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Sawfish 1.9 RC1 Released 50

Last Thursday, the Sawfish window manager project announced the availability of 1.8.92. The release brings several new features. Highlights include: support for MATE and Razor-Qt (along with better GNOME and KDE support), better edge action support, and improvements to the theming system. A new OS X style single window mode has been added, along with a really interesting shade stack feature: "Added shade-stack feature. It provides an alternative to iconify-window. Instead of iconifying a window or minizing it to a tray, the windows get shaded and sorted in a stack starting from the top-left corner (the number of columns can be changed). Combined with auto-unshade this offers — possibly — a better way of interacting with windows which aren't required at the moment. Original code by Luke Gorrie. [Christopher Bratusek]" This is the first release candidate for the new stable 1.9 series.
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Sawfish 1.9 RC1 Released

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  • Single window mode (Score:2, Informative)

    by bonch ( 38532 ) *

    Added `single-window-mode'. Basically this feature is known from OS-X, though it's implemented in a more strict way. The `single-window-mode' window should get all of the users attention.

    Single window mode hasn't been a standard feature of OS X since the public beta in 2000. I thought at first that it was referring to fullscreen mode in Lion, but it appears to really be talking about the original single window mode, which had a purple button in the upper right corner of a window before the button was turned

    • by osu-neko ( 2604 )

      Single window mode hasn't been a standard feature of OS X since the public beta in 2000 [...] IIRC, the feature is still there


      • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 )

        You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension. Or is your monitor faded in strange spots so you couldn't read the whole post?

        • But marking it as a whole one for taxes...and maybe karma.

          One could point out the intention may lie in the semantics of standard vs default. I'm just throwing in a, "One could." I don't own up to nothin'. My computer came with an operating system as part of the standard package, but I didn't like the default one they offered and replaced it with three Debian variants and an experiment with Gentoo (second version of stage 3 live CD was actually very impressive compared to the Ubuntu live CD of the same ye

  • This has got to be a belated April Fools joke.

    Slashdot, circa 2002!!!

  • Any language that has more parens than keywords is all right by my book!
  • by MonsterTrimble ( 1205334 ) <monstertrimble AT hotmail DOT com> on Monday April 02, 2012 @01:09PM (#39551349)
    Offtopic: Has anyone done a distro using Razor-qt yet? I'm going to be upgrading to a newer laptop in a couple months and I would like to give this a whirl.
    • Re:Razor-qt (Score:4, Informative)

      by Bill, Shooter of Bul ( 629286 ) on Monday April 02, 2012 @01:49PM (#39551787) Journal

      Sort of. Arch, obviously does. There is a repo for fedora as well. I've used it, its nice but a little rough around the edges. The psuedo start button menu pop up thing, doesn't do the submenus right. Switching to a sub menu only works if you keep the mouse directly to the right of the selector. Most desktops will give you a little bit of wiggle room. That's pretty much my only complaint

    • by archen ( 447353 )

      I don't think Razor qt is ready for distro based off it. I use it on Gentoo and it's mostly functional, although rough around the edges in spots. For instance there's no feedback when clicking on icons, no volume control and there isn't a theme manager hooked into the gui. Aside from click feedback I really wish there was a way to bring up a run command dialog. I'm not sure what the development pace is, but I'm sure most of this stuff will be cleaned up within the next release or two.

    • Why do you need a new distro for that? Just install the package! I see one in my package management system.

  • Not heard anything about Sawfish for years. I'd come to the conclusion it was more-or-less abandonware. Great to see it isn't. It's an exceptional WM
  • by Flammon ( 4726 ) on Monday April 02, 2012 @01:24PM (#39551541) Journal

    Saw(fish/mill) was my favourite window manager years ago and I was upset when GNOME replaced it's official status with Metacity. It was a sad day when Eazel went bankrupt and John Harper went to work for Apple. He eventually abandoned this great work but as a FOSS project, it never dies. It becomes a stepping stone for the next generation of developers. Software development might be slower in the beginning but after a few years, FOSS is standing on the shoulders of giants and that will be a force that no single entity will be able to match.

    • by osu-neko ( 2604 )
      It used to be my favorite window manager. Then, in one release, they removed nearly all the features I liked, or at least removed their options from the settings -- apparently they could still be set by using some regedit-like interface or something, I don't recall exactly, but making it simpler and easier to use was the apparent justification for making it incredibly more complicated and difficult to use. I stopped using it after that.
      • by Janek Kozicki ( 722688 ) on Monday April 02, 2012 @02:56PM (#39552539) Journal

        I added those features back. Then Christopher took over and continues his great work.

