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Netflix CEO Predicts Mobile Operators Will Soon Offer Unlimited Video ( 36

An anonymous reader shares an AFP report: Netflix head Reed Hastings predicted Monday that mobile carriers will soon offer data plans that give users unlimited video streaming to meet the rising popularity of watching TV and movies on mobile devices. Carriers offer unlimited data caps but they are usually very expensive. But Hastings said he believed mobile carriers will eventually create a two-tear system where video data is unlimited to meet the growing demand for watching TV series and movies on mobile devices. "What we are going to see I think is a number of companies pioneering new ways of offering services to the consumers where it is unlimited video data but it is limited to say one megabit speed," he said. "So it is a slower speed but you get unlimited data on that and that turns out to be very efficient on network so an operator can offer unlimited viewing."
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Netflix CEO Predicts Mobile Operators Will Soon Offer Unlimited Video

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  • by MiniMike ( 234881 ) on Tuesday February 28, 2017 @10:32AM (#53945933)

    But Hastings said he believed mobile carriers will eventually create a two-tear system

    How many tears does he think we shed with the current system? Hopefully the new plans will decrease sadness.

    • by Megane ( 129182 )
      But what we really want to know is if are they delicious tears.
    • by Nutria ( 679911 )

      "Cry-yyy-yyy-ing over... bandwidth."

    • by hipp5 ( 1635263 )

      How many tears does he think we shed with the current system? Hopefully the new plans will decrease sadness.

      No, you doofus. Do you even English? He wants to create a two-tear system... as in a tear in space and a tear in time, which deliver video without the normal data constraints.

    • But Hastings said he believed mobile carriers will eventually create a two-tear system

      How many tears does he think we shed with the current system?.

      Lots. And it is tearing me apart.

  • Now we can be stupid on the go.

  • T-Mobile has done this at 1.5mbps for quite a while.

    ATandT does 3mbps

    Sprint I think has a similar too.

    This seems like a pretty safe assumption, since it's been happening for a while and is currently expanding.

  • by lapm ( 750202 )
    How primitive, in my country we dont have datacaps on mobile data, so i can watch my existing netflix just fine... Might have something to do with market that actually works for best solutions to consumers..
  • If you make video unlimited, you might as well just make all data unlimited. Video is the thing that's using data already. Everything else (for the majority of people) is incidental.
  • I mean really is there ever such a thing as unlimited smooth action video that does not cost lotsa bux. Sure there are times when watching some cutesy youtube clip for 90 seconds but what about watching full 90 minutes of a fascinating documentary (like what they used to show on broadcast TV) without it always pausing (and 90 minutes becomes 5 hours). Or streaming an activity i.e. Parachute Mobile mission where video is very basic 340 size but for the whole day. This has been done because one of our people
  • Well, that would be a considerable improvement from the number of tears induced by existing plans.

    • Sir, you misread what he meant.

      And, No, I am not suggesting he meant a two-tier system.

      Two-tear is correct as you say. But you went in the wrong direction. He did not mean crying was reduced to two single tears. Rather, he meant that the new wireless plans will make you cry twice. Thus increasing the tears.

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