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Amazon Hit By Extensive Fraud With Hackers Siphoning Merchant Funds ( 32 was hit by an "extensive" fraud, revealing that unidentified hackers were able to siphon funds from merchant accounts over six months last year. schwit1 shares a report: Amazon believes it was the victim of a "serious" online attack by hackers who broke into about 100 seller accounts and funneled cash from loans or sales into their own bank accounts, according to a U.K. legal document. The hack took place between May and October 2018, Amazon's lawyers said in a redacted filing from November that can now be made public. Amazon said it was still investigating the compromised accounts and believed that hackers managed to change details of accounts on the Seller Central platform to their own at Barclays and Prepay Technologies, which is partly owned by Mastercard, according to the filing. The case highlights how the world's biggest online retail platform -- designed to be automated with minimal human input -- can be misused and how difficult it is for Amazon to find perpetrators. Lawyers for Amazon asked a London judge to approve searches of account statements at Barclays and Prepay, which "have become innocently mixed up in the wrongdoing," it said.
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Amazon Hit By Extensive Fraud With Hackers Siphoning Merchant Funds

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 09, 2019 @10:16AM (#58563956)

    Amazon is not the victim, the merchants who lost money are.

    • Amazon also wasn't "hacked". Some people gave away their credentials and then their valid credentials were used to login to Amazon.

      They should be more careful with their credentials and Amazon should help by providing better authentication options.

  • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday May 09, 2019 @11:21AM (#58564292) Journal

    Out of all the Amazon seller accounts, only 100 got hacked???

  • by Only Time Will Tell ( 5213883 ) on Thursday May 09, 2019 @11:37AM (#58564372)
    Does Amazon require any 2-step authentication or other means of verification to change a seller's bank account number in their system? If not, that seems to be a glaring miss.

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