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Major Sites To Join ‘World IPv6 Day’ 247

netbuzz writes "Facebook, Google, and Yahoo are among the major sites on board with what the Internet Society is dubbing 'World IPv6 Day,' a collective trial scheduled for June 8. 'It's an exciting opportunity to take IPv6 for a test flight and try it on for a full 24 hours,' says Leslie Daigle, the Internet Society's Chief Internet Technology Officer. 'Hopefully, we will see positive results from this trial so we will see more IPv6 sooner rather than later.'"
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Major Sites To Join ‘World IPv6 Day’

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  • From TFA, it appears that they are supporting IPv6 in dual-stack mode. Most users without IPv6 connectivity should still be able to access their sites on June 8th.

  • by wowbagger ( 69688 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2011 @11:27AM (#34849480) Homepage Journal

    A site seems to be missing from the participants, but I just can't put my finger on it /.

  • Only one day? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by slaxative ( 1867220 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2011 @11:30AM (#34849536)
    I dont understand why they wouldnt just make this change permanent. If this is the protocol we're going to, make it stick. One day is just toying with us.
    • With current implementations turning on IPv6 can cause long resolutions and even failures.

      • by vlm ( 69642 )

        With current implementations turning on IPv6 can cause long resolutions and even failures.

        Only if you connect to a faulty v6 network, that no one bothers to fix because "its only ipv6". Current *network* implementation not end user boxes. Its hardly an inherent part of the protocol or OS implementation.

    • You sound ridiculous.

      You know that saying "Rome wasn't built in a day?" That has some factual evidence to it; it took many days to build Rome. And you want to know something a lot of people don't know? They took it down the next day, right after finishing it, because they weren't sure if it was going to work. Then they erected it all again later when they saw there were no problems.

      • Thanks for a useful quote and I'm ridiculous... Though it has no relevance to the subject. We've known about the ipv6 push for years now, and major Operating Systems have supported it. We know ipv6 works ... because people are actively using it now, I'm one of them. google over ipv6 already works, and has been working for some time. Its time for the rest of the major websites to catch up. One day is not going to prove a lot.
        • by vlm ( 69642 )

          We've known about the ipv6 push for years now, and major Operating Systems have supported it.

          If you want a good laugh look up major OBSOLETE OS that support ipv6. W2K, NT, even to a limited extend supposedly W98 had an addon.

        • Psssssst

          (I'm agreeing with you... I thought I might help show how silly it is to do a 1 day stunt by throwing it into the context of something physical, like a city. I thought calling someone else ridiculous might help push the 'over the top' tone to the post)

      • I'll counter this with a service-related example.

        The New York subway in 2001 decided to test a new service pattern by running rush hour levels of service on a Sunday morning with a new pattern. After they found the problems with the pattern (congestion, delays), they repeated the test a few months later with a tweaked pattern, which ended up going into 'production'.

        This type of test will help push ISPs and network managers to find where the problems lie in their IPv6 implementation and hopefully give them

    • It sounds like they're trying to test it first, and see this as a way to avoid the "After you, sucker" problem. If the test works, it's likely they'll make the move permanently relatively quickly. If it fails miserably, they'll do their best to fix what went wrong and try again.

  • "Hopefully, we will see positive results from this trial so we will see more IPv6 sooner rather than later."

    So, why not schedule it sooner rather than later? June 8th is still nearly five months away!

  • by Epsillon ( 608775 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2011 @11:40AM (#34849676) Journal
    Isn't it about time News for Nerds got a 128bit address? You know it makes sense!
  • Having an "IPV6" day is not such a big deal for these sites as they have already more or less prepared themselves for IPV6 already. The challenge is getting ISPs and OEMs ready to supply IPV6 links and IPV6 equipment. I think that making a big deal of "IPV6 day" will push these companies into getting their asses into gear to offer IPV6, if consumers and businesses can keep pushing them "We need IPV6, are your links going to be ready for IPV6 day?" and "We need IPV6, are your firmware updates going to be rea

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 12, 2011 @11:44AM (#34849736)

    The operator of one of the biggest German web sites [], the Heise publishing house, held its own IPv6 day on the 16th of September 2010. Their domains got AAAA records in addition to the IPv4 A records and the web servers responded to IPv4 and IPv6. Long story short: The test produced much fewer problems than expected and two weeks after the test, enabled IPv6 permanently. The story is here (in German). []

  • Better Day (Score:5, Interesting)

    by buckhead_buddy ( 186384 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2011 @12:34PM (#34850492)

    Two days earlier and it would have been June 6, or 6/6. Rolling out IPv6 on 6/6 would have been biblically ordained to take over the heavens and the earth. Now it's just... another day, another test.

  • One!...carrier lost...
  • At my workplace we've been doing some limited trials of providing IPv6 connectivity to internal systems (we don't have much in the way of outward facing stuff).

    IMHO, and I would love to be corrected on this, but as far as I can see, there are some big problems to overcome with corporate deployments (not so much with home connections). Note that I am in no way advocating sticking with IPv4, this is just from my experiences so far:

    It starts with the fact that your internal IP addresses will be determined by w

    • by bbn ( 172659 )

      Do you really need DNS to thousands of hosts? A normal PC on your corporal network should just get an IP using autoconf or DHCP exactly like it has always been done. Renumbering is just updating the DHCP server.

      Servers yes, they need renumbering. But it is an easy task since you only need to change the prefix part of the address. If you use DHCP to assign addresses to your servers, this will also be a simple one line change to your DHCP server. Otherwise you could probably script the change.

      There is also th

      • Do any operating systems use DHCPv6 by default? I know Linux just uses stateless autoconfig by default, which works great for renumbering, but how do you get DNS entries that way?

        I guess you just manually configure your servers to use DHCPv6 and let everything else use autoconfig?

        • DHCPv6 is still desirable for almost every other device you care to name, because autoconfig doesn't say anything about DNS servers.

        • by bbn ( 172659 )

          There is an option for DNS using stateless autoconfig: []

          But for the time dual stack is a more likely deployment option. If you are doing dual stack you are probably using plain old DHCP to assign IPv4 including DNS information.

          Linux will happily pick up the IPv4+DNS from DHCP and the IPv6 address from stateless autoconfig.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
