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Old Kindles Will Be Disconnected Unless You Update By Tuesday ( 149

An anonymous reader writes: If you have a Kindle device, you must update it before March 22 or else it's going to lose internet connectivity. Losing access to the internet means that you won't be able to use Kindle Store to purchase books, and your device won't be able to sync with the cloud. From a CNET article, "According to Amazon, the update is required to ensure the Kindle remains compliant with continuously evolving industry web standards." These are the devices that need to be updated: Kindle 1st Generation (2007), Kindle 2nd Generation (2009), Kindle DX 2nd Generation (2009), Kindle Keyboard 3rd Generation (2010), Kindle 4th Generation (2011), Kindle 5th Generation (2012), Kindle Touch 4th Generation (2011), and Kindle Paperwhite 5th Generation (2012). If you own a Kindle Paperwhite (6th or 7th Generation), or a Kindle 7th Generation, or a Kindle Voyage 7th Generation, you do not need to worry about the update. And suddenly, Amazon sending postcards to remind people about this update doesn't feel that wrong.
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Old Kindles Will Be Disconnected Unless You Update By Tuesday

Comments Filter:
  • Who cares? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    " you must update it before March 22 or else it's going to lose internet connectivity. "

    I just care about my Calibre connectivity that I use to fill it up with some of my couple of hundred thousand pirated ebooks.

    • Why does amazon care so particularly in this case that they make it manadatory.
      My speculation goes in several possible directions.
      1. Customer protection. If there's a security threat with regard to hijacking my internet connect and perhaps stealing my amazon credentials
      2. Publisher protection. Perhaps there's some way to share books because older DRM is cracked and they can't move to new DRM if there any legacy device OS they need to serve.
      3. Amazon protection. Perhaps they want to foreclose people fr

  • for all devices. example: disable an automobile.
    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Great observations on your part. I'm glad there is so much logic behind it...

      This might be a trend for all slashdot posts. example: stitch together a headline with an unrelated technology for no obvious reason other than to hear yourself talk.

      blah blah blah blah

      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        While your post sounds like a kneejerk attempt at defending selfdriving cars which would likely feature such requirements.

        The gp is a reasonable assertion. It's already bad enough that cars get features retroactively patched out with updates over the cellnet.

    • The trend for automobiles is to remotely hack them and floor the accelerator.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        Journalist Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director at Time of Deadly Crash--

        this guy was hit with that hack. said his car was doing funny stuff day before, borrowed friends car, drove his again and BOOM! []

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Sony Playstation products are not able to access the store if they're not up to date.
    Nintendo products are not able to access the store if they're not up to date.
    I believe the same apply for Apple products, not sure about that one though.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I believe the same apply for Apple products, not sure about that one though.

      It's not true.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      A slight difference here is that those other products can still get updated without hassle when you do eventually decide to. With this case, the kindle cant even update itself after today without doing it manually via usb from a computer download.

      Thats kind of weird.

      • Actually it isn't. If you don't have a chain of trust you don't have a chain of trust. When a CERT expires it shouldn't be used anymore.

        Those other products are depending upon a CERT that effectively never expires. This is not good security practice.

  • Doesn't feel wrong? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by chispito ( 1870390 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @10:48AM (#51744105)

    And suddenly, Amazon sending postcards to remind people about this update doesn't feel that wrong.

    Who exactly felt that was wrong?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    All your books, songs, photos, etc., "safely stored on the cloud" can disappear at any time.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You don't lose access to downloaded books, only the purchase of new ones.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        I said nothing about books already stored locally on the device, I said books that were "safely stored on the cloud". Which yes, you will lose access to them. Or does "and your device won't be able to sync with the cloud" mean something different to you?
        • Well, of course you could download them to your pc and then sideload them to the kindle from there.
  • Next week... Class action lawsuit against Amazon for bricking kindle devices.
    • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

      "Next week... Class action lawsuit against Amazon by a bunch of uneducated idiots."


      They are not bricked, and if the person has a 3rd graders level of education you can still easily update it via USB.

