All-Female Ridesharing To Debut In Boston (qz.com) 584
HughPickens.com writes: Scores of women have reported assaults by Uber drivers... Now Jenni Avins reports at Quartz that a ride-sharing service that only uses women as drivers, Chariot for Women, is set to launch April 19 in Boston, featuring more stringent background checks and additional steps to ensure riders correctly match with their drivers.... "[U]nlike other services, Chariot for Women features a patent-pending technology that will provide both users and drivers with a code after a request is made that will need to be verified upon starting the ride," reports Glamour. But "whether it's legal or not is a different question," says Joseph L. Sulman. Quartz reports that "According to civil rights lawyers, Chariot for Women's female-only policies could put it squarely in the crosshairs of gender discrimination lawsuits, which would be difficult to win." Founder Michael Pelletz says he welcomes the legal challenge. "We want to show there's inequality in safety in our industry," says Pelletz. "We hope to go to the US Supreme Court to say that if there's safety involved, there's nothing wrong with providing a service for women."
This will be fun (Score:4, Interesting)
I can't wait until someone claims they identify as female and demand the right to rideshare with the all female service.
Re: This will be fun (Score:2)
I though rules were generally phrased in terms of how you *identify*, not how you *claim to identify* ?
Re: This will be fun (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
I know you disagree with this and so do I. I would like point out that blacks are more likely be arrested for the same crime, and given a harsher penalty.
However I have heard similar statistics for males and violence. Men are more likely to be arrested for domestic violence even if they where the ones that called the police in the first place. I am sure that it is much less likely that a man would report violence against him committed by a woman. Women also have a tendency to pick men that stronger than them as partners, it is hard to physically intimidate a person stronger than you. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] in the US 76.8% murder victims are men, I pick murder because it is unlikely to go unreported. Although this could also be perpetrated by men, mens lives are clearly more dangerous.
While we continue to assume men are somehow bad, and are so dangerous, it is fair to not even let them into the same car as a woman just because they are a man we will only alienate more men. This will only cause men to dislike women more. I am sure black people where considered somehow bad, or somehow somehow worse than white people. That was racism them and this is sexism now.
If you want a "safer" uber service then you can have a service that does security checks on all its customers, and drivers. That way you are judged on your previous actions, not the genitals you where born with.
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By the same token, female police officers are 5 times more likely to resort to using their firearm, and their partner is twice as likely to be hurt on the job.
Re:This will be fun (Score:4, Funny)
You must be joking. You might as well have asked a golden retriever to solve a partial differential equation.
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Well seeing as 0 is good for homogeneous differential equations, they have a fair shot.
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Informative)
By the same token, female police officers are 5 times more likely to resort to using their firearm, and their partner is twice as likely to be hurt on the job.
A quick Google search will bring up several citations that female cops are less likely to shoot. But I could only find one citation from Ann Coulter [anncoulter.com] that women are "vastly more likely" to shoot. I suppose that counts as a negative citation, since if Ann Coulter claims something is true, it usually isn't.
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
OK, isn't it interesting though that the same type of service aimed only at white customers or only for a specific religion would cause a massive outcry and also would be illegal?
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
Some animals are more equal than others.
On a more direct note, did you expect integrity or consistency from people that define merit as meaningless ?
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
Real Christians who made a Christian-preaching cab service would probably prefer non-Christians.
It's against what Jesus said to harm non-Christians. You are to lead by example of being kind. That's what most of these hardcore Christians don't seem to understand about theeir own religion.
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
>"That's what most of these hardcore Christians don't seem to understand about theeir own religion."
That is because most so-called Christians really are not very Christian. They don't follow the teachings and examples of Jesus, but instead follow organized religion, dogma, and related politics. And they also tend to look at the mostly supplanted old testament for answers to questions that are more easily answered by that famous and simple saying "what would Jesus do?"
