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Facebook Employees Outraged Over Exec's Appearance at Kavanaugh Hearing ( 729

An anonymous reader writes: Hundreds of Facebook employees have reportedly expressed anger that an executive attended Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh's public hearing last week to support him, The Wall Street Journal reports. Joel Kaplan, Facebook's head of global policy, was at Kavanaugh's hearing because he is reportedly close friends with the Supreme Court Justice nominee. Outraged employees reportedly brought his appearance up during an internal question-and-answer session with CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and have been expressing their concerns in internal discussion threads. On Friday, Zuckerberg said that "he wouldn't have made the same decision but the appearance didn't violate Facebook policies," the Journal reports.
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Facebook Employees Outraged Over Exec's Appearance at Kavanaugh Hearing

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  • Crybabies cry. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:44AM (#57431020)

    What a generation of spoiled rotten brats.

  • Outraged??? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:45AM (#57431022)

    They can be outraged and demand action as soon as employees with other political leanings can complain about any other employee that is shown on television participating in a cause that outrages them (take your pick). Just because you work somewhere does not mean that everything you do represents the official policy of the company. We need to get back to having a separation between our work lives and our private lives.

    • Indeed, goodness only knows, you certainly can't disagree if you're from the left wing world! And respect? That'll never happen. Sheesh.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They can be outraged and demand action as soon as employees with other political leanings can complain about any other employee that is shown on television participating in a cause that outrages them (take your pick). Just because you work somewhere does not mean that everything you do represents the official policy of the company. We need to get back to having a separation between our work lives and our private lives.

      So the pervasive leftist liberal attitude at FB must be something like this:

      You join Facebook, YOU MARRY THE MOB.

    • Re:Outraged??? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:22AM (#57431290) Journal

      They can be outraged and demand action as soon as employees with other political leanings can complain about any other employee that is shown on television participating in a cause that outrages them (take your pick). Just because you work somewhere does not mean that everything you do represents the official policy of the company. We need to get back to having a separation between our work lives and our private lives.

      Ideas have consequences. They have been virtue signalling for so long that they confuse it with actual virtue.

    • by e3m4n ( 947977 )

      Zuckefuck should FIRE a handful of people that are 'outraged'. Get the fuck out and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. In this country we have a system of government that adheres to Due Process, which includes, at the very heart of it, PRESUMED INNOCENCE. They are complaining because they have already decided Kavenaugh is guilty, despite the 2 later witnesses testimonies falling apart entirely. The last one, the one represented by Stormy Daniels attorney, you know, the Jerry Springer of at

  • Off Work time (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:46AM (#57431030)

    Either you support people’s right to do what they want in their personal time or you don't.

    Does any employer OWN your personal time?
    Should an employer be allowed to reprimand you or fire you for going to a rally and wearing an vagina hat while you are off work?

    • Re:Off Work time (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:50AM (#57431062)

      Execs represent the company.
      They're more equal.

      We've seen that many many times.

      Sometimes, there are consequences for being more equal. They're not legal, they're social.

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )

      Yes... because an employer can fire you for any reason* they want.

      There may be consequences the employer may have to deal with, such as having to pay severance pay amounting to several weeks or sometimes even months of work, depending on the labor agreement between the employee and employer, but yes.... most definitely yes, an employer can and most certainly should be permitted to fire someone for any reason* they see fit, even if that reason has nothing to do with work.

      *Barring certain protected classe

      • by msauve ( 701917 )
        "an employer can fire you for any reason they want."

        That's only true of "at will" employees. There are lots of employees with contracts which do not allow "for any reason." I'd expect a high executive position to have a contractual agreement.
  • It's really quite amazing to watch. No actual evidence other than testimony and hearsay, and she so far refuses to release the purported evidence she does have. It's astounding.

    • Fuck it. Burn all of Washington down.
      Its already a cess pool you should stay far away from. We should glass it to get rid of some of the nukes we have.
    • by AlanBDee ( 2261976 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:27AM (#57431372)

      It's wasn't her accusation that turned me, it was his behavior through this.

    • by swb ( 14022 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:37AM (#57431474)

      I'd like to see the #MeToo version of "To Kill a Mockingbird".

      In the #MeToo version, Mayella Ewell's allegations of rape against Tom Robinson are taken at face value not because she's white and he's black, but because women never lie about rape.

