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Google The Internet Idle

Woman Gets Revenge Courtesy of Google Images 487

another similar writes "This article teaches us that if you happen to have a bad break up with someone who's reasonably tech-savvy, your descriptively captioned photos might end up all over the internet. From the article: 'Upset boyfriends and girlfriends are nothing new. There are plenty of stories of girlfriends getting back at their ex-boyfriends for mistreatment and visa versa. But in the age where Google ranks supreme, you do not want to mess with a girl who knows how to manipulate Google.'"
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Woman Gets Revenge Courtesy of Google Images

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  • by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:24PM (#35121240) Homepage

    If you discover you're dating a vengeful psycho bitch, don't ever break up with her.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by JazzXP ( 770338 )
      You never know, maybe he had it coming. I'm curious to see what he did to deserve this kind of response.
      • I'm just curious what exactly could he have done which would warrant that sort of treatment? I've personally treated pretty badly by people, to the extent that there's typically prison time handed out for that sort of behavior, but I don't personally think this sort of reaction would've been warranted in any of those cases.

      • by grcumb ( 781340 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:52PM (#35121528) Homepage Journal

        You never know, maybe he had it coming. I'm curious to see what he did to deserve this kind of response.

        My guess? He gave her up. He let her down. He never came around. HE HURT HER.

        • by Tjebbe ( 36955 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:40PM (#35121838) Homepage

          Somehow that made me lose the game.

        • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

          by peragrin ( 659227 )

          that and women tend to over exaggerate mental attacks. I could have realized it wasn't working but she was so pissed he left her that she held onto the grudge.

          I ran across the mother of my first real love. We broke up because we fought to much, it was mutual. 10 years later her mother was holding a massive grudge against me still. When i asked about it to other people who new her they told me of how she had already began planning the wedding.

          Sometimes all you have to do is tell a woman the truth(that you

      • by pugugly ( 152978 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:01PM (#35121624)

        Going by my experience with women that overreact like this? He turned out to be exactly the guy her parents and two dozen friends said he was when they tried to warn her off.

        But she was *sure* he would change . . . for her . . . for their love was something . . . special . . .

        or not.


      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        I think that those pictures speak more poorly of what kind of person the ex-girlfriend is. She dated this guy, so obviously she liked who he was at one point and now she turns around and backstabs him with a bunch of childish "gay" photo captions. I'm not saying the guy isn't a jerk, I don't know, just that her actions portray her as a pathetic individual who was unable to cope with losing him.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:55PM (#35121938)

        Obviously she is just a stupid bitch, and he left her for that reason. Don't you think if she had a valid reason for being mad at him, that she would have used it in her childish "revenge" scheme? She had nothing - and it shows in this image search.

        The only thing I have learned about him from the image search is that he appears to be an attractive guy who was unfortunate enough to date a complete psycho.

        What happened is pretty obvious. She thought she was all that, he disagreed, and she couldn't handle it and went all psycho.

        I wonder what her name is, and what kind of lasting legacy she might have on the web should a few dedicated people decide to give her a life sentence on Google. It could happen. Easily.

        It looks like she deserves it too. Let's see her apply for a job when she can't get away from this little revenge scheme. Wait until she is 30 years old, and potential employers are still seeing this childishness when they Google her name. Will they want to hire someone who is so likely to bring them bad PR if they fire her? Will she think it was worth it? I doubt it.

    • If he were smart... (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      he'd embrace it, and put up some pages of his own - pointing out specifically why someone shouldn't get involved with {nameof} bitch. He might also point out that psychos are great sex, while it lasts.
    • If you discover you're dating a vengeful psycho bitch, don't ever break up with her.

      Well, that, or at least make sure there's a hidden camera in the bedroom at strategic times, so that you have something to make her think long and hard before doing something dumb online after the breakup.

    • by Seumas ( 6865 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:54PM (#35121556)

      And if this story was about a guy, it would be about a frightning stalker who might murder her rather than fodder for lighthearted joking.

      • by webmistressrachel ( 903577 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:00PM (#35121618) Journal

        +10,000 Insightful. But I don't have mod points, and I never had that many anyways even when I did. And, yes, I'm a girl. A real one.

