Robert McMillen: What Everyone Gets Wrong In the Debate Over Net Neutrality 270
ygslash writes "Robert McMillen of Wired claims that we have gotten Net Neutrality all wrong. While we are all busy arguing about whether there should be regulations preventing large content providers from getting preferential bandwidth, McMillen says that not only have the large content providers already had preferential bandwidth for ten years, but that by now this has become an inherent part of the structure of the Internet and in practice cannot be changed. Instead, he says, the Net Neutrality discussion should be about ensuring a free and open competitive market for bandwidth, so that anyone who wants bandwidth can purchase it at a fair price.
Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, his chart is a good clarifying bit. But aside from that, he seems to be in complete agreement with John Oliver and all the other stories I've read on the topic: the problem is, truly, not with fast lanes, but with slow lanes. If they were not dicking with Level 3 by giving them a more congested link than they give Google, we would have nothing to complain about. The point about the last mile is also true, and going back to Common Carrier-based regulation would address that point, because it would re-open the ability of the FCC to require carriers to sell last-mile bandwidth to their own internal business units for the same price that they sell it to competitors. This is not something new to the discussion, although I will admit that not every article about Net Neutrality covers it.
So I guess this article is worth reading, because I think it does hit on all the major points, but the characterization that it's the first to do so, and that everybody else has gotten it wrong, is essentially clickbait. Forgivable, since in this case the article is worth reading.
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This is exactly the problem, it isn't the fast lanes. I don't think anyone who wants a fast lane and wants to pay for it is wrong, and the companies offering it should be allowed to provide it.
The biggest problem, as I see in Canada is that there are ONLY two lines running to my house, one line is owned by Bell, the other owned by Rogers. This means that any service I get is dictated by their equipment.
I can go to other providers who have, by law, been allowed to use this last mile, but that doesn't mean
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CDN's have been around since the late 1990's
google and other edge providers have been doing direct connections to ISP's for a long time as well
today's net neutrality arguments seem to be done by a bunch of blogger retarts who think Netflix should get everything for free because they like netflix and hate cable TV. and they have no idea how the internet really works and think everything is streamed or sent thousands of miles via tier 1 backbone networks which isn't true at all. everyone has been staging thei
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
No, the net neutrality "commies" would have the taxi which takes you to the restaurant drive at the best speed, and not slow to a crawl if your restaurant of choice hasn't paid off the taxi company.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
No. The problem without net neutrality would be that a provider charges on both sides.
Or to pick up your restaurant analogy. Everyone is paying for their internet access already. Different prices, according to a free market. Dialup custumers pay $5 for their cornbread internet connection, Cable/Dsl customers pay Lobster prices for fast internet connection, and companies like Google and Netflix pay several complete buffets at a dozen restaurants to connect directly to each of the restaurants internet backbones.
The proposed anti-neutrality would make it legal for corn farming assosications to pay a restaurant money for serving cornbread to anyone, no matter if they ordered and payed for cornbread or lobster. Or in internet terms again: artificially slow down delivery to customers who already paid more for a faster internet connection.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
First, what is wrong with a provider charging on both sides? If Netflix wants to push terabits of data through a network, why shouldn't the network owner be able to charge Netflix for that? You baldly state "The problem..." and provide no support as to why your "problem" is just that. Given that it's the way the internet currently works, how do we know prohibiting such behavior would result in any improvement?
The first thing wrong, here, is your understanding of the issue. Netflix pays their provider already, and they push their data through their provider; that provider, then, pushes the data through the next provider, and so on, and so forth, until it reaches the intended user. In essence, it is not Netflix pushing the data through each provider, but rather each consecutive provider pushing the data to the next, and they all have peering agreements which should cover situations where there is an imbalance in traffic. None of this is, nor should be, of any concern to Netflix or the end user, so long as they are both paying their respective providers.
Post a package from the US to China. Do it. Pick a random address in China, put a random item in a box, drive to the post office, and send the box to that address. How many providers carry that box? At least 2. How many do you pay? One. We're talking about the same concept, here.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Insightful)
If Netflix wants to push terabits of data through a network, why shouldn't the network owner be able to charge Netflix for that?
The first thing wrong, here, is your understanding of the issue. Netflix pays their provider already, and they push their data through their provider; that provider, then, pushes the data through the next provider, and so on, and so forth, until it reaches the intended user. In essence, it is not Netflix pushing the data through each provider, but rather each consecutive provider pushing the data to the next, and they all have peering agreements which should cover situations where there is an imbalance in traffic.
It's more than even just that. Netflix was not pushing data through Comcast's network, Comcast's network was asking to receive the data; then Comcast turned around and claimed that Netflix would need to pay Comcast for the privilege of responding to the requests from Comcast.
