Trolls Are Still Actively Trying to Influence Brexit and US Elections (go.com) 470
TechCrunch reports:
A major new campaign of disinformation around Brexit, designed to stir up U.K. 'Leave' voters, and distributed via Facebook, may have reached over 10 million people in the U.K., according to new research. The source of the campaign is so far unknown, and will be embarrassing to Facebook, which only this week claimed it was clamping down on "dark" political advertising on its platform. Researchers for the U.K.-based digital agency 89up allege that Mainstream Network -- which looks and reads like a "mainstream" news site but which has no contact details or reporter bylines -- is serving hyper-targeted Facebook advertisements aimed at exhorting people in Leave-voting U.K. constituencies to tell their MP to "chuck Chequers." Chequers is the name given to the U.K. Prime Ministers's proposed deal with the EU regarding the U.K.'s departure from the EU next year.
ABC News reports: When the Justice Department unsealed criminal charges detailing a yearslong effort by a Russian troll farm to "sow division and discord in the U.S. political system," it was the first federal case alleging continued foreign interference in U.S. elections. Earlier Friday, American intelligence officials released a rare public statement asserting that Russia, China, Iran and other countries are engaged in ongoing efforts to influence U.S. policy and voters in future elections. The statement didn't provide details on those efforts. That stood in contrast with the criminal charges, which provided a detailed narrative of Russian activities...
The criminal complaint provided a clear picture that there is still a hidden but powerful Russian social media effort aimed at spreading distrust for American political candidates and causing divisions on social issues such as immigration and gun control.... Court papers describe how the operatives in Friday's case would analyze U.S. news articles and decide how they would draft social media messages about those stories. They also show that Russian trolls have stepped up their efforts with a better understanding the U.S. political climate and messages that are no longer riddled with misspellings.
CNN notes that one week before America's 2016 presidential election, "one of the Kremlin-backed accounts denied that Russian meddling, saying: 'Russia's Putin says Moscow not trying to influence U.S. election.'"
ABC News reports: When the Justice Department unsealed criminal charges detailing a yearslong effort by a Russian troll farm to "sow division and discord in the U.S. political system," it was the first federal case alleging continued foreign interference in U.S. elections. Earlier Friday, American intelligence officials released a rare public statement asserting that Russia, China, Iran and other countries are engaged in ongoing efforts to influence U.S. policy and voters in future elections. The statement didn't provide details on those efforts. That stood in contrast with the criminal charges, which provided a detailed narrative of Russian activities...
The criminal complaint provided a clear picture that there is still a hidden but powerful Russian social media effort aimed at spreading distrust for American political candidates and causing divisions on social issues such as immigration and gun control.... Court papers describe how the operatives in Friday's case would analyze U.S. news articles and decide how they would draft social media messages about those stories. They also show that Russian trolls have stepped up their efforts with a better understanding the U.S. political climate and messages that are no longer riddled with misspellings.
CNN notes that one week before America's 2016 presidential election, "one of the Kremlin-backed accounts denied that Russian meddling, saying: 'Russia's Putin says Moscow not trying to influence U.S. election.'"
The truth (Score:5, Insightful)
Everybody I disagree with is a troll.
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I know, right! Someone else exercising their right to free speech. How dare they.
The right to free speech is a limited right applying only to the government stopping a particular person from speaking. That's it, period.
A troll in this context is someone who is trying to manipulate from a non honest position. They may lie about who they are or they may be telling content based lies or well all of the above.
Now, generally I think one legitimate government should stay out of another's affairs. That should be the default position, but if they are going to influence they should be open an
Re: The truth (Score:4, Insightful)
You are conflating a natural right with the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. They are not the same. The former is broad and philosophical, the latter is narrow and legal. The latter is derived from the former and is subordinate to the former when talking about spirit and intent, as OP was.
Re:The truth (Score:5, Insightful)
Everyone posting about politics on Slashdot and elsewhere on the Internet is doing the same thing. This includes you, AmiMojo. Everyone wants just as badly as you do to increase the size of their tribe and gain more support from people who might be on the fence. This kind of discourse has been going on since the dawn of the Internet. Hell, this type of pseudonymous political social interaction likely predates the Internet. I would not be surprised if BBS users did the same thing, though I was too young to join that scene at the time before it fizzled out.