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by pipatron ( 966506 )
          And even if you did have that many mod points, you could only use one of them on the same post.
          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            True, but hopefully my troll will draw attention to the parent, which is insightful, and will be modded up far more that I could alone. That's worth -2 to my Karma.

      • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @08:34PM (#35122144) Journal
        If I could, I would mod you up.
        During a 1 year marriage, I started a divorce because she was just plain mean. During that time, I met another women, fell for her and we started up. After 2 years of divorce and giving my ex everything, my ex then started threatening my unborn son, my ultimate wife, and even the dogs that my ex said that she had wanted. And her demands in court was that she wanted my to pay double the child support that I was paying (1400), alimony of 2000 and her lawyer bill. Upon telling my lawyer and police about the numerous threats, they laughed it off. Yet, my ex had dropped doing her lithium, had attempted suicide multiple times in her life, and had threatened other ppl.

        And yet, I could not get the cops or my lawyer to tune in.

        You are so correct in your statement.
        • by sesshomaru ( 173381 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @08:42PM (#35122198) Journal

          Ask Phil Hartman about crazy stalker ex-wives.

          Oh, wait... you can't.

        • by TheLink ( 130905 )

          Yet, my ex had dropped doing her lithium, had attempted suicide multiple times in her life, and had threatened other ppl.

          See that's a difference between men and women, and why cops etc don't take it as seriously.

          Most women don't do a good job of killing, even when it comes to themselves ;).

          Whereas if a guy has started the process of killing, the target will be dead if nothing else stops him.

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by demonlapin ( 527802 )
          And let this be a lesson to you, young Slashdotters: if you find you must divorce a woman, do so. But until said divorce is final, with the judge's signature upon it and its decree formally entered into the legal record, DO NOT TALK TO OTHER WOMEN. DO NOT TOUCH OTHER WOMEN. DO NOT TOUCH YOURSELF AND THINK OF OTHER WOMEN. Be a monk, and stay the ever-loving hell away from other women, because all you can cause yourself is pain.
        • by Kokuyo ( 549451 ) on Monday February 07, 2011 @02:53AM (#35123836) Journal

          I'm confused... you were married to this women for only one year, in which her psycho-bitch tendencies became obvious enough to warrant a divorce.

          How fucking long did you know her before marrying her?! I mean if you dated her for two years beforehand, are you freaking telling me there wasn't enough evidence to have you run far and run fast? And if you didn't have enough time to realize she was psycho, what the fuck were you doing marrying her?!

          Seriously, someone help me come up with a scenario where this dude isn't just plain fucking stupid...

          Yeah, go ahead, mod me down, but I keep hearing this sort of thing time and again. They always tell me "but she suddenly changed!". And I go: "So she didn't expect you to read her mind and moods before, ever? So she never gave you a hard time for forgetting something but expected you to treat her as if she was perfect?"

          The reply: "Oh, come on! Every woman is like that!"

          And I just go headdesk.

          As long as men take whatever woman will have them and don't EXPECT to be treated fairly and as a partner instead of someone who has to be grateful to even be allowed around a female, this shit will keep repeating.

          • by Maestro4k ( 707634 ) on Monday February 07, 2011 @06:43AM (#35124598) Journal

            How fucking long did you know her before marrying her?! I mean if you dated her for two years beforehand, are you freaking telling me there wasn't enough evidence to have you run far and run fast? And if you didn't have enough time to realize she was psycho, what the fuck were you doing marrying her?! Seriously, someone help me come up with a scenario where this dude isn't just plain fucking stupid...

            It's quite simple: people change once they're married. Haven't you known of people who lived together happily for years, sometimes 10+, then they get married and end up divorced and hating each other within a year? There's something about that legal piece of paper saying you're married that changes how people behave. Not everybody of course, but it happens often enough to almost be a given. Then you have the manipulative jerks who manage to keep their partner completely disillusioned as to their real personality, that then drop the act as soon as they manage to get married. Sometimes they even keep the act up until there's children.

