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Crime Idle Technology

Crime Fighting Armored Glove 2

kyuubi1 writes "Just what we need: an armored glove called The BodyGuard, which inventor David Brown believes will save lives. The breathable glove weighs less than three pounds and is encased in a hard shell that extends across the forearm. A pull pin preps the stunner (generated by four electrodes on the wrist), and a button at the palm activates it. Similar buttons trigger the laser pointer, video camera and flashlight."
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Crime Fighting Armored Glove

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  • You'll never catch me, you see! Nyah! Pew! Pew! Man, just about any other one of the inventions mentioned are more useful than this. I mean electronic glare blocking sunglass lenses, liquid waste elimination system or a glove with a laser pointer?!
  • Wow, thirty tries to get a stun gun, a digital camera, and a laser pointer all into the same device... talk about the room full of monkeys on typewriters...

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. -- Publius Terentius Afer (Terence)