This is not illegal election interference. This is people on the Internet running their mouths off about things they're passionate about. It's humanity at work. It's been going on for over 30 years and it makes you look like a fool to make a boogieman out of this non-issue.
If you want to know what it looks like for someone to knowingly, willingly, arrogantly and mockingly violate the laws of another country's election interference laws, look no further than John Oliver, resident of the United States of America, who earned over 11 million views on YouTube and countless more via television as he and Mike Myers (axe, not knife) told viewers in Canada not to vote for Stephen Harper. This wasn't an innocent sketch, he knew exactly what he was doing and gloated about it with a wad of cash in his hand.
This is why the rest of the world has a bit of trouble taking the United States seriously when they complain about interference. The United States set themselves up on a high moral pedestal as an example for the world to follow. They probably have the worst track record of any other nation in history when it comes to meddling in foreign elections, and now they're mad that other countries *might* be trying the same thing? Don't even make me get started with what they've done to South America or Iran or any other number of examples where they utilized actual government forces rather than just celebrity opinions.
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When has people spreading lies and propaganda designed to cause division and reduce the ability of citizens to effectively participate in democracy ever been acceptable?
If you post lies, if you deliberately try to sow discord, people are going to call you out and flag up what you are doing. And we should take notice because we want to be informed and aware of the world around us, not stuck in a bubble of misinformation.
If you want to criticise John Oliver then you need to address the things he was saying. O
Re:The truth (Score:4, Insightful)
Everyone manipulates public opinion. Know what the difference today is vs 30 years ago? Now everyone can leave their own views, input, beliefs and "let the group as a whole" make the decisions as to what they're saying is good or bad. This pulls views away from the elitists, the pundits, the manipulation by the media telling you how you should view something. That control they had for decades is something they've lost.
The most recent meme aka NPC meme [knowyourmeme.com] is a great example of this. The political left, pundits, media just freak out over it. What's the problem with it? Well the let "claims it dehumanizes people." But...there's a problem with that. Why weren't they being banned from social media platforms when they were screeching that conservatives, libertarians, trump supporters, mad max, doug ford supporters, were all labeled as racist, neo-nazis, sexists, reacists, bigots, homophobes, white nationalists, race traitors, uncle toms, and so on.
I'll give you your answer. Because it struck too close to home. The NPC meme is a satirical mocking of a loud-mouth leftist pundit/politicians point and those who suppor it. It becomes effective to everyone else because a person and look around at the people they draw to them, and then notice how much is full on regurgitation of these same points, in the most stupid way. Usually involving some form of attack against the persons job, family, race, sexual orientation and what not.
Conservatives find this funny because they can and regularly engage in self-deprecating humor. Progressives do not. And in a round of "OMGROFLF" phase, Twitter banned 1500 accounts that were not violating any rule, or policy, or anything else. The reason? Nobody knows, and twitter is refusing to day why.
Re: The truth (Score:5, Insightful)
> weak strawman. Try harder.
The original remark is neither of those things.
The definition of "troll" has been devalued to nothing more that "someone I disagree with" for a long time now. A lot of people can't handle the idea that someone would disagree with their particular cult.
Common reasoning... (Score:2)
And then the question becomes, how do you get everyone to believe that everything online is over-rated?
Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They're underused. -- Tommy Lee Jones
Re: Common reasoning... (Score:4, Insightful)
Gullble people (Score:5, Insightful)
Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people in the world who just skim the headlines and don't bother to dig down in any detail on an issue. Lazy thinkers will always be with us and all we can hope for is there are enough people who aren't that way in order to counter them. Lately it's kind of depressing how much of this has distorted the political realm.
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Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people in the world
But not you, right?
And you are an above-average driver too!
Best to protect all the "others" not as smart and clever as you.