Re:This will be fun (Score:4, Insightful)
However, Matthew 5:41 says "And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." [ESV]. This refers to the law at the time where a Roman soldier could require someone to carry their gear for 1 mile. Odds are very good that whatever that soldier was doing it probably qualified as sin. This seems to be a pretty clear case of assisting someone in sin. To me a possible distinction is whether the "sin" would happen without your assistance. In the case of the soldier and the gay wedding it's going to happen regardless of what you think, so I think the answer there is that you should bake 2 cakes.
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Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
I believe people who believe in that kind of social engineering are applying some advanced math. They start with categorizing people based on overlapping criteria, such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, etc. Based on these criteria, they classify people into "victims" and "oppressors". When people are both, they call that "intersectionality" and attempt to balance it out. Experts assign scores and weights. For example, white homosexual cis males have now apparently moved into the "oppressor" category.
I blame New Math and the attempts at teaching abstract set theory to budding sociologists for this.
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So.... it's kinda like statistics to them then?
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Interesting)
For certain definitions of "massive outry", true. But it's hard for people to argue their own discriminatory actions "for security" (ie safety) and then simultaneously argue that a woman-only service is somehow not okay. So, the people left are those that (1) think women can and are as bad as men and/or (2) think fundamentally this is no real sort of solution to a more fundamental problem (a lack of adequate background checks at Uber) that basically degenerates into "men are expendable".
And of course it's illegal. I hope they get slapped down fast and hard by the courts on this. Btw, I think it funny that impetus for this was a male Uber driver feeling threatened by a passenger. So, (1) we are now creating a service that makes it easier to target female drivers and (2) we're not even addressing the idea of background checks for passengers. So, entirely ass backwards.
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
Why can't small males avail themselves of the service but to female MMA fighters who could whip the males in a fight can? Small males get assaulted, bullied, and even raped as well.
Re: This will be fun (Score:4, Informative)
Because women are valuable, men are expendable. Didn't you get the memo?
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Actually, the bathroom issue is also generating outrage. For an example a college in New York has removed all gender identification from bathroom doors.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/29/gender-bathrooms-cooper-union-college-new-york [theguardian.com]
My home bathroom is gender neutral.
Re: This will be fun (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: This will be fun (Score:3)
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The world isn't fair. I'm sorry if attempts to make it more fair are sometimes applied inconsistently.
Efforts to make the world fair, are by necessity also unfair. Thus, creating a greater imbalance than leaving it alone, as is.
Discrimination against non-whites has been, and continues to be a massive problem in society.
Discrimination says more about the person discriminating, than the person being discriminated against. Additionally, trying to make things "fair", creates its own sets of problems, which are equally unfair. Like when a 4.0 Asian student can't get into University, because we have to make room for a 3.5 student from the inner city, because white people are racist. But we don't ever tal
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
Sorry for all the other Anonymous Cowards out there. This stuff is painful to read even as a cis-male (to use a term that will infuriate a few people).
That said, even as a very liberal person, I've always wondered what mechanisms are in place to keep assholes from screwing it all up. E.g., I don't know if there is a way to verify whether an individual has started the process, or if there even should be. I'm very uneducated in this area.
Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
From a medical standpoint - while acknowledging that being trans is NOT a disability - it should be illegal to ask.
That having been said, people fuck shit up for other people all the time. My father was a diabetic and had a handicapped placard to hang from his rear-view mirror because of problems with his legs so he could take advantage of handicapped parking. Generally speaking, you'd never know just by looking at him, though to observe him moving, you might notice there's something wrong with him, but because he didn't have a cane or a wheelchair, wouldn't you know it that someone would come over and confront him about fraudulently using a placard like the one he had, and wouldn't quit harassing him about it, either.
So, yeah, the problem here is the grey area that exists when either a lie could be told, for reasons good or bad, or people are untrusting enough to assume the worst and make accusations before understanding the gravity of the situation.
