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Google Censorship Youtube News

Google Blocks 'Innocence of Muslim' Video In Indonesia and India 484

hypnosec writes "Google has blocked the anti-Islamic video, which was posted on YouTube, in Indonesia as well as India. YouTube has already denied a complete removal of the clip 'Innocence of Muslims' that mocks Islam and Prophet Mohammed. The video has led to protests and violence across the Arab world. The foreign ministry spokesperson of Indonesia and India have confirmed that Google has blocked access to the video. Indonesia has also asked RIM to filter the video on its smartphones."
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Google Blocks 'Innocence of Muslim' Video In Indonesia and India

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  • Not Convenient (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Apparently freedom of speech applies only when it's convenient. Sounds a lot like the model in China where only specific protests/violence are "allowed". Way to go Google for adopting the China model. Maybe they'll let you back in!

    • by Chrisq ( 894406 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @04:13AM (#41360069)

      Are they going to block this image from the Onion, entitled "No One Murdered Because Of This Image" []? After all everyone tells us that Muslims are no worse than people of other religions, so surely this insult to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism will have the members of respective religions storming embassies and murdering people all over the place?

      If not some people might suspect that Islam really is a more violent and savage religion than the others

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by nospam007 ( 722110 ) *

        "so surely this insult to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism will have the members of respective religions storming embassies and murdering people all over the place? "

        I suspect you're too young to remember the deaths that 'Christians' caused after having seen the movie 'Jud Süß'
        The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 8, 1940 and received rave reviews, earning the top award. [] []

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Chrisq ( 894406 )

          "so surely this insult to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism will have the members of respective religions storming embassies and murdering people all over the place? "

          I suspect you're too young to remember the deaths that 'Christians' caused after having seen the movie 'Jud Süß' The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 8, 1940 and received rave reviews, earning the top award.

 [] []

          Yes, I am too young to remember Nazi propaganda films. leaving aside whether or not it was a "Christian" film - it is much more aligned to NAziism than Christianity, I will make two points:

          1. 1) I doubt if you would find any mainstream Christian denomination that would support this today
          2. 2) Muslims are fond of pointing out a time in history or an individual who acts like them and use it as justification. They say "yes we blew up the World Trade Centre, but McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma building", or "Yes we go
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Apparently freedom of speech applies only when it's convenient.

      Apparently you think US law governs the whole world.

      The film is inciteful enough to be in a grey area legally even in some western nations like the UK.

      I think you're stretching the truth to just call this speech anyway. There is no significant communication in the entire bit. It is just a call to violence.

    • Re:Not Convenient (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Sqr(twg) ( 2126054 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @04:49AM (#41360215)

      Freedom of speech is a concept that applies to law-making, not web-hosting. Google has done nothing to prevent the filmmakers from distributing this trailer. They are also not blocking it from search.

      All they do is abstain from hosting it themselves in ceratin countries in the same way as a US newspaper might refuse to publish a nazi propaganda ad. People perceive publication/distribution as (weak) a form of endorsment, and Google wants to avoid this.

      (Also, the movie itself seems to be a piece of crap, regardess of any point it's trying to make.)

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      here's a big surprise for you... the first amendment only applies in America. Other countries have their own constitutions (or not) and their own laws. Google is obliged to conform to local laws of the countries in which it operates. They're also a private company, not an arm of the state - so the first amendment wouldn't even apply if they chose to block the video in the US.
      There is no violation here - but you can continue you to rant if you wish (as is your first amendment right) - but please be aware tha

  • by Adult film producer ( 866485 ) <> on Monday September 17, 2012 @04:08AM (#41360041) []

    Pass it around, Free Mohammad.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Pretty naive of the admin of this web site to believe that he will be able to safeguard his anonymity in the long run.

      Anyway, picture of Mohammad are boring and nobody wants to see them.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Pretty naive of the admin of this web site to believe that he will be able to safeguard his anonymity in the long run.

        Why would he have to?

        Anyway, picture of Mohammad are boring and nobody wants to see them.

        [citation needed]

  • Delicate Balance (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by wermske ( 1781984 ) *

    I believe there is a delicate balance between having and holding values and imposing them upon others. I don't deny that the violent reaction is itself an imposition of values; however, I posit that traditions of free speech can withstand the assault and our culture is unharmed by demonstration of respect. Where as, I am not confident that opposition cultures with outspoken and violent counter-mainstream elements -- unsteeped in and intollerant of traditions of free speech -- are capable of withstanding

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 17, 2012 @04:15AM (#41360079)
    87% of Indians are not Muslims, and are not going to care one way or another about this movie. What was the need to block it here? Let them block it in dar ul Islam, which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh & Fuckistan, but does NOT include India.
  • Election Year People (Score:5, Informative)

    by FriendlyLurker ( 50431 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @04:16AM (#41360085)
    "Muslim world rising against America" is your shock doctrine [] for this election, please vote accordingly and against your own interests.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 17, 2012 @06:02AM (#41360535)

      This morning, Sept 17, 2012, I've been watching and listenting to reports of riots and civil unrest all over the World - from mostly international sources.