    • by ADRA ( 37398 )

      Like every half-assed company, they have something called a terms of service which likely dictates the terms of 'updates and over the air book uploading' or whatever else they do through their cloud offering. Does that make MS class actioned for abandoning their devices left and right leaving existing owners high and dry? No, they have the right to terminate service at any time they see necessary. If you're living in a bubble world then you're going to be awfully upset by this. If you live in the real world

      • Are you really whining about them supporting a 9 years old product?

        I'm just pointing out that this is America. A class action lawsuit is never far behind.

  • How about your PC gets disconnected from internet unless you upgrade to Win10?

  • Why would they cut out internet and ability to upgrade later?

    • Why would they cut out internet and ability to upgrade later?

      Because it's an SSL cert that's expiring and once it does the device can't make SSL connections any more which prevents OTA updates, etc.

    • Because their pants are down, and they're hoping nobody looks.

      There is a giant gaping security hole that hasn't been made public, that's about 99% of the possible reasons. ;)

      The other 1% are conspiracy theories.

  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:08AM (#51744273) Homepage

    You are fine.

    I personally think the best kindle made is my DX... why the hell Amazon doesnt make a full A4 or Letter sized Kindle paperwhite DX with current tech I'll never understand.

    • by vanyel ( 28049 )

      In fact, that's exactly what I've done:

      * it avoids the ads
      * It avoids any chance of Amazon taking away books
      * I only buy books that are either non-DRMd or can be made so

      The Kindle, however, is the best and most stable ereader I've found, which is why I went back to it. But everything gets onto it only over usb under my control.

    • Only if you actually have it charged, so that it can do updates. All my Kindles are reserved for special occasions (like vacations) at this point, and all day-to-day reading is done on smartphone. Consequently, I had to actually round them all up and charge them to get the update; and I would have appreciated a warning a bit earlier than 2 days before cutoff...

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      They didn't sell as many as they thought they would so buried the product.
      I went hunting for a DX a while back but got scammed on ebay with the only listing I could find locally. There's a 10 inch Onyx Boox that does the same job and can run an Amazon app but that's as close as it gets at the moment.
  • by cyberchondriac ( 456626 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:09AM (#51744281) Journal
    This whole thing is a bit misleading. Kindles update automatically, so this is only for some older models, and only if you've left it off in a drawer somewhere for the past couple of years. If you use the Kindle regularly, this should be a non-issue.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Agreed, and not just that, but the patches have been around for a while.

      For instance, they're saying to update my Kindle Keyboard to v3.4.2, which was released in July 2015.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If you use the Kindle regularly, this should be a non-issue.

      I use my Kindle regularly. I rarely let it go online, so if it were one of the affected models it certainly would be an issue.

    • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:24AM (#51744445) Journal
      I'm actually impressed that they still support their device from 2007
    • Yep, I can't even find the bizarro connector for my version 1 Kindle, and it just sat unpowered for years. I have a latest gen Kindle which has already been updated. I can't ever imagine even using my old Kindle - I'd instead just use my old iPad if it came to that. This just reminded me to unregister it from my account and toss it in the trash.

      Keep in mind that even were it not to connect, you can still upgrade the firmware manually over USB, from what I understand, so it's not like it would be bricked

      • The problem isn't on the server end, it's on the device end. The root certificates saying "yes, this is Amazon, all is good" are expiring. If the device doesn't trust the server's identity (because it was signed with a new root cert), there's no way for it to download the updates.
    • by ThePyro ( 645161 )
      Users of older models (e.g. like me) often leave the wireless turned off in order to conserve battery life. Even though I use the device regularly, I only turn on wifi when I want to purchase a new book. So yes, this could be an issue for regular users.
    • Actually, I'm glad this article came up. I will at least *check* my Kindle to see if it's updated. I actually very rarely use it, and charge it when I notice it's dead. So it may not have updated itself.

      (I have bought a couple of books in the format, but read other stuff more often.)

    • by DennyK ( 308810 )

      My Voyage has been in airplane mode since I've owned it, and I left the wifi off for years on my old Keyboard. It increases the battery life tremendously. Plus, I transfer and manage all my books via USB with Calibre anyway, and I've always got a backlog of dozens of books loaded on the Kindle, so I really have no use for the wifi connectivity.

