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WordPress 3.0 Released 79

An anonymous reader writes "WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download and comes with 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements. Major new features in this release include a new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them easily to implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies."
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WordPress 3.0 Released

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  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Thursday June 17, 2010 @03:23PM (#32605656)
    Well, anything that helps create more blogs is a good thing. There are still literally dozens of housewives out there *NOT* letting us know that Jeremy pooped in his potty for the first time today.
  • by asv108 ( 141455 ) <{moc.ssovi} {ta} {vsa}> on Thursday June 17, 2010 @03:36PM (#32605808) Homepage Journal
    The automatic upgrade feature works really well. I painlessly upgraded from 2.x to 3.x through the admin interface. The only caveat is that the integrated update requires ftp/ftps. Bravo to the wordpress team for continually improving a great product.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Mr. DOS ( 1276020 )

      The only caveat is that the integrated update requires ftp/ftps.

      Supposedly, if you have the permissions set correctly on the WordPress files (no, I can't figure it out either, although it did happen once by magic when I used an automated installer), the autoupdater doesn't even need this.

      • by zonky ( 1153039 )
        allowing apache write access to the wordpress install dir is _never_ correct I have a ftp server listening on the local host for a different set of credentials. It's like sudo for a web app...
      • by lenova ( 919266 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @05:01PM (#32606730)

        Supposedly, if you have the permissions set correctly on the WordPress files (no, I can't figure it out either, although it did happen once by magic when I used an automated installer), the autoupdater doesn't even need this.

        If you have access to your wp-config.php file, you can enable the autoupdater without FTP by adding this line:


        WordPress will now update directly without requiring FTP access.

        (Source: Random Tech Solutions [])

        • Thanks so much for that. Sure it somewhere, but I never saw it. I could never get my upgrades working through FTP and this works great!
    • by mitchell_pgh ( 536538 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @04:21PM (#32606266)

      I clicked one bottom and it updated. Everything seems to be working normally.

      What fun is this ;)

      • Great for you! Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky most of the time. I'm running about 40 WP sites, the largest being a 25.000+ readers/day site. I have a couple of dozen of custom plugins, which all work perfectly. But with every single upgrade, something breaks.

        One time, filters/actions are removed. Another time, getting some option was moved from get_option to get_transient, causing a few plugins to break. Next time, the very same option was moved back from get_transient to get_option.

        With the upgrade
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Knara ( 9377 )
          Sounds like your issue is with plugins, not with Wordpress.
          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by i_ate_god ( 899684 )

            Sounds like your issue is with plugins, not with Wordpress.

            It sounds like both the plugins, wordpress, and the admin himself.

            Wordpress should not mess with the API without warning. That warning should come in the form of depreciated functions in one version, removal one or two versions after.

            The plugins might take advantage of undocumented APIs, or perform some hacks to accomplish a task.

            The admin should always read the changelog.

  • Even though our company writes our own CMS and e-commerce software, I am glad to see Wordpress moving forward. Some of our clients prefer to use Wordpress over our own CMS simply because it's free. The more I use Wordpress the more I like it. Sure, the code is messy, but maybe the new Wordpress 3 cleans some things up. It is also good for web development companies to offer integration of their software in to Wordpress which can expand your client base. Maybe one day we will open source our CMS software onc
  • that would be nice

    lots of blogs are infact reviews or opinions on things it would be nice to actually mark that up in a review format...

    publishing and sorting more things into taxonomies would be nice

    I have high hopes...


    John Jones

  • 3.0, the XIIIth (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @04:06PM (#32606132) Homepage

    "WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release "

    If only there were some way of counting major releases, such that one could tell how many there were, and by extension, know how many versions had been released prior...

    • You mean like Windows NT 6.1 ("Seven")? ;-)

      But seriously I was wondering the same thing - if it's been around for 13 releases, why's it only at 3? Maybe it's like Apple OS which is only on 10.x and yet has had so many major updates (7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6) that I've lost count of how many revisions that is.

