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San Francisco's City-Wide Fiber Internet Plan is Delayed, Future in Doubt (arstechnica.com) 109

San Francisco's plan to build a city-wide gigabit fiber Internet service won't go forward this year, as city officials decided they need to do more research before asking voters to approve a ballot initiative. From a report: The universal broadband project "has suffered a setback as outgoing Mayor Mark Farrell will not place a tax measure on the November ballot to fund the project before he leaves office in the coming weeks," the San Francisco Examiner reported Sunday. The deadline for Farrell to submit the ballot initiative passed yesterday. In January, the city issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to find companies that are qualified to build the network. After examining the submissions, the city named three entities (Bay City Broadband Partners, FiberGateway, and Sonic Plenary SF Fiber) as "pre-qualified bidders."
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San Francisco's City-Wide Fiber Internet Plan is Delayed, Future in Doubt

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  • Wait (Score:5, Funny)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday June 20, 2018 @11:09AM (#56816556) Journal

    ...are you suggesting that we can't simply have everything we want when we want it, and just charge it on our credit card?

    Next you're going to say stuff costs money and we have to pay for it.

    • Re: Wait (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Or they're succumbing to the bribes and blandishments of the entrenched players without consideration of the values of the public.

      Or they're proceeding with the situation with due caution and consideration to get the most value.

      Hard to say without more examination.

      Practically speaking, it is a good investment for their community, so let's see if we can find a good way to get it done.

    • Retirees will outnumber workers in 2030 and 2/3 of the federal budget will go to social programs. The remaining workers will have to pay more in taxes to support the retired, poor and rich. Fast Internet will be the least of our problems.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        Retirees will outnumber workers in 2030 and 2/3 of the federal budget will go to social programs. The remaining workers will have to pay more in taxes to support the retired, poor and rich. Fast Internet will be the least of our problems.

        Well, you could always encourage population growth through immigration.
        Unfortunately, the ignorant baby boomers will still be around and continue to vote against any politician who encourages immigration, or medicare taxes, or keeping social security solvent.

        • We do encourage legal immigration of skilled and educated, just like the rest of the world.

          People still vote for the USA with their feet, almost certainly, your countrymen prefer America to your nation. I understand you're in denial about this...work on that.

      • by sconeu ( 64226 )

        Or... Congress could repay the trillions they have "borrowed" from the Social Security Trust Fund...

        If any private business raided their pension plan the way that Congress has raided SS, the executives of that business would be in jail.

        • I guess you missed the transition from pensions (corporate responsibility with government insurance) to 401ks (personal responsibility with prayers at the Wall Street casino).
  • I bet it's because the fibers weren't free range vegan fibers so some outrage culture activists threw a fit.
    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      Pretty sure it's because the workers were scared of getting dysentery or hepatitis from all the human waste in the streets.

      • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        I wish you were kidding. I haven't actually seen any sewage yet here in San Francisco, but I've been up here all week this week, and the smell reminds me of the few times I went to Ciudad Juarez as a kid (across the border from El Paso), where you'd see cracks in the sidewalk with sewage bubbling up through them. Every time I come up here from the South Bay, I'm reminded of why I try to avoid coming up here.

        • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

          Wish I was kidding to. SoCal has some serious issues they need to deal with and instead of doing it, people are looking in the opposite direction.

  • by Zorro ( 15797 )

    Lasers? Not in MY one square meter back yard!

  • Would be appropriate.
  • by elcor ( 4519045 )
    I think that if an investigation is done on this, we'll find that it fell through because ATT lobbied against it, they're the only provider there, provide low speed at high cost.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Sonic is already installing fiber in many neighborhoods in San Francisco. I've been enjoying symmetrical gigabit internet in my sleepy little beach neighborhood for two years now.

      One way or another there will be fiber everywhere one day, it's just a matter of if it's 100% commercial or if the city can get it to everyone that wants it in a more 'public utility' type of way.

  • Monopolists win !

  • Can't have competition in a Mercantalist society.

    Capitalism requires full informed competition, and protection of the Public Good.

  • by bluegutang ( 2814641 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @07:26AM (#56821230)

    In the (European) country where I live, for about $15/month you can get a cellular data package with 100GB of data per month. Download/upload speeds are routinely over 1MB/second. Nowadays, I don't even have a wired internet connection at home anymore, I just use this instead. And it's actually more reliable in my experience than wired internet was.

    I think San Francisco should contract with the cell phone companies to roll this out over the entire city (i.e. put up some more cell towers). It would probably be a lot cheaper than wired internet. Why waste money on a technology which is becoming obsolete?

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