  • Update over USB (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:14AM (#51744341)

    I think the post fails to mention: you can update the Kindle over USB after the deadline.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've never connected my Kindle to the Internet. Too much risk of an auto update (or just some annoying nag screen) to update my firmware and override all the various hacks I've made to my Kindle. Honestly, I got a Kindle precisely to side load stuff I already own (Humble Book Bundles, among other things). That you can do stuff like play IF or whatever is a nice extra, but the real reason to hack the firmware is to get rid of the ridiculous margin, have a larger range for the fonts, and (if it worked) to

  • by Anonymous Coward

    MS can take a lesson from Amazon.

    IE 6 on Windows XP is the second-most popular browser in the world, still. I say nuke that shit from orbit.

  • What standards? And why brick if not updated? Weird...
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Anyone know what's in this update to cause Amazon to take these drastic measures. Does it contain Win10-like telemetry, for example?

      • by Ken D ( 100098 )

        You might guess that the phone home website for updates & store & cloud library is going to discontinue supporting one or more of the vulnerable HTTPS modes, leaving devices without updates no way to connect.

    • It's not exactly bricking the device - it just won't connect to Amazon anymore, and it can be updated via USB at any time to restore that functionality. Anything you've already downloaded would still be available for reading as always. An AC below claims it's a certificate store update, which makes a lot of sense to me, especially how SHA-1 is being depreciated everywhere. That would explain the talk about new "standards."

  • by YesIAmAScript ( 886271 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:35AM (#51744549)

    AT&T will be shutting down 2G (EDGE) at the end of the year. And they (claim they) will not grandfather any device until December that didn't specifically ask to be grandfathered before the end of June.

    This is affecting multiple companies. Nissan handled it rather poorly, forcing their customers to pay for a modem upgrade in their cars. []

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 21, 2016 @11:42AM (#51744633)

    It's an updated certificate store. If you don't get the new certificate(s) onto your Kindle, it won't connect to Amazon any more. You'll lose access to any books not already downloaded onto your device, and be unable to sync newly-purchased Amazon content to it over-the-air, or sync reading positions, etc.

    • Lose access to books not already on your device other than through a computer, or a tablet, or a toster, since pretty much everything in the universe has a kindle app now. And if you have a pc, you can download them there and sideload them to the kindle. You know, the same way you can manually update.
  • Feature? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    So your telling me if i wait one more day I can finally have Amazon's claws out of my device?

    Sounds like a feature to me.

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Monday March 21, 2016 @01:29PM (#51745773) Journal

    "Old Kindles Will Be Disconnected Unless You Update By Tuesday"
    No. This is NOT TRUE.

    From TFA:
    "If you do miss the deadline, you'll need to manually download and install the required update."

    So if you don't do the update, it will continue to be just fine (particularly if you're using calibre - and if you're not, WHY NOT?).

    OTOH, you can update, and make sure that Amazon has the freshest ability to dump shit ads onto your kindle and pester you to buy crap. Hey, maybe it'll even enable them to apply some sort of new DRM to those books you all purchased legally, I'm sure?

    Yeah, no. NOT doing the update will do nothing except force you to manually update next time.
    As someone elsewhere observed, not updating may even break their ability to stream you new ad content, so there's that.

    • your reading comprehension seems bad. Sure you can update later manually, but the device will not be connected to the Amazon network for book loading. That's hardly "just fine" for most kindle users unless you load free books one of the alternative ways, which most non-geeks don't

    • "Old Kindles Will Be Disconnected Unless You Update By Tuesday"
      No. This is NOT TRUE.

      It's true. What do you think "disconnected" means? Skip the update and your old Kindle will not be able to connect to Amazon, hence "disconnected". Whether this is a good or a bad thing depends on what you want. You may be happier with a disconnected Kindle, while someone else will want to be able to buy books with theirs.

  • now they force everyone to install magic "industry standard" update, hmmm

  • ... and since I uploaded my day-to-day references to it, I've never connected it to another device. apart from the charger.

    So ... exactly what am I going to lose?

"Only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core." -- Hannah Arendt.
