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The Men Who Try to Hack Tinder To Score Hotter Women ( 172

Aggrieved that their matches aren't "quality" enough, some men share techniques to cheat the dating app's algorithm and raise their status. An anonymous reader shares a report: Like most apps that have a pay function, the easiest path to a better Tinder experience is with cash. Super Likes, according to the app, will triple your chances of getting a match as they're a manual override of the algorithm, forcing you to the head of someone's swipe queue. You still have to earn a right swipe, but the person is all but guaranteed to see your profile. Then, of course, there's the various DIY swipe combos and techniques, like my friend's, that people are convinced will result in better matches. "I cracked Tinder," redditor joikol exclaimed on the Tinder subreddit a year ago [sic throughout]. "I had cracked how to not only get the hottest girls to appear, but also how to make my profile appear on their Tinder. The trick: for every girl you like, reject 5 girls. Or, in simple terms, have very high standards for liking girls. The Tinder algorithm will see that you're not satisfied with the lot you've gotten and improve its delivery. It will also think that you're some hotshot and make you appear more on girls' Tinder."

But alas, he continued, "Then I realized that this strategy was a fail because when you do this, you need to be 11/10 as well. The hot girls won't swipe right on you, and the average ones won't be available as you swipe left on them." Two other popular alleged algorithm hacks: 1. Resetting your account (especially via a Google number or burner phone), since Tinder gives new users a first-day boost. (This can definitely backfire, though, since it's something Tinder knows people are doing and punishes them for it with a shadowban.) 2. Changing your location or expanding your geographical range. "I used to have it so that my distance was like 200 kilometers and then leave it like that for a few hours," says 24-year-old Kelly from Canada. "Then I'd change it back to 10-kilometers distance. I'd immediately get a ton of guys who were 10 kilometers away swiping right on me! It was quite the confidence booster!"

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The Men Who Try to Hack Tinder To Score Hotter Women

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  • Tinder is Easy (Score:4, Insightful)

    by youngone ( 975102 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:13PM (#59427856)
    Rule 1: Be attractive.
    Rule 2: Don't be unattractive.
    You're welcome.
    • Re:Tinder is Easy (Score:5, Insightful)

      by nagora ( 177841 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:25PM (#59427914)

      Rule 0: be rich.

      • The order isn't that important. Basically you have to have something on offer. Wealth and attractiveness are two possibilities, but you have to have *something*.

        • Re:Tinder is Easy (Score:5, Insightful)

          by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @06:19PM (#59428172)
          I haven't used it, but my impression was that Tinder was basically a hook-up app that people were using for one night stands as opposed to any kind of long term relationships. Sure even in those cases women are still going to prefer mates that are physically attractive and demonstrate that they can provide for a family. But if a woman is looking for a quick fling it's going to magnify that. Do they want to fuck the attractive guy that can afford to take you to a fancy club or some ugly schlub that needs to go couch diving for money to get diner coffer?

          There are a lot of things that are difficult to change, but fitness isn't particularly hard. Spend two hours a day working out as opposed to on the couch and in a year you'll look a lot better, and probably feel a lot better and more confidence in yourself as well. If nothing else, is demonstrates that you're not a completely lazy sack of shit.
          • I meant in general, not just Tinder, but tinder is no exception. It's also used as far as I can tell (not being in three game) an a general dating app as well. It's very appearance focused either way by the nature of the interactions. That cuts both ways, for men and women.

          • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

            Tinder, outside of New York City, in my experience, is just a dating app
            Both myself and my best man at my wedding met our wives through tinder, using it as a regular dating app

            • I've seen it used as both, purely a hookup app and a legit dating app. Friend of mine met his wife on there so it's for more than just hookups, but superficial appearance is the prime attract-a-mate feature on it.
          • by dryeo ( 100693 )

            While being in decent shape is important, other things go into attractiveness that aren't easily changed. Some simple like height and some not so simple like symmetry and having relatively normal ratios in facial features and such.

            • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

              While being in decent shape is important, other things go into attractiveness that aren't easily changed. Some simple like height and some not so simple like symmetry and having relatively normal ratios in facial features and such.

              Either that's dumb incel phrenology bullshit or Danny DeVito is going to die a virgin.

          • If you mean with fitness how far you can run without collapsing, then probably you can change that with exercising 2h a day (but who is actually going to do that?)
            If you mean "better look", forget it. With 2h a day of gym or what ever you go nowhere unless you change your diet.

            • by sd4f ( 1891894 )
              I'd upvote this if I had mod points, because it's true, yet so often, most people don't want to believe it. Problem is, physical appearance is something a lot of people are happy to pay a lot of money for, and eating less doesn't cost more, so they can't sell you the dream if the dream is in fact hard work in keeping your mouth shut and not buying food.
              • People simply underestimate how small the difference is between calorie consumption during sleep, resting and hard work.
                Then again, doing a physical demanding activity for 2h already requires you to be in a quite good physical condition.

