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Windows Microsoft Piracy

Microsoft Confirms It Won't Offer Free Windows 10 Upgrades To Pirates 214

An anonymous reader writes: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. All that talk about pirates getting free Windows 10 upgrades? Not happening. For genuine users, the free upgrade to Windows 10 means receiving "ongoing Windows innovation and security updates for free, for the supported lifetime of that device." Terry Myerson, Microsoft's executive vice president of operating systems, has clarified the company's plans were not changing for non-genuine users: "Microsoft and our OEM partners know that many consumers are unwitting victims of piracy, and with Windows 10, we would like all of our customers to move forward with us together. While our free offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will not apply to Non-Genuine Windows devices, and as we've always done, we will continue to offer Windows 10 to customers running devices in a Non-Genuine state."
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Microsoft Confirms It Won't Offer Free Windows 10 Upgrades To Pirates

Comments Filter:
  • by turkeydance ( 1266624 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @11:38AM (#49705631)
    they need more help than a quarterback.
  • Does anyone know if a clean install will be possible if I have a legitimate key for a previous version?
    • You will probably do it like you can with windows 8.1. download an app from MS that will generate an ISO and do a fresh install.

    • Yes. Given a valid Win 7/8/8.1 license, you will be able to download an ISO file to create your install media. This was outlined in January.
  • by antiperimetaparalogo ( 4091871 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @11:46AM (#49705673)

    If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. All that talk about pirates getting free Windows 10 upgrades? Not happening.

    Since when it is "good" to reward pirates, and to who (other than pirates!) it sounded "good"?

    • by David_Hart ( 1184661 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @11:54AM (#49705707)

      If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. All that talk about pirates getting free Windows 10 upgrades? Not happening.

      Since when it is "good" to reward pirates, and to who (other than pirates!) it sounded "good"?

      The Security community, maybe... Not all Pirates are smart Pirates. Some end up getting scurvy (trojans, spyware, etc) as a result of their pirating ways.

      • Maybe pirates could modify their theme to a bright green or orange?

    • The more people (even pirates) who use Windows, the better off Microsoft is.

    • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
      Pirates will "reward" themselves. Yarr.
    • There's tons of extant hardware from the late Core 2 era which would still be perfectly serviceable were they not loaded with XP (obsolete) or Vista (slow and obsolete). Microsoft charges so much for standalone licenses that you might as well buy a new PC these days.

      I don't have much sympathy for pirates either, but this also means millions of potential PCs for elderly/low income/third world families will now be just that much e-waste.

      And yes, I know Linux is still free, but I've yet to find a distro that t

  • by phayes ( 202222 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @11:49AM (#49705691) Homepage

    What is "the supported lifetime of that device" supposed to mean, in particular as regards to VMs? Being forced to buy a new windows version very two-three years?

    • It means you can't transfer the license to another machine. And the WAAS model they are showing here is not what corporations will use anyway so VDI deployment will still be based on yearly license fees as it has always been.

      • mmm...I had Win8.1 running in VirtualBox on a computer whose X58 motherboard failed. Couldn't replace the mobo, so I built a Z97 machine with (obviously) completely different specs. I reinstalled WIn8.1 in a VM on that box, and it's been running without complaint for over a year now.

        Of course, this is not a corporate environment, but MS doesn't seem to mind what I've done with transferring between VMs on different machines.

        (this was done using an OEM version of Windows BTW)

        • I have transferred my license in 8.1 but we were talking about what they said for Windows 10 and "Supported life of the device"

    • by freeze128 ( 544774 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @12:04PM (#49705751)
      That was a phrase that also stood out to me. Why does Microsoft get to determine the lifetime of *MY* hardware? Don't they realize that I can increase the useful lifetime of my PC by upgrading the CPU? (in some cases)
      • That was a phrase that also stood out to me. Why does Microsoft get to determine the lifetime of *MY* hardware? Don't they realize that I can increase the useful lifetime of my PC by upgrading the CPU?

        At least in one case they've changed hardware requirements to benefit Intel []. So yes, they realize it, and don't particularly care as long as you get Windows.

      • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

        You're a consumer and they don't give a shit about you. They don't have to because you're going to keep using their software because you're their bitch. Pay up bitch.

      • Why does Microsoft get to determine the lifetime of *MY* hardware?

        They're not determining the lifetime of your hardware. You're free to continue using Windows 7 or 8 on that hardware as long as you like (or at least until they stop supporting it - 2020 for Win 7, 2023 for Win 8).

        They're just setting limits on who they'll give a copy of Windows 10 to for free. They're the ones giving the stuff away for free, they get to decide the rules for who qualifies to get it for free. If you don't qualify, you

      • The lifetime of your computer is, and always will be, your motherboard. Once it becomes old, outdated, and time for a replacement*, then you also must purchase a new Windows license. That is how it already works today with OEM copies of Windows.

        * If it fails, then that's a different story. MS allows motherboard swaps, but it's basically an honor system and they'll stop approving non-human activations if you start abusing it

        • by phayes ( 202222 )

          I was the first poster in this thread & you seem to have overlooked an essential part of it: Virtualisation.

          The lifetime of a VM is not limited by the motherboard, so what the hell is "the supported lifetime of that device" supposed to mean?

      • Buy any off the shelf Dell / HP business workstation for under $1000 and then double the ram and put in a 500gb SSD, I'd be surprised if you got LESS than 7 years out of the machine for word processing, youtube, email, browsing etc. :/ MS definitely best not be dictating the lifespan of machines.

