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Hunters Shot Down Google Fiber 1141

aesoteric writes "Google has revealed that aerial fiber links to its data center in Oregon were 'regularly' shot down by hunters, forcing the company to put its cables underground. Hunters were reportedly trying to hit insulators on electricity distribution poles, which also hosted aerially-deployed fiber connected to Google's $600 million data center in The Dalles. 'I have yet to see them actually hit the insulator, but they regularly shoot down the fiber,' Google's network engineering manager Vijay Gill told a conference in Australia. 'Every November when hunting season starts invariably we know that the fiber will be shot down, so much so that we are now building an underground path [for it].'"
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Hunters Shot Down Google Fiber

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  • by tacarat ( 696339 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:25AM (#33646738) Journal
    For our amusement, let's hope they killed somebody's 2g1c download.
  • Unexpected (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Joebert ( 946227 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:33AM (#33646762) Homepage
    I would have expected to hear about something like this in Kentucky, Tennessee, or another southern state, but Oregon? I can't even think of anything Oregon's known for.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by somersault ( 912633 )

      To me it's now known for being as hicky as the south. People are idiots. Please stop giving them guns..

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Thanshin ( 1188877 )

      but Oregon? I can't even think of anything Oregon's known for.

      Well, I did a brief search for "Oregon, land of ... " to se if there was something Oregon was known for.

      I got: "Oregon: Land of Domestic Abuse Endorsement".

      So they can safely add "... and Google fiber hunters" without tarnishing the motto.

    • Re:Unexpected (Score:5, Informative)

      by cptdondo ( 59460 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @06:46AM (#33647572) Journal

      I moved to Oregon from South Carolina... Arguably two of the most "redneck" states out there, except may be Idaho. What most city slickers don't realize about Oregon is that a lot of it is nature. With animals. Real animals. That will eat you.

      The project I manage now is sandwiched between urban core and a rock quarry. Before the excavators moved in, we had a pack of coyotes hunting the area (and they'll be back as soon as we're done). When I hike, I regularly come across bear and cougar tracks and cougar kills. There are at least 3 cougars that share one of the urban parks with thousands of visitors. It's not unusual for trails to be posted with cougar sightings.

      (For those of you who don't know, a cougar is a large cat, also known as a mountain lion.)

      Many rural governments advise new residents to purchase a firearm to protect their property from assorted flesh-eating critters.

      We also have a house in Europe, in the Czech Republic, which also has a long tradition of sport shooting and hunting. The wildlife is nowhere near as wild or abundant there.

      So.... Yes there is a gun culture here in Oregon. The vast majority of gun owners here are responsible. Most of us responsible types stay away from the areas where the signs are shot up and people shoot at beer cans. There is a small minority of idiots. How's that different from any other population?

      The only problem is that these idiots have guns. Darwin takes care of a few every year.

  • Guns and chains... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Muckluck ( 759718 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:36AM (#33646774)
    I work for a large utility holding company. Every new years and 4th of July we have transformers shot out across our system. They make pretty "sparks and arcs" while they die. Another stupid people trick is throwing chains across 2 live high voltage lines. Invariably, at least one person per year forgets to let go of the chain before it makes contact. Stupid people are everywhere. Darwin takes care of some...
    • by Zoxed ( 676559 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @06:09AM (#33647296) Homepage

      > Stupid people are everywhere. Darwin takes care of some...

      It is unfortunate that to a large extent this only applies if they have not yet reproduced :-(

  • by snookerhog ( 1835110 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:41AM (#33646798)
    Google should send a squad of googletroopers to shoot their fucking still.

    that'll learn em

    • by Vectormatic ( 1759674 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @05:23AM (#33647004)

      i'm not sure brightly colored camo-suits will work...

      anyway, googletroopers, expect them to have home-brew equipment which might seem slightly crude, but is actually miles ahead of modern day military hardware, very intuitive to operate... like a railgun (point-click-kill)

      (and i just thought of something, if apple ever amassed an army of iTroopers, the black/white color scheme of stormtroopers certainly fits well doesnt it? kind of gives you a whole new perspective on steve's black turtleneck)

  • by stimpleton ( 732392 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:43AM (#33646806)
    On the list of preaching, soap box standing zealots, I have found hunters to be the most vocal. Responsibility, conservation, and a given right to engage said pass-time is delivered in fire-brand like sermons.

    From my observations, though, for every 1 responsible hunter there seem to be 10 irresponsible.

    15 years ago, I did a stint as a volunteer park warden for 6 months. I noted the following:
    - Bringing shot deer down to the nearest clearing, often walking tracks, partially butchering the animal and leaving the rest to rot on the track.
    - Pot shots and damage to any and all infrastructure.
    - "Boredom Kills" - usually birds shot with high powered rifles.
    - Hunting dogs left to roam, sometimes till a following weekend, when the hunter would come back.
    - Creepy comments to day hikers such as "I saw you long ago from across the valley, i saw you in my scope".

    15 years later and hunters will still defend their pass time with the fervor of a rabid PETA campaigner, or Muslim cleric. Saving the world you know. Thinning pests, and over population of grazing animals...
    • by Duncan J Murray ( 1678632 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:58AM (#33646890) Homepage

      All the above sentiments.