But that requires a lot of inappropriate unpacking of personal information to complete strangers...which is why I think all-female ridesharing (unlike handicapped parking) is simply a bad idea. It just sets up a lot of unnecessary drama in an age where the lines of gender are blurry, but there seems to be a continuing assumption that a not insignificant number of men are potential predators. These two issues, when taken together, are a powder keg of potential conflict.
Re: This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
This is true, but in the name of liberty and personal privacy, it should, frankly, be none of anyone else's damn business.
If you're transgender, good! Live your life! If you are happy, and you're not doing anything that hurts anyone, congrats, you're probably well ahead of at least half the human population.
However, absolutely NO ONE should have the authority demand "papers, please" on that particular condition. Thus, it presents a problem when any male-presenting man asks for a ride in a female-only rideshare claiming to be a pre-transition MtoF and the woman driving says "hold on, prove it". How do you do that without creating a situation where the woman won't feel threatened (by a potential liar) and the man won't feel discriminated against?
The answer's simple: don't create a situation where discrimination is implicit within the ground rules.
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Well, if you're going to tell me that women "can't" have this service (even though what I said is "it's not a good idea"), and then in your last statement say:
"And as for actual trans-people or other women who look completely male I'm sure they're grown up enough to handle awkward situations."
Well, women aren't grown-up enough to handle themselves? Where's the line supposed to be drawn here?
And as for my example being "convenient", well, I'm a test engineer. I spend my paid time creating problems where sy
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Re: This will be fun (Score:3)
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Why are you assholes ruining this site? Go back to Reddit.
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Re:This will be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
As a straight, white, born and gendered male, and human oriented person (compared to furies?), I'd really appreciate if ladies would stop going around putting the fear of men into everyone's heads. If you're concerned for your safety, take a martial arts class and learn some personal responsibility (don't expect someone to help you when you cry for help, you need to learn how to help yourself. In other words, stop being a victim and man up. By not punching that guy who grabbed your ass, you're choosing to stay a victim. The slight natural strength benefits of being male is nothing compared to a couple basic self defense classes, often offered for free to college women.) Segregating people like this only leads to more issues as people stop seeing others as people when they're always kept apart. They lose respect for each other. What this service tells me is that all the people using it are too emotionally weak to be around men regardless if that's true or not. I'm sure some of those creepy males will love this as they can now order a ride and know they will get a female driver. I suspect its far easier to kidnap someone when you're not the one doing the driving.
Yes, I've had my ass randomly spanked and my nipples twisted. Differently not a common occurrence, but I also didn't ignore it.
And please, no bullshit about how the media only portrays females as sex objects. Every kids show has ball smashing as something funny. All males in computer games are tight-muscled, super alpha males. Males are shown as bumbling idiots anytime a female is around. We're either a sexy crime lord or a fart loving failure at life. Etc... The media is simply for anything that triggers an emotion in its viewers.
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You cut your dick off. Don't blame the rest of us who are sane.
Men and women think different, that's an indisputable fact, our brains are just wired different. With all the myriad of things that can go wrong during child development is it really beyond the realms of belief that a female brain can develop in a male body. Nothing to do with sanity.
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How about government stop telling people which bathrooms they can use on private property?
How about each restaurant, barber shop, and store decide on their own which customers they are willing to serve and which customers can use which bathroom?
Have we learned nothing from slavery, segregation and Jim Crow laws, all government mandated discrimination? When will people realize that government shouldn't get involved in these issues?
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Apparently JC laws were against Business Interests (Score:3)
You think without those laws that southern business owners would not have been racist?
You ignorant jackass. The reason they were made into laws is because many business owners would not abide by them as unwritten rules so the government stepped in and made it against the law to not discriminate. This is historical fact. Read some fucking history you stupid piece of shit.
----- ===== -----
Your premise is that without Jim Crow Laws businesses would have integrated smoothly without issue?
You're flat out wrong Anon. Businesses made them put those Jim Crows laws on the books because they weren't going to integrate otherwise. Read a book [ferris.edu] or something. You know what you n ever read about regarding Jim Crow? Any business that complained about having to separate black customers from white.
