Web Trolls Winning As Incivility Increases 457
mdsolar sends this story from the NY Times:
The Internet may be losing the war against trolls. At the very least, it isn't winning. And unless social networks, media sites and governments come up with some innovative way of defeating online troublemakers, the digital world will never be free of the trolls' collective sway. That's the dismal judgment of the handful of scholars who study the broad category of online incivility known as trolling, a problem whose scope is not clear, but whose victims keep mounting. "As long as the Internet keeps operating according to a click-based economy, trolls will maybe not win, but they will always be present," said Whitney Phillips, a lecturer at Humboldt State University and the author of This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, a forthcoming book about her years of studying bad behavior online. "The faster that the whole media system goes, the more trolls have a foothold to stand on. They are perfectly calibrated to exploit the way media is disseminated these days."
Well duh (Score:3)
Just respond with a "U mad Bro?"
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"On the internet it is possible to be anyone or anything you like. It amazes me that when presented with this wonderful opportunity, so many people choose to be assholes."
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That's because that is what most people actually are when not forced to be polite. Trolling is people being honest about what they actually are rather than phony pretenses of politeness.
Re:Well duh (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm a troll (not so much on Slashdot) and this is nothing to do with the reason why I troll. I'm not rude either, even when trolling.
Neither the GPP nor TFA are talking about real trolling. They are referring to griefers and spammers, and calling them all "trolls". True trolling is an art form. It is far more than mere griefing and harassment. In fact, a perfect troll is often not even recognized as a troll until it is far too late, and the stream of responses has taken on a life of its own.
For the best explanation of the art of trolling, you should read the The Subtle Art of Trolling [urban75.com]. It describes the famous "How I Envy American Students" troll. which generated in excess of 3,500 responses and the greatest coup of all was when an innocent american student lost not only her internet account but was also expelled from high school for abuse of the computer systems. Somehow she had managed to get the blame for causing the troll.
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"On the internet it is possible to be anyone or anything you like. It amazes me that when presented with this wonderful opportunity, so many people choose to be assholes."
Oh, now that is pricelessly good.
But very true. The problem is that some sociopath sitting naked in the basement, spewing hate and discontent has equal weight with Stephen Hawking when posting. It's an example of "The tragedy of the commons." Polite and civil people just end up going away, leaving the place to the assholes. Who of course can't figure out that they killed the place.
That's why for all it's minor flaws, Slashdot has a pretty good setup. If you want to be AC, then fine. But your post starts
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I used to think anonymity was part of the problem, but I haven't seen improvement when some forums have switched to real names, so I now no longer think that really helps. My local paper switched to Facebook as its commenting platform, with comments posted under real names, and the comment section is still as terrible as before.
suggestion (Score:3, Insightful)
or didyou think that operation mockingbird was a one-time deal?
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You're suggesting that the Government is funding assholes who post violent pornographic photos in comment threads about rape survival?
Who modded this up anyway?
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If I was a paid government shill, I wouldn't be taking public transport to work everyday. I'm hoping shilling for the federal government is big money.
You have a really far out concept of what trolling is.
You don't have a legitimate point. In context to the article, we're talking about people who have been posting grotesque pictures of sexual violence on Jezebel.com. It's also talking about people who are harassing Zelda Williams over her father's death.
So, I honestly have no goddamned idea what you're talki
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While the original article may have been presented as a response to trolling such as that
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I love the notion of troll types. Makes them seem SciFi/Fantasy somehow.
The behavior of Type 3 trolls is so vague that I don't think it's relevant. It's like when supplement companies say, "It promotes wellness." What the hell does that even *mean*? Who gets to decide what is and what isn't?
If you think the Government is harassing people with decent points on internet message boards, and that you've been painted as, "crazy"(your words, not mine)... Maybe you should reconsider things.
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Joe Biden also drove a Caddy [delawareonline.com]
Not Government (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm fine with sites regulating trolls. I'm less fine with government curtailing freedom of expression, regardless of how offensive it may be.
