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.XXX Domain Registrations Begins 140

alphadogg writes "Registrar ICM Registry announced that the .XXX sponsored top-level domain for the adult entertainment industry is open for registration. The domain was approved by the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in June last year, and then finalized in March. The domain is made possible thanks to ICANN's rules for 'sponsored' TLDs, through which domains have been created by interest groups. Other examples include dot-coop, for cooperative organizations, and dot-museum."
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.XXX Domain Registrations Begins

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  • If we can get the Adult Industry to sell their .COMs and go to .XXX it would make an easier to manage Internet. Especially if you are searching for name of an old XWindows software you were looking for.

    • If we can get the Adult Industry to sell their .COMs and go to .XXX it would make an easier to manage Internet. Especially if you are searching for name of an old XWindows software you were looking for.

      I wouldn't count on it. The biggest issue being that people that run porn sites don't want to be able to be easily identified by firewalls and proxy servers.

      • by otdyn ( 2456228 )
        Not only that, but there's also another huge business issue. Adult websites gets insane amounts of traffic from search engines. It's almost given that Google and other search engines will put all .xxx domains under the safe search off -option, which many people either don't know how to put off or don't want to as it's categorized as "safe" instead of adult stuff. So if you put behind sites you're guaranteed to get filtered off safe search, while your competitors using .com and other general domains can do j
        • True...that's actually the biggest issue for them I would think.
          • "Hello, lucrative business! Why don't you crawl back to the ghetto we've designated?"

            Trust me. The legislation that forces this move is not far behind - it will be modelled on the existing "asset-seizure" policies used to enforce "intellectual property" on the net.

            It will also be used just as rationally, wisely and well.

            The porn-tax registrars will get a windfall, backed by arbitrary prosecution and enforcement actions, with a presumption of violation.

        • Why would that kill your income ? If content is legitimately "unsafe", it should be tagged as such. Hell I think porn sites would voluntarily self-declare as unsafe, because then if someone goes through the extra 2 clicks to turn off the safe filter, it's a golden invitation to open the floodgates and show them adult content, which they've now officially indicated they want.

          I think .xxx is a good idea. I even think it should have its own dedicated search engine, google.xxx! Seriously, if someone says th

          • by otdyn ( 2456228 )
            Most people don't know about safe search or that it's supposed to filter adult results. The thing is, it doesn't really work and people can find lots of adult content without going thru the trouble of changing the setting. This puts you in a really bad position, as your competitors will continue to be in the safe search results and you're voluntarily putting yourself out of there, missing 99% of searches.
            • Yes, but all the big, legitimate publishers already voluntarily shoehorn themselves into the "unsafe" results by declaring an ICRA rating, and all sorts of other wizardry to make it crystal clear to visiting individuals and search crawlers that they are an adult site. The only organisations that would choose not to shift to .xxx based on your reasoning would be the ones that are already dodgy.

            • I want to know when Google is going to implement "unsafe search" - filter out all the boring stuff for me.

      • I question that. Reputable porn sites usually want to help with filtering. Why shove your content down someone's throat if they aren't receptive to it in the first place ? Throwing off random porn results while I'm doing a screencast in front of a client is NOT going to get that site a sale. On the other hand, if someone explicitly indicates that they want porn, I say open the floodgates!

        • by johanw ( 1001493 )
          Because the filtering is probably be done by someone other than the person who wants to see it.
          • If you mean the ISP, then it is a legal matter.

            If you mean me, on my corporate network, then I cordially invite that person to go fuck themselves all day long because I'll be all-too happy to recommend termination.

            • I will be endlessly polite. Then send them to HR, or the CEO.
              Did I mention that he is a passionately religious, born again christian CEO.
            • by johanw ( 1001493 )
              I mean mostly parents censoring their children, or some xian fundamentalists here who have a social pressure to procure internet from a provider who censors (although this kind of censoring is being made illegal in The Netherlands due to a change in law).
            • They've already decided to go fuck themselves. ;)

          • There is a difference between "people who want to see it", and "people who are willing to PAY to see it".

            I wonder if the various for-pay porn sites, are really finding huge revenue from people who are looking at porn when they "shouldnt", and are committing the additional stupidity of PAYING for this time of illicit viewing, rather than doing it at a safer time and location.

            Are people REALLY THAT stupid? is a significant chunk of porn revenue really coming from people viewing porn at work against company po

        • Why shove your content down someone's throat if they aren't receptive to it in the first place ?