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I'd have to say that Hillary Clinton was one of the most qualified candidates I've every seen with experience in all sectors of the federal government. There are aspects to her politics that I don't particularly like but compared to Trump there is no comparison. And yes she isn't a particularly inspiring campaigner and made mistakes in assuming some states were safely for her when they weren't
But then there are people who spent the last 25 years consuming the Republicans demonization of all things Clinton
Re: Gullble people (Score:4, Insightful)
I believe the main reason Trump won is because of this "Hillary Clinton was one of the most qualified candidates I've every seen with experience in all sectors of the federal government." Were sick of career politicians. That is not what this country was founded on, and letting the politicians get rich on the backs of the people is a bad way to go. Hell look what they are doing, and yes I'm stating that the politicians WANT us to fight against each other. It just helps to entrench them some more. II say we do what china has done in the past and kill every member of government and vote new in. It would give the new an example of what not to do, so long as they didn't want their head to end up on a spike in the White House lawn.
what they don't say says more than what they do (Score:4, Insightful)
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Nothing odd about it. Opinions are formed and spread locally in your own favour.
Russians meddling in our elections? NO! America is too great for that!
Americans meddling in world affairs? Of course America is great and we should do that!
Re: what they don't say says more than what they d (Score:2)
There is a bit of American exceptionalism at play.
Hillary! and the Dems need an excuse (Score:2, Interesting)
The "deplorables" and "bitter clingers" can't be allowed to win elections.
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In the US, you can run against the incumbent and very likely not get shot.
Yeah yeah (Score:5, Insightful)
Funny how these trolls always affect the side the person writing the article doesn't support, isn't it? I mean, no one would dream of spreading misinformation on the Remain side - they're all saints devoted to the purity of Truth.
I'm sure Russian trolls are feeding out misinformation about all sorts of things. The real issue is whether it has any more effect than the lies politicians tell.
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It wasn't the Remain folks who had to admit after the election that they'd been lying all along.
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Because they lost, so any lies they might have told would never have been exposed anyway.
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Yeah yeah. Funny how the Brexiteers always counter with vague accusations of lies but can somehow never be specific.
Remain didn't make a compete lie the cornerstone of their entire campaign. Brexit camp knew it was a lie yet plastered it in the side of a bus and paraded it around the county.
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The Remain campaigners lied repeatedly, aggressively and in a coordinated way, far more so than the Leave campaign did. It was partly the sight of the relentless lying that caused me to study the arguments for Leave more closely and eventually conclude Leave was right. They are still right.
Here are a few lies told by the government alone in the course of the Remain campaign, let alone other campaigners:
If you vote Leave we (Osbourne and Cameron) will punish you by passing a massive 'emergency tax'. Literall
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You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Half of the stuff you list is rumours and projections.
You're right about one thing though, the brexiteers have not admitted to the bullshit that they spouted (and keep spouting), they will never take responsibility for the mess we're in and will be in. Everything is someone else's fault. The EU being uncooperative. Remainer conspiracy. They will never own anything. If it doesn't help then it's because you didn't believe enough. Becau
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Why should they take any responsibility for a mess? They didn't cause these problems.
Indeed, the idea that the EU is so unreasonable and hard to deal with that we must leave is exactly what Brexiteers have been arguing for years, and they were repeatedly ignored. Instead ever more power was given to Brussels by pro-EU politicians, powers the EU now isn't hesitating to use to create as many problems as possible for the UK.
As far as I can tell, if the Brexiteers had been more influential, if they had been abl
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We haven't actually left need you moron.
Voting leave isn't the same as actually leaving.
Nonetheless our economy has been growing at a much slower rate than all comparable countries in Europe, the £350 million a week has vanished and the current government are still talking about raising taxes to make up for the missing money when we do leave.
Re:Yeah yeah (Score:4, Interesting)
Half of what you say was actually Vote Leave lies, e.g. the claim that there would be an instant recession was an exaggeration that they turned in to a talking point for their "Project Fear" story. And of course the whole point about Project Fear was to make you ignore the experts who were giving you factual information and realistic predictions with caveats.
But really those are relatively small things, bad predictions, compared to what leave campaigners lied about. For example, Farage was promoting the Norway model (EEA membership) as being an ideal outcome and something we should welcome, but now claims it would be a betrayal and a disaster. The "Brexit Bonus" money we would stop sending to the EU has all vanished into mitigating the losses and replicating institutions and subsidies that are going away. Worse still, even at the time the £350m/week figure was known to be a fabrication but they didn't remove it from that bloody bus.
There were lots of specific promises about what leaving would mean, things like staying in the single market and customs union, about making immigration easier (!) for non-EU citizens and the like which were all reneged on within hours of the result.
