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Communications Television United States

Antenna Sales Are Rising, In Another Sign of Churn In TV Watching (startribune.com) 186

Rick Schumann shares a report from Star Tribune: Twenty percent of homes in the U.S. use a digital antenna to access live TV, up from 16 percent just two years ago, according to Parks Associates market research in Texas. The Twin Cities has an even higher antenna percentage. Local antenna installers say business has been rising about 20 percent to 25 percent annually for several years. It's the eighth largest broadcast-only market in the country, with more than 22 percent of homes using antennas to get local TV, according to TVb.org, a local broadcast trade association. Duane, Wawrzyniak, owner of Electronic Servicing in Silver Lake, Minnesota, cites high TV bills every month for the increased antenna sales. According to the report, "In the Twin Cities and much of Minnesota, antenna users can receive 10 to 60 TV channels, often in high-definition quality, over the air at no expense."

You can check the DTV signals that are available at your location here.
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Antenna Sales Are Rising, In Another Sign of Churn In TV Watching

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've never subscribed to cable. I used antenna and Windows Media Center for a long time. I stopped and just use Netflix. It has enough content to occupy my TV watching time. The antenna and DVRs are just too much work to get to a near Netflix experience. Cable's only way to survive is to beat Netflix in the user experience. (No commercials / Binge Watching / Always new content)

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Netflix is slowly but surely bringing unskippable ads back, so...piracy it is.
    • Netflix is increasingly facing an uphill battle against publishers and content owners for rights to stream. Those people are in the process of fragmenting the market into a million different subcription services with maybe one good thing to watch. For companies that broadcast however, you can just sit there with your digital antenna and get their one good show, skip the ads, and say "fuck you" for as long as it lasts.

      My recommendation is a good digital antenna for your environment and tablo, if you don't wa

    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

      of course you're still being the internet connection and paying for the netflix as well.

      sure it's just a few tens of bucks per month but that's still few tens of bucks per month.

      • sure it's just a few tens of bucks per month but that's still few tens of bucks per month.

        If this amount of $$ is a major concern for your household, I would posit that you should spend your time NOT watching TV, but doing whatever it takes to educate yourself so you can get a better job with better pay.

        In this day in age, "tens of dollars" a month should not be a show stopper for anyones; household.

    • Still the local channels will often offer timely news and weather, while Netflix will not.

      At least in my area, if there is a major weather event it will show its progress even with commercials playing.

      In terms of getting immediate updates on local news events and weather. Local TV channels are better then the Internet (Where there is a lag to publish), Radio (Which can only cover one story at once), Print media (a full day delay)

      Television is more then just entertainment. And News is more then just global

      • by GTRacer ( 234395 )

        ...a major weather event...

        I *HATE* our local news because living far enough off the coast to avoid many hurricanes while being outside of tornado zones means a heavy rainstorm is a weather event for some of these chuckleheads. I don't know how many times a year they throw up the weather graphic or break into regular programming to update us on... rain...

        I'm not saying these storms aren't sometimes dangerous. Some bring high winds or flash flooding (think yards and creeks, not rockslides or cars sliding

        • Being that our weather system is new rather screwed up. We don't need hurricanes to cause real damage. In the past decade, houses that have been built hundred years ago, are being washed away in creaks that have diverted hundreds of feet due to heavy rain and flooding conditions overnight. Roads have been washed away to become impassible until a major fix and often adding a bridge where there wasn't one before.

  • versus buying one. I've made a bunch of Gray-Hoverman style antennas using foam board and foil tape (indoor use only, obviously). These pick up everything in my area and cost less than $5 each.

    • Please don't take this the wrong way,...........

      but ummm I suspect you're one of the few, by a long shot. (You've got a 5 digit ID for a start,....)

    • Please provide a link to a good antenna design.
      • Not intended as a snarky reply, but please do a search for "gray-hoverman antenna". You should be able to find a variety of designs; indoor, outdoor, with or without reflector, and multi-bay designs.

    • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Tuesday August 21, 2018 @12:17AM (#57164586) Journal

      I've made a bunch of Gray-Hoverman style antennas using foam board and foil tape (indoor use only, obviously). These pick up everything in my area and cost less than $5 each.

      I made one out of a piece of wood, six screws, some leftover # 14 wire from a house rewiring project, and a balun (also lying about).