            This applies to both sexes, not just females. Life's not black and white, when dealing with other people especially so. No matter how well you think you know a person, you can never know everything about them simply because you're not them.

            Besides, he mentioned she stopped taking her lithium. If she stopped taking care of her bi-polar soon after marriage it'd explain her personality change easily. Left untreated bi-polar people can easily become crazy people, threatening, violent, hateful, etc.

          • by goose-incarnated ( 1145029 ) on Monday February 07, 2011 @07:04AM (#35124688) Journal

            Let me give you my little narrative. I knew my ex-wife for 11 years before marriage. Of those years, we dated for six. We were married for three (and a bit).

            When I decided to divorce her (not saying why - I still refuse to divulge details of that final argument we had), her response was immediate and total:
            1. I was arrested 15 minutes later for assault.
            2. I was served a protection order the next morning (while still in jail) forbidding me from contact with her or my son (wrt son, contact was stipulated "after family advocates investigation).
            3. FA Investigation took 3 months, during which I had no access to my son.
            4. I was arrested a further 3 times on a variety of different charges (more assault, violation of protection order, etc).
            5. She twice got men to (attempt) to beat me up.
            6. She repeatedly threatened to have me killed.
            7. She phoned my employer (a large-ish research institution) twice to inform them that I'm a criminal. (I'm not, btw - two years of fighting in court got me 4 acquittals).
            8. She taught my son to call me "Uncle", and strikes him (in my presence) when he calls me daddy.

            The point is, I never knew that she was like this, even though I knew her for so long. Sometimes the crazy is inside, just waiting for a chance to come out - you never can tell. It's now 3 years later, and I'm back in court again! And with this constant harrasment from her side, I'm done even trying to find a g/friend now - they all get scared off (the first women I dated was about 8 months after my separation: and that did not last).

          • by Ephemeriis ( 315124 ) on Monday February 07, 2011 @09:25AM (#35125318)

            I'm confused... you were married to this women for only one year, in which her psycho-bitch tendencies became obvious enough to warrant a divorce.

            How fucking long did you know her before marrying her?! I mean if you dated her for two years beforehand, are you freaking telling me there wasn't enough evidence to have you run far and run fast?

            I don't have exhaustive information about this situation... I'm going off the same post you are. But you might be surprised to learn that people don't always act like themselves when they're dating.

            You don't occupy the same house. You don't wake up next to each-other every day. You don't go to sleep next to each-other every night. You don't have to balance a budget, or deal with bills. You just see each-other periodically for fun stuff.

            Trust me, things change after you're married (or co-habitating for a while). A kind of sameness or boredom sets in. Responsibilities pile up.

            Things that were cute or quirky when you were dating become downright annoying. You see new things that you never saw before, because you just weren't around all the time. And she's experiencing the same thing from you.

            It's not terribly uncommon for a relationship to suddenly fall apart as soon as you move in together. It's a huge stress for everyone.

            And if you didn't have enough time to realize she was psycho, what the fuck were you doing marrying her?!

            I honestly believe that, at least here in the US, folks are getting married far too quickly. They don't get to know each-other well enough. They mistake infatuation for love. And then they get a divorce when things cool off.

            However, you really do need to live together for a good chunk of time to really get to know someone. And, here in the US, that's still frowned-upon.

            So, he may have thought he knew her very well. And he wouldn't have known just how wrong he was until they actually moved in together (usually after the wedding).

            Yeah, go ahead, mod me down, but I keep hearing this sort of thing time and again. They always tell me "but she suddenly changed!". And I go: "So she didn't expect you to read her mind and moods before, ever? So she never gave you a hard time for forgetting something but expected you to treat her as if she was perfect?"

            The reply: "Oh, come on! Every woman is like that!"

            Everyone is like that. Even men.

            We all have moments when we don't actually voice our needs, and then get upset when they aren't met. We all get annoyed when others screw up, and when they point out our flaws. Lots of people actually see this in themselves and try to moderate it. Lots of people don't.

            But it's very normal to see this in other people.

            And when you're dating, you might see in once in a while and not think much of it. Not even know whether it's going to be frequent enough to be a problem.