          They have an option: leave the website. It's quite simple, and it creates no hassle for people looking for the content.

          • They have an option: leave the website.

            After the images are displayed. You can't unring a bell. You can't unsee some of the things you find on some websites.

            • That likely goes for any website in existence, not just "pornographic" websites. Anything can potentially offend anyone at any time (and, indeed, mere text can offend someone). I don't think things need to be automatically filtered (or something similar) because of that. I think those people should just get over it and move on.

              • That likely goes for any website in existence, not just "pornographic" websites.

                That's true. There are, however, few kinds of websites where simply displaying an image can be considered a crime under certain circumstances. Nazi paraphenalia images in Germany, I think, is one. Pornography to a minor is another.

                Anything can potentially offend anyone at any time

                Oh, forgive me. I didn't realize that displaying porn to a minor was just a case of offending the minor.

                I don't think things need to be automatically filtered (or something similar) because of that.

                I didn't imagine that you thought I was saying otherwise. I was responding to the "stuff down your throat, just leave the website" comment. It doesn't matter if you then leav

                • There are, however, few kinds of websites where simply displaying an image can be considered a crime under certain circumstances.

                  I don't necessarily agree with those laws. Furthermore, I really don't think filtering the website and hiding it from view would do anything. If it is truly illegal, then perhaps shutting it down would be a better course of action. And if they isn't possible, then that is too bad for them.

                  I didn't realize that displaying porn to a minor was just a case of offending the minor.

                  Right. They might not even be offended by it. I don't really care if a minor views pornography.

                  For that reason, I think anything that can help those who want to filter such material is good. If a simple block on .xxx allows that, I'm all for it.

                  I think the .xxx TLD is a stupid idea, but as long as it is 100% optional, I'm not too opposed to it.

                  • I don't necessarily agree with those laws.

                    Irrelevant. What you agree or disagree with isn't how the local prosecutor will determine what to prosecute.

                    Furthermore, I really don't think filtering the website and hiding it from view would do anything.

                    Ummm, it would prevent such things from appearing without direct action to view them. You would not be fooled by a goat.se link in /., for example, if goat.se is filtered from your browser. Any web content from a .xxx domain would be essentially non-existant if a browser filters out .xxx requests.

                    If it is truly illegal, then perhaps shutting it down would be a better course of action.

                    Please confirm, you are suggesting shutting down websites based on the legality of minors viewing the c

                    • Irrelevant. What you agree or disagree with isn't how the local prosecutor will determine what to prosecute.

                      But I said nothing about that. The first post you replied to was just describing my viewpoint: if they don't like it, then they should leave, and then get over it.

                      Ummm, it would prevent such things from appearing without direct action to view them.

                      Please confirm, you are suggesting shutting down websites based on the legality of minors viewing the content?

                      No. I meant child pornography. I couldn't care less about the laws against minors viewing certain content (I don't think those should exist anyway, but that's not to say that I think banning the mere viewing of content should be illegal at all).

                      Do you also believe that liquor stores should be closed down because they might sell something to a minor?

                      Even if I did believe what you said above, this is a different matter. I could therefore believe that yo

        • by binkzz ( 779594 )

          I question that. Reputable porn sites usually want to help with filtering.

          And they make up, what, 1 percent of porn sites?

      • by Zerth ( 26112 )

        Actually, the biggest issue is why any of them would switch all their domains to a registrar that charges 6 times as much?

        If you have a few hundred XdoesY or FooXXXparody.com addresses, that is a lot of money.

        If they really wanted porn sites to switch, they should've made it cheaper than .coms

    • It sounds like a great idea at first, but think further. This is a perfect scheme for censorship. After all, who decides what is pornography?

      That's it in a nutshell. The problem with the .xxx TLD has been explained so many times I'm not going to repeat it.

      • Easy. We use "community standards". Since the internet is global, we find the most prudish, conservative community in the world and have them decide.

        • Couldn't get the Amish online to post comments...
          • I am going to register AmishXXXChatboard.xxx right now...

            Of course, the whole .xxx domain is a big silly waste of time. The prigs want to control and sanitize the net, and we all know that is never going to happen. The fun will be when people go register .xxx domain names that aren't in any way adult related. You know, 'FuffyBunniesandFuzzyDuckies.xxx', a site composed of nothing but cute pictures of fuzzy ducklings and baby bunnies.
      • The problem is people create a problem out of it.

