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Google Transportation

Google Unveils New Self-Driving Car Prototype 90

colinneagle writes In May, Google released a teaser image showing a mock-up of the autonomous vehicle it planned to build. Today, the company followed up with an image showing the finished product. Google says the first edition of its self-made self-driving car will feature "temporary manual controls as needed while we continue to test and learn." When Google introduced its prototype back in May, the company claimed its self-driving cars "won't have a steering wheel, accelerator pad, or brake pedal because they don't need them." Apparently, it still has yet to reach that point. The development is an important step forward for Google's driverless car efforts, which have been deemed impractical by many of late. Last year, the Financial Times reported that Google had difficulty finding manufacturing partners that would build vehicles featuring the self-driving capabilities used in its Prius. In that light, maybe Google's willingness to build its own hardware just to get the technology on the road means that its self-driving car team knows something the rest of the industry doesn't."
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Google Unveils New Self-Driving Car Prototype

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  • The Oatmeal Review (Score:5, Informative)

    by SydShamino ( 547793 ) on Monday December 22, 2014 @05:55PM (#48655645)

    The Oatmeal posted a review of the car and state of Google's technology in general: []

    • The unfortunate part of something this transformative is the inevitable, ardent stupidity which is going to erupt from the general public. Even if in a few years self-driving cars are proven to be ten times safer than human-operated cars, all it’s going to take is one tragic accident and the public is going to lose their minds. There will be outrage. There will be politicizing. There will be hashtags.
      It’s going to suck.

      Perfect response to this:

      "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." -- Agent K.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        The "people are dumb" meme doesn't seem to match reality though. We have had driverless trains for decades, and a few accidents. People still use them. When an aircraft goes down people don't say "I bet it was auto-pilot failure", they assume human failure first.

        Self driving cars are already getting a "soft" introduction with things like automatic lane-keeping and Tesla's auto-pilot. People will have plenty of time to get used to a degree of automation before fully antonymous cars are widely available.

  • controls (Score:4, Informative)

    by technical_maven ( 2756487 ) <> on Monday December 22, 2014 @05:56PM (#48655659)
    Actually, the controls were added because of a California state law requirement for them, not because Goggle thought they were necessary...
    • by taustin ( 171655 )

      And while they may, indeed, somebody be able to get rid of them, it won't be for a generation or more, and that has far more to do with insurance and liability than safety.

  • It looks like it is designed for indoor, otherwise it is too dangerous to drive it because other drivers can just miss it :)
  • Butt Ugly (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 22, 2014 @06:03PM (#48655707)

    Why Google? WHY? Why does every manufacturer of cutting edge vehicles, like EVs, have to make them so damned ugly? Why can't we get a car flavored car?

    • by Xenkar ( 580240 )

      It is because the early adopters want something unique and eye-cancery. They tend to want something weird to flaunt and a normal looking car just doesn't cut it for their hipsterism.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        No, it's because they want to make the cars look friendly and un-threatening for users who might be disconcerted by not having a steering wheel. By making the front look like a fact it seems as if the car has some kind of personality and "mind", rather than being a cold calculating computer that people associate with frequent failures and sci-fi horror movies.

      • But they don't! Look at pretty much every electric vehicle not made by Tesla. They're all fugly car-cancers that nobody in their right mind would be seen dead in. It's like they're trying so hard to differentiate themselves from conventional cars that they've jumped off a cosmetic cliff. And no-one buys them. Not, primarily, for any reason involving performance or range, but because owning one immediately disqualifies you from ever having sex again.
    • (not a shill for ford, promise.) But the fusion energi/hybrid editions are comprable to the prius in terms of MPG and look pretty good, car like even.

    • Apparently Google did that with this particular fleet because the current design is intended to psychologically make other drivers less likely to road rage against the machine. Literally. And it makes sense too, because these only drive about 25 mph, and given that they're putting them on public roadways, it's easy to see how that might piss somebody off.

    • Re:Butt Ugly (Score:5, Informative)

      by Ralph Wiggam ( 22354 ) on Monday December 22, 2014 @06:24PM (#48655881) Homepage

      Electric vehicle range is hugely affected by aerodynamic drag, particularly a highway speeds. What looks aerodynamic is surprisingly unrelated to the drag coefficient. So modern car designers do things to actually improve drag, which seem weird and ugly to you.

      The Ferrari F40, a triumph of car design in the late 80s, has a drag coefficient of 0.34. The Koenigsegg CCX has a Cd of 0.30. A 2001 Toyota Camry has a Cd of 0.29. And my Nissan Leaf has a Cd of 0.28.

      My most notably odd feature on the Leaf is the big bug eye headlights. At highway speeds, those headlights create a bubble of low pressure around the side view mirrors, significantly decreasing drag. I'm a function over form kind of guy, so I think it's awesome.

