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Zuckerberg: If Someone Gets Fired For Data Abuse 'It Should Be Me' (cnet.com) 85

Mark Zuckerberg isn't planning to fire himself. At least, not at the moment. From a report: During an interview with Recode's Kara Swisher published Wednesday, the Facebook CEO touched on Russians interfering with US elections, misinformation, data breaches, the company's business model and more. When asked by Swisher who's to blame for the Cambridge Analytica scandal and related data misuse, Zuckerberg said he "designed the platform, so if someone's going to get fired for this, it should be me." Swisher followed up by asking if he was going to fire himself. "Not on this podcast right now," he said. Zuckerberg also defended the social media platform's decision not to kick off conspiracy theory-peddling websites like the far-right InfoWars. From a report: Zuckerberg said that instead of banning websites outright, the company removes individual posts that violate Facebook's terms of service. Posts promoting violence are particularly likely to be taken down, he added. Zuckerberg, who is Jewish, said even Holocaust deniers have a place on the platform as long as they genuinely believe the content they share. "I find that deeply offensive," he said. "But at the end of the day, I don't believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don't think that they're intentionally getting it wrong."
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Zuckerberg: If Someone Gets Fired For Data Abuse 'It Should Be Me'

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  • Yes (Score:5, Funny)

    by nwaack ( 3482871 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @06:12PM (#56970958)
    Please. Go back to your home planet.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
      Zuck: Just ask
      Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
      [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
      Zuck: People just submitted it.
      Zuck: I don't know why.
      Zuck: They "trust me"
      Zuck: Dumb fucks

    • Go back to your home planet.

      Omicron Theta?

    • by tsa ( 15680 )

      Bye Zucky!

    • by Rob Y. ( 110975 )

      If Zuckerberg "doesn't think sites like Infowars are intentionally getting things wrong", he's in a state of such denial that his opinion doesn't matter. Because many of these sites exist to spread disinformation - if only to gin up attention and make money. And Zuck's own site exists for mainly the same purpose. Granted, his site can generate plenty of attention with baby and cat pictures - but he'll always want more, and go for it right up to the line where his users abandon his platform in large numbe

  • Pointless (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Tinsoldier314 ( 3811439 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @06:18PM (#56970994)
    Let's fire the guy that can live a thousand lifetimes with the money he's got, that'll show'em! Congrats to Zuckerberg for taking one for the team.

    It should require more than a trite mea culpa and a retirement of decadence and luxury to get the heat off them.
    • this makes it sound like he's taking responsibility when in fact he's taken none. At his income bracket he's above the law and he knows it. We don't spill the blood of kings.
      • by jwhyche ( 6192 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @08:11PM (#56971440) Homepage

        Tell that to the French. To bad we don't party like its 1789 anymore.

        • "France has no need for chemists"

          They murdered one of the greatest scientists of all time in their zeal, Lavoisier.

          How about we have same laws rather than shit laws interspersed with brief periods of mass murder.

          • by jwhyche ( 6192 )

            Better plan. How about you learn to take a joke for what it is, a joke.

            • There was some dude for ages here who had that quote about refreshing the tree of liberty in his signature. You should realize that the reason is not even slightly clear it was a joke is that far too many people actually seem to think like that.

              Now a sensible person might respond "oh looks like I've been a victim of Poe's law", but angry condescending posts work well too.

      • by tsa ( 15680 )

        In the Netherlands we have laws to help us take as much money and goods from convicted criminals as we can.

  • by DewDude ( 537374 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @06:28PM (#56971024) Homepage
  • by bananaquackmoo ( 1204116 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @06:31PM (#56971040)
    How could they not be intentionally getting it wrong? Sticking your fingers in your ears and ignoring facts while spreading lies isn't getting it intentionally wrong?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    He knows he will always control Facebook courtesy of his massive shareholdings.

    Why try to pretend that he would have to take responsibility for his company's failures?

  • by hawguy ( 1600213 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @06:34PM (#56971054)

    Zuckerberg: If Someone Gets Fired For Data Abuse 'It Should Be Me'

    Oh, so he's stepping down? How refreshing to see a CEO take personal responsibility for something. Hopefully the next CEO does a better job.

  • Zuck the Cuck!
    Zuck the Cuck!
    Zuck the Cuck!

    • by Z80a ( 971949 )

      I don't think androids can actually be cucks.
      Unless he let someone else use his charger and watches it.

  • If the Winklevoss' idea hadn't been flawed, this never would have happened.
  • by sphealey ( 2855 ) on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @07:03PM (#56971186)

    I took 2 years of Russian in high school, so let me translate: there will be no accountability at Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica data privacy violation, nor will Facebook change any policies or terminate any profitable contracts as a result.

  • Look, this is why it can be bad to work for family owned firms. Even if he is fired, he still controls the stock, and FB will still continue to do bad things, because he controls it.

    Fix the problem and stop pretending there isn't a problem.

    Short version: do to the rest of the world what you do in Germany. There you aren't allowed to help Nazis or spread false conspiracy theories.

  • This seems like an obvious "Well I'm glad we reached consensus so quickly..." opportunity.
  • I can afford better lawyers.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    What he is doing is right... standing up for free speech.

  • Zuckerberg...said even Holocaust deniers have a place on the platform as long as they genuinely believe the content they share.

    I wish I were so naive again. Those were simpler times.

  • It's real easy for someone with as much ill-gotten gains as Zuckerberg to say something like that, and it doesn't mean a gods-be-damned thing when he says it.
    It is time for Facebook to go the way of the dinosaurs and Zuckerberg with it. The nature of so-called 'social media' has to change, and the data-ripping has to stop completely. Of course I'd be even happier if 'social media' as a concept went the way of the dinosaur, I think it's a cancer on our civilization.
  • In Zucks world, its not their fault for using his data that way, its his for giving it to them?

    "Get up stand up" -- B. Marley

  • has to get its ads working for its customers.
    All that PRISM too with its other customers.
  • I'd lol if people asked him to step down

  • Zuck will not be fired, as he himself is quite aware of. So what he's saying is, "Nobody will be fired for this."

A formal parsing algorithm should not always be used. -- D. Gries