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it is not Netflix pushing the data through each provider, but rather each consecutive provider pushing the data to the next, and they all have peering agreements which should cover situations where there is an imbalance in traffic.
Except it is not an imbalance of traffic, it is an explosion of (mostly one way) traffic due to high-bandwidth streaming services. The peering agreements are there, but one service provider is having problems getting the data their customers are paying for to the destination because the peering agreements are limiting the traffic.
How many providers carry that box? At least 2. How many do you pay? One. We're talking about the same concept, here.
Ok, great analogy. You've never gotten a package "postage due", I guess. And the people you buy things from always pay just the base rate and don't pass any express charges on to
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe if you send the data on plastic disks through the mail....
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IIUC, a cache option would also be illegal. That means letting a third party make a copy of copyrighted materials, and then distribute from that copy.
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Except it is not the network providers fault, is their shared customers fault. Wihout the ISPs consumers the ISP would not be seeing that data over their network. It is like blaming walmart for everyone trying to cram on a 2 lane high way to reach their store.
i'm pretty sure that people do, in fact, blame walmart for this.
Re: Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
First, what is wrong with a provider charging on both sides?
Nothing really, so long as different charges and levels of access aren't used to put competing content providers at a disadvantage. If your electric company was also a distributor for Anheuser Busch would you object if they charged more for electricity and let the voltage wander when your refrigerator was full of Stone smoked porter instead of Michelob? Charge more for better service by all means, but a utility (which is how broadband should be classified) shouldn't play favorites.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Funny)
If your electric company was also a distributor for Anheuser Busch would you object if they charged more for electricity and let the voltage wander when your refrigerator was full of Stone smoked porter instead of Michelob?
Someone with a fridge full of Michelob is suffering enough already. I’d support legislation to cut ‘em a break.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
First, what is wrong with a provider charging on both sides?
Because Netflix isn't the one generating the request for traffic? The provider's OWN CUSTOMERS initiate the transaction and are ALREADY PAYING THE PROVIDER FOR FULFILLMENT while the providers are leaving their peering points to the public Internet under-provisioned DELIBERATELY to damage service to these content providers unless the content providers agree to be extorted.
Because content providers like Netflix already pay for the bandwidth they use from their own provider(s).
Because such fees are an anti-competitive tool from providers who are trying to lock their customers into their own, competing streaming video solutions.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
Because Netflix isn't pushing terabits of data. I'm pulling terabits of data, and I already paid my ISP for that.
"Artificially slow delivery" is a delivery that gets a lot faster as soon as the ISP gets paid its extortion money.
Also, while bandwidth is finite, that's your problem, not mine. You sold me a connection with a certain bandwidth, so make sure your network can handle it. Make whatever peering agreements you need, ensure that high-bandwidth sites have big fat pipes on their routes, etc. It's what you're paid for.
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I'm talking to American business shill. Of course your corporate masters would rather just collect checks and never invest a single cent back to the company. But that tactic is self-destructive; even telcos won't have a captive audience forever. So maybe you should, y'know, actually try and become competitive rather than sue anyone who tries to break your regional monopolies?
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First, what is wrong with a provider charging on both sides?
As others have said, there's peering agreements worked out to cover all of this - things worked out by the free market.
Nonetheless, let's get to the heart of the issue - the ISPs are not provisioning the bandwidth that their customers are purchasing; so they want to charge the other side for doing so when its their own damn fault for not providing the kind of business their customers really want; and their customers generally have little choice because of all the other legal stuff those same ISPs have do
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He absolutely got it right. "Net neutrality" commies would apparently argue that a restaurant should be forced to have all entrees at the same price, e.g. lobster $5, hamburger $5, corn dog $5. What are there, maybe a dozen or so of us left in Amerika that believe in free markets?
And here we have the real misunderstanding. Does anyone know if there is some right-wing organization out there that is trumpeting this idea? I have only seen it from Republicans ("conservatives"). I don't see it often, so it strikes me as a strawman that a few Dunning-Kruger head-cases are manufacturing on their own, but it would be nice to know if it has a source.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, I would assume it emerges as a corollary of a Libertarian mind-set that wants a market solution for everything. Don't attribute to malice that which can be easily explained by stupidity.
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No, idiot. It's like a restaurant that only serves cheeseburgers. You can either pay $50 to get in the fast lane and get your cheeseburger fast, or you can eat your $5 cheeseburger cold.
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More importantly, it's the only restaurant in town, and there are no grocery stores. So if you want a cheeseburger, you go there. And because of that, they can charge you extra for better service, because nobody else is able to offer you service at all. Honestly, the restaurant analogy doesn't work very well.
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Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
What are there, maybe a dozen or so of us left in Amerika that believe in free markets?