      • by Ksevio ( 865461 )
        Though with a max speed of 25mph, they're probably factoring "cuteness" more than wind resistance.
      • Re:Butt Ugly (Score:4, Informative)

        by AK Marc ( 707885 ) on Monday December 22, 2014 @07:03PM (#48656143)
        Cd isn't a useful measure. If you reduce the cross section, you lower drag. So you need to measure the total. The little squarer cars have a worse Cd, but better overall aerodynamics.
        • Re:Butt Ugly (Score:4, Informative)

          by justthinkit ( 954982 ) <> on Monday December 22, 2014 @08:15PM (#48656563) Homepage Journal
          A good point. The Cd is just one part of the Fd []. And in the Fd equation, Cd (inversely related to A) is multiplied by A so that the frontal area is removed entirely from the final equation. There should be a (Cd * A) term (although even that would not be quite right...Reynolds number being yet another factor).

          It should just be Fd...
          • by AK Marc ( 707885 )
            Fd @ 55 mph, or other set speed. The nice thing about Cd is that it's given as a constant (despite the fact it isn't). So one car will be 0.3 and the other will be 0.28. And you'll presume (usually correctly) that 0.28 will be better than 0.3 in all cases. The speed-based differences for roughly similar shapes is small enough that they can be discarded for most purposes. So Cd has a value. Two family sedans with similar size and shape are directly comparable through Cd, but a mini may have a worse Cd
      • Quite true...

        Many people think that big trucks must be bricks in the air, but the reality is very different.

        My 2015 Yukon XL has a drag coefficient of 0.379, nearly as good as that F40.

        What is equally impressive is that it will do 0-60 in just 6.2 seconds, for a truck that is over 3 tons in weight.

        Gas mileage still sucks however, no matter what GM does to make it sound "not as bad as before".

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Keep in mind Cd is multiplied times frontal area to get drag. Thus your quoted numbers have nothing to do with drag or MPG for a given engine efficiency.

      • Re:Butt Ugly (Score:4, Insightful)

        by fractoid ( 1076465 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2014 @09:09AM (#48659305) Homepage
        Remember that the F40 and the CCX are both designed as much with down-force and high speed stability in mind as they are for low drag.
    • by AK Marc ( 707885 )
      Because form follows function. It's more efficient to have the smallest car that meets the inside requirements (and all regulations). Why have a hood and a trunk if they aren't needed? So the Luddites feel more comfortable? Yes, you buy your cars based on how they make you feel, rather than how they work.
    • It's intended to look cute as an anti-road rage measure.

  • Liability? (Score:2, Insightful)

    So if I buy a production Google car without controls, and the vehicle runs off the road and kills 20 kids in a playground, who is at fault?

    A. Me (for owning it)?

    B. Google (for shoddy programming)?

    C. The state (for allowing driverless cars)?

    D. The Kids (because they should have gotten out of the way)?

    Related question - do I need to carry insurance to use one of these cars as I am not driving, I'm merely riding?

    Essentially, what is the model for this type of vehicle - am I the 'driver', or am I 'passenger' (l

    • by Twinbee ( 767046 )
      Why can't they all have slice of the liability pie? Not everything is a boolean value.
      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        The last thing I'd want to be liable for in this litigious, passive aggressive, soccer mom ridden culture is a free range roving robot programmed by the same company that designed android's security and reliability.

    • by AuMatar ( 183847 )

      You, for owning and running it. You may then have a claim against Google if you can find fault or negligence. And yes, you'll have to have insurance just like you do now. If you lend your car to your friend to drive, you're still on the hook to insure the car for damage it can do to others, you just might have a legal claim to recoup from the friend.

      • Yeah, and I'd totally be able to afford and prevail in a legal battle with Google.

        So this is a big tall glass of FuckNo for me. The hipster Glassholes can be the early adopters and hash through the class action suits when these things do take out a schoolyard of kids. We'll see how things settle out after that shitstorm sweeps through

        It would be interesting if a couple of dozen Glassholes have problems with these cars and have the video to prove it.

        • by taustin ( 171655 )

          Yeah, and I'd totally be able to afford and prevail in a legal battle with Google.

          That's the biggest reason to have insurance. That way, you don't have to deal with it, your insurance company will. And they will fight tooth and nail because Google has very deep pockets.

      • The person in the car may own it, but they aren't in control of it. You can't even call them a driver if they can't drive the car. I wouldn't have have much of a problem with self-driving cars so long as I can grab the wheel and gain instant control when needed. But Google's removal of the steering wheel, brakes, and gas pedal made them look ridiculous and places them squarely in the position of complete liability.

