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GNOME Technology

GNOME 3.6 Released 230

kthreadd writes "Gnome 3.6 is out. The announcement reads: 'The GNOME Project is proud to present GNOME 3.6, the third update to the 3.x series. This latest version of GNOME 3 includes a number of new features and enhancements, as well as many bug fixes and minor improvements. Together, they represent a significant upgrade to the GNOME 3 user experience.' Andreas Nilsson, President of the GNOME Foundation, said: 'The GNOME Foundation is proud to present this latest GNOME release, and I would like to congratulate the GNOME community on its achievement.' He described the release as 'an important milestone in our mission to bring a free and open computing environment to everyone.' New applications include Clocks and Boxes. Clocks is a world time clock, which allows you to keep an eye on what the local time is around the world. Boxes allows you to connect to other machines, either virtual or remote. For developers there's the new GtkLevelBar widget in GTK+, and GtkEntry can now use Pango attributes."
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GNOME 3.6 Released

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  • by Picass0 ( 147474 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:18PM (#41470965) Homepage Journal

    Adios Gnome.

  • Happily running KDE (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Tough Love ( 215404 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:20PM (#41470985)

    Happily running KDE. Stable, pretty, highly configurable, defaults require minimal tweaking by me, just does the job. Kubuntu introduces some minor blemishes but survivable. Had to run Windows for a few days, was impressed what a poor experience it is compared to KDE. Just one of many annoying Windows habits: likes to wake up from sleep in the middle of the night and nag me about spending money on McAffey and Norton. Likes to shut down without asking instead of sleep if I make the tinyiest miss with the mouse. Like to reboot a lot. Sometimes just acts strange until rebooted. Argh.

    • by SomeKDEUser ( 1243392 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:28PM (#41471075)

      Same thing when you are forced on OSX. Seriously, KDE has the best window manager bar none. How no one has gone postal on the MS and apple folks responsible for that part of their respective interfaces s a mystery to me.

      • by jbolden ( 176878 )

        Best window manager? Come on, KDE has a rather simple window manager. The best window managers are the high power ones like enlightenment or xmonad,

        • by SomeKDEUser ( 1243392 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @08:36PM (#41471833)

          kwin is fully scriptable -- how much more power do you need than per-window/window class/app rules?. Also, it only does its job of managing windows, and the rest is taken care of by the desktop. Enlightenment is a wm+launchers+set of apps but refuses to admit it would like to be a DE like XFCE. They can't admit that because OMG BLOAT!

          xmonad is a very interesting experiment, which some people find great. But these are the same people who think that the purpose of X is having more terminal windows open at the same time -- or their spiritual descendants.

          • by jbolden ( 176878 )

            I agree with your descriptions, in the sense I get your point though I consider that best. You seem to know window managers what makes kwin the best IYO?

            • You don't have to think about kwin, it just stays out of the way and does its thing in an unsurprising way. Advanced features like "keep above" and "remember position" are there, easy to get at, and obvious how to use when you need them. The default theme is tastefully done, not ugly and not in your face.

              • by jbolden ( 176878 )

                So your position is it is the combination of power and ease of use that makes it the best?

      • by Trogre ( 513942 )

        You and I must be using very different KDE's, because that has not been my experience at all.

        Of course, that may be literally true, as I'm running KDE on Fedora so all bets are off.

    • So you say KDE being highly configurable is a good thing, and then moan about your complete inability to configure Windows as well as blaming the experience on some known shitty 3rd party apps that no one runs.

      Honestly if your complaints about Windows extend to you not knowing how to use powercfg, how to uninstall applications, and being too uncoordinated to hit a 15x15pixel square with your mouse (or can't figure out how to configure one of the many different other ways to send your computer to sleep) then

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      KDE4 is better than Gnome3, but that's a pretty low bar. It's not nearly as good as KDE3, or even Gnome2. Of course, I'm not using a tablet, or I might have other opinions.

      If SUSE weren't essentially broken, I'd switch to it merely because it's kept the KDE3 desktop available. Unfortunately, the live disk won't even boot on my computer. (Who knows why. All I can see is a solid green screen.)

      When Debian drops Gnome2 I'll probably switch to LXDE for awhile. (That's what I'm using on my testing partition

      • KDE4 is better than Gnome3, but that's a pretty low bar. It's not nearly as good as KDE3...

        You're behind the curve. KDE 4 caught up with and passed KDE 3 some time ago. I can count on the fingers of one finger how many KDE 3 features I miss now. Just one: the slide away task bar.