If the ISP/telecom market were truly a free market, you might have had a point.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
I love the Free Market crowd. I usually just challenge them to show me a free market, one that isn't tinkered with by a large organization (government or private) anywhere in the world.... I'll wait.
Free Markets are a useful tool to explain some economics concepts, but do not exist in real life.
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I'd say the illegal drug trade market could be an example of a free market at work. Every buyer and seller has the same risks and same barriers to entry.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
Not really. Even in the drug trade you find preferential treatment and local monopolies. I mean, what do you think crips vs bloods was all about? It was about distribution monopolies, forged not by agreement or fair competition, but by force. I know a girl who sold a lot of X back in the 90s. She was really good friends with several promoters and when they threw events, she would be the "official" dealer at the party. If you got caught dealing, they'd kick you out. In return, the promoters got a piece of the action and everyone made a lot of money. It did help that she had a good line to quality product.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
I love the Free Market crowd. I usually just challenge them to show me a free market, one that isn't tinkered with by a large organization (government or private) anywhere in the world.... I'll wait.
Free Markets are a useful tool to explain some economics concepts, but do not exist in real life.
It's not an either/or thing, but a question of how much impingement there is on the consumers' freedom to choose before you can confidently declare the market free or closed.
For example, grocery stores are a free market almost everywhere - there are different companies competing for your food-buying money, no artificial barriers to entry, and the choices can be freely made or changed without any undue burden on the consumer.
Out here (PDX Metro) we have chains like Kroger (viz. Fred Meyer) Albertson's, Safeway, Thriftway, Wal-Mart, Target, the organic/new-age stores like Whole Foods, New Seasons, Trader Joe's, the little independent operators (including ethnic stores like Uwijamaya (Beaverton), various Latino, Vietnamese, Filipino, Russian and Halal markets, etc), and finally the farmers' markets and vegetable stands. Sure, they have various regulations (see also FDA, USDA, ABC and other various state boards), but a typical middle-class family can pick and choose what and where they shop, can do so in almost a literal heartbeat, and these stores all know it.
As a result, these stores go out of their way to entice you to spend money there, and none of them would dare try to overtly screw you over, lest word get out and the store's sales collapse. They also know full well that anybody can open a new store, wow the customers, and suck up all the money (which is why the local New Seasons store is giving Whole Foods and Trader Joe's a huge run for their money). The barriers to entry are relatively low - most of those barriers being related to food safety regulations.
On the other extreme, you have the telecoms, which are pretty much a closed market. In a given area, you have a couple of choices, each with various restrictions or limitations. Minus dial-up, you're usually stuck with one or two at the most (Cable and/or DSL), with perhaps a third if you're lucky (FIOS). In rural areas, you;re stuck with maybe one if you're lucky (usually low-end DSL). They know full well that you have no real choice, and they happily collude on pricing, caps, and limitations. Comcast knows full well that Charter or Time-Warner aren't going to show up and provide competition for cable broadband. CenturyStink knows that they won't see another DSL provider rear its head and start providing competing DSL. And besides, where are you going to go? If you get mad at Comcast, your only other options are to ditch your 50mbps cable line for a 15-20 mbps DSL line in most cases, or if you can still get FIOS, you could go there, but either way, the 'competition' is not all that much different if they also decide to screw you over when it comes to how fast and how much data you give/get. Finally, the barriers to entry are relatively high - only someone the size of Google could intrude on their cozy little setup.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:4, Interesting)
I know I'll get flamed for this... Motor fuels:
1) They are all selling an identical product (made to meet standards, with any slight differences being indistinguishable in performance benefits in a laboratory.
2) Their prices are advertised on huge signs so that people can easily price shop.
3) Pipeline transportation is regulated as a utility so that companies can't give preferential treatment.
4) There are still many companies involved in the refining, transportation, and marketing of fuels.
Sure the government meddles, but at least for now is mostly meddles evenly across all companies, so the net effect of the loss is still even across the industry.
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If you want to use your restaurant analogy, what he's saying is that if the restaurant charges _me_ $5 for a hot dog, they also have to charge _you_ $5 for a hot dog. But no, that analogy still doesn't work, because what's going on here is that the ISP has the only path between you and the greater internet. And they are saying to online services, "look, guys, if you want to get a clean connection to our customers, you have to pay the vig. otherwise, we put you on the congested router, and your customer
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Nah, it's worse than that. Wall-mart will let you shop wherever you want, but Target and Costco have to pay up if they want the exit ramps to stay open.
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He absolutely got it right. "Net neutrality" commies would apparently argue that a restaurant should be forced to have all entrees at the same price, e.g. lobster $5, hamburger $5, corn dog $5. What are there, maybe a dozen or so of us left in Amerika that believe in free markets?
