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Fired Tech Workers Turn To Chatbots for Counseling ( 96

An anonymous reader shares a Bloomberg report: For months Lovkesh Joshi was quietly terrified of losing his job as a manager at a top Indian tech services company. Joshi didn't want to burden his wife or friends so he turned to a chatbot therapist called Wysa. Powered by AI, the app promises to be "loyal, supportive and very private," and encourages users to divulge their feelings about a recent major event or big change in their lives. "I could open up and talk," says the 41-year-old father of two school-age children, who says his conversations with the bot flowed naturally. "I felt heard and understood." Joshi moved to a large rival outsourcer two months ago. The upheaval in India's $154 billion tech outsourcing industry has prompted thousands of Indians to seek solace in online therapy services. People accustomed to holding down prestigious jobs and pulling in handsome salaries are losing out to automation, a shift away from long-term legacy contracts and curbs on U.S. work visas. McKinsey & Co says almost half of the four million people working in India's IT services industry will become "irrelevant" in the next three to four years. Indians, like people the world over, tend to hide their mental anguish for fear of being stigmatized. That's why many are embracing the convenience, anonymity and affordability of online counseling startups, most of which use human therapists.
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Fired Tech Workers Turn To Chatbots for Counseling

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  • Get a damn friend (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Baron_Yam ( 643147 )

    >the 41-year-old father of two school-age children, who says his conversations with the bot flowed naturally. "I felt heard and understood."

    No way would I hire someone who feels 'heard and understood' after an exchange with a chat bot. This is somebody without the social skills to have anyone in their life to talk to, and will spill to a dumb text parser. How can you have the intellectual capacity to understand what a chat bot is and still gain any emotional benefit from interacting with one?

    Root cause

    • by lucasnate1 ( 4682951 ) on Monday December 11, 2017 @09:53AM (#55715833) Homepage

      I really feel like many people around me are chatterbots, just waiting for positive or negative reenforcement in order to engage predetermined responses.

      • by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Monday December 11, 2017 @09:57AM (#55715861)

        That is interesting. Please go on.

        Response courtesy of Eliza: https://www.eclecticenergies.c... []

        • ELIZA: Can you tell me what is going on in you right now ?
          YOU: I really feel like many people around me are chatterbots, just waiting for positive or negative reenforcement in order to engage predetermined responses.
          ELIZA: Can you tell me more about what you feel about this ?
          YOU: I really feel like many people around me are chatterbots, just waiting for positive or negative reenforcement in order to engage predetermined responses.
          ELIZA: So, you really feel like many people around you are chatterbots. What d

      • by Anonymous Coward

        My generation hasn't really had lasting friendships since I was in my teens. My parents generation saw most of their friendships dissolve a few years later than that, due to a combination of alcoholism, migration to other regions, or gossip in extended social circles that caused some bridges to burn.

        Me personally, avoiding drugs, alcohol, religion, and desiring privacy pretty much alienated me from everyone in my age group. Doesn't mean I can't do a good job, but it does affect the social network for other

        • I generally put people into two categories with regards to their ideas of friendship:

          1) Anyone they know and don't hate is a 'friend'. Their relationships are shallow and unreliable, and contact may be infrequent.

          2) Friends are rare people they know, like, and have enough of a social bond to depend on them without question in an emergency.

          If you, like me, are in the second group... you should be aware it is quite possible you might never find that kind of relationship (I exclude my wife from the count, si

          • 1) Anyone they know and don't hate is a 'friend'. Their relationships are shallow and unreliable, and contact may be infrequent.

            Maybe they've got an finer grained grading scale between 'close friend', 'friend', 'acquaintance' and 'enemy' than that but they don't expose the details of that grading scale to anyone else, mainly because it's subject to change for any individual.

            It's like in software. You don't document internal details if you think they might change later. Same with how much you trust people, which is really what differentiates close friends from acquaintances.

          • Your chance of finding a real friend are probably a lot less if you spend your time socializing on facebook
      • What makes you think many people around you are chatterbots, just waiting for positive or negative reinforcement in order to engage predetermined responses?
    • If it's programmed intelligently there's no reason it couldn't be equivalent to (or better than) a human therapist. Maybe it even produced this output...
      Root causes, buddy, root causes. Figure out why you don't have an actual intelligent human in your life to discuss this stuff with, maybe work on that. Because humans are social primates, and if you're not taking care of your social needs, everything else will eventually crumble anyway.
      • >If it's programmed intelligently there's no reason it couldn't be equivalent to (or better than) a human therapist.