More over there were decades of lies supporting them. I remember a few weeks after the vote there was a woman on Question Time who said she was thinking of voting remain but the day before saw some bananas in the supermarket, and was reminded of the "straight bananas" Euro Myth. That apparently changed her mind, despite it being a well known lie that has been debunked continually since the 90s when it first appeared.
Re:Yeah yeah (Score:5, Interesting)
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, you're just trying to justify being part of the UK's flagrant downfall as a result of Brexit.
"If you vote Leave we (Osbourne and Cameron) will punish you by passing a massive 'emergency tax'. Literally, vote wrong and we'll take all your money. A big deal for pensioners and poorer people who were more inclined to vote out. But no emergency tax happened."
A number of tax increases have already occurred as a result of fiscal tightening due to Brexit, notably taxes on self-employed are drastically up. The next budget due in a couple of weeks looks set to tax the mainstream even more. Remain was right.
"The Treasury knew they were lying, that's why they refused to show its models or how it measured "uncertainty". We know this was a lie because two years after the vote the economy is booming. There was no "uncertainty hit" at all."
What fucking rock do you live under? The UK as a result of the Brexit vote has gone from being the fastest growing G7 economy to the slowest growing G7 economy, we're barely breaking 1% growth whilst our peers such as the US which we were growing faster than are breaking 4% growth. At a time where the global economy has sped up, the British economy has slowed down. Furthermore, the pound has plummetted 40% in value, which has necessarily forced the price of every day goods such as petrol way up. The last time petrol was at 130p was when oil was at $120 per barrel, it's only at $80 per barrel now it's hit that level again and petrol tax has been frozen for the period, literally the only reason petrol is as high again is because of the collapse of the pound, which is stone hard real. A number of companies have cancelled UK investment, and a bunch more have already moved jobs overseas. What fucking crackpot world do you live in if you think any of this is proof that the economy didn't suffer when it clearly has and will so even more with hard Brexit? Remain was right.
"Notice a pattern here - the Remain campaign built a tower of lies that all supported each other and which have all been disproven in the years since. I'm not even getting into all the other stupid claims they made and are still making today. Just the basics were enough to seriously tilt things in their favour."
I notice that you've no idea what the fuck is going on around you that's for sure - you've not even noticed how badly UK growth is suffering to the point you naively think the economy is booming. If 1.5% annualised growth is booming then please don't speak to anyone ever again, you're way too uneducated to have a discussion about anything ever, but that's probably not surprising from a leave voter.
"Finally, your own post is itself a lie. The Leave campaigners haven't "admitted they'd been lying all along"."
Incorrect. Farage admitted the $350million a week for the NHS was an outright lie on the very morning of the referendum result, as has Michael Gove. The idea that the EU would easily give us what you want has similarly been proven wrong. Arguments that immigration would be halted have been destroyed by Brexiteers like Pritti Patel who admits she always wanted higher immigration, just from countries like Bangladesh with significant Islamic populations, rather than from our much more culturally align European neighbours.
It doesn't matter anyway, even if we do leave the EU it's clear it won't be for long. The tide has already turned, voters are firmly against Brexit at this point, and it was only ever the old racists generation that supported it anyway in the most, and they're dying out, at such a fast rate in fact that demographically the death of old racists alone has been enough to inherently switched the referendum result, much less with the fact Leave's lies and illegal funding from Russia have now been exposed.
All the same, you should be ashamed of yourself by supporting Russia's goal of punishing us in response to UK sanctions over Crimea by similarly trying to harm our economy through it's widespread funding of Brex
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I'm talking about the Treasury models that predicted a recession that would destroy 500,000 jobs in the best case and 800,000 in the worst case. Those models have never been released.
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Because the pot was getting stirred by folks like you, naturally.
(And thanks for proving my point.)
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I mean, no one would dream of spreading misinformation on the Remain side
And yet they didn't. The remain side was characterised entirely by: "World isn't as bad as Leavers make out. We don't know what will happen if we vote Leave." There was no disinformation to spread.
Unfortunately the truth was both a boring and weak argument. The Remain side's biggest fault was they didn't play a dirty game in the dirty world of politics.