  • Amazing! (Score:5, Funny)

    by David Gerard ( 12369 ) <slashdot&davidgerard,co,uk> on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:20PM (#41470993) Homepage

    Both users are thrilled!

    (They are the two remaining developers.)

    Do they have even one developer who actually owns a touchscreen device [] yet?

    • Re:Amazing! (Score:5, Informative)

      by AchilleTalon ( 540925 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @08:27PM (#41471721) Homepage
      I must admit there is much more innovation in this release of Gnome than in the iPhone5.
    • Re:Amazing! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by afgam28 ( 48611 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @08:54PM (#41472095)

      I'm pretty sure that Gnome Shell isn't designed to work on a touchscreen. Hot corners are useless on a touchscreen, but Gnome Shell makes use of hot corners, so it's pretty obvious that it was designed first and foremost as a mouse-based UI.

      They have done a few things to ensure that touchscreens aren't broken (e.g. the big icons), but the keyboard and mouse are obviously the primary input devices.

      The whole "Gnome sucks because it is a desktop environment but was designed for a touchscreen" thing is a complete strawman argument.

  • obligatory comments (Score:5, Interesting)

    by binarstu ( 720435 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:22PM (#41471013)
    I'll just get these out of the way for anyone who feels compelled to post them.

    GNOME 3 is the worst desktop ever!
    Actually, Unity is even worse!
    This is why Linux on the desktop will never succeed!
    GNOME 2 was the only decent Linux desktop!
    I haven't seriously used Linux for 10 years, but I know that my Mac is 1000x better in all possible ways!

    Personally, I'm looking forward to checking out the new GNOME.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Personally, I'm looking forward to checking out the new GNOME.

      Looks like the GNOME userbase just grew 50%!

      • That will make it the fasting growing interface in the world.

        Look out Microsoft!
        Look out Apple!
        The Gnome 3 steamroller is going to crush you!
    • by Osgeld ( 1900440 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @07:32PM (#41471117)

      "Personally, I'm looking forward to checking out the new GNOME."

      I seriously have better things to do tonight than install a slightly less broken DM with better accessibility features touted as one of its two bragging points.

    • by MrLizardo ( 264289 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @09:09PM (#41472255) Journal

      Yup. I'm going to wait a bit for the themes and extensions I use to get updated for 3.6, but it's looking good so far. At this point it feels like pretty much all the functionality and options removed during the GNOME 2 -> 3 transition has been made available as an extension or exposed as an option via gnome-tweak-tool. Any favorite extensions that you can't live without? My favorites are:
      - Axe menu extension (to put a nice "traditional" GNOME menu back in the top left)
      - Maximus (to remove the titlebar on maximized windows) and Window Options (to make the window menu available from the panel)
      - Tracker extension (to add file results to the type-ahead find search) and Journal extension (to add recent files to dock icon's right click menu)
      - Calculator extension (to make the type-ahead find search perform calculations)

      My current favorite theme is MediterraneanNight []

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by FoolishOwl ( 1698506 )

      I'm happy enough with Gnome 3 as implemented in Fedora, and I thought Unity in Ubuntu was pretty decent. Neither is flawless, but I prefer either of them to any other desktop UI I've tried.

      I can understand the frustration with a sudden change in the Gnome UI. But I don't understand the depth or breadth of the rage.

      • I'm happy enough with Gnome 3 as implemented in Fedora, and I thought Unity in Ubuntu was pretty decent. Neither is flawless, but I prefer either of them to any other desktop UI I've tried.

        I can understand the frustration with a sudden change in the Gnome UI. But I don't understand the depth or breadth of the rage.

        Perhaps because if I wanted a radically different desktop experience, I'd have liked to choose it myself rather than have it dumped on me without my say-so?

        Gnome 3. WTF?

  • "Daddy, what's GNOME?"
  • Obligatory post describing my preferred environment that is not GNOME 3.

  • I'm curious to give Gnome 3 a spin (not Unity). Can anyone recommend a relatively pure up to date Gnome Distro? preferably apt based?

    • Fedora [] (my distro of choice) is about as bleeding edge as you'll get (and still be relatively stable). It is of course based around YUM/RPM, though. I honestly love Gnome 3 on it; it needs polishing, but I find it much more efficient for my workflow than Gnome 2/XFCE/whatever. YMMV
      • Thanks - I'll give it a spin in a VM

        • Echoing SiriusStarr, make sure you install the tweak tool and get familiar with the shortcuts.

          I complained like crazy when Debian Sid went to GNOME 3.0. I moved to XFCE + Compiz for awhile until I decided to give it another try. It took a few weeks to get used to, but now that I have retrained myself and gotten used to it, I wouldn't go back.