      While the American news sources are focused almost exclusively on the Middle East, their are riots in China, Japan, S. Africa, Western Europe, etc ....

      NONE of them are about Islam. They are all about economics.

      Deep down it's the same with the MIddle Eastern riots. This piss-ant video was just a the spark or an excuse for the riots.

      ANYONE who thinks these riots are really about Islam being "insulted" is horribly provincial and uninformed.

      An example of something similar in the States would be the Occupy Wall Street protests. It's really not about Wall Street "greed". It's about young people pissed off about the percveived lack of economic opportunities and jobs that are available to them - exactly the same reason all those young people in the Middle East are rioting. Give'em jobs and they'll be back in their homes.

      We have BILLIONS of people trying to get a slice of the ecnomic pie and the pie isn't growing fast enough for us all to have increasing standards of living. Hence, the haves are getting more and the have nots are being left in the dust.

      But go ahead, blame the video and Islam because that's what the media is telling you.

      And go ahead be a smug that you have a nice life because you were smart enough to get a degree in the right field in the right country and live in the right are.

      If this keeps up, YOU will be affected - if not already.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        The thing with muslims is they consider any belief system other than their own to be unacceptable, so mocking theirs is fair game. However mocking islam is completely unacceptable.

        If you read the qu'ran, it is full of stuff like this. Muslims may not lie to other muslims, but they are allowed to lie to non-muslims. Muslims are allowed to claim non-muslims as slaves. Sure not all muslims believe this, but it is written in their book. Don't take my word for it, read the qu'ran for yourself.

        Also the idea that

  • Noone would be trying to watch this without the Streisand effect. I can't see how anyone could take such a terrible piece of filmmaking seriously. Hell, it doesn't even make fucking sense most of the time, it's just so disjointed and jarring. Blocking it worldwide would be doing humanity a favour.

    • Just because people are outraged that the video exists doesn't mean they've actually seen it.
  • Specific video have been region blocked for a long while. I can watch many video even from game because it is blocked in germany due to copyright reason. So if you block due to one law (copyright) you can block due to anotehr law (incitation at blasphemy or whatever the law is called there).

    I am not saying it is good or bad or anything, it is jsut business as usual and local law compliance.
  • Still.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I really don't care... Really. This is just the latest excuse someone somewhere tossed out for the reason that muslims are killing people... again.
    If it wasnt this video it would be some cartoon. Or maybe a book. Or a newspaper. Maybe just something someone somewhere did or said... or didnt say.

    You can't deal with a religion that wants everyone else dead by saying ' i respect your right to religious differences' and pandering to them.
    It's just not gonna work.

    Someday the world is gonna have to deal

  • good compromise (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Tom ( 822 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @05:27AM (#41360377) Homepage Journal

    I actually like what they are doing here.

    Refusing to take it down entirely is good. Blocking it in countries where the authorities want it blocked is also good. Refusing to do that would be a typical USA "we know better than you" move, and that is a big piece of the reason why the US is hated in so many places around the world.

    If people within the country don't like what their government is doing, it is their job to solve that problem. If they need help, they can ask for it. Don't force "help" on people who may or may not want it.

  • by kokoko1 ( 833247 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @05:28AM (#41360379)
    This still not blocked in Pakistan. Google should block it in all the Islamic countries.. India is not Islamic country however after Indonesia it has the 2nd largest Muslim population.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Why does something critical of a religion have to be blocked?

      I'm an agnostic, and I've seen any number of documentaries, interviews and propaganda by various religions suggesting that I'm anything from a devil-worshipper to a deviant to an idiot for not wanting to believe whatever religion it is that they believe in and also that I'll burn in hell for all eternity. I don't call that a pleasant belief and especially not when they want to tell me that I'm going to suffer eternal pain for how I live my life.


  • by Vinegar Joe ( 998110 ) on Monday September 17, 2012 @05:45AM (#41360455)

    Indosiar (one of the largest TV networks in Indonesia) is running a vicious anti-Hindu series "Sembilan Wali". The Balinese are upset but they aren't beheading anyone.

  • All I've seen is a max a 14 minute trailer. Is this supposed to be the whole movie? 5 million dollars to create a terrible trailer? The movie probably doesn't even exist.

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