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"There was no disinformation to spread"
Sure, Project Fear was completely accurate and all of its predictions have come true. Just like 89up mentioned in TFS is a completely neutral observer and not a pro-EU PR agency.
"The Remain side's biggest fault was they didn't play a dirty game in the dirty world of politics."
Sure, and they're still pure as the driven snow. Which is why Mainstream Network, "source of the campaign is so far unknown" couldn't possibly be a company directed by Martin Ellice, MD of the gro
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"I mean, no one would dream of spreading misinformation on the Remain side - they're all saints devoted to the purity of Truth."
Why would Russian advocate for Remain? Leave weakens the European Union and the UK, both of which are certainly to Russia's benefit. What does Remain get them?
Or any effect at all (Score:2)
I laid out the very unpopular case before (on Slashdot) that trolls have zero effect. Look around Twitter, what kind of arguments could anyone possibly insert that would inflame people more than they are already inflamed?
Furthermore, I don't think trolls from other countries have the depth of understanding about where the buttons are to press to be nearly as effective as the actual people arguing in those countries. They can put up some generic arguments or whatever, but they cannot go for the really deep
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https://www.bbc.com/news/world... [bbc.com]
It will probably not go away, and neither will the accusations against Facebook, as they are in the interest of the business model. FB will gladly 'admit' to the effectiveness of their advertising products in the media.
Re:Yeah yeah (Score:4, Insightful)
People these days are more paranoid than the US during the cold war.
Not everything is about imaginary Russian bots. People disagree with you. Real people. Even if you cannot fathom how anyone could have another opinion, that doesn't make them trolls or bots.
Re: Yeah yeah (Score:5, Funny)
People these days are more paranoid than the US during the cold war.
Not everything is about imaginary Russian bots.
Aha! Got you! That's exactly the kind of thing a Russian bot would say!
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Conspiring to commit a crime is a crime; the crime you conspired to commit doesn't matter.
Fraud is a crime; whom the fraud is committed against does not matter.
Break into your neighbour's house, then claim in court, "The criminal court doesn't actually say 'Robbery of Mrs Betty Taylor of 1234 Main St. is a crime', therefore, I'm innocent." Be sure to let us know how that works out for you.
Re: Yeah yeah (Score:2, Interesting)
This latest charge of a Russian "agent" charges a woman with "conspiracy to defraud the United States" - which isn't actually a crime.
Good one, Ivan!
The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. 371, creates an offense "[i]f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose.
https://www.justice.gov/jm/cri... [justice.gov]
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Then Uncle Vlad can quit spending his money on all these nasty little nationalist/separatist movements he's been growing in various EU member states, right?
Yeah The Horror (Score:5, Insightful)
Imagine people actually able to see differing points of view. They might just decide they don't like what their betters have planned for them
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And which side are our betters? The Eton toffs who wanted to remain or the Eton toffs who wanted us to leave? Is David Cameron the real man of the people or is Reese-Mogg?
The politicians are just as bad (Score:5, Interesting)
I remember two years ago, in the poll booth, about to vote for/against Brexit; I was trying to sum up what the campaigns had told me. I came to the conclusion: a mass of emotional froth, little of hard reality upon which to make a decision. All sorts of contradictory predictions; few agreed facts. I remember listening to opposing politicians who could not even agree on, what should have been, basic facts. I came to the conclusion that both sides were lying (or at least greatly playing up their arguments), many others did also. The main agreement was that 'the other side are not being truthful' -- both sides said that!
Two years later: it is not hugely better. The problems that Brexit may bring have now been revealed & are being shouted loud but no one can say what will happen on 29 March 2019 (Brexit day), partly because exaggeration of dire consequence is a tool of political negotiation. The promised sunny uplands of EU-restriction free international trade are also being promised, but are nebulous.
Debate amongst politicians is at a level that would bring discredit to a bunch of squabbling 4 year olds at infant school.
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I can tell you one result: Britain will have to recreate all the infrastructure they used to get from the EU. This will cost Britain more in the long run because they will get any economy of scale out of that. Drug regulations? Oh, they'll now need their own, wouldn't want to use those naughty EU regs on drugs. Import-export controls? They'll be needing their own. Scientific exchanges? Throw some sand into those. Britain's health care system? No safety valves in foreign workers...foreign workers bad, incomp
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Whether the costs are higher than the contribution the UK makes to those EU institutions is the more interesting question, but also to me irrelevant: I'd rather pay more and not be part of the EU superstate.