        • by Janek Kozicki ( 722688 ) on Monday April 02, 2012 @05:48PM (#39554587) Journal

          A bit more history:
          - in 2000 John Harper created sawfish,
          - in 2005 he abadoned it.
          - In 2007 he gave me full access to repository. Then I was officially a new sawfish developer. I revived sawfish and made few releases, mainly I brought back previously removed features (such as viewports). Also I concentrated on creating a useful wiki, that would allow everyone to easily submit patches. This wiki worked beyond all my expectations. We had 1 nice patch/feature per week for several years. There was actually a reason to make new sawfish release every three or four months. This work attracted more and more people to the community.
          - In year 2009 I passed lead to new developer Christopher Bratusek, who was one of the first to join after I got access permissions from John Harper
          - Currently I am amazed to see that in 2012 Christopher Bratusek is still doing great job

          Let me paste here my slashdot post about sawfish, which I wrote some time ago.
          I am using sawfish and ROX for over 15 years. I wouldn't change it for anything else. Even though my wife & sister & friends went through various generations KDE, gnome, unity and I learned how to use them (just for the sake of helping them). Still sawfish is the MOST powerful & fastest wm ever. And rox the lightest fm (file manager), but of course I use mc a lot (where I had submitted some patches too, especially with tree view of directories in another panel).

          Imagine, that in sawfish you can even UNDO window actions (movement, resize, anything else). Assign different window properties per window type (frame(less) type, coordinates, size, placement strategy). You cannot even imagine how configurable are the keyboard shortcuts. No really. You. Can't. Imagine. Do you want have a totally mouseless workflow in multitude of opened windows? no problem. Want tablet? No problem. Window tabbing & window tling are the BASICS. Not some advance features. I haven't seen tabbing in any of those popular wms, like kwin or metacity.

          There is no way I would even seriously consider any other wm than sawfish.

          why rox? There's nothing lighter that gives me icons, a desktop and panels. My 8 cores and 32 GB of ram are better spent elsewhere than on clumsy desktop environment. I am running dozen of simultaneous calculations almost all memory is used, and sawfish is still as responsive as if there was nothing clogging the cores. I never stop to be amazed at that. Especially when I look at other people's PCs when they open just a few apps, and their desktop becomes so unresponsive that I would get mad.

          This comfort also made me a little lazy to "clean up" my desktops. I have 24 viewports, they are all full of windows - betweeen 100 and 200 windows open (I guess about 150 right now). And they get dusty. After few months I discover some forgotten window on some viewport and it brings nice memories about what I was doing back then.
          == end paste

          side note: Christopher thinks that my desktop is "old school" and outdated ;) Mainly because I use plain old simple ROX instead of bells & whistles that are available right now. That's so funny for both of us. And it demonstrates how flexible sawfish is.

          to be honest, I did a little cheat there: I run sawfish at -20 nice priority. Because I am really clogging all 8 CPUs with tons of calculations and other stuff (sometimes even too big for 32 GB of RAM that I have). And I do not tolerate any lag on the desktop.
          I made a special pager background for sawfish-pager so that all my 6*4=24 viewports are labelled, and it amazes my friends when they see how I switch between them :)
          I have three LCD screens: 1600x1200,1920x1200,1600x1200, all wonderfully working with xinerama (nvidia) and tuxonice hibernation (in case if power runs out, and I can't afford terminating my calculations, so better to hibernate). Heh, I like to brag about this setup sometimes, because I'm proud of how great it works :) Also this big screen setup lead me to find several obscure bugs in sawfish, and to fixing them.

          It's not a coincidence that for all this great setup sawfish is the most important ingredient. Without sawfish I would feel like with my hands crippled, almost like without CLI.

          • Oh, I even got an offer from Richard Stallman to push making sawfish a default GNOME's WM. Though I had to refuse due to lack of time.. since I focus mainly on scientific research and then keeping alive the tools I like (e.g. sawfish).

            see full record on:


            • re-reading those archived emails from 2008 shows that I was a little exaggerating, oh sweet lovely memories.

              and btw - why all my posts look like a monologue? Perhaps I need to get some sleep :)

              • by Flammon ( 4726 )

                Actually quite interesting. It's nice to see the developers participate in the discussions. I can imagine the flamewars if Linus would have been a Slashdotter.

                • He might be lurking here every now and then. Here's a funny Linuxcon Portland 2009 piece [] where (pos 2:00) he is asked "so you actually read Slashdot?" and he shoots himself with a finger pistol.
                • I still have big sentiment to my first contact with sawfish. It was year 2000, and I was playing with my freshly installed debian box. I got rid of windows about 2 years earlier, and I was experimenting with everything that linux could have bring to me. I tried red-hat for 6 months, slackware, etc. Then I settled on debian. Next I was trying all desktop environments & window managers that dselect was showing in package listing (there was no aptitude at that time).

                  And I installed one by one, and used it

  • In the related links I saw "Can Microsoft Afford To Lose With Windows 8?" so I presume this can replace the Metro UI, but the page linked from TFS isn't clear how to do that at all.

  • Do these things exist independently of the DE that uses/used them - in this case what - GNOME 1 or GNOME 2? Since people have moved from GNOME 2 to various options - LXDE/XFCE/Unity/GNOME3/KDE et al, how does this WM still remain relevant?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Do these things exist independently of the DE that uses/used them


      how does this WM still remain relevant?

      As long as there are people who want to use and develop it, it remains relevant, at least to them. If you don't care about it, no-one's trying to force it on you.

    • You can mix-and-match components ... right now I'm running the gnome2 desktop with sawfish and xfce-panel.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