      When fox-hunting was banned in the UK, there was a pretty huge outcry from the hunting community, with modest support from locals/country folk etc, and ambivalence from most of the rest of us. However, it quickly became apparent that the only real / main reason to keep hunting going was to continue the 'tradition' and to keep a few people employed. I think at this point public opinion swung in support of the government, and I think most of us haven't looked back since.

      I'm all for hunting for food, but hunting for sport just seems gratuitous and disrespectful to nature.


    • by Alarindris ( 1253418 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @08:14AM (#33648486)

      15 years later and hunters will still defend their pass time with the fervor of a rabid PETA campaigner, or Muslim cleric. Saving the world you know. Thinning pests, and over population of grazing animals...

      Hi there, hunter here from Wisconsin. Do you know that there are more deer in Wisconsin than before it was settled? It's true. And do you know why? There are no more wolves. The deer have no natural predators any more. Every year deer cost millions of dollars in crop damage and insurance claims. Almost 27000 deer/car collisions a year.* $28 million in crop damage.** They also destroy forests by eating new growth faster than it can recover. Yes they are cute and many people are afraid of guns due to ignorance and inexperience, but don't let that stop you from actually getting the facts.

      And trust me, all the shitheads that want to go around poaching and shooting road signs and transformers piss off every decent hunter out there that has to defend themselves against stories like these. It's not the guns or the hunting that's the problem, it's STUPID PEOPLE.

      * []
      ** []

  • by KenDiPietro ( 1294220 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @04:51AM (#33646854)
    When I used to work in the wireless Internet world, I had an associate who had much the same problem with idiots shooting at his antennas. After he had been forced to change antennas on several occasions, I told to him that the simple way to fix the problem was to mount a bullseye somewhere else on his towers and give these lunatics something different to aim at. The last time I talked to him his antennas were bullet hole free but he did have to replace a few of the targets due to them taking some serious damage. Come on, Google, put some creative thought into solving these problems..
    • by jollyreaper ( 513215 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @08:07AM (#33648386)

      When I used to work in the wireless Internet world, I had an associate who had much the same problem with idiots shooting at his antennas. After he had been forced to change antennas on several occasions, I told to him that the simple way to fix the problem was to mount a bullseye somewhere else on his towers and give these lunatics something different to aim at. The last time I talked to him his antennas were bullet hole free but he did have to replace a few of the targets due to them taking some serious damage. Come on, Google, put some creative thought into solving these problems..

      Have the targets shoot back. If the hunters want to man up about their sport, fucking man up.

    • by kent_eh ( 543303 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @09:20AM (#33649430)
      That assumes the idiots are adequate-to-good shots.
      A few of the towers my company owns get shot up each year. The damage is almost always to the antenna cables running up the tower within 10 feet above or below the tower lights. Occasionally they actually hit the light in the process, but not always.
      And once every couple of years some douche shoots the hell out of the equipment shack. The record is 157 bullet holes in one 10x20 building.

      We have a policy that there must be a vehicle parked visibly on-site if someone is working in the shack. Never drop off someone, then take the truck to another site.
  • by mcheu ( 646116 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @05:26AM (#33647020)

    The article says that HUNTERS regularly TRIED to hit the insulators. That's like those jackasses that shoot up stop signs for fun. It's called VANDALISM, not HUNTING.

    I'm guessing the animal rights nuts and anti-gun people are thinking that hunters go in the woods, get bored, and start shooting at random objects to pass the time..

    That makes absolutely no sense. Regardless of what game you're going after, if you make any noise at all, any game in the vicinity will take off. If you fire off a shot, you can pretty much pack it up and go home. You're not getting anything that day.

    • by mikael_j ( 106439 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @05:45AM (#33647122)

      You didn't, for just a second, consider that maybe the hunters shooting at the insulators are hunters who are done for the day? and on their way back they decide to take a couple of shots at the insulators. I know it used to happen a lot here in northern Sweden, and unlike hunters in the US getting a hunting license here isn't just a matter of signing your name on a piece of paper, waiting a couple of weeks and then getting your brand new rifle.

      Also, there are plenty of hunters who prefer target practice out in the woods to hanging out at a range, there are plenty of old sandpits around here where you can find cartridge cases strewn about from various hunters either getting some target practice in or simply trying out a new rifle.

      • by mcheu ( 646116 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @06:25AM (#33647430)

        OK. I see your point, but I still think my original point is valid. If you're wrecking property that isn't yours, the charge is going to be destruction of public or private property, not poaching. That means you'd be a vandal, not a hunter.

      • by ferd_farkle ( 208662 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2010 @08:11AM (#33648432)

        They're idiots who shouldn't be allowed off a supervised range with a gun. Shooting at a highly elevated target with no (likely) backstop but the sky is the height of firearms irresponsibility.

        Just a few years back, some yahoo in Jersey let loose a few .30 cal rounds at a soaring turkey vulture. A couple miles away, a guy working on the roof of his suburban home took the round and died on the spot.

        If you're not certain of your field of fire, you don't squeeze. Period.

fortune: cannot execute. Out of cookies.