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I agree. I browse Slashdot at -1. I'm an intelligent person and recognize that trolling can take multiple forms......it could be content (comments) that are trolling, but I've also seen moderation trolling (i.e. down-modding anything pro-Apple or pro-Microsoft depending on which side you are on). But browsing at -1, I know that I will be exposed to a lot of content meant to incite. I think those people need an outlet and at least on a moderated site such as Slashdot, their drivel is generally only seen
Re:Not Government (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem is trying to figure out when a Troll is just a Troll vs. Free Speech of an unpopular idea.
Slashdot is a prime example of this. While a lot a trolls are actual troll, there are times when someone hits a few emotional points to the viewers that will get them flagged as troll.
Pro Religion, Pro Microsoft, Anti GNU, Anti Linux, Pro DRM. Posts unless extremely well explained will get modded down to troll.
But there are other areas where opposing views are considered trolls and meant to be kicked out vs. stated as an open opinion.
My rules for trolls, are posts that are overly negative, without any logical basis.
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This is the key part of "troll" definition and solving any perceived "problem" with trolls. Someone voices an opinion different from mine? Troll. They voice that opinion with evidence I think is garbage? Troll.
But even worse, we're getting to the point where
Re:Not Government (Score:5, Insightful)
Pro Religion, Pro Microsoft, Anti GNU, Anti Linux, Pro DRM. Posts unless extremely well explained will get modded down to troll.
Even with a careful explanation most of those will be censored^Wmoderated as trolls.
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Completely agree. This is an issue with Internet culture that will doubtless be addressed over time as mores, etiquette, and other principles catch up with the new generations of communication that lack the societal repercussions for bad behavior that are present in the old. Much of it is likely simply the result of a lack of supervision on the part of parents. Previously, their poor parenting had little immediate impact on the outside world, but now, with kids having unfettered and unsupervised access to t
My 0.02 (Score:5, Insightful)
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That doesn't work either.
There's no one size fits all approach to dealing with trolls. Some are best dealt with by ignoring, some by fighting, and some by feeding them until they explode.
Re:My 0.02 (Score:5, Insightful)
Unfortunately that doesn't quite work either - look at the Twitter trolls, who spew forth such abuse that several high-profile twitter users cancelled their accounts. The trolls didn't give up, but simply moved on to another part of the web (or different twitter users). So we can ignore them, but only by ignoring the sites and services we want to use.
Of course, I'd say the trolls did those users a favour by getting them to stop using twitter!
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The only reason trolls win is we give them the reaction that they are looking for. If people just ignored them more often instead of getting all bent out of shape, the trend would go away.
I'm about to horribly abuse this quote:
WALKER: What if they don't arrest you? What if they don't react at all?
GANDHI: Do you still have your notebook? The function of a civil resistance is to provoke response. And we will continue to provoke until they respond, or they change the law. They are not in control - we are. That is the strength of civil resistance.
YOU: What if they don't take the bait? What if they don't react at all?
BULLIES: Do you still have your notebook? The function of bullying is to provoke response. And we will continue to provoke until they respond, or they have a mental breakdown. They are not in control - we are. That is the strength of bullying.
Bullies do not quit easily though feigned indifference. They're on a mission to break you and they know that deep down it probably hurt anyway. And shutting do
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except on here they get mod points, and pursue vendettas to stifle anyone who disagrees with them, and points out the logical fallacies or logical consequences of their denial of science, history, or reality.
She's selling a book (Score:5, Interesting)
The scope of the problem isn't clear, the goal is ill-defined. What, exactly, are trolls winning?
I think the only one "winning" anything here is the author trying to sell her book by engaging in much the same inflammatory business as the trolls she purported to study.
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The scope of the problem isn't clear, the goal is ill-defined. What, exactly, are trolls winning?
I think the entire premise that trolling is a problem is wrong, and to find out that "researchers" are studying ways to combat it is highly amusing, if also a little disturbing.
Even to suggest that one side is "winning" implies that another side is losing. This is a false dichotomy, fabricated for no apparent reason, and it makes me wonder about the motives behind it.