Re: Apparently JC laws were against Business Inter (Score:4)
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Considering that the blacks were quite poor, the best move was not to piss of your white customers. Too expensive to have extra bathrooms and counters? Just ban all blacks from your business,
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"I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next hundred years" -LBJ
Re:This will be fun (Score:4, Funny)
There are some who deliberately go to bathrooms to rape people (though fewer of them than republican senators, even though there are far more trans people than republican senators).
I thought that most of those who go to bathrooms to rape people were Republican senators.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
Re: This will be fun (Score:5, Informative)
You seem to believe that transsexualism is a mental disorder.
It is, and it shares a number of characteristics with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. It tends to describe symptoms (rather than a specific underlying etiology), though there is a reasonable amount of information that suggests that in some of the cases it's related to disruption of the prenatal testosterone washes in the womb, leading to desires for behaviour (and identification) often seen in the other sex. In animal models, this tends to manifest as behaviour such as male rats exhibiting female mating and nesting patterns.
A conflict between one's brain and body will cause problems (something seen even in individuals in supportive environments), which makes it a disorder. Likewise, it's situated in the brain (as the body itself is generally in line with the chromosomes) - the brain improperly rejects the body in which it's housed. That's a mental disorder.
The American Psychiatric Association
Rather than pointing out that your argument is an argument from authority, I would point out that the APA does not get to define whether or not something is a disorder. Homosexuality (for example) didn't magically become "not a disorder" in 1973. There was a lot of behind-the-scenes political lobbying, and despite being a professional body, there is a lot of politics in play.
There are a significant number of individuals pushed into transition unnecessarily (particularly in the butch lesbian community), and there are plenty of cases where people would have been better off without transitioning. It's a very high price to pay for many people, and while it may be worth it for some, that is not always the case. Rushing people into it with "it's not a disorder, it's all normal, and healthy, and right" is not a good thing. It's a serious process to be undertaken when the alternative is worse.
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If that causes you difficulty in functioning in society, or makes you want to amputate healthy tissue, then it would be.
Re: This will be fun (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: This will be fun (Score:3)
Legality (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Legality (Score:4, Insightful)
To me, the acid test for any potentially discriminatory practice is simple algebra. Instead of a race or gender or whatever, replace it with a variable. Then apply the same formula to all other situations you can think of. This eliminates any personal biases you may have. "A taxi service for women" becomes "a taxi service for x". Substitute anything else for x. x = men. x = wealthy. x = whites. x = blacks. If any of those seems discriminatory, then the entire concept is likely discriminatory.
That is what you get when you apply the absolute binary standards of discrimination the PC crowd has advocated. If you apply (IMHO more sensible) looser standards which take into account real statistical differences (which may coincide with certain stereotypes), then services like this become allowable. If the rate of male on female assault in taxis greatly exceeds the rate of female on female assault, then there is justification for a service like this. But to get to this point, you first have to admit that men and women are different. Something the PC crowd has assiduously denied thus far. Otherwise you have no basis for generating separate statistics for men vs women in the first place.
Re:Legality (Score:5, Insightful)
A better solution that doesn't involve any discrimination would be to simply vet the drivers better. Uber want to avoid doing that because it makes them look too much like a taxi company with employees, instead of just a pure ride sharing service that doesn't have to abide by the rules. The rules which were put in place to stop this sort of thing.
Re:Legality (Score:5, Insightful)
One thing that taxi drivers don't want getting out is that for the most part:
1. Assaults by taxi drivers are fairly common as well.
2. Taxi drivers are often vetted about as well as Uber drivers - many of the companies use the same background check service Uber does.
Now, I can't make universal statements because there's thousands of taxi companies, but I think Uber is getting a bad rap from sheer size and being a good target for news articles.
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Jokes are a very good way to cut through bullshit and expose hypocrisy for what it is. The irony here is palpable.
Re:Legality (Score:4, Insightful)
See? You just made a joke. And it wasn't half-bad even for you. Learn from this experience.