          I don't think its for everyone and the fact that 3.0 was very unconfigurable is what gave everyone a heart attack. It's getting better. Some people will never like

          • by mvdwege ( 243851 )

            I'm surprised at the vitriol launched at the Gnome team for their release policy. It is especially ironic considering that most of the critics want to keep Gnome2, which followed the exact same policy: release a working base system first, then start working on configuration options and extensions/applets.

        • It really won't behave well unless it can use hardware 3D acceleration, so keep that in mind when choosing a hypervisor.

    • Ubuntu is planning to release a GNOME "remix" called (wait for it) GNOMEbuntu in October. I'm still not sure if this will land alongside Ubuntu 12.10 or a bit afterwards, but it should be a very comfortable way to play with GNOME3 if you like apt.

      • by jrumney ( 197329 )
        All these "remixes" are just changing the default. There is nothing stopping you from installing GNOME 3 on Ubuntu now (it is in the repositories), and selecting it before you log in (the selection is sticky by default).
    • by afgam28 ( 48611 )

      As others have said, Fedora and Ubuntu Gnome Remix are good options. Just keep in mind however that both Fedora and Ubuntu time their releases so that they come in about 1 month after Gnome releases. In turn, Gnome releases are timed to be about 1 month after releases. This is intentional, and is supposed to ensure that new versions of Gnome make it into the releases quickly.

      The current versions are Fedora 17 and Ubuntu 12.04, which both ship with Gnome 3.4.
      The next versions are Fedora 18 and Ubuntu 1

    • by olau ( 314197 )

      I'm on Debian which is about as pure as it gets, but unfortunately they're in freeze at the moment so we probably won't see 3.6 for some time.

  • I'd like to hear from people who have used GNOME 3.6. Is it actually usable for sofware development?
    Does it fit any kind of reasonable workflow?
    Or is it just full of eye candy for the end-user?

    -- hendrik

    • I haven't used 3.6 yet, but I find 3.4 to be relatively friendly for dev work, especially with a couple extensions [] and a couple trips to gnome-tweak-tool. One of the nice parts is that it works really well without having to use a mouse very much. They adopted the OSX-style alt+` to switch between windows in a single app. Also, using type-ahead find to launch or switch to apps is nice.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      3.0 was pretty awful but there are people in my office that can get stuff done in 3.5. Apart from being stuck on 4 workspaces (probably a way around it) it seems to work well. The window image snapshot thing is cool as a type of fullscreen window list that pops up as required and is a different way to so it than Enlightenment did back in 1997 (snapshot images in an icon box).
  • When I'm not on OS X my Linux boxes are happily testing and running KDE 4.8.2 and GNOME 3.4.2 from Debian. I look forward to 3.6 and especially the day I can modify the magnetic attraction to the upper left corner that takes control of my mouse when moving menu windows and I happen to miss. I also look forward to being able to not have my applications always launch and position themselves upper left (0,0) [relative to the menu top bar] of Gnome which often has me dealing with the mouse flying up and bringin

    • by afgam28 ( 48611 )

      There's an extension that lets you disable the top-left hot corner (actually there are a few). []

      I tried it for a while but then I found it made me slower. These days if my mouse accidentally strays into the hot corner, I just quickly flick the mouse back there again and it goes back to normal (the hot corner can be used to get out of the overview as well as to get into it).

  • by rr0 ( 2739971 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2012 @09:18PM (#41472365)
    I use both on a dual head box, and appreciate them for entirely different reasons. On any given week I'll switch between the environments a few times, usually at the start of a new task. I find that the context switch is refreshing and helps productivity.

    Many of us are aware of KDE's strengths.. for me, configurability, familiarity, visual appeal, stability and speed. One can make the interface visually dense and informative. Scrolling cpu/memory/network stats, rotating yawp weather reports, and various application status indicators are on my desktop.

    Gnome3 removes me from this. I love the way it dynamically manages the virtual desktops, and the clean 'distraction-free' environment. I feel like I can reach 'flow' easier here. Simply hitting the 'windows' key or snapping the mouse to the top-left corner to visually see the desktops and their running applications, dragging my emacs or xterm sessions around as needed. It gives me a different and visual way to logically organize and partition the tasks at hand. Yes, KDE and Unity both support these features, too, but in my experience they're not quite as clean. Also, Gnome3's notifications system is brilliant, and I'm looking forward to the enhancements found in 3.6.

    While many of the complaints of Gnome3 are valid, I do appreciate that Gnome has had the courage to try something different and controversial. It works for me.

It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution.