One person's definition of "troll" ... (Score:4, Insightful)
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No. There is a fundamental difference.
Trolls are not trying to express their opinion, they are trying to create discord and distress. Anything they say is just a means to that end. They don't care about what they say, and will happily change their "opinion" if they see another that will cause even more distress.
I once saw a troll make a racist statement about Canadians. Yup, I wouldn't have thought it possible either, but troll managed it.
Trolls don't have opinions, they have strategies.
Fucking Obama (Score:2, Funny)
Fucking Obama and the libtards made this happen. It wouldn't happen if the sheeple would just wake up and elect Rand Paul as king/President. THEN maybe we'd live in a utopian world where we hand out AR-15s to every baby as soon they come out of the birth canal. Gee, that'd be so sweet.
Wait, what were we talking about?
I like the suggestion that's floating around for hard-news sites to actually drop user comments. User comments for major media sites (and Huff Po for that matter) are nothing but pure unadu
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still (Score:5, Funny)
A troll is still a person, and you can beat a person with a sack full of oranges.
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A troll is still a person, and you can beat a person with a sack full of oranges.
If only we could find them IRL.
TFS isn't precise (Score:3)
TFA didn't target the random goatse cluttering up comment systems, but they've targeted real evil trolls harming people, obviously a reaction to Zelda William's quitting to twitter.
For me, its funny when a companies naming competition gets trolled, but targeted campaigns against innocent people are truly too much even for me.
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I think the definition of trolling has also changed. I don't think those things really count as trolling. That's shitposting, but trolling is a art.
The fault is with human nature (Score:2)
Inflammatory comments draw more responses. It's easier to illicit an emotional reaction in a reader via such comments. Once you react emotionally you are more likely to engage with a troll.
Unfortunately unless you truly know the motivation of the other person is to piss you off you can to be sure they are trolling you. Sometimes just having a different opinion on a hot topic like climate change will label you a troll no matter what your aired views are.
On the internet a person could potentially have exp
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The term troll has been quite misused. It has been used to mean anyone who doesn't agree with you and someone who brings up a valid counterpoint. Some people get their feelings hurt if everyone doesn't agree with them.
Yes trolls are a terrible blight on humanity (Score:2)
Because we wouldn't anyone meddling with the tweets of our latest small-c celebrity (don't upset the beliebers!), or mocking human interest stories about heroic talking dogs, or critiquing instagram posts of various culinary abominations or leaving snide comments on your facebook page. Because that's the "way media is disseminated these days", and this is what generally passes for social communication and interaction, apparently.
nuclear fanbois are the worst trolls (Score:2)
Problem already solved (Score:5, Insightful)
This problem is already solved. It's called the "ignore user " button. Push it and you no longer see the posts from the offending troll. Troll can see your posts, but you can't see theirs. So troll has unpleasant (for a troll) experience of seeing a conversation carried on as though what he was posting simply didn't exist, because it didn't for anyone who regarded him as a troll.
If a troll is like porn, we know it when we see it, then this solution works very well. Everyone sees and ignores the troll, depriving the troll of their motivation for trolling in the first place.
The only problem we have is sites don't use the available technology.
I have been on sites where this virtually eliminated the troll problem. Of course the automated accounts that are spamming viagra require something else, but that is not what the article was complaining about. The article was complaining about civility.
I really have to wonder if there are ulterior motivations at work here. Trolls are the new "we must save our children" rallying cry, an argument designed to force people into ID ing themselves, tagging themselves as "legitimate" so they can be better tracked and monetized. I feel like these pieces are set pieces, ready to roll out as soon as their beneficiaries and creators think their might be some temporary, rising sentiment against anonymity on the web.
Current example- Robin William's daughter's recent Twitter experience.
Sure, a troll gets one off but that is all anyone will see of him.
There is no free speech without anonymity and giving it up because some asshole made someone cry is ceding my freedom to assholes. That wont' be happening.
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you can use scripting to create infinite users.