            And then you move in together... And it's happening every single day... And they're resistant to change...

            As long as men take whatever woman will have them and don't EXPECT to be treated fairly and as a partner instead of someone who has to be grateful to even be allowed around a female, this shit will keep repeating.

            The fact of the matter is that, in the US at least, relationships are not equal. Hell, your wording up there (it's the man's fault for acting this way) simply reinforces that.

            We've all got baggage we carry around. A lot of it is handed out by our society - parenting, mass media, stereotypes, literature, etc.

            The trick is to find somebody you like, and then actually get to know them well enough to learn what kind of baggage they've got. And, at the same time, be honest enough that they can see what kind of baggage you've got.

            I honestly believe that a very big part of this includes living together and sharing responsibilities for a good couple of years.

            But s

        • by flonker ( 526111 ) on Monday February 07, 2011 @04:37AM (#35124128)

          I know a guy who had his ex try to run him down with her car, with the kids in the car. She even told the kids, "I hope you said goodbye to daddy, because this is the last time you will ever see him." The police showed up, and were treating him like a criminal, acting as if he had started the whole incident. That is, until the female cop asked to speak to his daughter, and he gave his permission, and the female cop asked the daughter what happened.

          "Mommy tried to kill daddy"

          After which, the crazy ex was taken to the police station, locked up, her own parents refused to bail her out because they thought she was crazy, and then all charges were dropped for no readily apparent reason.

          This happened in Chicago btw.

      • And if this story was about a guy, it would be about a frightning stalker who might murder her rather than fodder for lighthearted joking.

        Hooray for double-standards!

    • there is one way out, but that's illegal.

    • reiser, is that you?

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Its best not even to let her have your real name.

      Hey babe. They call me CowboyNeal.

    • by poity ( 465672 )

      Oh goodness, let's make some for Slashdot. Here, I'll get the ball rolling.
      http://memegenerator.net/come-hither-nerd-malda/ImageMacro/5585341/new-slashdot-format-break-everything [memegenerator.net]

  • visa versa (Score:4, Informative)

    by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:25PM (#35121248) Homepage Journal

    vice versa.
    vice is pronounced either as one syllable or two (two is traditional).

  • by Anonymous Coward

    She could easily have done much worse than captions. Think 4chan.

  • by Magnus Pym ( 237274 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:29PM (#35121290)

    If the genders had been reversed, he would have been judged guilty of criminal sexual assault and categorized as a violent sexual offender. Gotta love those double standards.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:43PM (#35121434)

      If the genders had been reversed, he would have been judged guilty of criminal sexual assault and categorized as a violent sexual offender. Gotta love those double standards.

      Welcome to the human race.

      It's women who decide who to mate with - because they're the ones with the most invested in the results.

      Simple biology.

      (OT, but somewhat related: the next time some feminist tries to use the fact that female chimps are very promiscuous, you get to use the fact that the male chimp beats the living shit out or even kills of any female chimp that he finds cheating on him....)

  • somebody (Score:2, Interesting)

    by gladbach ( 527602 )

    HIRE THIS GIRL! I wonder if she is the one who submitted this to /. ?

  • by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:33PM (#35121322) Journal
    While her Google-fu may be good, I'd say that Mr. Weppler's ex could use some work in the wit and viciousness departments.

    Without exception, the captions were humorless and(at least without some knowledge of Weppler's background and/or personal life/activities) not at all cutting. A few generic insults, some just nonsensical.

    She also seems to have chosen a photo(looks almost like a studio shot rather than a candid) that, while it probably doesn't show him as a genius master of fashion(I'm no judge of this stuff, I can't tell), appears to be reasonably flattering. Neutral background, no embarrassing props/situations/penises sharpied onto his face. Hair and clothes, whether or not well chosen, are in good order, and the lighting is suppressing any facial acne/irregularities.

    Plus, of course, you have to be Really Good to pull off insults without sounding pathetic and petty when you are exiting a relationship(even harder when you are the dumped party). Presumably, every one of your oh-so-trenchant insults is either fictitious, or pertains to a quality possessed by somebody you were happy to date until just recently. That takes comedic talent to dodge, and she appears to lack it.
  • Or rather (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Snaller ( 147050 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:34PM (#35121334) Journal

    If you must date make sure not to date psychopaths.
    Better to just stay in the basement.

