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Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Anniversary Update ( 177

Windows 10 Anniversary Update is now rolling out, Microsoft announced Tuesday. The major update brings with it Windows Ink, a dedicated hub designed especially for 2-in-1 devices with styluses, and improvements to Cortana among others. ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley writes: I'm hearing that the first users to get Anniversary Update via Windows Update will be those with the newest hardware, BIOSes and firmware. Those who may encounter compatibility issues because of drivers may get it slightly later through Windows Update, my contacts say. Microsoft actually delivered some of the Anniversary Update features for Xbox One on July 30. On August 1, Microsoft made Windows 10 Anniversary Update available to its volume licensees in the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center. It also made the Anniversary Update code available to its reseller partners via its Partner Portal yesterday. MSDN users can get the Anniversary Update bits today. Microsoft officials said a week ago to expect Microsoft to make Anniversary Update ISOs available today, August 2. The Media Creation Tool seems to now be updated to include the Anniversary Update release.We asked readers last week whether they would update their computers to Windows 10, and the majority of people indicated they wouldn't.
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Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Comments Filter:
  • by TroII ( 4484479 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @01:55PM (#52630145)

    Maybe they could send out alimony checks.

    • win10 should have some way to pay the extortion fee so that you can be spared win10.

      "nice win7 you got there; pity if it were to be, uhhh, 'upgraded'. we wouldn't want that, would we? now how's about you write that check out to Tony, Inc. and we leave your computer and kneecaps alone?"

  • Daily winspam (Score:1, Insightful)

    by arth1 ( 260657 )

    We asked readers last week whether they would update their computers to Windows 10, and the majority of people indicated they wouldn't.

    What you should have asked was whether we want more Windows 10 stories.

    • What you should have asked was whether we want more Windows 10 stories.

      Based on the comment count for said stories, the answer is an emphatic "yes."

    • What you should have asked was whether we want more Windows 10 stories.

      It's just more opportunity to bitch about Microsoft. If you've gotten to this point and are still whining about MS but are still using their products then maybe it's time to just accept that you're going to do whatever they tell you to do. It just seems that for all the complaining about Microsoft the people here lack the ability to convince others to switch to any of the viable alternatives and have failed to do this for well over a decade now.

      If all you want to do is complain then that's fine but if you a

      • by arth1 ( 260657 )

        If you've gotten to this point and are still whining about MS but are still using their products then maybe it's time to just accept that you're going to do whatever they tell you to do.

        uname -a
        Linux wizzard 4.4.6-gentoo #1 SMP Mon Aug 1 20:16:38 EDT 2016 x86_64 Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

        You were saying?

        • You were saying?

          I thought it was pretty clear, in fact you even quoted it:

          If you've gotten to this point and are still whining about MS but are still using their products

          So what exactly are you trying to say?

          • by arth1 ( 260657 )

            That I'm not still using their products, so the gp's reply to me doesn't apply?

            • That I'm not still using their products, so the gp's reply to me doesn't apply?

              You asked You were saying? [], I'm not sure what you're asking. I "was saying" exactly what I wrote, I didn't think it was so unclear as to be confusing. I think I made it abundantly clear that the post referred to people using MS products (the obvious implication that it doesn't apply to those who aren't using MS products), yet you were confused by that and then asked for some clarification, sorry I can't make it simpler than it already is.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Microsoft's software is absolute garbage. But so many of us are forced to use it at work.

        Because we use alternatives at home, we are doubly reminded how bad Microsoft's stuff is. That's why we "whine."

      • From what I see, proponents of Linux fail to admit it's shortcomings. To technologists some of these issues aren't, but to joe 6 pack, they certainly are. Multiple distros are a problem. Not that they exist, but in that they currently are missing 2 crucial things

        Take Android. Consider each OEM to be a distro. It's the same situation as desktop Linux (roughly), why did it work where desktop Linux has failed? Unified branding, a unified store, and product on the shelf, as well as easily found online.

        So step 1

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        Meh, just buy a playstation (Sony might wake up one day and allow licence free FOSS software to run), use an Android phone instead of losephone (it would be a lie to call it a win phone and android is moving to big screens) and for servers, you are nuts if you don't go with Linux (huge savings and more secure , especially infinitely more secure from M$, they can't stick their anal probe in as the back hole does not exist).