Re:Legality (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Legality (Score:5, Funny)
Now there's an idea.. "Honey, can you come shopping with me?"... "Sorry, the mall just went woman only, remember? Why don't you go with Helen instead?"
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You're not being discriminated against: there are plenty of ride-sharing services that you can use. Just not this one.
Congratulations - you've re-discovered the principle of "separate but equal". Somewhere, Jim Crown us smiling.
Password patent pending? (Score:3)
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Really? The driver and passenger are each given a password / secret code in order to verify each other? This certainly has never been done before.
In taxi service? Probably not.
So.... (Score:5, Insightful)
So instead of regulating Uber and other "ride sharing" services......they just create another thing with potentially the same problems.
Why not just cut the BS and just regulate Uber like we do Taxi companies.......like what should have happened a long time ago.
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Yes, because taxi drivers have never assaulted a customer. We only hear about the ride sharing drivers assaulting their customers because it's a fairly new service.
We need a better way to get the bad drivers out of the industry whether they are driving a taxi or for a ride sharing service. What we don't need is a service specifically for woman, another specifically for the LGBT community, another for Muslims, ... because then we'll never ride to show up conveniently as any drivers will be so spread out.
Much better arguments (Score:3)
There are some better arguments for allowing discrimination here than in most other cases, but ultimately those arguments will fail. While there is danger in taking an Uber, there is danger in *walking*, and the danger of taking an Uber is not very high. They are a "common carrier" and make themselves available to the public; they will not be permitted to discriminate in either employment (sex of drivers) or in who they are willing to transport.
This is just what we needed (Score:2)
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Well the insteresting dilemma is - is it ok to say you, as a female, don't feel safe being driven by a male, given that some males may pose a threat, while it's genrally thought not ok to say you don't feel safe being driven by a person of a certain race/religion (eg. black/muslim)?
Nice solution there... (Score:5, Insightful)
Scores of women have reported assaults by Uber drivers
Good thing that a woman could never assault another woman.
As if... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Or in real life [wikipedia.org]
Doesn't help the issue. (Score:2)
A rapist need merely register as a trans and is guaranteed a woman is delivered promptly to his location.
They say they do "extra screening' but how much more can they practically do than Uber already does?
Also they mention no surge pricing - without surge pricing you aren't going to find many drivers working at times or places you want to go anywhere. Surge pricing may be annoying but it also attracts far more drivers.
Some animals are more equal than others (Score:2)
Preventing discrimination is SUPER important...well, unless it's helpful, right?
insurance? (Score:2)
Will they cover drives on the clock but are open / looking for a fair?
In route to a fair?
This is really a bold business move (Score:5, Interesting)
This is not the first company to try this, what they don't say at least up front, is how tricky this business would be.
According to one in NY, She Taxis [shetaxis.com] only 2% of drivers right now are women.
Will a lot more women flock to this job if they feel it's safer? It seems from a business point of view, these people are really banking on that being true. All law aside, it's an interesting experiment. I mean this dynamic comes up all the time in most conversations about gender disparity. "If we just got rid of all the harassment, there'd be far more women coders" is something I've heard plenty of times before. This is the closest thing to a controlled experiment we're ever going to see.
Pop some corn, this will be fun to watch (Score:2)
The legal back and forth on this will be interesting. I think I'll grab a beer and some popcorn and watch the carnage unfold.
As someone that leans heavily towards leaving the government out of my business and letting the market decide I will say that this is a brilliant business move and the government should just leave this alone.
I'm reminded of a an incident in my own personal experience. Due to a failing on my part to renew my license to drive in a timely manner I was required to take a driving test to
Safety Issues? (Score:4, Insightful)
Want to fix your safety inequality because males tend to be stronger and more aggressive? Start carrying a pistol. Will it solve all problems? No, but being armed can prevent a bad situation from escalating to a Very Bad situation.
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and the presence of guns can turn a Very Bad situation into a lethal one.
