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Software Technology

The Tools Don't Get You the Job 255

An anonymous reader writes: It's a trend that seems to permeate education across every discipline, from creative to technical: reliance on a single expensive, proprietary, vendor-driven tool. Whether it's the predominance of Adobe in design programs, of Visual Studio in many computer science programs, or even Microsoft Office components in business schools, too often students come away with education that teaches them how to be rote users of a tool rather than critical thinkers who can apply skills in their discipline across toolsets. Relying on knowledge of a single tool chain can create single point of failure for a student's education when licensing comes back to bite. What can we do to bring more software choice into education to give students more opportunity when they get out into the real world?
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The Tools Don't Get You the Job

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  • In other news (Score:5, Insightful)

    by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:29PM (#49947977)
    Random updates (downgrades) to the UI don't get you more readers (or clicks).
    • by Pikoro ( 844299 )

      And trying to get more people to "like" slashdot on social networking sites by putting the "Share" button where the "Comments" link used to be is just down right underhanded.

      As predicted before, we'll get beta in the end... one code update at a a time.

    • I congratulate you because you managed to make a "first post" about something which is both on-topic AND off-topic AS a creative criticism for the recent Slashdot "up(/down)-grade"...
    • One could also say that this "move" resulted in people discussing how much we dislike it rather than the topic on hand (not that the topics of late had been worthy of being discussed anyway).

      I guess it's time I spend less time here and find another place to hang out, get information and have a meaningful discussion. Neither is really possible here anymore. The topics lately have been either mindless astroturfing or following the similarly mindless groupthink "how-much-we-agree-on-everything-and-how-much-the

    • On the other hand, you're sole contribution to a company being "random changes to the UI" apparently gets you a job at DICE!
    • "Random updates (downgrades) to the UI don't get you more readers (or clicks)."

      Especially when we still don't have that post-edit button that every other comment site in the twenty-first century has.

      • Sorry, gotta disagree there. The "you typed it, you meant it" structure ADDS to the discussion. On "every comment other site" you see responses to comments that are NO LONGER as they were posted.
        • Well, something like a short editing window would be nice for typos or unintended meanings.
        • by Bardez ( 915334 )
          One Facebook, you can access the edit history of a post to see what they originally posted. Publicly visible edit history would work for me. Especially if you could DIFF it in the UI and jump to changes between the original and finished post :D
        • Yeah. I particularly hate the tendency on reddit for users to delete their own posts if they start getting downvoted.

          Grammar edits are one thing...but deleting your post because other people don't like it? That does nothing to encourage discussion or a diversity of opinions. All it does is leave a bunch of orphaned responses that no longer make sense (unless they quoted the OP...but why should you quote the OP if your comment is nested right below theirs?).

          No accountability for your posts either...so

        • Sorry, gotta disagree there. The "you typed it, you meant it" structure ADDS to the discussion. On "every comment other site" you see responses to comments that are NO LONGER as they were posted.

          We have that here, the moderation system hides what you were replying to so you have to quote it.

  • like SW? (Score:5, Funny)

    by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:33PM (#49948015)
    You mean like grinding my life away on SolidWorks?
  • by drpimp ( 900837 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:34PM (#49948025) Journal
    At my school for my undergrad and grad programs we used a various set of IDEs and OSes. The only time we needed to be locked into a vendor for dev tools was when the class was targeted at that. A large % of the time we could use whatever worked for us.
    • When I was in college it was vi or emacs (or microemacs). Was about the only tool set that was available at that time. Of course that was toward the end of college. Early on it was great to find a punch card machine that had ink on the ribbon that would print what you typed at the top of the punch card.

      Learned in early jobs that while I like emacs better than vi, I found vi was on more systems by default. So I learned both since it took a few extra steps to compile emacs for every system I was workin
    • My school was like this too. By the time we got to third year, they basically let you write your assignments in whatever language you wanted. The only stipulation was that it had to run on the lab. Which means you could write Java, C#/.Net, C, C++, Delphi, and quite a few others. one guy even tried to write everything in Prolog.

  • No, not so much (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Lunix Nutcase ( 1092239 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:35PM (#49948033)

    The Tools Don't Get You the Job

    Well except for when the company hiring for the job only uses a certain set of tools and actually wants you to have experience in them, right? Because that is hardly an exceptional case.