        What really bothers me is the over-confidence in Google software on this board. I'm I the only

    • Lets start rolling them out to drivers who could do with a hand driving - Google should loan cars to 90 year olds still on the road. There are 90 year olds out there driving despite all attempts by there children to stop them so lets make them safer!
  • >> maybe Google's willingness to build its own hardware just to get the technology on the road means that its self-driving car team knows something the rest of the industry doesn't

    Or...that the rest of the auto industry doesn't want to get tagged with the "first death caused by an automated car."

    • by green1 ( 322787 )

      Or maybe the rest of the industry doesn't see a car that has a max speed of 25mph, can't drive in the rain or snow, and can't navigate a construction zone as a viable product?

      These things are orders of magnitude less likely to kill someone than a normal vehicle. But they're also much less likely to get you to your destination.

  • Or maybe the rest of the industry isn't willing to risk the liability for when something goes horribly wrong. Fear of litigation is a real impediment to innovation. But in this case, there is a huge amount of risk. Dealing with the real world happing around you while you're trying to make the computer drive the car has a ton of non-trivial potential disasters waiting to be exposed.

  • No. I fully believe that the cars HAVE reached that point.

    The thing is, many people (including legislators and insurance underwriters) don't trust such a system yet. Thus, the car has conventional controls as a "failover to manual" in cases of catastrophic systems failure.

    Honestly, while I believe that you can build self-driving cars. And that they can be safer. *I*, personally, don't want one.
    Put simply, I refuse to relinquish that level of control over my driving experience. Ever.

    Well, maybe when I'm

    • by Twinbee ( 767046 )
      'Unfortunately', we also have a responsibility to ensure the safety of others, not just ourselves. When you drive your car, it's not just your life on the line.

      For that very reason, as soon as self-driving cars reach a critical point of safety over normal drivers (perhaps at least 25% lives saved?), it's a GOOD idea to implement it ASAP. I like controlling cars too, but the roads are not for joyrides.
    • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

      Belief is irrelevant.

    • No. I fully believe that the cars HAVE reached that point.

      It does not matter what you believe we factually have not reached that point yet. Google themselves have admitted that their vehicle does not work well in rain, snow or fog. There is also the issue that every road would have to be scanned and manually gone over for current technology cars to drive on them. I have yet to see a valid test of a vehicle driving into a random, unaugmented parking lot and parking.

      • Google themselves have admitted that their vehicle does not work well in rain, snow or fog.

        Which means, they're usable about 10 day of the year around here.

    • by Anonymous Coward


      MY driving experience is anywhere from 2-4 hours of solid bumper to bumper traffic every day. Why yes I could move closer to work if anyone wants to toss 1M my way to afford to live inside the Metro area :/

      At this point I don't want a high dollar super car so I can idle in traffic at 10mpg. Don't care how ugly the damn thing is, once it can handle freeway speeds ( when you finally get clear of the traffic ) I'll be happy to have one.

      Driving is far from the amazing-wind-in-your-hair-top-down-private-c

    • No. I fully believe that the cars HAVE reached that point.

      LOL this car doesn't even have windshield wipers because the designers know there isn't even a prayer they'll ever be able to drive in the rain. It's only got daytime running lights because it'll never run at night either. But AI cars are like here, today, man! Yeah, right.

    • Put simply, I refuse to relinquish that level of control over my driving experience. Ever.

      Don't you ever go with someone where the other drives?

  • by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Monday December 22, 2014 @09:24PM (#48656901) Homepage Journal

    Just last week I encountered a cop with a lighted baton who was directing traffic from the side of the road. He would stop traffic, walk to the middle of the road while motioning people across the road with his baton, then walk off the road while waving the baton *behind his back* to signal "go ahead".

    Does the self-driving car recognize this sort of thing?

    Will it drive when there's snow on the ground?

    I think I'd keep the steering wheel and manual control - just in case..

    • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 )

      Recognise gestures - no.

      Snow, 200% no, it can't even handle rain.

      I'd bet that it'll be well over a decade before they have a car that can drive without the map-every-inch-first system, and it'll still very much be an early prototype.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      Yes and no, in that order.

      The cars can recognize pedestrians and their gestures. It can anticipate their behaviour too. The cars drive quite cautiously, and in a test where a pedestrian waited by the side of the road looking like he was going to cross the car waited for him, and then when he didn't move it slowly moved over the junction itself, just like a (good) human driver would.

      No, the cars can't drive in snow yet, or heavy rain. That's being worked on.

      A steering wheel probably wouldn't help you. Even a

    • Just last week I encountered a cop with a lighted baton who was directing traffic from the side of the road. He would stop traffic, walk to the middle of the road while motioning people across the road with his baton, then walk off the road while waving the baton *behind his back* to signal "go ahead". Does the self-driving car recognize this sort of thing?

      Yes. It would recognize the policeman as a jaywalker and stop to avoid hitting him.

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