When barriers of entry to the market, natural and artificial, are eliminated, then you can start talking about the free market.
The Comcasts and Verizons and AT&Ts get monopoly/duopoly conditions because we can't let any ISP dig up the streets and route cables through backyards, and it would be prohibitively expensive, not to mention extremely wasteful to have two sets of cables in a yard/street, one unused because it can only be used for ISP X, even if the owner isn't a subscriber to ISP X. Those major
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No, that would be a good analogy if the FCC were going to require Amazon and Newegg to sell their stuff at the same prices. Which they are not going to do, as far as I know.
Re:Everybody is wrong... (Score:5, Insightful)
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I argue pro net neutrality because I enjoy the Internet, like how it has operated the majority of my life, and like to look at picture of cats with captions over their heads. My horse in the race is small and colorful and espouses the merits of sharing and kindness. I am not Netflix, or Google, or an ISP. I am still part of "everybody". When the arguments about "what should be done" exclude the voice of the people, and is the exclusive argument of the big-money players, then it's time to burn it all down.
Why not both? (Score:4, Insightful)
Why can't we have both what McMillen is asking for, AND prevent fast lanes. That seems the *most* logical of all. They are not exclusive, they are two separate systemic problems.
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Re:Why not both? (Score:5, Interesting)
The charging both sides isn't actually that insane. I know I risk being downmodded for this but it's really all a matter of how the Internet is structured. There's multiple ways to get from Point A to Point B and some paths are going to be congested more than others. I personally think that we should be paying for what we send and not what received and that's how I can agree with both sides paying for me to get Netflix.
If I buy bandwidth from my ISP, I expect them to provide the outbound performance that I have paid for based on the SLA we agreed to. This means that if my SLA to Comcast is 50Mb then I should be able to send 20Mbps. Comcast should be engaging in deals to ensure they can send my traffic at 50Mb. I also expect them to not in any way shape or form throttle or shape traffic too me assume it's not exceeding my SLA (ignoring QoS reasons). Anything more than that should not be in the confines of my agreement with Comcast because anything else is outside of Comcast's direct control. Comcast doesn't dictate what providers send traffic to me so there's no way to tell if it will come from L3, Cogent, or some other provider. There's no way to tell if a content provider is going to be traffic balancing across multiple providers or shoveling all their traffic through just one provider. That makes guaranteed download speeds virtually impossible.
The same thing should apply to Netflix. If they engage a provider for 50Gbps and the provider isn't capable of supporting 50Gbps then that provider should be engaging its peers in order to meet the SLA it signed with Netflix.
Re:Why not both? (Score:5, Informative)
And if you think that's not exactly what happened, please, explain this [washingtonpost.com].
Strawman (Score:5, Insightful)
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Outright traffic shaping part of the debate, but not the entire debate. Some of the higher-profile NN disputes have been over peering agreements, e.g. Comcast's refusal to increase its peering with Level 3, who is Netflix's provider, because of Comcast's claims that the benefit of the peering agreement is asymmetric.
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Insightful)
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I tend to agree, but I'm just pointing out that you'd still have these problems even if traffic shaping were banned. If you want to avoid cases like the Comcast-Netflix one, afaict some kind of regulation of peering is needed, because otherwise companies like Comcast can just use selective peering denial as their strategy.
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All the last mile networks WILL be traffic asymmetric. In the past that was never an issue. Now that they see the opportunity to increase revenue AND protect their own video offerings they see an opportunity to extract rent on the traffic. This won't hurt Netflix but it will be a major barrier to entry to the video streaming field. And that is exactly the problem with it, it is anti-competitive at it's core.
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a competition problem. It's hard to use the law to create competition, but it's easy to put restrictions on what a company can do.
What we really need to do is just classify what Comcast et al are doing as fraud. They should have to deliver what they advertise and not have an escape from providing sub 1% service because "up to".
If Ford advertised that their car got "up to" 40mpg on the highway, then you took their car out on a 65mph interstate with no traffic and got 0.5mpg, I'm sure Ford would be in a word of hurt.
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Informative)
And this is one of the problems. Comcast is a path, but it is also a company with a video service that Netflix competes with. The more people use Netflix, the less they use Comcast's video service. So if Comcast can slow Netflix down until they pay Comcast money for "fast lane access", then Comcast doubly-wins: 1) Netflix might need to raise prices to cover the additional costs making Comcast's video services cheaper by comparison (or, at least, not as expensive) and 2) Even if people still use Netflix instead of Comcast's video services, Comcast will still profit off of their usage (twice: once for the customers paying Comcast for the Internet connection and once for Netflix paying Comcast not to slow them down).
If ISPs were forced to remain separate from content services companies, this wouldn't happen.