      The townhouse is within about a mile of the east end of the Dumbarton in silicon valley. Pretty much ALL the digital signals the FCC says are detectable in my area are on on of three towers: North San Jose on a hilltop overlooking the bay (and a naked-eye object from my front yard), Sutro Tower near the Castro in San Francisco, and one to the east, just over the hills (near Walnut Creek if I recall correctly)

      Left off the reflector, since the SF and SJ towers are almost exactly opposite directions at my site. No reflector means I hit them both at about 3dB down from what I'd get from just one with the reflector present.

      Did I need to put it on the roof? In the attic? Heck, no. I stood it up it behind the TV -and-audio cabinet on the ground floor of a two-story house. It works just fine right through the wall, insulation, orchard, neighbors' houses, etc. (Also through the TV console to hit San Francisco.) AND it gets the signals from the one over-the-hill in the middle. (Didn't really expect that.)

      In fact the only thing it DOESN'T get is the last analog TV signal, a low-power channel-6 station south of San Jose, run by a church (mainly to broadcast their services to their shutins, from what I hear).

      For those familiar with analog TV, the channel 6 FM audio carrier is just below the FM band, and many older FM radios will pick it up just fine. That's probably why they didn't go digital.

      The Gray-Hoverman is a great (and open source!) design. And while digital TV doesn't carry quite as far as analog (because it suddenly dies when the signal-to-noise ratio overcomes the forward error correction), when you CAN get it it is either just perfect, or (if on the ragged edge) has the occasional freeze, while analog would be "receivable" but horribly corrupted by multipath ghosting and "snow" from noise.

      • Of course now that I got it working we don't watch it. B-) At ALL.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by bano ( 410 )

          I did this once. I intended to use the cable tv cable in the wall of my apartment as an antenna.
          After plugging it in and scanning for channels, I discovered the cable was active and I had access to free cable all along.

    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      I'm in France, where almost everyone has an TV antenna, I've never seen a homemade one being used in practice. Unless by "homemade antenna", you mean a piece of wire sticking out of the RF connector, with no fucks given about the proper shape or dimensions.

      I know it can be done easily but at the same time, why bother when you can buy them for 10 to 30€ if you don't find one in a dumpster, unless you enjoy building stuff that is.

    • by judoguy ( 534886 )
      Things can sometime be built cheaply if your labor is valued at zero. My labor cost is quite a bit greater than zero so I bought one.

      On the other hand, if it's something I enjoy doing, and building stuff is generally one of those things, then building something that costs more than just buying it is perfectly understandable. Recreation has value in and of itself. I just didn't want to build an antenna:).

      I'm pretty sure that was your motivation as well. And it is cool to build something that works well.

    • OP here.. When I first dumped Comcast cable I was out of work and I built an antenna out of parts from the hardware store and the dollar store and mounted it on a piece of electrical conduit to the side of the rented house I was living in at the time. Worked great. Still have what's left of it sitting in my garage, but I later bought a Channelmaster antenna with higher gain. It paid for itself in the first few months.
    • by k6mfw ( 1182893 )
      I helped a friend decades ago where car antenna broke at the base, those stiff telescopic on right side in front of passenger door. Wrapped a coat hanger around base and it worked ok. Kind of ugly though.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Is that a middle finger reference? I am pretty sure that 95% of households use that to communicate with neighbors. There is no such thing as a digital antenna in electronics.

  • by Wycliffe ( 116160 ) on Monday August 20, 2018 @10:29PM (#57164084) Homepage

    It doesn't surprise me that broadcast-only is increasing especially if it includes people with broadband-only.
    If most of your entertainment is coming from netflix but you occasionally want to watch the news,
    it makes sense to get an antenna versus paying high prices for a cable service you don't need.

    • It surprises me. Local news is a cesspool of local criminal influence where I live.
      • Local news is a cesspool of local criminal influence where I live.

        Better than the national cesspool of higher-level criminal influence then. At least local criminals care about the city they live in too.

      • I read something somewhere recently... Oh yeah:

        Get a job, or move away, or SOMETHING! Don't you like the flavor of food? Why would you live in place like that? ...
        Just tell your mom you're sorry, find a real job, and fly her out once you get your first paycheck.

    • by AvitarX ( 172628 )

      I'd bet a lot of sports too.