        To anyone actually peddling porn, .xxx should be a proud statement. "YES! We have porn here! Come and git it!"

        I'm not saying it should be mandatory, but it's kind of like a red-light district. Self identification. That's a good thing. If that results in easy filtering, then so be it. I would much rather make it easy for my fellow sysadmin to block .xxx where it is clearly not appropriate, like office networks and kids' computers. Kids don't have credi

        • Well, the problem is that it makes it way too easy to filter for porn sites. Any reputable porn site is voluntarily listed by web filtering software, using something like .XXX goes way beyond that and makes it really easy to figure out if somebody has been looking at porn. Just type .xxx into the awesome bar and you'd get a concise list very quickly. And even without doing so, it's obvious just by the TLD that it's a porn site.

          • I don't know what browser you use, but Google Chrome does a pretty good job at preventing that problem with it's "incognito mode".
            • Which works well as long as you leave it on or don't accidentally forget to enable it. Ultimately, this isn't really an appropriate way of dealing with the perceived problem.

        • or, get it and come. ;)

      • It sounds like a great idea at first, but think further. This is a perfect scheme for censorship. After all, who decides what is pornography?

        ummm, the guy who registers his site with a .xxx domain name?

        The problem with the .xxx TLD has been explained so many times I'm not going to repeat it.

        And I've found a solution to a famous mathematical problem, which the margins of this posting are too small to contain.

    • by johanw ( 1001493 )
      The adult industry won't be so stupid as to move to .xxx domains since there are fat too many prudes who would find this too easy to filter for others. My guess is that .xxx will be mostly registered by non-adult companies who want to prevent others from registering their name.xxx.
      • Nah, The adult sites will keep their .coms and get .xxx domains too. They may even change their "official" name to the .xxx domain, but still keep the .com. Best of both worlds. It will make them easier for people looking for a .xxx site to find, but still keep the advantages of a .com and avoid breaking bookmarks. It's not like it isn't trivial to have more one domain for a site.

      • You aren't allowed to register a .xxx unless you're putting porn on it. You can, however, blacklist the name so it cannot be used. But you don't have to pay annually for it.

        Basically, you're arguing that .xxx will be a giant desert with nothing in it but blacklisted trademarks.

    • Why would any website go with .XXX over .COM?

      Dot com is the gold standard for the Internet. Any porn website with a .xxx domain will be associated with spam and viruses just like all these other gimmicky TLDs

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      If we can get the Adult Industry to sell their .COMs and go to .XXX it would make an easier to manage Internet. Especially if you are searching for name of an old XWindows software you were looking for.

      Why should they give up .COM? They can just redirect the .COM to their .XXX domain, and no one would be the wiser.

      Anyhow, the problem isn't the reputable sites - they want to only show to those interested and definitely don't want to show it to those who don't (the parents and their "think about the children"

    • by Rakarra ( 112805 )

      If we can get the Adult Industry to sell their .COMs

      They won't.

      From day 1, the .XXX domain was all about revenue generation for the registrars and domain name squatters.

      • by rs79 ( 71822 )

        No it wasn't. I was there on day one. You weren't.

        I created alt.sex way back, and that filtered the sex of regular usenet, so there's precedent for this.

        It'll work. You can make noise about it in a few years if I'm wrong. And suck up accordingly if I'm not.

    • If we can get the Adult Industry to sell their .COMs and go to .XXX it would make an easier to manage Internet. Especially if you are searching for name of an old XWindows software you were looking for.

      Not just old software, I have this problem constantly:

  • Google.XXX The ultimate porn search tool ever lol
  • Slashdot.xxx?

    Just a goatse link?

    • No, it's all about 'tech porn'. You know, the sexy new gotta-have-it tech gadget that everyone it tweeting about. You know you're lusting after it right now. Look at it, lying there so sultry. It's calling your name. "Hey baby, ever had a go with an iPhone 6? I'm much hotter than that iPad3 over there, I've got all it's moves in a slimmer, more compact body. Yeah baby, just shell out some cash and I'm all yours!."
  • for slashdot.xxx
  • when did these things go from simple 3 letter extensions to full words. and whats going to happen in the future? will we see


    • when did these things go from simple 3 letter extensions to full words

      The original TLDs were com, org, net, gov, edu, mil, and - wait for it - arpa.