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Interesting)
Apple's iPhone popularized browsing the Internet with your phone. Previously, this was harder to do. However, the wireless carriers were never content providers the way the cable ISPs are. Verizon Wireless and AT&T might have offered ringtones or music, but those were side ventures. For the cable ISPs, video is their main business. This Internet stuff is a secondary venture. Not secondary enough that they will ditch it, but secondary enough that they would rather cripple it than allow it to threaten their primary business.
In addition, the wireless carriers always had competition. Verizon Wireless might have the best reception in my area, but I could still go with AT&T or Sprint and get decent service. However, if I want to leave Time Warner Cable, I have no other wired broadband options. This is the case for most Americans. The ISPs know this and react accordingly. (Prices go up while service quality goes down.)
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sender pays to send their data or traffic has been around for a long time until netflix started playing games and demanding free bandwidth as a competative edge
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Outright traffic shaping part of the debate, but not the entire debate. Some of the higher-profile NN disputes have been over peering agreements, e.g. Comcast's refusal to increase its peering with Level 3, who is Netflix's provider, because of Comcast's claims that the benefit of the peering agreement is asymmetric.
It is entirely asymmetrical but that is of Comcast's own doing. They sell more bandwidth than they can provide to their ISP customers. Of course in the contract agreement the term they use is "up to xMbps" so they can simply say "sorry we only guarantee xMbps to business class customers". This is by design. Comcast (or just about any US ISP today) depend on the consumer overpaying for what they use. The trouble only comes when they start actually using the bandwidth they thought they were paying for. Which
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> Comcast's peering connection to Level 3 has been saturated (over 90% capacity) 24/7 for over a year now
Got a source on that? Not that I doubt you, just looking to back up that claim.
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Informative)
> Comcast's peering connection to Level 3 has been saturated (over 90% capacity) 24/7 for over a year now
Got a source on that? Not that I doubt you, just looking to back up that claim.
While he doesn't come right out and say the name of any specific ISP Mark Taylor VP of Content and Media at Level 3 points his finger [level3.com] at 5 major US ISP's that have been saturated for over a year and refuse to upgrade their connection. Take that revelation and combine it with this graph [washingtonpost.com] which shows 8 Major ISPs and the relative speed with which Netflix traverses them and the 5 companies he references become pretty clear. Granted the graph does originate from Netflix so grain of salt and all that but I'm inclined to believe the data.
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Outright traffic shaping part of the debate, but not the entire debate. Some of the higher-profile NN disputes have been over peering agreements, e.g. Comcast's refusal to increase its peering with Level 3, who is Netflix's provider, because of Comcast's claims that the benefit of the peering agreement is asymmetric.
The problem is Netflix refuses to sign reciprocal peering agreements. Neflix signs up with Level3 and makes no guarantees that they wont switch overnight. And in fact, that's exactly what they do. The providers understand this, give Netflix discounts and then charge the ISPs an fortune. The price Netflix pays to Level3 for a 10gig trunk is heavily discounted because Level3 knows how high profile that traffic is. When Comcast comes to them for the same sized trunk so they can get that data uncongested, Level
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The problem is Netflix refuses to sign reciprocal peering agreements.
What? I work in the industry too, our network has multiple dedicated 10GE peering ports with Netflix in every major IXP where we have a presence.
Netflix is easy to work with on peering because it's very much in their interest not to use Level3, Cogent, or other transit providers at all.
The point about Netflix using transit providers that are relatively more expensive to the ISP on the other end may be valid, but is any ISP with more than a few thousand customers should be peering directly with Netflix anyw
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That's news to me. I don't see why Netflix would care where the residential customer is located. They can geolocate IP address regardless of the peering point to block international traffic as needed. I'm certainly transporting traffic a lot farther than across IL to get to peering points in Chicago, Atlanta or Dallas. If you check peeringdb.com, Netflix doesn't have a peering point closer to Southern IL that Chicago anyway. They don't look to be in St Louis or Davenport.
There are two main answers to the
Re:Strawman (Score:5, Interesting)
That's technically not a Net Neutrality argument, which is why the argument existed in the first place. To some extent, Comcast was right: it wasn't funneling as much data to Level 3 as Level 3 was funneling to it. What Comcast left out was that this problem was 100% of its own making, and impossible for Level 3 address: Comcast only sells highly asymmetric pipes to highly asymmetric users. It is actually illegal for its users to try to create a situation where it will funnel as much data to Level 3 as Level 3 funnels to it. Which is why techies were incensed by the argument.