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That's not a bug, it's a feature. A very bad situation is a women getting raped, the scum getting away, and the woman reporting the attack to the police. A lethal situation is the woman reporting the death of that scum to the police. While I will not wish death upon anyone I hope God may forgive me if I don't shed a tear for one more rapist killed.
"Ridesharing" or taxi? (Score:5, Insightful)
Both Uber and this service seems to provide a service where you order someone to drive you somewhere, without that person actually having any errand of their own to that place. To me that's not "ridesharing", it's taxi. "Ridesharing" to me is when you intend to drive somewhere, and check if someone else wish to ride along. And share expenses like fuel and perhaps vehicle depreciation, but nothing more.
Just having drivers being independent contractors instead of employed doesn't make a big difference end-user-wise to me (well except a lack of quality control, as shown by Uber) - it's still functionally a taxi service. This service (with good intentions) seems to make it even more like regular taxi operations by also emphasizing background checks and such.
Have I misunderstood "ridesharing", or are the "ridesharing" companies just trying to change the word to use for their "sure-not-a-taxi" taxi service?
Stupid (Score:3)
This whole thing is stupid and accusatory. Basically, the idea seems to be that if you're male, you're automatically suspected of being a rapist or mugger.
That's OK. If I want to use the service I'll just decide to identify as a girl (a really, really butch girl) for the duration of the ride. Just because I identify as a woman doesn't mean I can't wear short hair, a t-shirt/jeans, and men's cologne . . .
New Geek Ride Service (Score:3)
Re:New Geek Ride Service (Score:4, Interesting)
What a stupid idea. You're just going to alienate potential customers who will feel threatened by their drivers.
I will start a ride sharing service where the drivers have advanced knowledge in emacs alone, and potential customers need to show they aren't vi users before they get on.
Can we see the stats? (Score:4, Interesting)
Without any actual stats to back them up, I'm far more inclined to believe that this is just more feminazi man-hating bullshit than the result of a real epidemic of rapist Uber drivers.
idiotic (Score:3)
German railway introduces women-only carriages (Score:3)
German railway introduces women-only carriages.
https://www.washingtonpost.com... [washingtonpost.com]
Something is going the wrong way.
Sue 'em to death (Score:3)
Discrimination against men.
The law works both ways, bitches
Re:Totally illegal (Score:4, Informative)
You're kidding, right? There are plenty of women only businesses. Isn't there even a chain of gyms called Curves? That's women only, but I don't think too many women get molested at gyms.
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That's one of the few ones that actually makes sense.
That club doesn't exist because of rape or sexual assault at regular gyms, it occurs because women don't get treated well at normal gyms. Some of that is just the testosterone and the lack of skin covering clothes, but a lot of that is from women being jerks to each other whenever another woman is getting attention.
I was very briefly employed at a gym years back and even the female CEO of the chain told us to not talk to the women and to go find somebody
Re: Totally illegal (Score:4, Interesting)
I have no issue with women only gyms. My issue is with women who would deny me the peace and lack of drama in a male only gym, while still defending the need for female only gyms.
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can you imagine the screams of complaints if there was an all male ride sharing service?
Especially if there was sexual assault going on.
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Well settled, discrimination in employment, public accommodation, housing or services is simply illegal.
Notice that Universities are not public accommodations.
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It might make sense (to you), but it doesnt make it LEGAL.
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I am 100% certain they will tell you that your car is a 'place of business' and because of that you lost your natural right to discriminate.
When you do busines in your car , IE taking money for transporting someone, it does become a place of business.
Slave Codes weren't just an idea, they were laws.
It was also lawful to beat one's wife with a stick no thicker than a man's thumb. It is call social progress. Just because it was done in the past does not mean it is valid now.
What happens if all taxi services decide to discriminate against one class of people? That is the problem with laws; it is almost impossible to write a law that allows some discrimination.
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and what about a bus service where the blacks have to sit in the back and give up seats to white people when needed?
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