sort of a grandparent for /b/. And, read how I say /b/ and not 4chan. /b/ and the rest of 4chan are completely different places, with wholly different people. The difference is interests. Actually, people in other boards have interests, common interests. People in /b/ ... they are just /b/tards.

    but ALL of you go to /b/, some more often than others. You all troll Omegle, and you all have vandalized wikipedia at least once. Every single one of you have gone into chatroulette to flash your dick, and engaged in a flame war with the retards that post on youtube, or spent hours looking at gross things at rotten.

    This are the dark corners of the web. We all go there. Not all of us admit it.

    All of this sites exist for a simple reason: Because they can. It's part of what we all are, and we have to eventually vent and let the daemons run loose.

    So, don't be so critic of 4chan and accept it for what it is: A crappy board filled with self-righteous, ignorant, malicious and violent hypocrites. A quick hack that excretes nonstandard html code where lots of cruel and selfish uncaring monsters vent their frustration and anger. And we are those monsters.

    • but ALL of you go to /b/, some more often than others. You all troll Omegle, and you all have vandalized wikipedia at least once. Every single one of you have gone into chatroulette to flash your dick, and engaged in a flame war with the retards that post on youtube, or spent hours looking at gross things at rotten. Right. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
      • by Khyber ( 864651 )

        If you've never gone to you need to be handing in your geek card, not to mention toss your geek cred out of the window and listen to it scream as it plummets to an asphalt-laden death.

    • by Ethanol-fueled ( 1125189 ) * on Saturday March 20, 2010 @03:48AM (#31548016) Homepage Journal
      The /b/-tard is but one aspect of us. Most of us are caring, empathetic, logical, intelligent and/or educated, and function in real-life. Embracing, expressing, and living in harmony with one's dark side is a sign of balance and health. Having masturbated in private to depections of questionable situations or posting insanely clever racist jokes based on reality are not abnormal.

      Problems arise when the dark side is swept under the rug instead of acknowledged and understood. The repression and cognitive dissonance has a way of catastrophically exploding in peoples' faces -- just ask Larry Craig, Mick Foley, or the Catholic priests. The assholes who dedicate their lives to fighting and speaking out against what they fear most about themselves.
      • I think that was GP's point. /b/ *IS* about getting it out into the open. Sort of like the gloryhole of the internet - all you see of everybody else is the most shameful, worst, most embarrassing parts of them - but you don't know them, and never will, so it's OK. And the same is true of you.

        So on /b/ you can be an asshole, venting your (perfectly natural) hate of everybody else *at* everybody else. And then not be like that in the real world.

        I know I do, sometimes. Less so than I once did.

    • Your point being?

      I'm a selfish bastard who relishes in the misery of others. I work in IT security and before that, I was in tech support. I have a LOT of karma to burn.

      • I'm a selfish bastard who relishes in the misery of others. I work in IT security and before that, I was in tech support.

        It's always nice when people find positions that fit their personality.

        I have a LOT of karma to burn.

        Real Life alignment system is closer to Mass Effect than D&D: good and evil don't cancel each other, they're counted separately, and the accumulated total of either can never go down. Oh, and only bad karma counts.

        • Oh, and only bad karma counts.

          Then why bother being good?

          • Then why bother being good?

            Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I have simply decided that there are some things I won't do; you know, the whole Nietzschean self-actualization thing: I might be a pathetic failure as a human being in many ways, but I'm still not sinking to certain depths. It's not so much about good or bad as it is about not being an invertebrate (such as a CEO, politician or a lawyer).

            People always complain that the world is nasty. It isn't; it's completely neutral, on account of being

    • I know what 4chan is, and having seen its like many times before over the years have no intrest in visiting /b/

      I didn't feel the need to behave like a 12yr old when I was 12, and still don't decades later. That you do is your problem. Don't try to make everyone else the same as you. That is another 12yr old boy thing. Everything must be exactly the same. Difference is evil. No thanks. No nerds visit /b/, they can't stand the rigid conformity of its visitors.

      • by Rysc ( 136391 ) *

        Rigid conformity? Yes, it's clear you've never been to /b/

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Omestes ( 471991 )

          /b/ is pretty damn conformist. Go an objectively read the posts there, notice the common form of all the posts, the common language and use of symbols. /b/ is just another cliche, it follows all the sociological rules defining such a group. /B/ is an in group, just like any other, with a common culture, common rituals, common symbolism, etc... They are as rigidly conformist (to their own mores) as any other group or subculture.

          Notice that you can always tell when confronted with any random b-tard that th

      • I know what 4chan is, and having seen its like many times before over the years have no intrest in visiting /b/

        I'm impressed by your clairvoyant ability to judge a site you imply to not have visited. But why are you posting in a discussion about the future of a website you don't care about?

        I didn't feel the need to behave like a 12yr old when I was 12, and still don't decades later.

        It is interesting that you would associate vandalism and other negative behaviour with being 12 years old. It's also interest

    • What? What is /b/ ? What is Omegle? I have heard of chat roulette, but who in the hell would actually use it? I have never vandalised a wiki page, who over the age of 12 would bother to do such a thing? I can't criticize 4chan; because I don't know what it is! I have never browsed; and frankly the kind of person that would scares me a little bit. If this typifies the slashdot community, I had no idea. News for nerds wasn't it? I browse slashdot, physorg, news sites, the old new thing, back to sla
    • Maybe everyone does bad things on the Internet; I won't argue with that, though I've never done any of the particular things on your list. Hell, I had to ask Google what Omegle was.

      But some people wallow in it, some people make that a large part of their identity. Some people choose to spend a large part of their time on the internet anonymously annoying and pissing off other folks.

      And, well, I think I'd prefer it if there wasn't a huge pool for these people to swim in, where they can reassure each other th

  • Lol 4chan (Score:3, Informative)

    by Alex Belits ( 437 ) * on Saturday March 20, 2010 @05:15AM (#31548202) Homepage

    Goatse is red,
    Mudkips are blue. /b/ has three posters --
    moot [], Chris-chan [] and you [].

  • How about a tool that automatically melts your hard disk after visiting /b before the FBI turns up?

  • So were gonna see a Moderation system like Slashdot in which you can browse at >2 or >3 scores?
    Who am I kidding; people would just all browse with "view all messages" and call people "modfags" if they mod anything up OR down.
    Then again, they already have the "sage" system...
  • Web 2.0 image board [] (absolutely NSFW)

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