      So even in the beginning, not all TLDs were TLAs.

      • Sure they were. Some were just members of the ETLA subset. :)

      • by rs79 ( 71822 )

        Don't forget .NATO which was slipped in the root one day when a general called IANA ans asked for it. It was deprecated over the next decade and one day in 1996 or 7 Postel said "there's 7 tlds" "Uh, what about .NATO John? That's 8" (click click click") ok NOW there's 7 tlds, and he took it out of the root.

        Things used to be a tad more loose than they are now. You don't want to know the story behind the Iraqi tld.

  • Can anyone recommend good web hosts/registrars? XXX availabitlity isn't necessary, but I'm looking to start a personal page and know slashdot is a great reference for this type of info.
  • If you need to filter, .kids makes a lot more sense.

    • There already is a .kids.us [cms.kids.us] sub-domain of the .US TLD. The managing company does content enforcement.

  • I'm just sayin'.

  • What about all the adult, sexual oriented, material that might not be considered porn by most/some people?
    Sure there are tones of cut and dry cases, but there is also tons of erotic art, erotic literature, softcore, movies with a 18+ rating that some conservatives would call porn and they even would have a case for it, but that does not mean that it deserves to be forced into .xxx.

    • Outside of some vocal fringe groups I don't see any overarching push to label everything even mildly questionable as porn. By your rationale people would be clamoring to have much of the content of prime time television forced under an .xxx-like label.

      I think it's rather obvious what would fall under the .xxx, whatever is currently considered xxx content; basically anything you might find perusing sites like Youporn. Everything else, novels, movies or whatever that wouldn't be considered hardcore porn would

      • What about sites that contain content that is undeniable porn, but also pander in a equal amount of completely non adult content.
        4chan for example has places for porn and places for stuff that is absolutely not porn.
        A lot of Anime sites include content made for children alongside of the most degraded hentai.

  • I, for one, will be expecting a new Pavlovian reflex. Every time a man's fingers hit the keys, '.xxx', he will experience a rapid erection. It can be called "The Pavlovian Bonereflex".

    Viagra sales will go down, Microsoft will patent the dot-x-x-x keystroke, and Vin Diesel fans will act like nothing happened.

    • Microsoft won't patent the dot-x-x-x keystroke. They will add it as a new key on the keyboard next to the Windows button (and that would be patentable if not for this prior art).
  • These are the current requirements [icmregistry.com] for getting a working .xxx domain in either Sunrise or Landrush. (No mention of open registration once landrush is over, but the requirements will probably be the same.

    Sponsored Community Validation Process:

    1. Person/company submits an application for a name in Sunrise A or Landrush with their registrar of choice — they pay their registrar directly for that.
    2. ICM sends the person/company an introduction email that includes

  • I'm going to Godwin this and say that moving to an xxx domain is the same as getting branded, numbered, or badged. It's fine in the beginning, but wait until someone doesn't want you around. Same reason people have a problem with gun registration. Actually, same reason people have a problem with giving away any personal information that may categorize them -- and ALL personal information does.

    1) I am white, african-american, mexican, asian, etc
    2) I am Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, etc

  • i just registered goatse.xxx and se.xxx

  • by Pauldow ( 1860502 ) on Wednesday September 07, 2011 @04:48PM (#37333402)

    The real reason for the .xxx TLD isn't to segregate porn sites. It's a money grab against other companies.
    Now Disney, McDonalds, Pepsi, and thousands of other companies have to register their domains with the .XXX to be sure that no one else registers their names.

    • The real reason for the .xxx TLD isn't to segregate porn sites. It's a money grab against other companies.
      Now Disney, McDonalds, Pepsi, and thousands of other companies have to register their domains with the .XXX to be sure that no one else registers their names.

      This isn't clear to me. If you're Pepsi, why not just wait for someone else to pay for pepsi.xxx and then sue them for cybersquatting and take it from them and get it for free?

  • rosa:/home/joe>whois nethead.xxx
    No whois server is known for this kind of object.

  • Ah, well, 1996 has come and gone.

    Still, I might call it dot-thirty.

  • I personally would love to see a .RRR TLD. Or would it be .ARR?
  • I just hope now that all adult content websites, will move over to the .xxx names, and leave all the other .com for real word companies....although I do not think girlswithbigbooty.com will be anything else other then Kim Kardashian at the beach...

[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month. -- Wernher von Braun