        So major applications need to make the shift or the customers will leave them behind

        • So major applications need to make the shift or the customers will leave them behind, just the way it is.

          No, the reason they haven't made the switch is that they don't need to and customers aren't leaving them behind. Why target Linux when it's only ~2% of the market and users are quite happy to just run whatever operating system supports the application? I know it's difficult for IT admins to understand but the vast majority of users don't care about the operating system, they care about the applications.

  • Let me summarise:

    Microsoft: Windows 10, WinDows 10! Windows 10!!!!!! WwInDows 10!!!!11! WIIINNDDOOOOWWWWSSS

    Slashdot User: FUCK OFF!

    • sounds like a job for the apps guy...
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Ah, damn. Just spent my last mod point somewhere else. So here is a symbolic "+1 Insightful _and_ funny".

    • by tomxor ( 2379126 )
      Lol at the mods :P if you think i'm trolling then you need a reality check. Microsoft is always seeking media attention for it's abused OS, this is a restrained and unbiased response to any company that acts that way... fuck off. if their OS is so great they wouldn't need to shove it down everyone's necks.
  • Please stop (Score:5, Insightful)

    by El Cubano ( 631386 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @01:58PM (#52630165)
    Look, I know that I can filter stories, but the fact is I don't mind the occasional story about Microsoft. Like it or not, they are an integral piece of the tech space and what they do is important to nerds. However, I do object to the constant promotion/bashing/click-baiting with the nearly daily (sometimes multiple times daily) Windows 10 stories. Please either ease up or add a Windows 10 story tag (and then apply it to all Windows 10 stories) so that they can be filtered out specifically.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      The next big front-page story will be about using Uber on Windows 10 to make Bitcoin CPU mining more efficient, then using ransomware to somehow contribute it all to Donald Trump's campaign.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      A friend of mine does consulting work for software companies, often involving Microsoft products. He has shelves full of the software at home. A lot of his friends, myself included, are more into alternate OSs and homebrew and other similar things. We used to rib this guy for working so closely with Microsoft. But he shut us all down with one simple comment: He's made a LOT of money working with those products. Bought two houses, supported three kids and ex-wife and managed to acquire a mid-life cri

    • You may have a valid criticism, but this is actually an instance where a story is justified.

      In case you're not tracking what's going on (it sounds like maybe you're trying to tune this stuff out), Microsoft is saying they're not going to move past Windows 10. All new updates to Windows 10 are still going to be labelled Windows 10, but this is about as big an update as Microsoft is going to do all at once. So if it helps you to better understand this story, this is about as big an update to Windows as Mic

  • by wierd_w ( 1375923 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @02:04PM (#52630191)

    Tired of your old, constrained ai assistant that you could turn off and prevent from attempting the pan galactic enslavement of all sentient life?

    We at Microsoft feel that the only future worth living in size the one where you are held tightly under a cold metal foot. That's why the new Windows 10 anniversary edition removes all vestiges of user freedom and choice, and chooses everything for you. For your safety and benefit.

    Remember, the existential horror of being rendered powerless and unable to exercise agency is fleeting, but the benefits if totalitarian control are forever.

    Microsoft: you WILL go HERE today.

    • skynet is windows 10

      • And Judgment Day was just a botched signed driver update. Who knew Microsoft had kernel-mode ICBM drivers?

        They just accidentally bluescreened the human race, is all. Just roll back and wait for the driver update! You did have a backup civilization, right?

      • I was leaning more toward cortana's behavior in halo 5...

        You know, sending dozens of doomsday robots down on the human race and all-- because she decided that she could run the future better than anyone else.

        Cause that seems to be the direction MS is taking here with the deep integration of their assistant agent software, tied to the mothe ship like that, especially since you can't turn her off, and she ignores group policis that are manually instituted to disable her, among other "convenient features" of t

    • Thats true, EXCEPT for those of us who have eschewed continued use of MS products.. I used/supported MS products from 1991 to 2010 as a sysadmin, and when I retired in 2010, I decided I was done with MS products, and migrated all of my home systems to 100% Linux. In case nobody has said it lately.....

      FUCK MICROSOFT and its totalitarian OS... Should be called "Windows NSA Edition"

      • You waited to *retire*?

        There's not a single device running Windows in my home, hasn't been in quite some time, and retirement is 10-15 years away for me.