    • Re:No, not so much (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Rob MacDonald ( 3394145 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:45PM (#49948123)
      You missed the point. It's not about the tool specifically, of course you need to skill yourself in whatever applications your field is going to use. But if you are merely becoming a pro at using that 1 tool you are likely not thinking past how to use that tool. Want an example? Web hosting. So you are a wiz at dreamweaver or whatever other crapware people use to make template webpages these days, great for you. What happens when the company that hires you expects you to actually UNDERSTAND HTML and PHP and AJAX and JAVASCRIPT? You fail miserably as you don't actually have web hosting skills, you have point and click dreamweaver skills. This is a horrible example, but it's kind of to the point. For the coders: You use node.js? Fantastic, good for you, but do you actually understand what it's doing for you? Could you code those functions yourself? Can you look at them and at least make sense of 50% of it? If the answer is no, you don't know how to code javascript, you know how to use libraries.
      • by khasim ( 1285 )

        It's not about the tool specifically, of course you need to skill yourself in whatever applications your field is going to use.

        My take on that is that people expect the schools to teach them what they need to get a job AND THEN STOP LEARNING ANYTHING ELSE.

        But schools should really be teaching you how to LEARN NEW THINGS.

        Then you choose what to learn and you learn it.

        If the answer is no, you don't know how to code javascript, you know how to use libraries.

        And starting that way is okay. Ending that way is not

        • But schools should really be teaching you how to LEARN NEW THINGS.

          How would that be implemented? Should there be separate courses for "learning to learn"? What would the contents of those courses be?

      • So you are a wiz at dreamweaver or whatever other crapware people use to make template webpages these days, great for you. What happens when the company that hires you expects you to actually UNDERSTAND HTML and PHP and AJAX and JAVASCRIPT?

        If this hypothetical company wanted a person who understood HTML, PHP, AJAX, etc, then why would they hire a Dreamweaver guy? Why would the Dreamweaver guy be applying for a non-Dreamweaver position?

        You are correct that pinning your career to a particular technology isn't a good idea. However, you don't seem to understand that big corporations don't hire computer scientists (programmers) and then have them learn the products that are being used. They typically want to hire someone who already has expe

      • by radtea ( 464814 )

        But if you are merely becoming a pro at using that 1 tool you are likely not thinking past how to use that tool.

        True, but the problem is employers define jobs in terms of tool use. You can be good at JavaScript and happy manipulating the DOM to your heart's content, but if you don't have node.js or some other library/API on your resume' they won't look at you.

        To give an idea of how bizarre it has gotten, I'm seeing a ridiculous number of job ads for senior software positions that list "git and GitHub" as either requirements or nice-to-haves. To me that's like asking for the ability to use a pencil and paper in an eng

      • You missed the point. It's not about the tool specifically, of course you need to skill yourself in whatever applications your field is going to use. But if you are merely becoming a pro at using that 1 tool you are likely not thinking past how to use that tool. Want an example? Web hosting. So you are a wiz at dreamweaver or whatever other crapware people use to make template webpages these days, great for you. What happens when the company that hires you expects you to actually UNDERSTAND HTML and PHP and AJAX and JAVASCRIPT? You fail miserably as you don't actually have web hosting skills, you have point and click dreamweaver skills.

        To the GP's point, I have seen many employers who would ask if you know Dreamweaver. If you respond "I know HTML and PHP and AJAX and JAVASCRIPT, and have not had the need for that particular tool", then you are dismissed as someone who doesn't know anything.

    • You can always train skills. Instinct and mindset are usually what we hire.

  • It's the process, not the tool.

    Why did I click on this dumb article?

  • Critical thinking is like common sense, not so common anymore.
    Kids coming out of college now have huge student debts which means they fail the first big test of life.
    Most can't get jobs that pay enough to cover their student debts let alone proceed to raising a family and doing better than their parents did.
    The next generation will end up renting their entire lives and retire on whatever is left of social security and still be paying on those student loans when they die.
    Not smart to major in english
    • Critical thinking is like common sense, not so common anymore.

      When was it then? Seriously, when was the magic era when common sense and critical thinking was common? Name a time/generation/era you think was the peak of human development and I will take pleasure in ripping it to shreds.
      Common sense is a term used by old people with nostalgia goggles who conveniently forget all the stupid shit they did when they were younger.

  • Granted most of my Education was during the 1990's where Microsoft was King, and using anything other than Microsoft was considered antiquated.
    However the fix, is to teach the ideas and not the tools. How to use a Word Processor not Microsoft Word, How to program in C++ not Visual C++.
    Most schools do happen to have multiple platforms available the teacher should try to have the students mix it up a bit. A Linux or Mac Guy should do some work on the PC, vice versa. Not to try to convert them to love the

    • However the fix, is to teach the ideas and not the tools. How to use a Word Processor not Microsoft Word, How to program in C++ not Visual C++.