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"Ignore user" only works if everyone does it. Unfortunately there's always someone who wants to engage with the troll, wanting to put them straight, or show them up for the idiots they are. They don't realise that a troll doesn't care what is said to them. As long as they're given attention they are getting what they came for, and it ensures they keep coming back for more. Usually under multiple accounts.
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So you're saying you don't like to debate then?
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Trolling is necessary (Score:3)
Trolling is necessary (Score:2)
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Predictable (Score:4, Insightful)
1. Place immature people (of any physical age) in an anonymous, no consequences environment.
2. Give them the ability to address people whom they would never have the opportunity to approach outside of a virtual environment.
3. Supply a conduit such as Twitter or Facebook or email that requires very little effort compared to writing and mailing a physical letter.
The result is completely predictable.
A slashdot article about trolling (Score:3)
Thank goodness we don't have any here, otherwise they'd jump all over this.
Devil's advocate view (Score:5, Interesting)
For example, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a trolling organization, but almost everyone here would agree that what they do can be categorized as "greater good".
Devil's advocate view (Score:2)
Satire is not trolling (Score:5, Insightful)
If you disagree then explain to me the subtle social commentary of posting photoshopped pictures of Robin Williams' body to his daughter. Or bombarding a feminist website with gore, and rape porn.
The majority of trolling these days is about bullying people of opposing viewpoints into submission. They only seek their victims' attention in order to affect that.
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Trolling is a form of satire, it is acting out to its illogical conclusion something that troll finds objectionable. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster acts on their "beliefs", and that why they are much more than simple satire, and that why they are also a lot more effective than any pure satirist would be. The pe
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And once again the NYT is late to the party (Score:3)
This has been going on for 20 years. Perhaps more if you include Usenet news groups.
Assholes will always exist - but some of it's good (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm not going to argue that all trolling is good, but some of it definitely is - trolling is the internet's means of self-regulation. For instance, the article mentions people harassing Zelda Williams on twitter. Does she deserve it? No, she most certainly doesn't. However, what the idiots sending her pictures on twitter don't know is that 4chan likes her (and /v/ reveres her as a goddess ever since the time she posted there), and 4chan also likes her father and his work. I would not be surprised in the sli
Reaction, not trolling, is the issue (Score:2)
I don't know if it's a cause or an effect of our politically divided culture, but the bigger problem seems to be people's hyper-sensitive reactions to everything.
You can't disagree with someone spouting the conventional wisdom on many topics without screaming about race, gender, class, political orientation, etc.
Pretty much everything gets immediately turned into a "kill topic" where you're judged to be racist, homophobic, a Nazi, or some other person whose opinion and reasoned disagreement is to be suppres
Define Troll (Score:4, Insightful)
For Christs sake... stop misusing the word "Troll"
It's has a very specific meaning, but everyone uses it now as a derogatory term for anyone on the internet they disagree with. That is not what a troll is.
A Troll, very specifically, lurks, and posts to try and get you to over-react. A troll will rarely overtly offend you. Often a troll will be on your side! Egging you on, to get you to blow up at others. Sometimes a troll will simply IM you to point out other people that are deserving of your rather. A troll is an instigator, troublemaker, rabblerouser, etc...
What a troll is not, is a contrarian. I'm a contrarian, I like to argue my point. I seek out those I disagree with or subjects I feel are incorrect (Like this post!) and I argue my point. I like having people disagree with me, and like to refine my arguments. It's something I enjoy. Contrarians enjoy debate.
Trolls do not care about debate, they care about the emotional anguish of their victim. I rarely, if ever, see a real troll anymore. There used to be clubs of them all over the net, but not really anymore. You can find them on Reddit at times. A troll, for example, may be African American and go to an African American forum and argue for white supremacy. Not because he supports it, but because he knows that's what will get a reaction.
And in regards to the main point of this article... It's total BS. Argument and Debate are good things. The internet is still relatively new. People that couldn't talk before, can now. That's great. By its very nature internet debate is non-violent, which is fantastic. Let the debate continue.
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Much as downmodding is not the "disagree" button.