      • by lennier ( 44736 )

        Mac OS is like Doctor Who - it got rebooted at 10, but then there's the Eccleston era, the Tenant/Piper era, the... Matt Smith is Snow Leopard, I guess is what I'm saying.

    • If only there were some way of counting major releases, such that one could tell how many there were, and by extension, know how many versions had been released prior...

      So sayeth Junior J. Junior III. Who didn't have a Great-grandfather, because his DNA was open sourced.

  • WordPress 3.0 is somewhat of a snoozer if you are only using it as a single person blogging platform...

    BUT, those of us that have been using WordPress as a quasi-CMS are filled with joy. This update brings us one step closer to a full blown CMS, if we aren't there already.

    • Re:Beyond the Blog (Score:5, Interesting)

      by joh ( 27088 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @04:26PM (#32606324)

      WP has long been the way to go if you just want to have a site with a few pages and something like a news page. It's very much like a blog turned on its head then but, hey. Much easier and quicker to handle and to maintain than hand-crafted HTML or a full-blown CMS. It's also easy to extend and to modify.

      WP has a bad reputation but for many things it sits just in the right place between being a hack and an organized system.

    • That is exactly what I do not like about where Wordpress is going. I just want a simple blog. If I want a simple CMS I use one (my current choice is Wolf), and if I want a heavily customised site I use a framework (I like Django).

      I am likely to move to a hosted blog instead. Posterous would be nice if they could import comments (I suppose I could write a script to do it though their API).

  • Missing Features (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ProfessionalCookie ( 673314 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @04:32PM (#32606374) Journal
    They might have fixed a lot but it's a glaring fault not to have ajax comment support built into the default theme or the core. In fact I have yet to locate a single ajax comment plugin that still works.

    We live in a a Facebook world where no one expects a page load to post a comment. Not even slashdot. Hope that gets sorted soon.

    • I guess it wouldn't be such a terrible omission if the theme wasn't called twentyten.

      I guess the news with twentyten is the ability to customize background and header images and built in support for drop-down menus.

      I'm not sure what's modern about that feature list. It seems like html5, video, ajax everything and social integration would have been better choices. The current list is more like nineteen-ninty-eight. Am I missing it?

    • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

      We live in a a Facebook world

      In addition to loading new pages for comments, it would have been neat to see a "like" feature (toggled off by default). A lot of people keep personal blogs that a few people read regularly, but don't have time/interest in actually commenting on a post.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The Disqus comment system plugin works perfectly fine for me...

      • Thanks, but that's a little different. That's good if you're into shelling out control to a 3rd party and stamping their logo on your site. May as well be an iframe.

        No I'm talking about native support. Another external option is IntenseDebate but I just want a simple, native, not 3rd party ajax comment posting solution. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm to play with admin-ajax.php

  • I've been using wordpress since it was called b2 and wow the project has made great strides in usability. The one big thing I'd love for them to tackle is a database abstraction layer. I'm sure mysql isn't going anywhere in the near to mid-term, but I'd like to have other options available. In any case, congrats to the dev team.
  • I hope my hosting provider upgrades to the new version I could use some of those new features for my blog :)
  • by Coppit ( 2441 ) on Thursday June 17, 2010 @07:25PM (#32608142) Homepage

    I have to ask: Is it no longer a steaming pile of security holes? Seriously, most people I know have given up blogs and moved to Facebook or some hosted blogging service to get their message out. After getting hacked a couple of times I've put it in the same category as PHPNuke -- too much trouble to be worth it to anyone for whom it's not their job.

  • 1 word: (Score:1, Troll)

    by theNAM666 ( 179776 )


  • 3.0 is a good release for end-users, and it would be a good release even without the eye-catching additions. For developers and theme makers it is even better, because it makes their jobs easier. It continues to improve under the hood. And it still has areas where there is much room for improvement. (A part I do not particularly enjoy is its cluttered interface, but at least you can customize and unclutter it.)

    I published a detailed write-up on what WordPress 3.0 brings for end-users and for developers:

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
