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Amazon Job Posting Hints At New VR Platform (thestack.com) 17

An anonymous reader writes: Amazon is looking to expand its business into the realms of virtual reality (VR), according to a recent job site posting looking for someone to lead the new project. The ad, posted to Amazon's Glassdoor page, is for a 'Senior Software Development Manager' who will be responsible for 'the Virtual Reality experience within Amazon Video.' The posting outlines that 'basic qualifications' must include a degree in computer science, at least 15 years of relevant experience in engineering, seven years of technical experience and an additional five years of experience as a software development manager. The job posting elaborates: 'The Virtual Reality team will explore and create the platform and interface for immersive storytelling. This will include an ingestion and playback platform for Virtual Reality experiences.'
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Amazon Job Posting Hints At New VR Platform

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