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Facebook Businesses

Facebook Launches Marketplace On App, Takes On eBay and Craigslist (betanews.com) 38

Facebook today also announced the launch of "Marketplace," allowing users to buy and sell items on the social media platform. The company says more than 450 million people already visit buying and selling groups on Facebook each month. The new service will be available to people over 18 years of age in the United States, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand on Facebook's iPhone and Android over the coming days. BetaNews adds: The primary aim of Facebook Marketplace is to keep things as simple as possible. Both listing and searching for items is incredibly easy, and the focus is on putting would-be buyers in contact with sellers as close by as possible. The new feature sits alongside the many existing pages that have been set up to facilitate the buying and selling of goods, and Facebook has made it possible to post items to the Marketplace and individual pages simultaneously to help maximize your audience.
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Facebook Launches Marketplace On App, Takes On eBay and Craigslist

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  • by WoodstockJeff ( 568111 ) on Monday October 03, 2016 @12:24PM (#53005303) Homepage

    ... is to get a cut of the action on what people are doing already.

  • Launched Today? (Score:4, Informative)

    by darkain ( 749283 ) on Monday October 03, 2016 @12:27PM (#53005349) Homepage

    Wait, this launched TODAY? I've had access to it for several months now. I know they do limited A/B testing, but I've also browsed it for curiosity sake, and countless others in my local area have it too. Maybe the A/B test was regionalized? Not sure on this one. Anywho, I hope they fixed it. On my phone, it has worked well, but opening the market place would instantly crash the app on my Nexus 7 tablet. This was even more annoying, because swiping left/right in the app changed between the different tabs at the top, one being timeline, the very next to the right was the market place. Accidentally swipe right even the slightest, and it would switch to the market place tab, and instantly crash the app. That's one way to keep users happy and keep coming back to your app! Accidentally do the wrong gesture, and have the whole thing crash.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Obligatory Dilbert:

    http://dilbert.com/strip/2004-... [dilbert.com]

  • by The-Ixian ( 168184 ) on Monday October 03, 2016 @12:34PM (#53005389)

    I think we need just a little bit of data diversity... I am not going to use any single service for everything I do online.

    I am guessing that this view is not in the majority, however.

  • Zuckerberg really does want to know everyone's shoe size.
  • Facebook has allowed item sales in their groups for awhile and there are some *very* good groups locally, so hopefully that doesn't get canned.

    But in terms of eBay, a little competition is a good thing. I used to be able find stuff at a reasonable price but nowadays it seems that prices end up higher for used auctions etc than I would have paid for brand new by any of the common vendors that ship to here.

  • Can I pay with Monopoly money?
  • >> the focus is on putting would-be buyers in contact with sellers as close by as possible.

    Heh - I can't wait to exploit the "nearby" functionality. "Marco" (Target is 160 meters away.)..."Marco" (Target is 55 meters away)...
  • ...Straight out of this season's "Halt and Catch Fire"...

    How innovative, those Facebook people!
  • Do Not Want. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 03, 2016 @01:02PM (#53005565)

    I really don't want to be friends with the people I do business with on Craigslist...

    Getting a handy for a used toaster-over is not the foundation of a long term friendship.

    • I really don't want to be friends with the people I do business with on Craigslist...

      Getting a handy for a used toaster-over is not the foundation of a long term friendship.

      Since when is "handy" a noun? Is that a British thing?

      • "Handy" is pseudo-English originating in Germany. I'm guessing Anonymous Coward comes from a German speaking country.

        It's quite an interesting linguistic phenomenon, happens in a number of countries- an almost-English sounding word will appear in a foreign language "Anglicising" that language somewhat, even though the word doesn't exist in native English. Handy is far from the only example.

        • "Handy" is pseudo-English originating in Germany. I'm guessing Anonymous Coward comes from a German speaking country.

          It's quite an interesting linguistic phenomenon, happens in a number of countries- an almost-English sounding word will appear in a foreign language "Anglicising" that language somewhat, even though the word doesn't exist in native English. Handy is far from the only example.

          Well, since English is SUCH an etymological soup, which is both its strength and its weakness, it doesn't surprise me.

        • Of course you're assuming he's using the German version, but the British one is also possible. ;-) Handy as a noun in British slang has a *very* different meaning to handy as a noun in German slang. (The former means a handjob; the latter a cellphone.) But perhaps that's what the AC who started this discussion is into...
  • by Oswald McWeany ( 2428506 ) on Monday October 03, 2016 @01:29PM (#53005715)

    I imagine a lot of people may not like their Facebook profile linked to their sale of used vibrators.

  • Suppose they don't approve of your selling those "Make America Great Again" caps?
  • Must be watching "Halt and Catch Fire"...

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