      Since (non basketball) sports are usually on broadcast, and have lower time shift value than other content. Other stuff you can be on the Netflix schedule with your peer group, or Hulu and only be a day behind for a lot of stuff.

  • I thought I would get less and less users in my Android app. I thought anyone is moving away from watching OTA TV. Good news then for my little hobby app that allows you to find which channels are around you... =)

    https://play.google.com/store/... [google.com]

  • by ZorinLynx ( 31751 ) on Monday August 20, 2018 @10:38PM (#57164128) Homepage

    Streaming video is great, but when it comes to watching news or local sports, having access to the local TV stations is still useful. An OTA antenna can fill in that gap, allowing you to still have access to live TV without an expensive monthly fee

    I do wonder how much longer OTA broadcasting is going to be around, though. ATSC is an incredibly inefficient standard (hell, it still uses MPEG-2 video! That's a few codec generations behind) and you just know telcos and others are desperate to get their hands on that spectrum. I'm glad more people are starting to tune in; that means there will be more pressure to preserve it. I just worry that most of these people are getting up there in age, and that this trend will reverse again once we start losing them.

    • Where do you live?
    • by Ken_g6 ( 775014 ) on Tuesday August 21, 2018 @12:57AM (#57164750)

      ATSC is being upgraded "real soon now" to version 3.0 [wikipedia.org]. On one hand ATSC 3.0 will have up to 4K resolution compressed with HEVC. On the other hand, it's may also have stuff like an effective "broadcast flag", so you may not be able to record your favorite shows, encryption, so you may get OTA pay-per-view or something, and upstream transmission which may be used for Facebook-like spying for advertisers or something.

      On the other other hand, there's supposed to be a "lighthouse" station for awhile with the major ATSC 1.0 channels, but they'll be compressed to heck, like Joe_Dragon says below.

      • >> an effective "broadcast flag"
        Cool, a "capture the flag" contest coming soon, how nice that they entertain the hackers as much as the general public with nice easter eggs.

  • in the atsc 1.0 to 3.0 switch get ready SD compressed so hard so that you have 5-6+ channels all on ONE 1.0 channel if you don't have an 3.0 box and no sub channels just your 4-5 mains + PBS.

  • For the most part, my family only has the TV on as background noise, paying periodic attention to news or whatever. They don't often attentively watch TV shows. Looking at it that way, why pay a large bill each month for background noise? The quality of broadcast shows doesn't even matter since they functionally equally well as noise. IMO that's what almost all of it is good for anyway.

    Furthermore, people's time is worth more now, what with all the media out there, and increased working hours. Why should I

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've been enjoying my OTA HDTV solution. Although I think I bought the last two 20 foot antenna masts at my local TV shop. Sad that the local big-box stores told me that they didn't have an antenna mast but I should just break down and pay for electrical conduit. Nope... Nopesauce.

    We can all find our way back to OTA HDTV but there is a new push and I don't know the direct source. The new standard is ATSC 3.0 where any TV bought from 1900 to now.. and maybe now + 5 years will be obsolete (tuner-based)

    • The new standard is ATSC 3.0 where any TV bought from 1900 to now.. and maybe now + 5 years will be obsolete (tuner-based) when these standards become mainstream. Welcome to SDTV-HDTV where your TV suddenly needs a third-party tuner to become useful again.

      I really want you to describe how a 1975 TV works without a third-party tuner when receiving digital TV broadcasts.

      Hint: It doesn't. When analog TV broadcasts were shut off in 2009, that 1975 TV started needing a "converter", which is just a third-party tuner (some low power stations could keep broadcasting in analog until 2015, but that's still in the past).

      Yes, ATSC 3 could mean yet another 3rd party tuner, but this isn't the first time this has come up.

  • We've got three quality and fairly orthogonal PBS channels plus PBS Kids.

    Lots of oldies and rerun channels like Antenna, MeTV, Movies, Buzzr...

    You have to go with premium cable to get a better selection.
  • Do they still actually have analog TV signals in the US? That would be the interesting story.

    • Wasnt the spectrum sold by fcc for something else? I can't remember.
    • by JayTech ( 935793 )
      Actually, several of the major US cable companies recently phased out analog signals from their networks. That alone is probably driving a percentage of the antenna sales given the increased cost of connecting additional TVs. Plus, there's no more "free cable" loophole for internet subscribers. I'm sure there's probably a few smaller cable companies out there still running analog signals.
    • Do they still actually have analog TV signals in the US? That would be the interesting story.