      Atticus Finch still attempts a valiant defense, but the jury believes Mayella Ewell because a woman is always to be believed, and Jim Thompson is convicted and hanged.

      Atticus Finch is run out of town not for crossing the race line for justice, but because he attempted to discredit a woman's own sense of trauma.

      And the entire story is written as a memoir by Scout, who denounced her father after the trial and went away to Smith College where she became a leading feminist literature professor.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • It used to be... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:48AM (#57431050) Journal

    ...that an exec could just say "You don't like it? Fuck off and do your jobs, or quit."

    Or, is turnabout ok? Can execs start firing staff that express politics they don't personally agree with? Would everyone be ok with that?

    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:57AM (#57431106)

      Google is doing it... It used to be a poor decision for a company to choose sides. Now it seems it's a poor decision not to, what with a certain demographic's rabid "you're either with us or you're a racist, misogynist, homophobe, rapist shitlord" attitude.

  • OBEY! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Zorro ( 15797 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @09:59AM (#57431126)

    No unauthorized thoughts allowed. You WILL believe the only authorized thing. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  • I am shocked (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:03AM (#57431152)

    that at this point in time, anything could enrage a bookface employee.

    Not the hours spent looking for offensive content, not the rigging of elections, not the abuse of clients preferences/personal information, not the use of their employer to live stream murders, suicides and stupidity.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:15AM (#57431240)

    Doesn't know what diversity means. Diversity only applies if it fits their viewpoint.

  • Leave (Score:4, Insightful)

    by SCVonSteroids ( 2816091 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:24AM (#57431312)

    Shouldn't these employees just leave the company in rebellion then?
    What a fucking toxic environment. These people seriously need to get over themselves.


  • well, sure (Score:5, Funny)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:24AM (#57431316) Journal
    We wouldn't want the apex of our legal system to get infected with any silly ideas about innocent until proven guilty, or needing evidence, or crazy #$%^ like that.
  • by wisnoskij ( 1206448 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @10:26AM (#57431348) Homepage

    And yet their still exist people who have no idea why the GOP approval rating has been soaring since Kavanaugh hit the news cycle.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @01:01PM (#57432808)
    so I'm gonna say this:

    Kavanaugh is not a nice person. He's a pretty jock who was born on 3rd base and acts like he hit a triple. I'm a nerd. I was bullied. A lot. Kavanaugh is the kind of guy who did the bullying. There's something deeply ironic about a site full of real nerds coming to the defense of a jock.

    If this was just about false accusations that'd be one thing. But then there's his voting record, which is entirely pro-corporate and anti-worker. There's the numerous examples of perjury during his confirmation testimony (much of it unrelated to the accusations). There's his quiet frankly belligerent testimony that made him look unhinged.

    What we have here is a bunch of folks rushing to his defense not because they think he should be seated, but because their emotions tell them men are getting cheated. Calm down for a moment and ask yourself, how is this man's decisions going to affect my life? If you make under $300k/yr the answers don't bode well for you.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      So, because he was "a jock" and is "rich", it's OK to make up lies and slander about him. Open season, anything is OK to attack and destroy "class enemies".

      Got it. You're a totalitarian thought-policeman.

      Oh, and as for "I'm a nerd. I was bullied. A lot." Yeah. #metoo. I have a built-in negative perception of jock types. But I don't approve of lynch mobs, and that is exactly what this is.

      • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday October 05, 2018 @03:16PM (#57433902)
        it's about character. Character matters for a lifetime appointment. We can't get rid of him once he's seated. And he will have mind numbing amounts of power. He's basically got Veto power on any law that comes before him. He doesn't have to justify himself either. Clarence Thomas, for example, has written one opinion in his entire time on the bench.

        It's about risk. Everything I know about the man tells me I don't want him in charge of my fate. There's plenty more like him that are much, much less risky. They're not going to side with the mega corps 100% of the time against me. They might even have some basic understanding of what my life is like. And they're not as likely to be actively hostile. Again, I have to go on the evidence I have when making a decision. We all do. The evidence tells me that this guy is no friend of mine, and that he's going to use his power to enrich himself and his friends at my expense. Just like those jocks who bullied me did.

There is never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.