      Depends on what you're at school to learn doesn't it? Most people don't go to school for an education, they go there to get a job. In that use case, you are better simply learning the tools to get in the door and figure the rest out for yourself when you get there.

  • by Marxist Hacker 42 ( 638312 ) * <seebert42@gmail.com> on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:50PM (#49948161) Homepage Journal

    Because HR Drones don't understand software, I am finding that quite often the tool DOES get you the job, and consequently, it's incredibly hard to break out of either the LAMP or Microsoft Silos when designing software. Sure, for a particular industrial robot, FORTH may be a better language, or for certain expert systems, LISP machines work well, but when doing such a project in the real world, there are only a few real choices- C#, C++, Java, or Python is all anybody cares about.

    So make sure your students are exposed to a wide variety- but make sure they're EXPERTS in learning new frameworks and learning new syntax.

    • Because HR Drones don't understand software

      And most IT drones don't understand the purpose of HR. HR are not there to help you, they exist solely as a hedge for the business owners against liability from employees.

  • by Gunfighter ( 1944 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:52PM (#49948179)

    1980's: Learn to use a computer
    1990's: Learn to use a word processor
    2000's: Learn to use Microsoft Word
    2010's: ?????
    2020's: PROFIT!

  • by ljw1004 ( 764174 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @02:59PM (#49948221)

    reliance on a single expensive, proprietary, vendor-driven tool. Whether it's the predominance of Adobe in design programs, of Visual Studio in many computer science programs, ...

    Visual Studio is free [visualstudio.com] for students, OSS contributors, and small teams. It's only larger enterprises that have to pay for it.

    Visual Studio Code is free and cross-platform [visualstudio.com], runs great on Linux (and mac), and is a pretty handy tool for working in node.js and other languages.

    (disclaimer: I work in the Visual Studio team)

    • Visual Studio itself only runs on Windows, so it's absolutely useless if you use a Mac or Linux. Lots of students use Macs, and lots in the CS and engineering departments use Linux.

  • and switching to some other tool whether is proprietary or open source, is not the solution. You need to learn how the tool contributes to the end goal, and not just how to use its features. For example, if you learn the tenants of good design you are to limited to a single tool. You may use that tool and be most comfortable because it is and industry standard, but you could go back to pencil and paper and still turn out great designs. Similarly in business, you need to understand how to do financial analys

  • by neo-mkrey ( 948389 ) on Friday June 19, 2015 @03:13PM (#49948341)
    ...most companies use the Microsoft stack and Microsoft Office. So, yes, being well versed in them could actually help you get a job.
    • by plopez ( 54068 )

      Mine doesn't. It is dumping MS as fast as it can as MS burned them too many times. Java, Python, Maven, Eclipse or IntelliJ, Linux VMs, Tomcat, Jetty, and Postgres. PCs are essentially dumb terminals to the VMs and used for document prep, that is all. Hint: it is a Fortune 50 company.

  • I don't know. This is kind of true. Being an expert in Adobe products won't "get you the job" by itself... unless you happen to walk into a job where they're looking for an Adobe expert, in which case, it might.

    But also, in all honesty, if you want a job doing design work and you only know how to use Adobe tools, that's probably totally fine. Can't use GIMP? That's fine. Nobody uses GIMP. I mean, yes, some people use it, but go around to professional design firms and ad agencies, and they all are usi

    • by dwywit ( 1109409 )

      If I was interviewing someone for a job, and they were able to show me examples of their work that were superior to any of the other interviewees, but executed in a different toolset, e.g. we use Adobe, but the applicant used Final Cut Pro, Vegas, or even ffmpeg, I would offer that person both the job and training.

      It's not about the tools, it's about the result.

  • ...the only quotable I've ever liked or ever will like:

    Words learned by rote a parrot may rehearse; but talking is not always to converse, not more distinct from harmony divine, the constant creaking of a country sign.
  • by multi io ( 640409 ) <olaf.klischat@googlemail.com> on Friday June 19, 2015 @04:37PM (#49948909)

    Whether it's the predominance of Visual Studio in many computer science programs

    I must have missed that.

    • Whether it's the predominance of Visual Studio in many computer science programs

      I must have missed that.

      You know, I don't believe I used an IDE at all in any of my University classes.

  • "You cannot use that technique, we have no learned that in class yet!" THIS is the reason why there is a lack of critical thinking, not the tool chains themselves. Far too often students are punished for self-learning and creativity. While no, this isn't a problem in all classrooms, it is far too common to NOT be an issue.

"Ask not what A Group of Employees can do for you. But ask what can All Employees do for A Group of Employees." -- Mike Dennison