      Supposedly, there are some low-power stations [wileyrein.com]. They may yet change things again, but you're right - this was interesting to find out.

    • There are no "full power" analog tv stations in the USA. They all ended in 2009. Many tried to extend analog operation, but were told by the FCC to either convert to digital or go off the air. There are quite a few LPTV (low power TV) and translator (picks up a distant signal and re-transmits it with low power) that are still in analog...The deadline for them to move keeps changing, originally it was 2012 IIRC, but now looking like 2020 or beyond. A big push to keep analog LPTV operations are the franken-F
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday August 20, 2018 @11:05PM (#57164282)
    and more to do with a soft economic situation combined with rising cable tv costs.
  • Obviously, these people have cut the cord. I would think that most of them have cut the cord in favor of over-the-internet streamed media and are supplementing with over-the-air TV. But, is seems unlikely that this 20% is purely a combination of those who never went to cable or satellite and those who have already cut the cord and are choosing to supplement with over-the-air TV. Many cord cutters are either not supplementing (as is my case) or are supplementing using the new cable-over-internet operations l

    • by enjar ( 249223 )

      We cut cable TV and switched to OTA+streaming because 1) the overall cost was lower, freeing up money for other things 2) streaming services are month-to-month, no lengthy contracts 3) we have two fully paid for TiVos that happily consume OTA and work as streaming devices 4) the hundreds of channels of content on cable tv are increasing filled with crappy, low budget reality content. If I want that, I can get it from YouTube 5) we have the good fortune to live in a town with a community not-for-profit ISP,

  • Sounds like the ads I used to see for antennas for color TV reception. No ordinary black and white antenna would work for color TV!

  • ...I didn't do it sooner!

    I started out using cable, but our local provider had terrible signal and service. We experienced complete loss of signal out anytime it rained, go figure. Calling their service line would usually take over an hour of waiting to reach a human, Due to all the problems in our area, their repair teams are spread so thin that they can't arrive for at least a full week after a service call by which point the problem would gone so they can't ever find the root cause to fix it. This
  • One of the unfortunate effects of the switch from analog to digital TV in hilly/mountainous areas is that lots of areas that had analog coverage have no digital coverage. My home is in such an area. If coverage were improved, I'd put up an antenna. Perhaps this is happening in other places and driving antenna sales?

  • by Going_Digital ( 1485615 ) on Tuesday August 21, 2018 @06:08AM (#57165600)
    Here in the UK things are going the other way, almost every household had an antenna (or aerial as we call them). Very few people had any kind of cable, although sky satellite became quite popular in the 90s. It was only with the introduction of broadband that cable started to get more popular, but still a majority get their broadband over some kind of DSL. Now there is a growing movement away from broadcast, people are now choosing what they want to watch and when they want to watch it, using on-line services.
    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      Here in the UK things are going the other way, almost every household had an antenna (or aerial as we call them). Very few people had any kind of cable, although sky satellite became quite popular in the 90s. It was only with the introduction of broadband that cable started to get more popular, but still a majority get their broadband over some kind of DSL. Now there is a growing movement away from broadcast, people are now choosing what they want to watch and when they want to watch it, using on-line services.


      A lot of landlords advertise that they have Virgin Media or Sky packages, but some are starting to get rid of them as they're just an extra cost most people done use and in some cases, replaced them with Netflix.

      Even the BBC is going online for a lot of content. I haven't used a TV in over 8 months and get my HIGNFY and UC fixes via the iplayer.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I had a go at this, and I could get about 25 channels. But they were all garbage - mostly preachers and soaps. I'd pay not to have to watch that trash.
  • I was going to ask when 4K signals will be available OTA, but I think that the answer will likely be "never".

    The broadcasters will probably keep those behind a paywall that requires you to have 50 Mbps or better broadband to access. So, if you don't have cable internet, a fiber connection, or are planning on getting a 5G wireless connection when they become more available... you're stuck with 1080i or 720p.

  • Lower resolution signals over cable or higher resolution for free over the air with a $40 HDTV antenna that picks up more than 100 channels.

    Easy choice.

Remember, even if you win the rat race -- you're still a rat.
