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AI Businesses Software Technology

Startup 'ObEN' Is Betting the Future On Personal AI Avatars (gizmodo.com) 39

merbs shares an excerpt from a Gizmodo report: In January 2019, when China Central Television, the largest broadcast network in the most populous nation in the world, aired a special to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the hosts welcomed four life-sized "personal artificial intelligences" to share the stage with them. Called PAIs, they were three-dimensional holographic replicas of the presenters that moved, spoke, and sang to the delight of the cheering live audience. The program was viewed some 1.8 billion times. One of the most-watched TV shows in the world had been hosted by AI avatars. The company behind those avatars is the Pasadena-based ObEN. This startup, with its 100 plus employees, is betting that in the future, everyone will want their own PAIs -- to digitally try on clothes, to interact with friends, to keep the kids company while you're away on a business trip. In that future, celebrities will create PAIs to interact with fans to promote their latest films and albums. Teachers and doctors will have PAIs that offer personalized services to their students and patients. When you go to the mall, PAIs will pop up on the interactive screens there, enticing you to buy stuff.

ObEN describes its ambitious vision of the future as "personal AI for all." And ObEN is far from alone, of course. Investors, tech giants, and even governments are betting big on lifelike digital avatars -- between Facebook's push to port your likeness into VR, the eerily lifelike AI news anchors put on the air by Xinhua, China's state-run news agency, and the burgeoning CGI celebrity simulacra scene in Hollywood, there's a newfangled interest in the (potentially vastly profitable) art of porting people's digital likeness to our screens. Cyberculture has revolved around avatars for decades, but the avi-to-avi future pursued by ObEN and others promise a level of representation saturation hitherto unimagined by even the most fervent cyberpunks. Would a world filled with PAIs really beget more convenience and entertainment? Or would it further accelerate already ascendent trendlines of the crowding and hyper-commercialization of our digital spaces? To better understand this new frontier of companion AI, and both its utopian and dystopian implications, I headed to Pasadena, to ObEN's HQ, to become the first non-celebrity civilian to get my own PAI.

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Startup 'ObEN' Is Betting the Future On Personal AI Avatars

Comments Filter:
  • What do we need celebrities for?

    Or companies?

    Or even other people?

    This is a dangerous path we are treading down, and having one company monopolizing it will end up as well as Google, Microsoft, or Facebook did.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    That is how that sounds.

  • One of them was called Simone?

  • Instead of that folding crap... This just proves the tech is there we just need the motivation.
  • Soon the Space Pirates will roam the digital multiverse, stealing people's AI avatars and selling them on the high digital seas, whilst the Imperial Lesser British Space Navy will dragoon poor innocent AI avatars on digital islands and press them into service (really slavery too) to fight them.

    Avast, maties!

    Thar be digital treasure out there!

    • There can only be treasure to the degree that we invest in this stuff.

      It shouldn't be hard to opt out.

      • that's where the piracy comes in, matie!

        We wait off shore until the landlubber AIs think they're all nice and cozy in their virtual beds, and then we do a sneak attack past their virtual defenses!

  • by ugen ( 93902 ) on Thursday May 16, 2019 @06:39PM (#58605268)

    Startup XXX is hitching a ride on a fashionable idea YYY, making extensive and grandiose claims in order to secure the most funding from more easily impressed investors (or government agencies, as the case may be), to be divvied up between its founders before it disappears into the blue.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    When did we master 3D holograms?

    Something is fishy

  • As soon as it can pass a Turing test I'm in. Doesn't have to pass forever. Or even really pass. How about intelligently carry on a conversation that lasts more than three sentences. Because I have interacted with the best AI bots around, ones that are hailed as the next best thing in AI, an they've got nothing. Eliza, over fifty years ago, carried on better conversations than the best we have to offer today.

  • When you go to the mall, PAIs will pop up on the interactive screens there, enticing you to buy stuff.

    Wow, somehow they made me want it even less than I wanted it originally.

  • IBM was beating that drum back in the '90's but the tech really wasn't there yet. I wonder how that's working for them...
  • Until I control the hardware and software that my AI runs on, it isn't my AI. It's someone else's AI that is being loaned to me, and probably my personal life is being mined for a cash stream.
    My favorite quote from Harry Potter: Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
  • by sad_ ( 7868 ) on Friday May 17, 2019 @05:48AM (#58607202) Homepage

    "...everyone will want their own PAIs to try on clothes, to interact with friends, to keep the kids company..."

    why live your life, when you can have a PAI do it for you!

    "In that future, celebrities will create PAIs to interact with fans to promote their latest films and albums"

    Ah well, why not just only have a PAI then, what is the point of there being a real person anyway?

    "When you go to the mall, PAIs will pop up on the interactive screens there, enticing you to buy stuff."

    can't wait for this future to happen! just what i always wanted!

  • The Gizmodo reporter is a dumb shit and by proxy so is the poster of this article here. The Gizmodo article speaks of 'holographc' avaters, but no such thing exists. The tv show that is refered to in the article is just normal 'flat' 3D but with matched camera and is composited like normal green screen stuff.
  • But no, thanks.
    Filing under: shit I can live without.

UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch). -- Andy Tannenbaum
