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America Online Software

AOL's Innovative Card-Based Email Service, Alto, Comes To iOS And Android ( 42

Remember AOL? The company best known for its email service? Three years ago, it released a Pinterest-like platform for desktop email called Alto. Today AOL announced the release of Alto for iOS and Android -- nearly a year after it began beta testing it. FastCompany writes: The app's design is based on the idea that email has shifted from a communication tool to more of a transactional system -- today's inboxes are filled with receipts, order confirmations, and reservations, rather than personal messages. To combat this flood of data, Alto automatically sorts email into stacks, such as "travel," "photos," "files," "shopping," and "personal."
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AOL's Innovative Card-Based Email Service, Alto, Comes To iOS And Android

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  • if it is, I might just have to love AOL for the first time
  • So ... folders (Score:5, Interesting)

    by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @02:33PM (#52985133) Journal

    > Innovative ... sorts email into stacks, such as "travel," "photos," "files," "shopping,"

    So .. folders? Very innovative.

    • To see just HOW innovative this idea is, MH had folders, and even subfolders, by 1979. Also, certainly by 1990 procmail was automatically putting mail into different folders. I have no doubt other commenters will point out much earlier implementations.

    • No, AOL has invented named folders.

      Mind. Blown.
    • Hides things in folder, miss-classifies them and doesn't return the same search result twice.

      When people say they are going to make your life easier, you can bet they are just going to fuck it even more.

  • ...with message rules in Thunderbird.

    I must be a super genius tech entrepreneur and didn't know it...

  • by Anonymous Coward

    a Pinterest-like platform for desktop email

    That's about as appealing as a Jon Katz platform for news articles.

  • by Guyle ( 79593 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @02:43PM (#52985191)

    AOL's own Google Inbox, eh? Very original and innovative.

    • by Geeky ( 90998 )

      Yeah, but Google launched that a couple of years ago so they're probably due to discontinue it through lack of interest...

      ... which may be fair in the case of Inbox. Does anyone actually think it's better than normal mail?

      • It's not. I find myself regularly missing important messages in Inbox.

        • I use it almost exclusively, and I don't miss emails.

          It won.t slap you up the head and tell you to read stuff.

      • by Guyle ( 79593 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @03:38PM (#52985475)

        I actually enjoy it. Once I trained it a little to understand what was an update versus a promo, it does a pretty good job of sorting my stuff. Things that don't get automatically sorted stand out more to me since they don't have a category attached. Plus just checking "done" on everything helps me keep my inbox clean without actually deleting anything. I wouldn't want to go back to regular GMail.

        • by Geeky ( 90998 )

          I tried. Maybe I just needed to give it more time, but I'm pretty comfortable with my Gmail workflow.

  • by generic_screenname ( 2927777 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @02:47PM (#52985225)
    According to the TOS, and common sense, this is scanning your emails to serve you ads. Granted, Gmail does the same thing, so maybe no one will care. It is still worth mentioning.
  • Please stop (Score:5, Insightful)

    by H3lldr0p ( 40304 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @02:48PM (#52985233) Homepage

    I really don't know where to begin. This is another reinvention of the wheel. Something I'm seeing more and more of these days. Don't know if it's because I'm approaching a certain age or if communication is just happening faster and faster so we see more of it in a shorter amount of time.

    Don't think I'm knocking it. I'm not. It's obvious someone needed this and didn't know how or where to look for the contemporary counterpart in current clients. Or because current clients made it too hard to figure out. We all have different brains and think our process out differently. Just because it's obvious to you or I how to script this in our gmail doesn't mean that everyone else sees it that way.

    What bothers me is the breathless headlines. The purposeful exaggeration. The constant commercialization. That, more than anything, I'm tired of.

    No wonder advertisement is in trouble.

    • Much Agreed, H3lldr0p, In the early 1950's, people used to watch TV on a 5" screen. The '90's to the Millennium age, the exaggeration was on HUGE screens. Now were back to tiny screens again.. I guess the public can be sold on ANYTHING If it is packaged correctly.
  • Never heard of this. Although I do remember AOL from back in the days when it was exclusively a walled garden, and almost everyone subscribed to one or more of a variety of walled gardens. CompuServe, *Prodigy, etc... I was late in the game when it came to the likes of enjoying Archie, Veronica, WAIS, and so on... I remember waiting for the upcoming, world conquering Xanadu that was going to knock the block of this web thing.

    *I remember having fondness for Prodigy in all of it's 320x240 glory over anythi
  • You guys heard of "Google Inbox"? Or Gmail's native tagging that has been around for years? :^) Also I hate "cards". I've tried to like Google Now and Android Wear, but anytime I hear "cards" I think "information that I would never open Google Now for in hopes of accidentally finding". Further, I don't think I'd ever open Google Now. Want to know the weather? Better open google now and hope google thinks I care what the weather is right now.
    • by kriston ( 7886 )

      No, no no. Alto was out before Google Inbox. The Google Inbox service was a ripoff of an early 2014 version of Alto.

      This was a few months after AOL Reader was launched to lure people who were abandoned by Google Reader.

  • by Chelloveck ( 14643 ) on Thursday September 29, 2016 @03:29PM (#52985427)
    I must be remembering the wrong AOL. The one I remember was best known for sending unsolicited floppy disks and CD ROMs in the mail.
  • It just feels weird to have "AOL" and "innovative" in the same headline without a "not" or a "was" in there somewhere.

Ignorance is bliss. -- Thomas Gray Fortune updates the great quotes, #42: BLISS is ignorance.
