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Belfast Plots 1Gbps Ultra-Fast Broadband Network 54

twoheadedboy writes "Belfast is going to get ultra-fast broadband, as plans for a 1Gbps network get going. Belfast's City Council has been guaranteed £6m of the UK government's £100m Urban Broadband Fund, but could receive up to £13.7m if the Government approves its plans. The city plans to get the network up and running in three years, which will make it one of the best-connected cities in the world."
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Belfast Plots 1Gbps Ultra-Fast Broadband Network

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  • Seems like all of Belgium's neighbours are developing plans to roll out FTTx .
    Meanwhile we're stuck in the dark ages and this country's telecom duopoly (Belgacom & Telenet) can't seem to care.

    On one hand we have the semi-nationalised Belgacom, earning money on the network they were able to roll out using taxpayer's money.
    They recently decided investing in FTTH is too soon, preferring to look into revitalizing DSL technology to support marginally higher speeds (50 MBit instead of 20).
    Smaller providers re

    • by Ihmhi ( 1206036 )

      Not that I live in a more rural area, but when "Internet" for some people is a Satellite link, over a mobile phone, or over a telephone line... I don't think it's really right to say you're living the Dark Ages. Middle Ages, maybe.

      Meanwhile, Swedes get the Renaissance and South Korea gets the Enlightenment...

    • I can only guess how the internet works. For instance when I download from /., I am sure that I am not the only one that is doing it so I would think that I would get only a few milliseconds of downloading and that would repeat until my download is complete. When the speed increases I would think that my download time would decrease since there would be more data in each of time allotments I get. But as always when the speed increases each server is just given more users to serve and therefore have to re
      • Not only that, but they can't start sending at 1 Gbps because most likely the other end couldn't handle it, and start dropping packets anyway. So they start sending slow, and have to figure out when packets are dropped to figure out which speed is the appropriate to send at, so that the file goes as fast as possible without going too fast, and having packets dropped. Most likely by the time most web files are done, they won't have even gotten up to full speed on a 1 Gbps line. Also, what is the point of
  • by Anonymous Coward

    1 GPS is enough for anybody. Having a public-owned utility providing the connectivity has been great. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    I will, however, willingly part with our mayor and congressman. If you are interested in worthless scum of the earth, please reply with where we can send them. Tar and features will be provided with our compliments.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I will, however, willingly part with our mayor and congressman. If you are interested in worthless scum of the earth, please reply with where we can send them. Tar and features will be provided with our compliments.

      We may have a deal... provided the tar is in large enough quantities (which I doubt - it starts freezing here and I hear the oil prices are quite high in your world).



    • 1 GPS is enough for anybody.

      Maybe that is true today but what about tomorrow?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    My parents can get 1Gbit/s for $90/month in their house, as did I in my last appartment. And we are a much less densely populated country.

  • by game kid ( 805301 ) on Friday April 06, 2012 @06:25AM (#39595925) Homepage

    ...government renames Northern Ireland capital Belreallyfast, as Irish linguists protest.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    It's unsinkable!

  • If the US had a municipality with an extra $6 million, or if the federal government could dole out an extra $6 million all it would take is the local government using their eminent domain rights to condemm whatever property they wanted to build the network. They could rip commercial wires down from poles and replace them with their own to get this done. There really is no limit to what could be done with this, if a government decided to do this.

    Except, within a week of doing so such a city would be sued o

  • One of the best ways to go about this is to use the same approach as Stockholm, where we've had "ultra-fast" 1Gbps broadband for quite a few years now.

    The city has founded and funded a city owned company with the sole purpose of putting fiber in the ground to every part of the city. The company then allows any ISP to rent space in the fiber, ensuring fair competion in the internet connectivity marketplace. Since the company has easier access to city decision makers whenever they need to dig up a street it i

  • This is all very nice, but here in Lafayette, Louisiana, we just got 1 Gb service up and running. See []. This is part of the joy of a city owned ISP. The big commercial providers are pissed, but we customers love it!
  • I'm really sick of hearing how all these places in the UK other than Scotland are getting their fair share of this broadband money - 1GBps networks being rolled out - London's 100mb planned networks already assured of upgrades. Every other English city seems bet getting 100mb networks; right down to the smallest village - but yet, in Scotland, most places barely even have 1mb lines; my sister barely gets 20 kbps and she lives less than 15 miles from a city of 100, 000 people. we don't all live in Glasgow y
    • Out of curiosity, do we have a plan to take back the "North Sea gold" and did it ever cross our minds whether oil/gas companies really have "nationalities" at all? As a resident of Scotland I often hear oil as an argument for "yes", but I wonder if that flies in the face of trade agreements.
      • That will obviously be part of the negotiation but - rationale being my sole assumption here - the tax will flow into our coffers.
        • That could be achieved with devolution of tax powers. Decentralized taxes are known to work well in federal countries. Independence can be seen as overkill for that purpose.

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