    • If you must date make sure not to date psychopaths.
      Better to just stay in the basement.

      Already on it!

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )

      As you can sometimes never know what sort of person someone really is until you are in a relationship with them, the only way to be 100% sure never to date psychopaths is to never date at all.

      Oh right... this is slashdot.

      No worries, then.

    • The problem is that you may not find out they are psychopaths until you wake up handcuffed to the bed.

  • by bigtallmofo ( 695287 ) * on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:39PM (#35121388)
    My minor son's ex-girlfriend took a copyrighted picture of him (we own copyright) and uploaded it more than 60 times to a website

    This might be the first good time I can think of to use the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The mother should've sent a DMCA takedown notice to every company hosting the image including Google. Instead of going through barely monitored channels, it would have gone through the highest priority channels because if they don't respond to a DMCA takedown notice in a timely manner, they're liable for damages.

    Based on the things the sick girl wrote on the images, it would seem the parents have a good case for libel against her. Many of her joking accusation are provably false and disparaging.
    • You're absolutely right, that could have been done. But really, once it's on the internet, no matter what you do, it's there for good; there's always a cached copy somewhere out there, or someone with a copy who would just be amused to put it back out there.

      See Also: Sony v George Hotz
    • in soviet Australia, truth is not a valid defense in libel cases.

      feels good man. feels like free speech.

  • Sorry, but judging from the photos and the clueless text on them I guess the storry is completely made up.



  • Why is this news? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rinnon ( 1474161 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:41PM (#35121414)

    I can't figure out why this is news in any way. First off, TFA suggests that they are minors. So just to set the stage, we're essentially talking about a teenage breakup here. Not a great start. Next, we have a girl who decided it would be fun to post images of her boyfriend all over the Internet. Wow, that's a new one! I've never heard of anything like this before! And to top it all off, the double standard here is absurd. As another poster already mentioned, if the shoe was on the other foot, no one would think it's funny or cute in any way. So Slashdot has devolved into a gossip tabloid now? Wonderful.

    Now I see why the "News for nerds. Stuff that matters." tag was removed from the top of the site.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by shadowkil ( 257254 )

      I can't figure out why this is news in any way. First off, TFA suggests that they are minors. So just to set the stage, we're essentially talking about a teenage breakup here. Not a great start. Next, we have a girl who decided it would be fun to post images of her boyfriend all over the Internet. Wow, that's a new one! I've never heard of anything like this before! And to top it all off, the double standard here is absurd. As another poster already mentioned, if the shoe was on the other foot, no one would think it's funny or cute in any way. So Slashdot has devolved into a gossip tabloid now? Wonderful.

      Now I see why the "News for nerds. Stuff that matters." tag was removed from the top of the site.

      I seem to get closer each day to removing /. from my rss feed. Everything that is actual tech news, I tend to have already heard from the source, also in my rss feed (usually from Engadget, Anandtech, or rarely, Daily Tech).

      Eventually we should discover whether there is a limit as /. approaches lame that prevents actual unsubscription, or if it will disappear. Near enough that limit, I suppose we are just glossing over the posts without even skimming the summaries?

    • "News for nerds. Stuff that matters." may not be on the page, but it is still part of the title at the top of the window...maybe a mistake, idk.

      Regardless, this is pertinent news for the nerdy folks, who may not have experience with breaking up with a loon--or breaking up whatsoever (you have to date before you can break up with someone, after all). It stands as a cautionary tale, that may well dissuade people from entering the dating pool, and subsequently the gene pool, which may in some way benefit soc
      • by sznupi ( 719324 )
        Doesn't porn limit those people to a sufficient extent? (really, consider: specimens most eager for reproductive activities - record them ... recordings are then disseminated ... and, also, provide a way of release to many, decreasing their chances of contributing to the gene pool)
    • by Sponge Bath ( 413667 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:55PM (#35121574)

      "I can't figure out why this is news..."

