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Communications Japan Technology

Undersea Cables Damaged By Earthquake 91

ColoradoAuthor writes "The horrific earthquake and the ensuing tsunami in Japan have caused widespread damage to undersea communications, according to data collected by telecom industry sources. Initially, it was thought that the damage to the cables that connect Japan and Asia to each other and other parts of the world was limited, but new data shows the extent of the problems."
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Undersea Cables Damaged By Earthquake

Comments Filter:
  • Godzilla (Score:1, Funny)

    by cgfsd ( 1238866 )

    This is a government cover up, we all know it was actually Godzilla that caused it!

    • This is a government cover up, we all know it was actually Godzilla that caused it!

      Your post might be funny if a.) The timing didn't suck, and, b.) it contained a humorous punchline.

      • Your post might be funny if a.) The timing didn't suck

        I agree. That comma should definitely have been an ellipsis. However, it could also be argued that you simply read it badly.

    • I'm just jealous because he posted that comment before I could! Sigh...
  • by asylumx ( 881307 ) on Wednesday March 16, 2011 @11:24AM (#35505124)
    The thing shifted the entire island by 8ft, I'm not surprised our comm cables were damaged.
  • .. go fix it. No need to sit around and get all freaked out for one more foxnewsin' reason. Just fix it and move on.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 16, 2011 @12:28PM (#35505998)

    The Konami code appears to be the code to disable Japan in real life.

    (I'm going to hell for this...)

  • It's both a natural AND a virtual disaster.

  • The sea is being polluted with leaking packets. Rumor has it they're going to utilize the massive amount of internet porn to try a junk shot to stop it....
  • No worries, in the cable map of Japan there are all manner of redundant paths out of the country. Really, compared to the misery of hundreds of thousands in the NE, the IT situation is of no import.
    • by Mal-2 ( 675116 )

      No worries, in the cable map of Japan there are all manner of redundant paths out of the country.

      Really, compared to the misery of hundreds of thousands in the NE, the IT situation is of no import.

      Even if the drop in data transmission was due ENTIRELY to damage to the cables (which it almost certainly isn't), I'd have to say that being operational at 85-90% of former levels is pretty damn good given the situation. I'd dare say there is a VERY long list of things that needs to be fixed more than those cables.

      This is not to say that data flow is not important -- for one thing, it keeps people who have nowhere to go from getting cabin fever -- but when your house is on fire, you don't worry about the fa

Never buy from a rich salesman. -- Goldenstern
