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Time Warner Cable Suspends Broadband Upgrades After Merger ( 72

Karl Bode, reporting for DSLReport: Time Warner Cable has confirmed that the company has suspended its "Maxx" broadband and TV upgrades while the dust settles from Charter's $79 billion acquisition of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. Time Warner Cable's Maxx upgrades not only deliver faster top speeds up to 300 Mbps, but a notably overhauled improvement to the company's set top box interface. But Time Warner Cable has been telling company support techs and engineers that the upgrades were actually put on hold as of May 26. "[...] All speed increases and customer communications were placed on a temporary hold beginning Thursday, May 26," states the internal communication. "Once the updated launch schedule is determined, updated hub schedules will be posted to KEY and area management will be notified. Customers will continue to receive notification when the new speeds are available in their hubs."
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Time Warner Cable Suspends Broadband Upgrades After Merger

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  • A few more mergers (Score:5, Insightful)

    by blackomegax ( 807080 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @03:03PM (#52338955) Journal
    A few more mergers and they can begin rolling speeds back until netflix is unusable and nobody has any choice on how to consume media.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      A few more mergers and they can begin rolling speeds back until netflix is unusable and nobody has any choice on how to consume media.

      It really is insane to think that the same companies that supply the pipes can also supply the content.

      • I have no problem with that as long as they don't actively hamper competition.

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          The problem with those that supply the infrastructure being allowed to supply content, is that they will always strive to hamper competition, subvert legislation and run that infrastructure as cheap a manner as profitable, to the point of collapse as long as this quarter looks good and the network collapse occurs after they run with the money. The only thing that makes sense to actively limit their activity to network connectivity only by law.

      • by lgw ( 121541 )

        More to the point: a company with a government-granted monopoly to supply the pipe should be forbidden as part of that grant from providing the content. Make last mile a public utility, and Net Neutrality becomes a non-issue.

        • You know that none of these companies have a government granted monopoly, right?

          • by Anguirel ( 58085 )

            Depends on what you consider a monopoly, and where you live. I know in some regions I have lived previously, my low-latency internet options, as allowed by city ordinance, were ADSL (128kbit) from a single company allowed to operate phone lines in the area, or cable service from a single company allowed to operate in the area. My high bandwidth options were satellite (download bandwidth only, as upload would have been via a phone-line modem of some sort through the above-mentioned single phone company allow

            • as allowed by city ordinance, were ADSL (128kbit) from a single company allowed to operate phone lines in the area, or cable service from a single company allowed to operate in the area.

              Monopoly franchises haven't been legal since 1992. If another provider wanted to enter your market, it certainly would be allowed to (subject to reasonable requirements that they show sufficient financing to actually build the network, and agree to the same buildout requirements as the incumbents, i.e. not cream skim only rich areas).

          • by lgw ( 121541 )

            Most people live someplace that the cable is provided by a cable company with a government-granted monopoly. I was talking about cable companies. What are you talking about?

            • Most people live someplace that the cable is provided by a cable company with a government-granted monopoly. I was talking about cable companies. What are you talking about?

              There are (virtually) no "government-granted monopolies" for US cable companies (there may be a very few for developments where the HOA is a quasi-gov't).

              If Comcast wanted to start building cable plant in New York City, or Time Warner Cable wanted to build plant and deploy service in Chicago, there's no legal barrier to doing it. There are several providers (RCN being the best known) that have had this (overbuilding) as their business model. It proved to be a terrible business model, but there's no legal

              • by lgw ( 121541 )

                Say what? Local governments control the right-of-way that cable companies need in order to offer service. In many places, that local government has made a deal with one cable company or another granting them exclusive access. It's corrupt local politics at its finest, and its very common.

                • Say what? Local governments control the right-of-way that cable companies need in order to offer service. In many places, that local government has made a deal with one cable company or another granting them exclusive access.

                  It's not common in the slightest - exclusive deals haven't been legal for over twenty years. Cable companies are natural monopolies, but a new entrant can get pole attachment and RoW usage rights on comparable terms to the incumbent anywhere they want. Of course, they have to agree to the same deal (i.e. pay franchise fee, etc.), but there's no significant legal barrier to cable overbuild. It's an economic barrier.

    • ... nobody has any choice on how to consume media.

      Fuck that piglet-on-the-teat nonsense.

      I'm old-school. I read, or listen to music, or watch video.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    the bigger you are, the bigger is your dick to ass rape your customers with!

  • were placed on a temporary hold....until we are all fired.
  • by wierd_w ( 1375923 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @03:09PM (#52339013)

    OMG! Our beans and their beans got put into a newer, bigger pot! We cant trust those other bean counters, or their balance sheets! We have to recount all the beans!!

    Nevermind the already outstanding obligations we have, or the cost studies conducted showing the upgrade would be fully funded, and would make us money in the long run-- Those could all be lies!!

    We have to recount all the beans, first and foremost, then decide who gets what, and how many! That's what's really important here! Providing promised service comes second! ........