    • Microsoft has no plans to ever leave Windows 10. It is like macosx with minor annual updates. MS makes no promises but states no Windows 11 team nor plans for one unless a need arises.

      This is the best of both worlds as post XP world has split comouting. One hates change and if ain't broke don't fix it etc. Other wants mobile and cloud features added.

      So MS will make money by app store, azure, office 365, onedrive, and other add ons via a service model.

      So I see no problems.

      • by phayes ( 202222 )

        Sorry, been burned too often by Microsoft's guarantees that they go back on.

        A VM has no upper limit on lifespan so why use "the supported lifetime of that device" unless they are planning on obsolescence.

  • Too bad (Score:4, Funny)

    by Guy From V ( 1453391 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @11:50AM (#49705697) Homepage

    Pirates are just going to have to suck it up and totally go without Windows 10 now no matter how badly they want it.

    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      Just like they went without windows 3.1, windows 95, windows 98, windows ME (actually most of them skipped that abortion) windows XP, Vista, windows 7, windows 8?

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      How hard can it be to scrounge up a valid licence key? How many old XP/Vista machines are there at the local dump that you could steal one from? You can buy the stickers on eBay for next to nothing, stuck to an old laptop base and listed as spare parts to avoid breaking the rules.

  • Plans *are* changing (Score:5, Informative)

    by fortfive ( 1582005 ) on Saturday May 16, 2015 @12:05PM (#49705761)

    if this article [] is to be believed.

    Terry Myerson, Microsoft’s Windows chief: “We are upgrading all qualified PCs, genuine and non-genuine, to Windows 10. . .anywhere in the world. . .

    but now

    Terry Myerson, Microsoft's executive vice president of operating systems, has clarified the company's plans were not changing for non-genuine users . . .[but despite the earlier statement] our free offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will not apply to Non-Genuine Windows. . .

    A little smelly. And just when I thought MS was working it's way back to cool.

    • by johanw ( 1001493 )

      I just thought they were really desperate to get everybody on the tilke-OS crap in the hope that desktop users would care for crappy "apps" on a big screen.

    • Soo.. is this the year of the Linux Desktop?

      Sure runs a lot better on older hardware than Windows 10 would anyway.

    • And just when I thought MS was working it's way back to cool.

      So to be cool a company now needs to give away it's primary product for free?

      So by extending that thought there are no cool non-opensource companies out there.

  • I figured they were gonna give away the OS so they could get everyone on the Office 365 and Microsoft App Store gravy trains. Whatever they're making on Windows OS pales in comparison to taking a 30% cut of every desktop application out there. Maybe they figure they'll get both. Probably right if they do.
  • I downloaded, installed, updated and worked with the Windows 10 previews. I am tremendously underwhelmed.

    The Start menu takes up nearly half the screen with large icons, yet truncates the text for those large icons because the text has not been allocated enough room. Really, really poor UI design.

    I lost control of the Windows Update process, there were no options for me to select besides, ~allow Microsoft to brick my computer at any time~.

    My versions of Windows 7 are supported with security updates

    • The Start menu takes up nearly half the screen with large icons, yet truncates the text for those large icons because the text has not been allocated enough room. Really, really poor UI design.

      It's configurable. You can:

      1. * Resize the start menu both horizontally and vertically
      2. * Make tiles larger if seeing all the text on an icon is extremely important to you.
      3. * Make tiles smaller to get rid of the text altogether -- presumably the software you're running has identifiable icons.
      4. * Remove all the tiles if you have a major issue with having apps that can tell you some status info without opening them
      5. * Right-click Start instead of left-click to get a very simple menu of commonly-accessed Windows fun
    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      Looks like you're good until 2020. Of course in a couple of years more and more stuff will require it. Some people still use XP in fact I have an old dell laptop that has XP installed. It's only function is to serve the programmer for my Ford as that software only runs on XP. I'd never dream of logging onto the internet with it. Never.

  • We still haven't heard about a price for Windows XP users and completely new users.

  • Either the summary or the title or both are bullshit. This is Slashdot so none of those would surprise me.
    from TFS:

    we will continue to offer Windows 10 to customers running devices in a Non-Genuine state.

    Sounds to me like they just said they WILL offer free upgrades to pirates right there in the summary.

  • I don't quite get why the cut-off is Windows 7 and not Vista? The hardware requirements are basically the same from Vista to 10, and internally that would cover a free upgrade to 10.0 for Windows versions 6.0 to 6.3.
    Not to mention getting home users off IE9 would be a big plus for the web in general (assuming you've already just dropped IE8 users like you should have).

    • Why not offer pirates upgrades to Vista? It would get them on a supported platform and punish them at the same time.
      • by Ark42 ( 522144 )

        No, why not offer the free upgrade to Vista+ instead of 7+ (for legitimate installs)?

  • So as an owner of ... quite a lot of Windows 7 Pro CD keys and completely legal / valid machines. I was surprised I was getting Windows 10 for free for myself to use, however I've just read the summary on this article, NOW it makes sense.

    Key words in the summary are the following for the supported lifetime of that device.

    So, unlike my Windows 7 key, where I can un-install it from the old PC / wipe the machine, then install it on a new machine, call a phone number, follow some prompts and re-activate my

  • I personally really wonder where people got idea about 'free Windows 10'. Price dumping? Really? Do you even want to know how many laws Microsoft would instantly break? Also Windows is their money inflow. Even people paying 20 bucks for it is billions in the end. But this of course have helped Microsoft to hype Windows 10. Because people don't read retractions or corrections or apologies. They heard Windows 10 is free. Lot of people will make subconscious choice of sticking with Windows because of this. Ka

Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