That's the issue. All techies know the huge holes that have to exist in NN for the Internet to work. No one disagrees with any of those. The problem is that the principle of NN is all we have to concisely explain to people why Comcast is being an utter monopoly-rent-seeking shithead in this discussion, and how Comcast's attitude will break the Internet. Anything more requires delving into the depth of QoS, CDNs, dark fiber, roll-out subsidies, last-mile topologies, and barriers-to-entry in the website market to make a coherent argument. No one in the public sphere is going to listen to that.
That's why NN keeps being brought up. It's the only sound bite that's remotely applicable, and unfortunately, sound bites is what wins political wars.
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Wait, your subject refers to your own comment, right?
the Net Neutrality discussion should be about ensuring a free and open competitive market for bandwidth, so that anyone who wants bandwidth can purchase it at a fair price.
While there might be outliers, I generally do not hear the pro-NN crowd claiming that direct peering or colocation should be outlawed,
That is literally the opposite of what this article is about. It's about making internet-level connections the standard, as opposed to backwater filtered-down double-natted bullshit-level connections where QoS is even an issue. In short, either forcing providers to share the last mile (again!) or decoupling infrastructure from service. The internet is meant to be peer to peer, but the current model has made it seriously client-server. This was a necessary
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The issue that I see with Network Neutrality is this.
You pay for bandwidth (say 15mbs), as the customer you have paid your ISP to get data at that speed.
The Internet Service Provider has paid their own ISP a lot more money so they can support millions of customers at 15mbs. So they are paying more for service.
Now Non-NN want to charge the Service Provider for service to the customer that they are already paying for. It is in essence double dipping.
He doesn't understand net nutrality. (Score:5, Insightful)
No. Net neutrality is about ISP's not violating their contracts with their customers.
My ISP works for ME. I pay them to provide X amount of service. As such they are legally required to provide me with X amount of service, even if take full advantage of their service and use X amount of service every single second of the day. They can't promise me 10gb/second, and then only give me 10gb/second for ten minutes a day, switching to 5 gb/second after those ten minutes.
They are perfectly allowed to give me MORE than 10gbs a second, if someone else - like say Google - offers to pay for it.
But they can decide to not give me 10gbs because netflix refuses to bow down to extortion from them, even if I am using all 10gbs every second of every day of every month. Nothing netflix or other companies do gives them permission to break their contract with me.
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Net neutrality is about ISP's not violating their contracts with their customers.
My ISP works for ME. I pay them to provide X amount of service.
This is where the fine print comes in to play. You are paying for a connection to the internet and promised up to X amount of service. There may or may not be a guaranteed minimum speed spelled out but no ISP promises peak speeds without paying extra for the promise (Business class).
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And that, of course, misses the forest for the trees. Because I doubt that NN occurs on "Business class" connections any more than they occur on "Consumer class" connections. And even if they did, the very notion that only businesses should see the sort of neutrality that comes with an Internet Service Provider smacks in the face any concept of fairness which is a cornerstone of contracts. This notion that a contract has very vague terms allowing an ISP to do whatever it pleases by the letter of the contract is absurd precisely because it's a lopsided vagueness.
You seem unfamiliar with the legal system in general as this type of conduct is practiced the world over since the dawn of lawyers. The very intent of the legalese [about.com] these contracts espouse is deception. I in no way approve of this practice but to deny its efficacy is simply denial.
To expound on my previous post. Last mile ISP's like Comcast use a business model to oversell a finite resource much like a time share condo in a resort town except the ISP customers don't have to book their internet access in ad
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And when you get 10kbs a second by provider A and 5kbs by provider B with no provider C, your still screwed. Of course their own services and those of trusted partners can do 10gbps.
Hiding behind the fine print (Score:2)
Don't you have some form of contract law where you live?
Contract law doesn't help if both wired broadband ISPs that serve your area hide behind provisions that they add to their boilerplate contracts [wikipedia.org] to provide unsatisfactory service. Regulation would at least make these provisions more conspicuous, or perhaps make it easier for competitive ISPs to enter the market if the incumbent's service is unsatisfactory. For example, a service with a 300 GB/mo cap would have to be advertised as "1 Mbps burstable to 50 Mbps".
"Should" is the worst word in the English language (Score:3)
Why does everything need a normative judgment attached to it? The interesting part of TFA is the information about the structure of the internet and how that has developed (or not) over the past ten years (as this was new to me, though it may not be to you), not the author's opinion about what he thinks are the right topics to debate and which ones are wrong.
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I agree, this is really about the ISPs actually providing the product that they've sold and there's no need to get into what 'should' happen or what people 'deserve'.
I wouldn't put too much weight on the article author's description of how the Internet works. He gets some of the concepts right, but the implications wrong.