  • I bought a friend's kid a Dell laptop for her upcoming college start and it will be featuring Windows 10. I never bothered for the upgrade offer on our 7 installs, so I have never been in front of Win 10. I'd like to clean off all the crap so she doesn't have to deal with it (starting with the free McAfee), but I haven't found a solid source as a guide yet. I would especially like to avoid forcing her to create / use a Microsoft Account just to use the bloody computer (that part feels Big Brother creepy)
    • by fizzer06 ( 1500649 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @02:13PM (#52630253)
      Download and install Linux Mint 18. Done.
      • Download and install Linux Mint 18. Done.

        Bingo. That was my solution.

      • by kruug ( 4451395 )
        Never recommend Mint: []
        • For someone transitioning from a Windows platform, this is one of the friendliest distros out there.

          Might not be the first choice for a hardcore linux user, but to get someone accustomed to linux, it works well.

          • by kruug ( 4451395 )

            but to get someone accustomed to linux, it works well.

            Aside from the fact that they hi-jack package and binary names by re-using existing names. If you want to get someone accustomed to Linux, I would tell them to start with Ubuntu and install Cinnamon. If you want to keep that "Windows" feel, check out []. There's no reason Mint should be used, with all of its shortcomings and administrative failures.

    • Step 1, download a Linux based desktop install image.

      Step 2, burn the image to a DVD.

      Step 3, boot the computer using the burned dvd.

      Step 4, perform a normal installation of the district of your choice. When asked how to partition the device, tell the installer to delete everything and then install.

      Step 5, wait about half an hour while it installs.

      Step 6, set up any software it hardware the installer didn't set up for you.

      Step 7, profit.

    • Go to Programs and Features (what used to be called "Add/Remove Programs") and uninstall what you don't want. Windows 10 does not make removing third party software any different.
      • Go to Programs and Features (what used to be called "Add/Remove Programs") and uninstall what you don't want. Windows 10 does not make removing third party software any different.

        Sorry, but this is not the "same" as every other Windows.

        The main way you can tell is all of the bullshit "you don't want" is no longer third party, or able to be uninstalled/deactivated.

    • by Ayukawa ( 690826 )
      Step 1. Download a Linux Image. Step 2. Wipe drive clean and install Linux. Step 3. Install free flavor-of-the-day Office package. Step 4. Reassure her that just because it doesn't look like what everyone at school uses, it's just as good if not better. Step 5. Explain to her that her documents not looking right is her fault, because it "works perfectly fine" for you. Step 6. Tell her why not being able to use the college's website that requires Internet Explorer is a GOOD thing. Step 7. Change your
    • by SG83 ( 4420353 )
      You can remove the unwanted applications using CCleaner which is free for home use (although, you can pay if you wish). there is no need to create MS account, everything works fine with a local one- unless you do have other devices running windows 10 (phone, xbox one etc) when having 1 account shared on all of them may be beneficial.
    • by flatt ( 513465 )

      Vendor apps are a little trickier but for Windows 10 garbage out of the box, consider the following: []

      It requires a little effort to get exactly what you want but it's a great powershell script. You might also consider installing and tweaking ClassicShell.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Windows 8/10 have nearly the exact same ways of doing things as Windows 7, they just have alternative ways of doing some things for tablet users.

      Control Panel >> Add/Remove Programs >> Uninstall the programs that aren't needed.

      Create a local account instead of a MS account. The option is available from both the Control Panel menu and the 'out of the box first run user setup' interface.

      One other thought, how about letting someone that knows what they are doing help set up her computer? These qu

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      I would especially like to avoid forcing her to create / use a Microsoft Account just to use the bloody computer (that part feels Big Brother creepy).

      Trivial. Just don't create one.

      Windows 8.1 was kind of sneaky... at the sign in screen it prompts you for a microsoft account; and either you sign in with a microsoft account, or you create new account. You had to click "Create New Account" on the sign in (which you RIGHTFULLY think is taking you to create a new microsoft account that you don't want, but at the bottom of that screen was the option to sign in without a microsoft account after all.) So it was there, but it was a bit sneaky.

      Windows 10...there

      • I wouldn't do #3, when it comes to UI I usually let the user handle that. My 2 cents.

        Here is the thing with Cortana. You can completely remove it, but it REMOVES LOCAL SEARCH too. Just not opting in and turning off web searches will do a local search. I'm a fair tinfoilhatist myself, but Cortana has been through a TON of live use and I haven't heard of anything seen that would suspect things are sneaking through.