Britain's health care system? No safety valves in foreign workers
Given the number of non-EU foreigners working for the NHS you're just fear mongering.
But that's common to pretty much everyone that voted 'remain'. They're all just fucking scared.
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But that's common to pretty much everyone that voted 'remain'. They're all just fucking scared.
Yes. We are scared. We should be scared, we're so blase about how our world works, it's complex and interconnected and we benefit from that far more than we can comprehend. Unpicking 40 years of integration is a massive risky task and will - should - take a decade. But our extremist overlords that control the ruling party are so worried that they will have their prize taken from them they're rather pull out uncoordinatedly and quickly.
My partner is Italian - we have to live every day with the uncertainty of
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Which British political parties are talking about kicking out Italians who have been here a decade? Because I'm pretty sure there are none: they've all said anyone already here can stay indefinitely. Your "fear" isn't justified by anything real, which rather proves Cederic's point.
As for the extremist overlords, you realise it's the EU itself that insists on a two year exit period during which partial de-integration is completely disallowed? And that it's the EU that has been responsible for the total lack
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Which British political parties are talking about kicking out Italians who have been here a decade? Because I'm pretty sure there are none: they've all said anyone already here can stay indefinitely.
Rees-Mogg, our prime minister-in-waiting (and if Corbyn has taught us anything it's that backbench MPs can become leaders unexpectedly), has said exactly that https://www.metro.news/rees-mo... [metro.news]
Your "fear" isn't justified by anything real, which rather proves Cederic's point.
That's easy to say, but the consequences for me if you are wrong are catestrophic.
And if there isn't anything to worry about, why haven't we had a unilateral declaration? It's all tied up in "nothing's agreed until it's all agreed", which is getting more and more sketchy as time goes on. A no deal Brexit by default wi
Re: The politicians are just as bad (Score:2)
Britain can trivially fork the EU regs and then carry on with rules they can tune better to how the British people want things. You're on a forum where this concept of 'forking' is common knowledge and yet you squee about vast unknown terribleness. So pitiful, it's difficult to believe you are being serious.
Re: The politicians are just as bad (Score:2)
More local and regional autonomy is a good trend. Not necessarily so for Big State authoritarians, but then perhaps they should reach down from their towers and try to reconnect to the people.
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And then he did even better, didn't he? Glad to see that you also agree!
No election, no fake news and not trolling (Score:4, Informative)
I have not posted for a few years but this one really has annoyed me enough to say something regarding these Brexit ads.
For a start there are no new elections or referendums so it's hardly trying to influence a vote, the Guardian (left wing) newspaper would love to have a second referendum and reverse the vote and is most likely why they have flagged this up.
I can see how not knowing who is paying for these ads may be a problem for some, but like I said there is no public vote coming up and therefore as far as a I know campaign financing rules do apply, besides I did not see the Guardian kick up a fuss when Soros donated £400,000 to reverse Brexit.
Finally a large chunk of Conservative (the governing party) MPs themselves have said the same thing that this advert is saying so how is this fake news?
If there was any semblance that there was democracy in the UK, it has pretty much has been laid to rest.
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"If there was any semblance that there was democracy in the UK, it has pretty much has been laid to rest."
I was following you until this last part. Brexit was literally directly voted on by the people of the UK. I think it was a dumb idea to leave but that's very clearly democracy in action
The politicians are just as bad (Score:4, Insightful)
I remember, the the poll booth 2 years ago, trying sum up what I had learned from what the politicians has said over the preceding weeks. I remembered a huge amount of emotional froth but little by way of solid detail or summary of what would happen. I had listened to debates between politicians who could not even agree on basic contemporary facts - that should have not been hard to ascertain. The misinformation was more than political spin: it was outright lies. I am not the only one of that opinion.
The only agreement between the sides was 'the other side is lying'.
Now, two years later, things are not much better. We have been told of all sorts of horrible things that will happen after 29 March 2019 (Brexit day) but are well aware that these are being played up. Both sides have too much to lose if the hard lines being talked about come to be. Exaggeration of consequences and declarations of impossibility seem to be the way that political negotiations are done. The bright sunny post Brexit uplands, that we are assured (by the Brexiteers) will come to be, are equally nebulous.