      You clicked on the story anyways and then took the time to post. In internet publishing terms, the story is a success and your attention (the product) has been delivered to the customer (advertisers). Thank you, come again.

      • by Xugumad ( 39311 )

        This is the news equivalent of staring into the sky until other people start collecting around you, wondering what you're looking at. I clicked because I figured I had to be missing something other people saw in this story. I was disappointed.

  • by lul_wat ( 1623489 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:47PM (#35121484)
    She just uploaded his picture to MemeGenerator.

    This should be in Idle at best.
    • by Nimey ( 114278 )

      Oh, look. It is.

      Can't blame you for not being able to tell; the new design sucks that way.

  • Smells Fishy.. (Score:5, Informative)

    by AftanGustur ( 7715 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @06:52PM (#35121522) Homepage

    The story doesn't make sense.. The images are still on www.memegenerator.net [memegenerator.net] and have not been removed at all..

    I suspect this is just a hoax, viral marketing or social experiment of some sort.

  • by flimflammer ( 956759 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:10PM (#35121672)

    So going to http://memegenerator.net/ [memegenerator.net] and creating dozens of captioned pictures is considered tech savvy these days?

    She didn't manipulate google or anything for that matter. The moment you create an image there, it's placed in a spot that Google can immediately recognize. She named the "character" and then created a dozen different phrases for him. She even abused the service because you have to certify that you have the legal authority to use/distribute the image you upload, and if the picture is what the mother and son claim it is, she had no right.

    An 8 year old child could have done this.

  • My ex (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rossz ( 67331 ) <ogre.geekbiker@net> on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:15PM (#35121704) Journal

    My ex-wife made the mistake of being a bitch and posting false statements about me. They bordered on libel, but not enough to be worth suing over. Instead, I posted a few things about her that were not at all good for her image but were 100% true. Shortly thereafter googling her name resulted in that post being in the #`1 spot. She threw a hissy fit and threatened to sue me for libel, defamation, etc. I told her to point out any false statements and I would be happy to remove them. I also told her to feel free to sue. She didn't bother to take it any further.

    If she hadn't started the hate-fest I would not have made public postings about her.

  • by cinnamon colbert ( 732724 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @07:35PM (#35121812) Journal
    (probably an urban legend...) Guy is going on a 2 week biz trip; as he leaves the apt, he says to his live in girl friend, I want to break up, when I get back I want you and your stuff outta my apt.
    Guy comes back, place is spotless, all her stuff is gone.
    He notices phone is off the hook
    What does he hear ??
    At the tone, the time in Tokyo is..
    (for you young'uns, it used to be really $$ to make a call overseas, like dollars a minute .....)
  • Seconding....37th-ing the notion that if a man did this to a woman, the article would have a completely different tone ("Creepy Stalker Ex Abuses Internets, Police Taking Note"). That aside...

    FTFA: "You see, she knew to have the source site remove the images but Google still has them in their index. The issue is that although the images appear to be gone, the URLs they are sourced via are actually returning a 200 status code, which to Google means they are still there. They need to return a page not found s

  • "But in the age where Google ranks supreme, you do not want to mess with a girl who knows how to manipulate Google.'"

    Guys, to be safe, you should only date blondes.

  • See 4chan for examples of that. This isn't even a good story.

  • Look, just do what everyone in civilized countries have done since the decline of dueling. Sue the bitch for slander. It's amazing how money helps a person recover emotionally from slander.

  • Back in my day ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by BitZtream ( 692029 ) on Sunday February 06, 2011 @10:05PM (#35122598)

    We'd just call her a psycho bitch and no one would be even a little impressed. She'd also never get a date again since no intelligent person wants to be on the wrong end of her. The same would happen to a guy if he did it.

    Today, women get praised because she did it on the Internet ... and a guy would end up being taken to jail, labeled a sex offender and have his life ruined.

    Seriously people, what the fuck is wrong with you? This behavior is unacceptable. Do not give her attention. The entire event and everything she does should be ignored, herself included. We seriously need to stop giving people who behave unacceptably any attention.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