                So if one would take the parents advice, you had three problems:
                a) finding an activity that actually interests you
                b) doing it three times a week for ca. one hour to get the fitness to do it for 90 minutes
                c) increase the frequency to daily ...

                I know plenty of people who do ma

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          If you are not offering nor seeking a quality relationship based upon trust and mutually respect don't be surprised if you end up with nothing but appearance and greed based shitty relationships. Probably way easier and safer to just toss one off, that blow a wad on a bad contact that could be extremely dangerous to health, from incurable diseases to rape and murder. Ah the wonders of non-reproductive mutual masturbation sessions with as many people as possible because, oh yeah, idiot victim of marketing an

      • Wealth will trigger pretend attraction; real fun - even of the superficial variety - requires that actual physical/chemical attraction be flowing both ways.

        Wealth will only ever bring the illusion of that.

      • by dddux ( 3656447 )
        I also tend to think this is the most valuable requirement. You don't even have to look that good, or have a brain, just be rich. Which is the saddest part of the story. So all the psychopaths get the good looking but shallow girls..
    • Re:Tinder is Easy (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Shotgun ( 30919 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:57PM (#59428104)

      Rule 3: Be willing to fuck a fatty.

      You're welcome.

  • Why? (Score:2, Informative)

    by morgauxo ( 974071 )

    Why would anyone want to do this. The hottest ones are going to be the fake accounts anyway right?

    • A tiny penis makes people do dark things.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      All Tinder profiles are fake. People select the best photo that the app automatically photoshopped for them and portrays them in the best possible light.

      • Re:Why? (Score:5, Informative)

        by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:36PM (#59427976)

        I met my significant other on Tinder, after a couple days of using it, and we're getting married in three months.

        • People keep saying this... I guess the quality of the pool of women may have improved on there since it began life years ago as a hook-up app.
          • Re:Why? (Score:4, Interesting)

            by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Tuesday November 19, 2019 @03:33AM (#59429364)

            I don't know how it was before, but she was actually the one I used my only "superlike" on and also the only one who I felt I really wanted to meet.
            Turned out to be the best thing that happened to both of us during our entire lives. Later I showed her what kind of women appear on my Tinder app and she showed me what kind of men appear on hers and we agreed we both were pretty unique in there (from a character point of view) and very lucky to have met each other that way.
            The pool is pretty bad.
            On the other hand, a friend of mine from the US told me he's using a specialized dating app which costs money (well, the service behind the app does), where matches are being performed manually by humans and the actual match rate is pretty high. He might have told me its name, which I promptly forgot, but the idea was to match a wealthy middle class citizen with another wealthy middle-class citizen based on similar preferences (e.g. both like to travel abroad, both like similar music, both like cats, etc). Also that app is not for scoring one-night-stands, but having long-term relationships or marriage as goals, hence the steep but worth it price. He explained that his position and life style make it hard to randomly meet a match by going to a bar (which he doesn't do) or such. There are people whose lives are so busy that they can't just spend a lot of time searching in person, it is what society has become.

      • All Tinder profiles are fake.

        I'm generally convinced that you are nothing more than a bot that replies negatively on things you don't use or know anything about.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:54PM (#59428094)
      I very beautiful girl! If no believe, please check out my HOT profile at
  • foxhole is real one to hack to get to the troops

  • Does anyone meet others, romantically or otherwise, the old fashion way, by way of happenstance? Piggybacking on the previous article about how liberated the college subjects were without their digital handcuffs I wonder how they are better off with this.

    tl;dr: ok boomer

    • by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:25PM (#59427918)

      You walk into a bar that used to be a pick up joint these days, and everyone is on their phones trying to find hookups on Tinder. It really is a sad state of affairs, nobody has the confidence to talk to each other any more unless they've connected online first.

      • It's still pretty easy to meet a girl but they're not often what you'd pursue as a mate. People are more segregated than in the past. A progressive will not date a republican and often vice versa. The gulf between individual's values is growing pretty vast and in this society you cannot meet a person at your local bar or wherever and have any confidence that they will be remotely compatible. People need some sort of system with filters now. Lack of communal areas that are not bars may also play a role.
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 )

        You walk into a bar that used to be a pick up joint these days, and everyone is on their phones trying to find hookups on Tinder. It really is a sad state of affairs, nobody has the confidence to talk to each other any more unless they've connected online first.

        It isn't confidence, it's risk vs reward. A male is taking a big chance in today's #metoo world.

        My favorite example was on a legal site where the advice was "A man asking a woman for a date shouldn't be considered Sexual harassment." in respponse to someone asking if it was if the woman thinks it is.

      • The problem with bars is that you meet girls that like to drink and hang out in bars. I have zero interest in doing either.

        • Well, why that might be true more than 50% it is not true for 100%
          Many people (regardless of gender) go into a bar to socialize, read a book, drink a single single malt, listen to music or watch the european finals.