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By that I mean that no amount of discussion or "correction" of abuses of the term will correct the general public's use of it.
See also "cracker" vs. "hacker".
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Stop... (Score:2)
...feeding the trolls! Geeze people, this kind of headline is just what all those internet trolls have been waiting for. Now they'll be even more relentless!
Seriously folks, on the internet, you gots the trolls. Just look the other way.
Solution (Score:2)
Provide a common forum without restrictions by having a two-tiered forum: Serious Discussion and Peanut Gallery. How sites impliment this is optional, but it does allow for both the serious and the silly, the thinkers and the trolls. Requires quality supervision and moderation, yet here is the rub -- sites which either don't want to moderate their forums or do a really crappy job of it (Slashdot, this mirror is for you) are the ones that have the most trouble with trolling.
paid commenters, PR bots, shills (Score:4, Insightful)
TFA assumes all 'trolls' are doing so just for the "lulz"
that's certainly not the case...these articles written by tech illiterates are ruining our industry (or at least making it difficult by not covering the problem properly)
Public Relations and other media companies pay grey-hat contractors to "boost their social media presence" meaning post fake comments by fake accounts or just by having paid monkeys doing it
Disquss & the facebook.com plugin for sites both have this problem
even here on /., look at a thread about Uber, there will be many high UID comments from random-named Google+ accounts linked to /.'s system
if you're examining online "trolls" and you don't factor in sock puppets, you're missing half the problem
Simple solution :) (Score:2)
Just tear down all the bridges, then the trolls have nowhere to go.... ;)
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good, approved trolls and bad trolls (Score:2)
You cannot win (Score:3)
The only way to not lose is to not play.
And that's the mistake the people make: they think (and I use the term loosely - there's no actual thinking involved) the trolls matter. They think they can educate people who know full well what crap they'll shoveling. They think they can teach a lesson to someone who knows exactly how much the internet doesn't matter. They think they can somehow win.
And other people try to make a living advising them on how to do it. This entire article is, itself, nothing more than a subtle troll, trying to get people worked up over something that somebody is selling a "solution" to.
Eventually, the internet will teach people to stop being so overly sensitive about shit that doesn't matter. If nothing else, those who can't learn that lesson will all have strokes and die.
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Its not worse now than it's ever been in the past. Get the fuck over it
Everyone is waiting for this to be "Solved" just like 13 years ago, they were waiting for spam to be "solved" as the ratio of junk email to desirable email kept going up and up and up. Well, put everyone (just about) on the same email platform and presto, you have no more spam! A solution like that for trolling is perhaps forthcoming, but still a ways off. That doesn't stop people from sitting on their hands and wishing for it, though.
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Well, put everyone (just about) on the same email platform and presto, you have no more spam!
No, the turn comes to the platform [provider] to spam you
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Re:Bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)
The fact that "online" is tacked on to the end is the give away that Phillips is talking out of her ass. Just like every other "on a computer" makes it new and unique claim, online trolling is just more of the same. We all know people who do it every day in real life. We have national personalities like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Howard Stern, and Jerry Springer. Heck, the entire Fox network is dedicated to trolling. People think that Fox is a right wing network. They only think that because they are being successfully trolled.
Re:Some people... (Score:5, Insightful)
Trolls are a different matter; they only do it for the lulz. Their whole purpose is to create discord. It's a pointless, unproductive waste of time, and the fact that people get jollies out of deliberately aggravating other people bespeaks of a certain level of sociopathy.
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Trolls are a different matter; they only do it for the lulz. Their whole purpose is to create discord. It's a pointless, unproductive waste of time, and the fact that people get jollies out of deliberately aggravating other people bespeaks of a certain level of sociopathy.
I'm not sure you can make any generalization about trolls. I think it would be a more interesting study if they attempted to study
why trolls exists. My guess is that alot of the trolls are infrequent. They've had a bad day, drunk, etc.. There was even
a slashdot article recently about someone being shocked that their vandalism they did when they were drunk in college was
still there 10 years later. There are also people who are using it to vent some non-politically correct opinion that they are
unable to
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Re:Some people... (Score:4, Funny)
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Posting AC because of the "C" aspect in AC:
I have posted a number of times as AC, mainly as a devil's advocate, or taking an unpopular stance and defending it, even though it would strip my real account of every single karma point I ever have earned.