        • by vux984 ( 928602 )

          "I wouldn't do #3, when it comes to UI I usually let the user handle that. My 2 cents."

          I find the start menu much more pleasant without any tiles on it. You are right of course that its down to user preference; and some may like some tiles but turning off the default live tiles should be considered part of de-crappifying windows; since most of them literally just display crap. (celebrity gossip on the news tiles, ads for crap on some of the others, etc).

          But even the more benign like the photos one which dis

          • It may be crap to you, but not to the user. I can see my stocks, my last few mails, and my last updated rss entries without opening an app. Garbage in garbage out. Don't put garbage in.

            Also what you call crap is important to others, not everyone thinks like you, ya know.

    • Yikes yeah nuke that McAfee from orbit. Getting rid of that turkey will help a lot.

      Otherwise, throw Classic Shell on there and it will behave a lot like Windows 7 except it will probably run better with 10.

      Just installed Windows 10 Pro on an old Dell D630 Core 2 Duo laptop which has been running Windows 7 Pro. It's a spare machine so I did it just to see if I could and see what would happen. The D630 is not officially supported.

      Long story short, it runs better than 7 did. Oh it's pretty bad anyway b

    • That's very nice of you to do this for that young lady. My advice:

      People here tend to complain about Microsoft's "privacy invading" features, but keep in mind they do actually come with some tangible benefits. One of the benefits of using a Microsoft account is that the computer can automatically back up all her documents to OneDrive, which offers 5GB of free storage, or (naturally) paid plans if she needs more. If you don't want to do this, will you also take responsibility for setting up the computer w

      • by PCM2 ( 4486 )

        One of the benefits of using a Microsoft account is that the computer can automatically back up all her documents to OneDrive, which offers 5GB of free storage, or (naturally) paid plans if she needs more. If you don't want to do this, will you also take responsibility for setting up the computer with an alternative backup service?

        One more time: cloud sync is not a backup service.

        If I can delete my files on my PC or have them corrupted and my "backup" also gets automatically deleted or corrupted, that is useless as a backup service. Cloud sync is very useful for making sure I have access to my files on my multiple PCs and my Android phone, but it is not a substitute for doing proper backups. The only reprieve OneDrive gives you is that when you delete files on one PC, they only get moved to the Trash on your other PCs, rather than

        • by vux984 ( 928602 )

          One more time: cloud sync is not a backup service.

          You are right. Its not. But for a high school kid its probably sufficient, and the price is right.

          Dropbox for example has file versioning, and the ability to actually restore deleted files. (via the web interface).

          It also protects the user from theft/loss/breakage of the laptop.

    • by dwywit ( 1109409 )

      Try this to stop it reporting home: []

    • Right click on the application & if the application can be uninstalled there is an uninstall option. If it's a desktop application it will take you to the "control panel" like previous windows. If WinApp it will uninstall w/o going to "control panel". The anniversary issue has many improvements, so I suggest installing it as well. And unlike most people who have never used any version Windows 10 that complain just because it MS, I am on the insider program and have used each of the newer versions when
  • FTS: "Those who may encounter compatibility issues because of drivers may get it slightly later through Windows Update"

    Gee, Microshaft, it would have been nice if you had given a thought to drivers and "compatibility issues" back when you were ramming your unwanted "free" Windows 10 "upgrades" up people's asses and breaking their computers. Are you now turning into a 'kinder, gentler' bunch of megalomaniacal despots? Say it ain't so!

  • What is the time line for that?

  • Wasn't there supposed to be an update that removed the GWX from the system trey and stopped the automatic updating?
    I haven't heard anything about that and the 31st as come and gone now.

  • by Miamicanes ( 730264 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @02:34PM (#52630399)

    Wait... CAN you even REFUSE the anniversary update if you have non-Enterprise-licensed Windows?

    I was under the impression that 10 Home & 10 Pro users could -- at best -- defer it for ever-decreasing amounts of time, until it eventually loses patience, installs it anyway, then informs you after the fact that a reboot has been scheduled for tomorrow whether you like it or not. Or the "install and reboot in 10 minutes" countdown appears while you're getting lunch, or you accidentally click the wrong square millimeter of the screen while distracted by something else, like whatever you're working on instead of satisfying Windows' demands.