    God I hate corporate culture.

    • Always remember, no matter who gets screwed, senior management and the lawyers always get paid.

    • > and would make us money in the long run-- Those could all be lies!!

      More importantly, those studies were done before the merger, when there was a greater threat of competition. Change one of the base assumptions, and you change the optimal course of action. As for those "obligations", so what? Worst case they get fined a few million bucks for squeezing extra billions out of the market. Like Microsoft's repeated anti-monopoly penalties - until there's a real threat of the cost being greater than the

  • Not News (Score:5, Informative)

    by jratcliffe ( 208809 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @03:14PM (#52339059)

    Charter management said they'd be doing this back in April. The broadband upgrades are part of a general system upgrade, which includes going all digital for video (freeing up the spectrum that was used for analog video), which requires putting some sort of box on every TV. Time Warner Cable had been using very simple digital-to-analog adapters for this. Charter's being putting a full-fledged digital set top on every TV. So, they're putting the Time Warner rollouts on hold until they can restart the process using the full set tops (i.e. the Charter model).

    • Re:Not News (Score:4, Funny)

      by plover ( 150551 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @03:32PM (#52339199) Homepage Journal

      But your rational, fact-based explanation doesn't match my outrage as to what is obviously a conspiracy theory based on my preconceived notions of anti-competitive behavior! How can I get all paranoid and weird about this now?

      Wait, I know. First, I'll call you a shill, and then post my fanciful rants anyway!

      • You're arguing that it's a conspiracy theory, and implying that there is no anti-competitive behaviour on the part of cable companies... which there absolutely is and has been, though maybe it's not evidented by this particular story. Thank you for being so (unintentiomally) transparent.
    • Charter management said they'd be doing this back in April. The broadband upgrades are part of a general system upgrade, which includes going all digital for video (freeing up the spectrum that was used for analog video), which requires putting some sort of box on every TV. Time Warner Cable had been using very simple digital-to-analog adapters for this. Charter's being putting a full-fledged digital set top on every TV. So, they're putting the Time Warner rollouts on hold until they can restart the process using the full set tops (i.e. the Charter model).

      Translation: Your new set-top box will cost three times what it used to.

      Per TV of course, monthly recurring. Don't think for a second they'll let you actually own a fucking thing in the future.

      It's times like this I'm rather glad I cut the cord long ago and enjoy life outside the boob tube.

    • I prefer my TiVo, though it was like pulling teeth to get Charter to give me a cable card that mostly works.

  • They upgraded my area almost exactly a year ago, I figured they'd be done with the rollout by now.

    Apparently it helps a bunch to have Google Fiber as a competitor.

    • They upgraded my area almost exactly a year ago, I figured they'd be done with the rollout by now.

      Apparently it helps a bunch to have Google Fiber as a competitor.

      Oh yeah. Competition really helps.

      I got Verizon fiber run to every unit in my condo complex (>70 units), to give Time-Warner some competition.

      It took a couple of years, but it's working. And with Verizon selling its fiber-service to Frontier (in some States), prices are getting even better. So far, Frontier call-center staff have been very good. Frontier also provides un-bundled services for reasonable rates – unlike Time-Warner or Verizon.

  • by plague911 ( 1292006 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @04:10PM (#52339569)
    Once "6G" come out. The cost (both reasonable and excess due to their own mismanagement) of upgrading physical cable will make them unable to compete in a few technological generations. I cant wait for the day when I piss on their corporate grave.
  • The customer is always our bitch.
  • I just got a new Arris cable modem in the mail from TWC. Has a dual band wireless internal network @2.5 Ghz and 5.0 Ghz, and a 2.5 Ghz outward facing wireless network. I assume they are aiming at a Comcast/Xfinity style network. During the self install setup I disabled all the wireless stuff, and changed the internal address to what fit my needs, and then followed the online activation procedures using the mac address and serial number which worked flawlessly. Once configured I can no longer access the exte

  • by Sir_Eptishous ( 873977 ) on Friday June 17, 2016 @04:54PM (#52339941)
    The best part of this situation is the the market will sort things out.
    If you don't like your ISP because of their offerings or service then simply switch to a compeititor.
    With a vast array of high quality ISPs to choose from I fail to understand the constant complaining here on /.
    • Please tell me what planet you live on.
      I live is South Texas, with a city monopoly, sorry City Franchise, who is TimeWarner.
      And soon to be Sabotage, or what ever the new overlord will call it.
      That on the other hand does not modify the Franchise.
      Yes, by politics, we have choice-----
      ...Dial Up - oops Verizon just got bought and no infrastructure for anything.
      ...DTV - pure digitized crap signal.
      ...Satellite - speed, price, and latency are a ROFL.
      ...Cell phone for internet but they are not cost effectiv
  • So why do they send me a speed-upgrade offer in the USPS mail at least once a week?

    Something is not clear to someone in their marketing department, or perhaps by the Poster in interpretation of the announcement.

Them as has, gets.