Peering is a win-win for absolutely everyone. It's not preferential treatment, it's a way for two networks to reduce both of their IP transit monthly bills. We don't need less peering, we
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Replying to my own comment here, but Content Delivery Networks aka Caching is also a win-win for everyone. It keeps IP traffic local and cuts down on the amount of bandwidth that has to leave the ISPs network and burn up transport bandwidth and possibly also increased transit costs. The customer gets faster service, the ISP gets reduced costs, the Content Provider has a better product. This is also something we need more of for the Internet to continue to grow.
He is right...but (Score:2)
We should not only enforce fair pricing on interconnects (perhaps even require public data on them) but we should also be demanding that Quality of Service (QOS) is honored from end to end.
There are numerous applications that are running across the Internet today that require higher QOS levels but the priority gets dropped 2-3 hops out so they can only be run on local LANs or private WANs.
Libertarians fiddle while Internet is burning (Score:5, Insightful)
Libertarian market driven approaches of 'perfectly informed' customers having access to 'flexible supply' are only workable on paper. Sure, it would be nice if we could get there, but meanwhile our situation continuing to deteriorate. Time to abandon this quixotic quest.
What we need is "mostly works for most people most of the time", and to get there we need policy with teeth that mandates Net Neutrality. Sure, it won't prevent all abuses, but we only need to prevent worst of them and let the rest play out in courts.
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Libertarian market driven approaches of 'perfectly informed' customers having access to 'flexible supply' are only workable on paper.
I think that the obvious rebuttal of this Libertarian argument is GM and the ignition switch issue(*). When companies have all the power to disseminate information about their products there can never be an informed customer.
* Or the Ford Pinto where the cost of law suits was balanced against the cost of fixing an issue.
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We need neutrality today and we need municipal fiber to the home tomorrow.
a fair price for a biased product... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, and electric cars are impossible to build (Score:5, Interesting)
Simple solution (Score:4, Interesting)
If you offer internet access you can't offer any vertically integratred services that will cause conflict of interest in the way you run the network.
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Customers are getting fraudulently double dipped (Score:2)
If we wanted to go back to AOL's gated network of the 1990s we would invent a time machine and cover it with AOL CDs.
We the customers are paying for a certain amount of bandwidth to the Internet and we have long since paid for the build out of the Fiber Optic network infrastructure through our monthly payments. It is simply fraudulent to be charging customers a fixed price for bandwidth and then effectively limiting peering to other networks so as to create an incentive for other networks and content pro
The real issue is stopping bandwidth overselling (Score:5, Insightful)
What the author of the article gets wrong is the idea that there can ever be a "free and open" market for bandwidth. The holders of the most bandwidth are always going to be major corporations, because they can pay for the infrastructure necessary to keep them going. Sure, I'd love to have my own backbone connection and the server infrastructure to back it up, but in practice that will never happen unless I take out a bunch of loans and somehow manage to start my own ISP (and not be immediately sued out of existence by Big Telco or Big Cableco). It's a financial issue, not one of net neutrality.
The real issue here is that the United States will never have bandwidth and speeds equivalent to those seen in parts of Europe and Asia unless we start regulating what the ISPs can sell and how they can sell it. Right now, an ISP can promise a connection that goes "up to" any arbitrary amount of bandwidth and get away with it even if they never deliver speeds anywhere close to the upper limit. This allows them to charge more and more for the same inadequate connection. If we start regulating their advertising and start forcing the ISPs to upgrade infrastructure to remain competitive, that's how we'll get the connection speed other countries do. That, in my mind, is part of what net neutrality is - being able to buy comparable connection speeds for a reasonable price no matter where in the world you are or which ISP you're dealing with.
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I think the lack of market competition is a much bigger problem than marketing techniques. Customers can't "vote with their dollars" because their only two realistic options are
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IANA Network Engineer, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
Comcast owns all of the land and roads in a city (or region, or neighborhood). Google wants to deliver goods to customers in that city, but their warehouse is in another city. Google and Mom-n-Pop Content Provider, Inc. both use the same publicly funded highway to get their goods into the city, and the same Comcast-owned roads to deliver to customers throughout the city. Comcast can deliver goods faster because they have a warehouse in the city. So Google pays to build an air-delivery network (peering) and a warehouse in the city (CDN). I don't see the problem with any of this. The analog to net neutrality, then, becomes whether or not to allow Comcast to (abuse its monopoly ownership of the roads to) raise or lower the speed limit for individual delivery trucks, based upon whether or not they belong to Google, Comcast, or Mom-n-Pop.
As I've said, IANANE, so feel free to point out any relevant inconsistencies in this analogy. On an 'unrelated' note, Amazon...
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There's a lot of stuff muddying the waters. I think a lot of the noisiest players in the game are also those who seem to be engaging in hypocritical or unusual behaviors.