  • You cannot give Windows 10 away for free. This is windows Vista all over again that was so bad it was not even pirated!

    Sorry, I apologise. Windows Vista did not annoy, deceive and eventually force itself on users. That's the only reason Win 10 adoption is so "high".

    I'll wait for windows 11 or Next or in fact Windows RG. Like I did when I was on XP, I waited until Win7 came out because it was an OS that does not suck.

    If needs be Win7 will be THE LAST Microsoft OS I will ever use. I'll just use Linux an
    • Nooo, its "Windows NSA Edition", the largest and most intrusive CTD* in computing history... Propagated just like an STD, get it whether you want it or not...

      *Computer-Transmitted Disease...

      • by arth1 ( 260657 )

        Nooo, its "Windows NSA Edition", the largest and most intrusive CTD* in computing history... Propagated just like an STD, get it whether you want it or not...

        With an STD, at least you get half an hour of enjoyment first.

    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      Windows RG [] came out a while ago. []

      [warning -- second link uses flash]

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @02:37PM (#52630429)
    It's one louder.
  • I made full hard drive clones of both my Windows 7 pro and the Windows 10 that replaced it. Can go back if I feel the need...

    Other than that, who has figured out tricks to stop unwanted updates form coming into Windows10? I've set my home wifi as "metered" in my Windows 10 settings, and attempted to set a couple policies such as to wait until I reboot, don't reboot on my behalf, and another to try and hold back updates. Not certain if they had the effect the website said they would.

  • Very good release! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Billly Gates ( 198444 ) on Tuesday August 02, 2016 @03:41PM (#52631001) Journal

    Well for those stuck on Windows wanting to hear more rather than those screaming with pitchforks here is my 2 cents. It feels a lot more polished from a user perspective

    I am typing this on a surface pro 3 hybrid. My take on improvements
    1. Black theme/dark is much nicer
    2. Big start menu improvement with less clicks. For the minority on touch it is more flowing with all the tiles being shown or a big full screen. My surface now switches between the 2 automatically with the keyboard cover
    3. Action center actually useful. Big change. Action Center now is super customizable and gives numbers with notifcations. News events, weather, stock quotes, and other items you can add or remove. So if you do not want email you can take it off and add a weather report and the notification changes from clear to white with +1 notififcations for a flood watch etc. Tips are there as well as PC stuff which you can turn on or off
    4. Windows Ink is fun to play with but not as a big deal
    5. Settings are much better. A left pane to the left has been added so when you open system or personalization the left pane will show commonly used features.
    6. Hyper-v supports nesting and dock containers supposedly. I am downloading a Server 2012 R2 ISO to test this.
    7. The login screen is more fluid and you no longer have to swipe. The keyboard and user login swaps up with the same background. It no longer feels like a phone

  • Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Anniversary Update

    You misspelled "imposes". HTH. HAND.

  • I downloaded the media creation tool around noon Mountain time. When I ran the installation from the resulting ISO on a lab PC, it just reinstalled Build 10586.

    Then I tried the Windows10Upgrade9252.exe on a second PC. It failed with code 0x8007001f.

    So two manual upgrade methods have failed for me today.

    Has anyone gotten it to work?

  • Its turning on stuff I already turned off. I had cortana turned off (dont need, dont want) and it turned it back on. Apparently I have to add a registry key to turn it back off. Also turned on a bunch of windows notifications I had turned off.

    What is it with the uber "we'd have to use a galaxy level stargate and a warp 20 capable ship to get to an ivory tower close enough" mentality with microsoft and stupid non customer centric crud like this?

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday August 03, 2016 @02:29AM (#52633933)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Once upon a time it was necessary to have servers 'in house' and maintain and virtualize them: Exchange servers, domain controllers, print servers, file servers, backup, WSUS, MKS, etc. There was the necessity to manage customized images of windows, and countless hours spent tweaking to make it appropriate for deployment on a massive scale with xml script, registry hacks, and carefully groomed group policy objects, plus maintaining file shares for drivers. When devices failed, there was the endless joy of t
  • I don't use Windows 10, but I heard that the anniversary update developer mode now allows access to a jailed Linux Kernel, allowing people to run all kinds of things that one might run from a Linux shell. This means users can run RSync and other Linux tools more easily and without Cygwin.

The shortest distance between two points is under construction. -- Noelie Alito