        Even though humans are doing the same thing - receive stimulus/apply rule/respond - there's no program out there yet that is anywhere near complex enough to do what we do.

        So far as I am aware, the Turing test has only been 'passed' by severely constraining the breadth of conversation.

        • So far as I am aware, the Turing test has only been 'passed' by severely constraining the breadth of conversation.

          How long have you been aware, the Turing test has only been 'passed' by severely constraining the breadth of conversation?

    • It looks that you way overestimate your own people skills.
      People pray and gain emotional benefit from that. A chatbot at least answers.

      • >People pray and gain emotional benefit from that.

        I don't trust people who pray, either... but as a general rule religious people seem to manage to compartmentalize their irrational thinking.

        >A chatbot at least answers.

        A person who prays provides their own answer even if they're not realizing that is the case, so unlike a chat bot there's actually some intelligence there.

        • I don't trust people who pray, either... but as a general rule religious people seem to manage to compartmentalize their irrational thinking.

          Not really, because they don't consider it being irrational. While a person conversating with a chatbot merely pretends that it is a conversation with a real person. No different than a bit of daydreaming.

          A person who prays provides their own answer even if they're not realizing that is the case, so unlike a chat bot there's actually some intelligence there.

          So you don'

        • by Anonymous Coward
          I now feel more sad for you then I did for the displaced workers. I hope you recover from such a sad mental state soon.
        • by Kjella ( 173770 )

          A person who prays provides their own answer even if they're not realizing that is the case, so unlike a chat bot there's actually some intelligence there.

          Have you ever started talking to a coworker about some sort of issue and in the process of explaining it figured out the solution yourself? How often does a therapist really any have true insight versus simply talking you through your emotions? I think you've fallen off the deep end if you think a chat bot "understands you", but I have no doubt that it can have a big effect to verbalize your thoughts even if you're talking to a teddy bear or rag doll, picture or grave of the deceased or some other inanimate

    • >the 41-year-old father of two school-age children, who says his conversations with the bot flowed naturally. "I felt heard and understood."

      No way would I hire someone who feels 'heard and understood' after an exchange with a chat bot. This is somebody without the social skills to have anyone in their life to talk to, and will spill to a dumb text parser. How can you have the intellectual capacity to understand what a chat bot is and still gain any emotional benefit from interacting with one?

      Root causes, buddy, root causes. Figure out why you don't have an actual intelligent human in your life to discuss this stuff with, maybe work on that. Because humans are social primates, and if you're not taking care of your social needs, everything else will eventually crumble anyway.

      Easy to say in your culture. In other cultures where hierarchy can make you or break you (literally), this is just not possible.

      You never understand your own culture (the pros and cons of it) until you have actually stepped out of it, at least for long enough to allow some reflection.

    • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

      Don't know, is the father of two school-age children so presumably a human woman agreed to unprotected sex with him at some point.

      That suggests his social skills go far beyond the typical Slashdot poster.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        He's from a primitive third world culture where women have no rights and are arranged to be married to their uncle or cousin.

      • In a country with a large proportion of arranged marriages, not necessarily.
    • No way would I hire someone who feels 'heard and understood' after an exchange with a chat bot. This is somebody without the social skills to have anyone in their life to talk to, and will spill to a dumb text parser. How can you have the intellectual capacity to understand what a chat bot is and still gain any emotional benefit from interacting with one?

      Many people become IT engineers because this type of jobs allow them to isolate from society as much as possible while still being productive and earning money. Yes, they would feel more comfortable talking to a chat bot.
      There's also the type of people who were severely betrayed by others while their character was forming (e.g. during childhood or teenage years). They grew up to distrust other human beings. Yes, it's pathological but the issue is still there. Those chatbots might be a step towards opening u

  • by Hognoxious ( 631665 ) on Monday December 11, 2017 @10:19AM (#55715987) Homepage Journal

    At least they don't have to train their replacements.

    • At least they don't have to train their replacements.

      Dang straight.