Crazily enough, I've been on /. long enough that yes, there are trolls, and one in every 50 posts gets an AC post attached which is pretty bad... but all and all, the replies have been fairly constructive, even though there are disagreements in how to do things.
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Of course, there are third rail topics that one can't disagree with (such as the demand by the general masses for undying love for Snowden, Manning, and Ames), and mindless anti-US digs left and right, but all and all, /. is probably one of the sanest forums out there that allows user comments.
That's a main reason I continue to come to this site after all these years. The comments are often intelligent and worth reading. Contrast that with most other sites where people just get their stupid on.
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It's a pointless, unproductive waste of time, and the fact that people get jollies out of deliberately aggravating other people bespeaks of a certain level of sociopathy.
Nonsense. The kind of amusement that comes from trolling fulfills a need. Not unlike other wastes of time. such as watching professional sports and pleasure reading, there is a gratification from being a troll. Crafting your skills and taking it to the next level fills the troll with a sense of accomplishment. There are metrics in
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Priest Vito Cornelius: I try to serve life. And you seem to want to destroy it.
Zorg: Oh, Father. You're so wrong. Let me explain.
[Puts and empty water glass on his desk]
Zorg: Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed
[Pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up]
Zorg: Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, father, by causing a little destruction, I am in fact encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business.
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You're a monster, Zorg.
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I do it on occasion to fulfill the need to pick a fight. Sometimes the aggression just comes surging forth and rather than go down to a bar or a club and risk life, limb, and jail time, I come on here or on other sites to troll. Not saying I'm proud of it, but getting into a rhetorical fight is almost as satisfying as getting into a physical fight. I don't care about politics or philosophy, I just focus on some guy (usually another troll) who's a little too certain for my tastes, and go at it. Then afterwa
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"I would normally agree that people get offended too easily, but that's only when people express their honest opinion. "
It isn't just disagreeing. You may disagree with me all you want. The problem is that for a lot of people things like solar power, antinuclear, open source, and many other subjects seem to have taken the place of a religion for people.
I once had a commenter on slashdot say that they wanted to lock me in their basement and rape me. "I did reply that I was happily married and that was really
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APK for example... Let me invoke him...
Hosts files and Adblock Plus!
Hosts files and Adblock Plus!
That should have him trolling me for another 4 weeks.
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maybe moderation tools for all is a good thing, and meta-moderation too (to stop the trolls from abusing their moderation powers). If there's one thing slashdot gets right, its this.
Notice how mr PC World has disappeared, as has the GNAA.
The alternative is to allow trolls, but ensure the police have easy access to the 'source' metadata for all accounts. It wouldn't be hard for Twitter (for example) to provide special user accounts to all police forces that can show the IP address and date and time, plus lin
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At a penny to comment, the only people left will be the trolls.
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"their left leaning stupidity"
see? that right there invalidates everything you said.
the major news media trends centrist.
its only according to the far right wing / Fox News definition of bias that they can be considered "leftist"....ie, "they disagree with me, therefore they are liberal commie tyrants".
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AC wrote: "It's not as much a problem of trolls as it is a problem of people being incapable of simply filtering out stuff on the Internet, ..."
That is much the same message as Izzy Kalman has about how to deal with most bullies (who are driven by seeing the victim's reactions):
http://bullies2buddies.com/ [bullies2buddies.com]
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More an this topic. There is also perhaps an issue with labeling people "trolls" or "bullies". Most people can and will act differently in different contexts. There is also a continuum of human behavior all people engage in. In the case of "bullying", it is fairly human for people to banter back and forth and insult each other in what might generally be seen as healthy relationships (as Izzy Kalman suggests). So, bans on all perceived insults in a classroom or workspace may actually be counterproductive by