For instance, Netflix is the only content provider that seems to be making a stink. Others like Google have not made a stink and in fact Google did have some CDN services inside Comcast's network. I'm actually wondering why Netflix wasn't able to get the same sort of deal going on and I don't think the fault is in Comcast's court.
Netflix al
Re:IANA Network Engineer, but... (Score:4, Interesting)
Netflix does have a CDN program. They will provide a caching appliance free of charge to ISPs which will immediately reduce the load on that ISPs network. The only reason not to participate is if the goal is not to provide service and reduce costs, but to artificially choke back Netflix to make the ISPs own video product more competitive. The Open Connect appliance is actually a pretty cool design.
https://www.netflix.com/openco... [netflix.com]
Fail (Score:2)
I expect better from someone in his position.
He's the one who got it wrong... (Score:2)
I'm surprised that Wired fell for this false equivalence.
Sure, it is always good to publish ideas that may be in opposition to the mainstream. But I would have expected Wired to at least publish opposing ideas that are not so completely ridiculous, thereby giving those ridiculous ideas a false equivalence to the reality-based mainstream ideas.
Consumer level Competition (Score:2)
Missing the whole point (Score:3)
Net neutrality isn't about forbidding high-traffic companies from finding efficient ways to handle that traffic. Doing what Netflix usually does, having a local cache server hosted within the ISP, works because it reduces the amount of traffic leaving the ISP. As long as the ISP charges the same amount to everyone doing so (0 is a good amount - it's a benefit to them - but if they want to charge a nominal fee, fair enough), it's neutral.
Net neutrality is about not letting ISPs slow down traffic unless they get paid twice.
If the only difference between two sites is that one paid the danegeld and the other didn't, they aren't making one faster - they're making the other slower. Deliberately degrading the performance of everyone else is NOT neutral.
Neutrality is required for last mile competition (Score:2)
As a consumer I pay for a certain amount of bandwidth. How do I make a choice if I only get that bandwidth when I use certain services and the rules are so complex that I can't figure out when I am not getting what I paid for because the provider sucks, or because I have the wrong one for the services I want.
Completely wrong (Score:5, Interesting)
This guy is totally wrong, on so many levels. Yeah, ok, so the last 10 years we've been seeing providers buying preferential treatment from carriers. For most of us, the common Joe, we're not going to feel this, not in 10 years. It's just happening slowly, quietly. I imagine as it progresses further, smaller content providers will be seeing the preferential treatment of larger ones forcing slow downs on them. Given more time, smaller providers and startups will face crushing competition with the big guys who can afford to buy up all the bandwidth. Don't even get me started on content providers whom are also carriers.
And saying just because it's been going on for 10 years that we can't go back? WHAAATT? Is this guy insane? So just because they've been building up contracts of preferential treatment we can't say, "Hey, you need to cut that out now." No sorry, common carrier status for all carriers and be done with this issue. I call shill.
SciFi come to life (Score:5, Insightful)
Everyone's arguing about this or that net neutrality opinion... They're missing the big point. The internet is a miracle, and we shouldn't fuck it up.
I didn't have the internet when I grew up. When I wanted to know something, I had to go to the library and read for hours. When I wanted to communicate with someone, I had to write a letter and wait weeks. When I wanted to shop remotely, I had to get a catalog, fill out a form, send a check, and wait 4-6 weeks for delivery...
The idea of instantaneous (or near enough) access to all the knowledge and culture of humanity was a science fiction pipe dream that would only come in a fantastic future. We don't have flying cars, but we DO have access to all the knowledge and culture of humanity. That's AMAZING. That's a miracle.
We finally invented the future. It's here. We have an amazing tool. Now some assholes want to gate it off and double dip, to charge you more than they should, and to charge the giver of knowledge or culture more to be seen, even though we're both already paying for connection.
This is outrageous. This is why we need net neutrality. Real net neutrality. The pipes should not be allowed to dictate WHO gets to play in the bright future.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
And yet... (Score:3)
... McMillen gets it wrong, too.
Net neutrality isn't achieved through regulation at all. It's achieved by public ownership of the physical infrastructure and demoting the ISPs and even backbone providers to contractor status serving the common good. What would happen if American roads and highways weren't for the most part publicly owned and instead were all toll roads privately owned by the construction companies that laid them? Who would benefit from that situation, do you suppose?
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Re:Feels like a fallacy... (Score:4, Interesting)
It's funny you should mention package delivery because we already have a great example of this: the Netflix DVD-by-mail service.
This has always been a very efficiently handled product since the relevant middle man has no conflict of interest.
It's amazing how much less problematic that dinosaur of a product is. You have first sale protecting the right of Netflix to continue offering stuff and a parcel service that is a common carrier.
Meanwhile, the streaming service is surrounded on all sides by evil jack*sses with some entrenched monopoly interest.