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Communications Television Entertainment

Days After Buying Time Warner, AT&T Launches New TV Service (apnews.com) 52

AT&T is launching a new streaming service incorporating television networks from the Time Warner company it just bought. From a report: The WatchTV service, a cable-like package of more than 30 TV channels delivered over the internet, is an example of the "skinny bundles" coming from telecom and broadband providers as more people watch TV online. Competitors include Sling TV, PlayStation Vue and AT&T's own DirecTV Now. WatchTV will be free for subscribers of two unlimited wireless plans AT&T is launching. Others can get WatchTV for $15 -- $20 less than DirecTV Now, but with just half the channels.
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Days After Buying Time Warner, AT&T Launches New TV Service

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  • They 'cut the cord', LOL

    Yeah sure you did. Same shit, different delivery method, and you're still paying for it. Want to really 'cut the cord' and stop paying for TV? Get an antenna.

    B-b-b-but Rick, I can't get any stations where I live!

    Move to where the food is. Otherwise I guess it sucks to be you.

    • B-b-b-but Rick, I can't get any stations where I live!

      Move to where the food is. ...

      Nice Sam Kinison reference.

      • That's just my flippant way of saying "not my problem if you can't get TV stations where you are, that doesn't invalidate OTA TV as being a good thing".
        • B-b-b-but Rick, I can't get any stations where I live!

          Move to where the food is. Otherwise I guess it sucks to be you.

          That's just my flippant way of saying "not my problem if you can't get TV stations where you are, that doesn't invalidate OTA TV as being a good thing".

          no but it does invalidate OTA as being the solution for everyone. Solution for some people sure, solution for most people maybe but a lot of us need the cord. We don't deny that OTA would be nicer and cheaper but it's not an option for us.

          • but it's not an option for us.

            Where is that? What ZIP code, if you don't mind?
            I'm just curious where we have gaps in OTA coverage in the USA.

            • To be fair (to even the smartass contrarians around here) there are people who live in canyons (either the natural sort or the man-made sort) that even if they put up and antenna the best they get is fringe signals. I've even seen some people in more rural areas, where you can get away with it, literally put up a telephone pole or a tower in their yard, just to get the high-gain antenna they have as far off the ground as possible. These people, I feel sympathy for. Who I don't have sympathy for, however, ar
          • Well then it sucks to be you. Move somewhere else so you can join the OTA TV master-race.
  • by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @01:30PM (#56823576)

    Good thing AT&T got in on this. They needed a service in this category and they had no existing brand to leverage here. Oh wait... [directvnow.com]

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      This is exactly why they killed net neutrality. Now anyone who competes with them, will have their service crippled across AT&T cables, forcing AT&T users to buy their service or buy someone else's broken service, simply not enough bandwidth to run. All about monopolistic internet publishing, hi new model, say hello to the old model, brought to you by corrupt political practices and psychopathic selfishness and greed.

  • Cried nobody ever for a package of channels that you hate just to get the one or two channels that you do want.

  • by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @01:40PM (#56823660)
    I can get Netflix for under $10/mo? Channels? Who needs channels? A la carte movies, shows, and documentaries. If I want to watch sports, I can watch some on air HDTV or just go to a bar.
    • by zlives ( 2009072 )

      i am still not sold on this whole watching of sports... i mean yes you can waste multiple hours but in the end its the score that maybe matters... i say maybe because why does it matter again?

      • I don't care much for watching team sports myself, but I can understand that some people like them. I'd rather go DO sports, hike, ride my bike, go to the beach and swim.
      • Much like fishing or hunting, it is an excuse to get together with the guys and drink heavily. Alternatively, a sociologist might say that instead of honing killing skills in the former, you're honing highly abstracted, ritualized combat skills via either participating or observing.
      • i mean yes you can waste multiple hours but in the end its the score that maybe matters... i say maybe because why does it matter again?

        I think I'm probably an outlier here and only entering the conversation under a technicality, but I occasionally watch foil and epee fencers. Not because I care about who advanced or what the score ends up as, but to see the tactics and motions. Ideally, so I can try the same stuff on the strip when I occasionally go fencing. But clips on youtube I can rewind and watch a dozen times are better for that than... ESPN or something. Do they even show fencing?

        (A surprising amount of "OMG look at this amazing fe

      • i mean yes you can waste multiple hours but in the end its the score that maybe matters

        There are people who enjoy seeing the competition and the effort and the skills demonstrated. All some people care about is that Portugal tied Spain in World Cup at 3-3, but there was a lot of enjoyable sport that took place to get there. If all you know is the score you might not realize that the actual result was Ronaldo 3, Spain 3.

        And if all you know about this morning's match is that Croatia beat Argentina 3-zip, you would have missed the elation of the Croatian team and fans over beating a team that s

  • When I begin reading the title I had a foreshadowing of possible shows :

    Obviously first the CEO-EGO-Show, or a new Online Religion Contest, looking for the new media-friendly Faith-'healer', (only 99 cent per vote) and some more insalubrious versions of CEO-EGO.

  • Now if a competing cable company doesn't like this they can just block it. No harm done to anyone but AT&T who will of course give a refund. Sigh, its great to be living in such interesting times.

  • more than 30 TV channels delivered over the internet,

    This made me realize that I'm unhappy with how Netflix does business. I loathe how cable companies bundle channels together and refuse to sell them ala cart. Power to the people, let me choose, let the free market decide, ra ra, all those slogans. And it only just now hit me that this is exactly what Netflix is doing.

    Prior, I considered the "netflix model" to be rounding up all the old IP that no one was using anymore and selling it en bulk online. It was the "old movie" bundle. It made customers happy wi

  • That's AT&T for you. They already have a streaming TV service! What sane company releases redundant services? Do they intend to compete against themselves?

    I figure it's because AT&T is too big. Nobody knows what's going on anywhere else in the company. I know for a fact that they can't maintain their internal phone directories (that'd better be why I get transferred to out-of-service numbers when I call business support), so it would hardly be a surprise to find out that the cellular division

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
