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Kinect Hack Builds 3D Maps of the Real World 70

Lanxon writes "Noted Kinect-tinkerer Martin Szarski has used a car, a laptop, an Android smartphone and the aforementioned Xbox 360 peripheral to make a DIY-equivalent of Google Street View. The Kinect's multi-camera layout can be used to capture some fuzzy, but astonishingly effortless 3D maps of real world locations and objects. As we saw in Oliver Kreylos' early hack, you can take the data from Kinect's depth-sensitive camera to map out a 3D point-cloud, with real distances. Then use the colour camera's image to see which RGB pixel corresponds to each depth point, and eventually arrive at a coloured, textured model."
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Kinect Hack Builds 3D Maps of the Real World

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  • That is a cool hack. I wonder if Microsoft had any idea the Kinect would become such a cool hacker piece of equipment?
  • Actual blog post (Score:5, Informative)

    by icebraining ( 1313345 ) on Monday January 24, 2011 @01:27PM (#34984048) Homepage

    Link to the actual blog post: []

    • by Idbar ( 1034346 )
      Also has some interesting projects about it. So far I remember this one [] among those trying to make the kinect portable to gather data.
  • I like to play Kinect Sports when I'm driving.
  • I can't imagine how this awesome will be with simultaneously-connected rotating Kinects.

  • The new version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit uses the Kinect mounted on your car's dashboard. The chase scenes are way more exciting, and the cops use real bullets! Replayability, however, suffers greatly.
  • This is trivially done with ROS and the []Kinect stack []. I went out and bought a kinect and plugged them into my robot platforms, provided a transform between robot base and kinect sensor, and was done. It's a great application and anyone who owns a kinect should try it out, but at this point it's trivial and hardly worthy of a /. post.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I love that "trivial" my dad could just go out and do it in 3 clicks.

      • It takes maybe 4 commands to get this working.

        sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [] maverick main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
        apt-get install ros-cturtle-ros
        apt-get install ros-cturtle-kinect

        That will get the Kinect working. Then you just need a GPS and the appropriate transform between the GPS antenna and the sensor (easiest to put the antenna on top of the kinect), and you're done.

        And I don't see what me being German has anything to do with this.

    • It appears that putting working links in slashdot posts is non-trivial.
    • Re:This is trivial (Score:5, Insightful)

      by kiwimate ( 458274 ) on Monday January 24, 2011 @02:41PM (#34985130) Journal

      Well, nifty. Good for you. Instead of acting super cool and belittling what someone else has done, can't you just say "nice one, and if readers are interested in this then look at what I did"?

      • His point is that the research field has been doing this (3D reconstruction with range sensors) for years, so long in fact they have created nice open source solutions for it. The tech news sphere, and most hobbyist it seams, are completely ignorant of this.
    • Not only is it trivial, it doesn't even run any optimizations passes over the resulting point cloud in order to reduce error and produce nice surfaces. This process is very similar to the work done here [] except the resulting solution will be quicker because you already have some decent depth information for the points.
    • by QuantumG ( 50515 ) *

      It's a shame everyone is still looking for the low hanging fruit rather than putting in the hard effort required to make those 3d point clouds into actual surfaces and producing something that doesn't look like a pile of crap.

      Also, describing this as "google streetview like" is just stupid. It's a true 3d point cloud, not a bunch of panoramic images.


      • There's a whole lot of stuff like that going on. For example, the whole ROS PointCloud Library is a major effort focused on surface reconstruction, object detection, etc. You just don't see front page /. posts on the really cool stuff.
  • The thing that I find cool about modern video gtame peripherals is that they seem more standardized than in the past (with the exception of the Sega Genesis/Atari 2600 controllers.) They either use USB or Bluetooth, and to the 360's credit you can still use its proprietary wireless pad on a PC.
    • by VortexCortex ( 1117377 ) <VortexCortex@NOS ...> on Monday January 24, 2011 @04:07PM (#34986390)

      The thing that I find cool about modern video gtame peripherals is that they seem more standardized than in the past (with the exception of the Sega Genesis/Atari 2600

      Perhaps the connection is more standard, but I also see a fair amount of non standard shit going on, and not just in video game peripherals. The bundled Kinect doesn't come with the adapter so you can connect it to your PC (or older Xbox360). Don't fool yourself for one moment -- If MS could have ignored the existing XBox360 interface your Kinect they would have gladly made it more difficult to connect a Kinect to your PC.

      Xbox360 headsets have nonstandard pin-outs, so you can't use other PC headsets on on XBox or vise versa. Garmin's GPS uses a proprietary USB cable (having a small resistor across two pins), and refuses to charge when connected to a PC or via standard USB plugged into a voltage inverter. Zune uses a standard AV connection (Camcorder 3.5mm), but they swap the audio & video jack pins so that you have to plug white to yellow & vise versa, (many assume only the more expensive Zune brand cable works). Even the power cable on a Apple G5 I serviced last week was non-standard (-_-) instead of ('.'). The iPhone/iPad Touch & Zune use encrypted protocols (keys changed on each firmware upgrade) so you can't use them without the crappy bundled media manager software.

      They either use USB or Bluetooth, and to the 360's credit you can still use its proprietary wireless pad on a PC.

      The 360's wireless is NOT bluetooth. You must use MS's proprietary wireless receiver. The controller will not work though a blutooth receiver (built-in or external). The play&charge USB cable is for charging only, and won't allow you to connect it to your PC.

      Also, What's the use of a standard plug (USB), if the protocol or other proprietary quirks are introduced to make it incompatible (ala Zune, iPad Touch, Garmin resistor).

      I have to disagree with you on the standardization trend; To me, it seems that more companies are figuring out how to proprieterroize the "standard" connections; less of my "standard" cables work with my devices.

      PS: Just because the end that plugs into your PC is a standard USB connector, doesn't mean the end that plugs into your device isn't a proprietary shaped USB connector...

      • The bundled Kinect doesn't come with the adapter so you can connect it to your PC (or older Xbox360).

        This wasn't a result of any sort of lockdown attempt. The Kinect has motors in it, which draw more power than USB can provide, so it uses a proprietary connector for the XBox. The adapter to use on the old Xbox requires an AC connection to provide the additional power.

        The 360's wireless is NOT bluetooth. You must use MS's proprietary wireless receiver.

        Which costs all of $10 on ebay. Anyway, it seems more efficient with power than USB; I've been using the same two batteries in my controller f

  • Why is that website asking permission to create a 1MB "html5 test db"? I can understand doing some testing, but on a live website?

  • I love seeing hardware being hacked and used for purposes other than what it was designed for. To me, that is the essence and lifeblood of true innovation and engineering.

    Sidenote: why is this article tagged "microshit"? Really?

    • [blockquote]Sidenote: why is this article tagged "microshit"? Really?[/blockquote]

      It's tagged !microshit, which means NOT microshit. ! is a reference to programmatical methods for representing "NOT" equal to.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Build a 3D model of your entire neighborhood.
    Convert it for use in your FPS of choice (Onslaught/ Tower defense style gameplay a plus).
    Add realistic weapon drops and "spawn" points.
    Drop in a few hundred AI bots, track their movements to see which positions are most/least effective.

    Congratulations, you now have a battle-plan for the zombie apocalypse.

  • Wouldn't it be great - tweak this with GPS data or something similar, and then find some building that you think would be great for your multiplayer game. Simply walk around the building with a laptop and a Kinect, and after a few sweeps the software models the interior which you could use to import into your map editor...
  • by kuzb ( 724081 )
    Call me when a kinect or kinect-like device builds a 3D model that doesn't look like complete ass.

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