      I don't blame them personally, of course ... in their place I probably would have done the same. I blame our own countrymen who sold out so many.

      Still, hard to work up too much sympathy. Oh dear, the robot works cheaper, does it? How about that.

  • That would be we care about your mental health but you aren't worth a human's time.

    • That would be we care about your mental health but you aren't worth a human's time.

      If you're paying for a human's time, you're not really worth their time either. They're not doing it for you, they're doing it for the money. Head shrinkers can't afford to care about you; if they cared about everyone as real people, they wouldn't have any emotional energy left to care for themselves. They just go through the motions for money, and then you hopefully feel better for expressing yourself. A chatbot can go through the same motions.

      • And if your employer is not paying for you technical skills they are not worth your time either right?

        That is life. I like to think people do care about other people. It's just everyone has issues and problems and are overwhelmed in their own worlds. THey do no not need to hear yours. The good news is most people don't give a shit about your employment so the only gorrilla in the room is in the man in the mirror.

        It would be nice if everyone can do what they love without the stupid money, connections, and sc

      • If a therapist is only interested in money, there are probably numerous other jobs they could do that pay more. While a therapist does have to avoid becoming overly emotionally attached to individual patients, many of them, like many other medical professionals, chose their careers because they want to help people.
        • Shrinks are nuts. They choose their carrier in hope of someday diagnosing and fixing themselves.

        • While a therapist does have to avoid becoming overly emotionally attached to individual patients, many of them, like many other medical professionals, chose their careers because they want to help people.

          That there are many medical professionals that want to help people doesn't change the fact that there are many people getting into medical professions for the money.

      • by sims 2 ( 994794 )

        A person can see whats going on and make recommendations a chat bot isn't going to be able to do that.

        I don't think its as much about them caring as them actually being able to help in situations where required.

    • I don't think this is any different than praying or keeping a journal.
    • That would be we care about your mental health but you aren't worth a human's time.

      Humans are not nice or altruistic by any sense. Sure we have built in empathy as a group so we can work together, but we have killed species, ruined land and the environment, and hurt other people for personal gains. What makes you think such a bad species cares about you unless they can get something off you?
      Well when I hit hard times I acknowledged that I am exactly worth 0 to everyone ... if I provide no value in return.

      It sucks and is depressing but your Momma is the only one who will ever love you unco

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      That would be we care about your mental health but you aren't worth a human's time.

      Yell at the people who pushed the big anti-mental health hospitals in the 1970's and 1980's, then further pushed the revolving door medication system. We're still suffering from that massive screw-up and probably will for another 30 years.

      • Those people are called the ACLU. Take it up with them.

        Commitment has historically been a mechanism of police states. Never forget that. The flipside of loonies shitting in the streets is people with wrong opinions sitting in the loony bin.

  • So where are all the fired counselors turning to for counseling?
  • If you can't confide to and rely upon your friends and family for support in hard times, then you really have no friends and family. Time to find better people to surround yourself with.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday December 11, 2017 @11:37AM (#55716599)

    I don't even have a command line psychotherapist available.

  • Of course your secrets will not be used against you. Only the oppressors will be outed and held accountable.

  • All conversation will be held in the strictest of confidence.
    Memory will be wiped after you leave.
    So, tell me about your problems.

    (forgive me if I've flubbed a line or two, it's been close to thirty years since my second sound card).

  • I have seen article after article on slashdot showing sympathy to an entire industry designed to take away jobs, yes I'm sorry they are losing jobs but where was the same support to the thousands in the US who lost jobs to outsourcing at disney and other companies?
  • It's kind of interesting, the social expectation of a man to be strong in every situation. It's understandable and IMHO a good thing both for society but also for the men themselves. Still, I can't help but feel a little saddened that it has reached a point where men are not able to reveal any vulnerabilities to anyone, ever, not even to the people closest to them such as their wife and friends. That has to take a toll on people
  • Life Coaches (sometimes known as career coaches) can help clients with the next steps for their career. Unlike therapy, clients set the agenda and work towards achieving their goals. This can be very helpful when making life decisions. For things like phobias, depression etc, therapy would be the way to go, but when it comes to things like I want to negotiate my relationships with my boss and co-workers, look for jobs and make more money, a career coach is the way to go. Many coaches offer a free sample

"The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
