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Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer 41

An anonymous reader writes "RFC 6217 was published , enabling one to send messages over a wide area even to without computers or smartphones. The technology looks promising, but is not without ; 'Additionally, solar radiation conditions affect transmission in a predictable, cyclic manner. Depending on latitude, the may be unusable for a lengthy period, during which alternate arrangements must be made.' , while 'The physical layer used is made up primarily of nitrogen and oxygen,' there are concerns that microscopic amounts of residue left over from the transmission may include 'argon, , neon, helium, chloride anions, sulfur dioxide, and other molecules occurring at very low mixtures' "
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Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 01, 2011 @01:40PM (#35690004)

    Not for the articles: it's for the whiny, anguished comments that don't stop rolling in. So many people stamping their feet and sulking because they want the editors to "just stop. it's not funny" and the editors basically giving the middle finger to the brats and doing it anyways. Every year.

  • First comment compliant with RFC 6217, seriously go look...

  • The whole world paused today in honor of April 1st. There is absolutely no real news to post today.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    The proposed method is very inefficient and does not describe any error correction mechanism. While it does have the advantage of human readability, the use of encryption under this proposal appears to be limited to single letter substitution ciphers. We need a presidential task force to design a handicapped accessible, multi-cultural sensitive, environmentally friendly alternative.

    I propose using patterns of depressing the vegetation in various artistic patterns in agricultural fields.

    • Also, I live in an area where atmospheric concentrations of dihidrogen monoxide are very high most of the time, which makes this unusable.

    • by e9th ( 652576 )
      From the RFC: []

      Additionally, solar radiation conditions affect transmission in a predictable, cyclic manner. Depending on latitude, the medium may be unusable for a lengthy period, during which alternate arrangements must be made.

      Yes, the RFC's method has definite flaws. We set up a test network, then waited patiently until 3:06AM for perfect wind & cloud conditions before beginning our benchmarks. Nobody ever received a damned thing. Not one bip [binary puff]. We finally gave up an hour later.

  • Clearly the best, most thoroughly researched article I've ever read on slashdot. Bombastic micropiranhas! It's been a long time since I picked one of those out from between my teeth. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "bleeding edge technology"...

  • But can I get my RSS feeds delivered to me over RFC 6217?

  • I felt like I won the internet when I heard from the RFC Editor, now I feel like I won the bonus stage! Something I've been extremely nervous about is people pointing out the mistakes - I've currently realized two of them, both of them in the shower this morning. No one so far has pointed them out, but if anyone will find them, I imagine it will be /.
    • by mcmonkey ( 96054 )

      I felt like I won the internet when I heard from the RFC Editor, now I feel like I won the bonus stage!

      Something I've been extremely nervous about is people pointing out the mistakes - I've currently realized two of them, both of them in the shower this morning. No one so far has pointed them out, but if anyone will find them, I imagine it will be /.

      ____ _
      | __\_\_o____/_|________ Good job! Congrats!
      | o'

  • Thanks, Fool-slashcode!
    I can't wait to add "Subtractionally" to our company's annoying lingo [] list.

    The buzzword-ridden documents they put out couldn't possibly make any less sense as it is.

  • Is lions, tigers and bears a reference to The Hyperion Cantos?
  • I just want my achievement!
  • Well, this little plan was already tried in Serial Experiments Lain. And we all know how that worked out.
  • It is possible to force air through a series of organic apertures in order to cause atmospheric vibrations which can then be interpreted into data. This can be used as the physical layer for a number of existing communication protocols.
    • by grcumb ( 781340 )

      It is possible to force air through a series of organic apertures in order to cause atmospheric vibrations which can then be interpreted into data. This can be used as the physical layer for a number of existing communication protocols.

      Yep. I hacked one of these onto my cockatoo to provide fault tolerance for my IP Over Avian Carrier Network.

      Unfortunately, it's not safe from crackers.

  • The math all works out. Excessive use of this technology will result in an implosion of our Sun in 1x10-12 years.


Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