What passes as debate between politicians would bring discredit to a bunch of squabbling 4 year olds at infant school.
Re:The politicians are just as bad (Score:4, Informative)
Taking yourself out of a free trade block with your most significant trading partners is bad is lying?
The UK in the EU is a major player, on its own it is just a small country is lying?
Re: The politicians are just as bad (Score:2)
The EU needs to be dismantled, and Britain leaving it is part of that process. What replaces the EU will be an improvement. It won't just leave a void.
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If you could not see that one side was lying more than the other, then you are a moron.
I you could not see the racism that was drove one side's argument, coming from the top of the campaign, you are a moron.
Re: The politicians are just as bad (Score:2)
You made a typo:
A. 2 + 2 = 3
scales (Score:2)
How many russian trolls are active at all? I've heard numbers in the double and tripple digits.
But the Pentagon employs at least 27,000 [tagesanzeiger.ch] people for PR purposes. Some of them certainly do advertisement and recruitment, but a lot of them are active on social media and to influence journalists, all to make sure the US military appears in the right light. Budget 2009: 4.7 billion
That begs the question who to trust at all. Certainly the mainstream media image of US politics is no more trustworthy than any troll p
People voted to exit (Score:3)
The votes got counted.
The government then had take on what was voted for and that was passed.
Citizens all over the UK voted to get their laws back from the EU and to fully enjoy been normal nation of laws again.
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1. We are not getting our laws back, the proposal is to do trade deals with other nations like the US who have already said they will demand changes to British law, e.g. to food standards. Plus we will likely stay pretty close to the EU rules so we can keep selling to them anyway, except with no say in them.
2. The referendum was on the single point of EU membership. We were assured it would not affect our membership of the single market or customs union. The most prominent Leave campaigners said that repeat
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No the Government didn't have to respect the vote: it was advisory. If it wasn't advisory then they'd have to have re run it by law because of the election fraud.
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Democracy is a fine idea, but doesn't just depend on votes. It depends on choices made by informed voters. The Brexit voters were deliberately misinformed by the side that won, which it admitted to doing after the referendum.
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Then why ever have a vote for anything? Why not just have a certain person decide forever. I forget what that's called, but apparently that's what you want. Oh yea Dictatorship. That was the word!
Which is worse (Score:2)
Maskirovka - little masquerade (Score:2)
Maskirovka is creating division in your opponents by creating uncertainty, it's intent is to disrupt, to disbelieve everything, flat out lies and even present truths as lies.
This is well worth watching
https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
UK government cheating dwarfs this (Score:5, Informative)
You have to keep pro-Brexit Facebook ads in perspective:
This level of gaming the system clearly dwarfs a few Facebook ads
If Americans weren't so fucking stupid (Score:2, Insightful)
The trolling wouldn't work.
Destabilizing NATO (Score:2)
Trolls of different political persuations made (Score:2)
I think an international UN anti-trolling agreement, or at least a declaration, could be beneficial for the whole planet.
Swarm Mentality (Score:2)
Using the "T" word (Score:3, Funny)
If none work for you try "Douche Canoes"
If Americans weren't so fucking stupid (Score:3)
The trolling would not work.
Re: Disinformation? No. (Score:4, Informative)
Hell, Obama flew over personally to threaten Britain into voting remain and no one raised a shitfit about America "influencing" a British election.
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Hell, Obama flew over personally to threaten Britain into voting remain and no one raised a shitfit about America "influencing" a British election.
To be fair, that's because Britain's our bitch.
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While this sort of thing is typically frowned upon -- you both are being a bit silly, in that you're missing the point.
That was an *open*, and *plainly visible* thing. That is not even remotely the same as people pretending to be real users, genuine citizens, and instead being paid for foreigners, pretending to belong to the country they are trying to destroy.
If Trump, Putin, anyone tries to OPENLY say "Vote this way!", that has no bearing on this conversation, on this topic. It is instead, the goal of se
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It's like I said in my comment on gullible people above. Some people are just seeking confirmation for their biases and just skim the headlines without digging down to get closer to the truth. It doesn't matter what the source is (foreign or domestic, etc.). But if you develop the habit of looking deeper you eventually develop a better sense of when you're being scammed and perhaps you are able to find some trusted sources who generally a straight shooters about the things they say. I just takes a bit o
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The word "xenophobia" apparently means one thing to you, and something else entirely to, well, everyone else on the planet.
The point is not foreigners, nor is it foreigners expressing their opinions on American issues. The point is foreigners pretending to be Americans, or citizens of any country whose American election-related activities are financed or otherwise backed by foreigners.
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What difference does it make if some particular bit of bullshit propaganda comes from Russia or Enron or the CIA or the DNC/RNC or whoever? The message is what's important, not the messenger. You say they want to "destabilize" the system? Well so do I. That's why I voted for Trump [youtube.com], because the system fucking sucks. And now that they're out of power, the left wants to destabilize things too. After exhausting every lega possibility for removing Trump they've resorted to open violence and calls for disman [vox.com]
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Why is foreigner money used deceptively different substantially different than American money used deceptively?
Domestic oligarchs are no less of a threat to our democracy, and that's where you get the real resistance, because it's a distinction without a difference.
Re: Disinformation? No. (Score:5, Informative)
Hell, Obama flew over personally to threaten Britain into voting remain and no one raised a shitfit about America "influencing" a British election.
He went over as himself and argued for his ideas. This is different. Russian posing as a Brit is different than the American President coming over as the American President. Obama making his pitch is him trying to win an argument. These Russion propogandists don't care about any side of the argument, they're trying to create division and sow misinformation. Is it really that hard to see the difference?
Re: Disinformation? No. (Score:2)
And when the EU is broken up everybody can learn to play nicely.
We'll have to see, though, if Germany is capable of that.
Re:Define trolls (Score:5, Informative)
China, Russia and Iran could hire teams of people to write news articles with bylines and promote them overtly, that's fine. China Daily, RT, Tehran times, are good examples.
Trolls aren't concerned with even writing news articles, not even slanted, biased news articles, the truth is immaterial to their objective, and certain truths run contrary to their objective. The trolls themselves pretend to be somebody else to disrupt conversations, recruit followers and expand their influence. They focus not on informing people, but on polarization and division. They're paid to do this, for this purpose.
https://tinyurl.com/y9dby46f [tinyurl.com]
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HOWEVER, there are multiple issues with our Electoral College. In particular, we are supposed to have equal representation, and that is not the case. As such, it is going to SCOTUS.
Re: The plebe has no say in the elections, cretins (Score:2)
In these United States, each state is to get equal representation. If you want your individual vote to 'count more' you should move to another state. You'll find that in general your vote will count for more in additional ways after the move. So shut up or move.
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Re: She won the democracy (Score:2)
Selective legitimacy is definitely the problem. And your litany of "wah, my side lost" highlights this.
Re: "Trolls" (Score:2)
Just look at AIPAC. They don't care about protecting the U.S. They care about protecting Israel. The U.S. is secondary in their overall aims.
Israel is far more vulnerable than the US. The organization is formed around the principles of defending Israel. You're accusing a brown rabbit of having brown fur.
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Holy false dichotomy, Batman!
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Relax. Nobody's trying to stop you from reading RT.
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A 6-digit ID means he's been around since 2000 or so, well before any of the current nonsense began.
When did you say that you registered your account...?
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LOL Class.. Slashdot? I come here specifically because of the lack of class :)
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Thanks Ivan. Blaming Jews is an age old Russian pasttime.
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Long but well worth the read. Thank you for your contribution.
I hope someone will mod this up.
Re: Article is a troll (Score:2)
It's okay to regurgitate a whole mass of Democratic talking points as one big chunk. But it would be a service to us for you to identify up front that that's what you are doing.
Re: Ditch Facebook already. (Score:2)
Kill Apple. Microsoft is already hobbled, plus the whole Microsoft leviathan was created by Apple's litigious adventures in the 80s - early 90s that ran gui competitors out of business. Killing all the lawyers would be an overreach. Killing all the Apple lawyers would be therapeutic.
Re: Why are we still talking (Score:3)
"The wrong side" won, and all the smartest people in the room will never get over it.
Plus, their globalist masters have immense wealth to support the hue and cry.