      • by King_TJ ( 85913 )

        I completely get the issue, but I'm also gonna have to admit that when I was younger and single? I was always very introverted and shy around total strangers. I'd go out to clubs or bars with a group of my guy friends but never really met any women while I was there. I think maybe twice, I could tell a woman had some interest in me but one of those times, she had a friend who was like, "No way! He's not the one for you..." and put an end to it before it got started. Another time, I can't even remember the d

        • by jrumney ( 197329 )

          I get that some people are introverted and shy, and aren't likely to make the first move without an app. But its not just some people now. It is practically everyone.

    • tl;dr: ok boomer

      Basically, yeah. Happenstance takes free time and money, the youngs have neither.

      • tl;dr: ok boomer

        Basically, yeah. Happenstance takes free time and money, the youngs have neither.

        I was pretty poor until my early 30's. There are societies where most people are poor. Men and women seem to be able to hook up in those places.

        If you thiink you have to be wealthy at a young age to get a mate, perhaps expectations are a bit high by at least one of the parties.

        Because they are then looking for money, not love.

        • There are societies where most people are poor. Men and women seem to be able to hook up in those places.

          Few poor countries have anything resembling "hookups" or even dating. Many marriages are arranged by the parents, often with either a dowry or a bride price, and often with big age differences between the man and woman.

          • Not every poor country is India. In all of the poor countries I have lived in dating was what led to marriage. Arranged marriages are pretty rare anywhere these days except in the few countries backward enough for it still to be a thing.

          • Yes,
            50 years ago.
            Time to wake up, Mr. ShanghaiBill.

        • How much dating are people actually expecting to do? Is always having an available sexual partner considered somehow normative?

          I met my wife when I was 30, and she was the 20th woman I had dated since I was 18, and only 5 of those 20 did I have any relationship that lasted more than six months. I think only 2 of them counted as anything like a "hookup" and even then I saw them at least 2-3 times. Basically there were long stretches where I wasn't dating anybody because there wasn't anyone available.


          • How much dating are people actually expecting to do? Is always having an available sexual partner considered somehow normative?

            I met my wife when I was 30, and she was the 20th woman I had dated since I was 18, and only 5 of those 20 did I have any relationship that lasted more than six months..

            Of course it varies by personality, but modern popular culture expects women to "date" a lot. It is ridiculously easy for a woman to obtain many sexual partners. Have a nice evening out, dinner, maybe a movie, the guy foots the bill, and then back to your place for some screwing. Trading sex for goods

            And before the outrage crew gets too triggered, that is the exact model that Tinder uses. It's there, and that is what it is there for.

            • I guess just based on my accrued experience I would think that *men* would have the heaviest expectation of "dating-as-sex-fulfillment" while women would have a larger expectation of "dating-as-relationship-fulfillment".

              But I'm definitely not clued into the social habits of 20-somethings, so maybe this mindset has changed.

              • I guess just based on my accrued experience I would think that *men* would have the heaviest expectation of "dating-as-sex-fulfillment" while women would have a larger expectation of "dating-as-relationship-fulfillment".

                But I'm definitely not clued into the social habits of 20-somethings, so maybe this mindset has changed.

                Times have changed my friend. The marching orders today are to avoid settling down with a man until your mid 30's, and until then, hook up with those alpha "Bad Boys" that are exciting, but not good partners.

                Oddly enough, that age is the time when a women's fertility is on the wane, and many have had enough sexual partners that the men that will mate with them at that point do not turn them on. And a male that reaches his mid 30's but still single tends to not think in terms of being riuled by his libido.

    • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

      No. And I also don't buy expensive products without doing an internet search on the various options first. It used to be that I walked into a K-Mart or Sears and bought whatever they had to offer. Now, I can search.

      Dating apps are just search engines for relationships. Find someone interesting, and have a SHORT online conversation. If they're not up for a date, move on. Meet them in a public place in the real world. Have an actual conversation. If they're not the one (or at lease 'a' one), move on.

    • Does anyone meet others, romantically or otherwise, the old fashion way, by way of happenstance?

      Probably. The point of Tinder though, is that it's Grindr for straight people (Grindr is a hookup app for gay men, primarily focused towards matches based on physical appearance).

      The gay hookup apps hit the scene first, because gay clubs/bars were surprisingly shitty places to meet people, even in their hayday, and it was otherwise not very common to run into other gays while going about a typical daily routine. Tinder came about because while there's tons of places for straight people to hit it off, it's

      • grow a pair and ask them out. The worst they can say is "no".
        Yes, but if you never got taught how to ask one out (and as the other sex never got taught how to politely decline an invitation) it is a horrible experience for the first few hundred times ....

    • by NeoMorphy ( 576507 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @07:10PM (#59428302)
      Did you mean walk into a local bar, if there is one, and then talk to every girl there until you find one that you liked but hopefully doesn't think you're a creep after watching you play the field. There's also the issue where you and The Love of your life might never hit the bar at the same time, unless you both spend most of your time there. Which gets to the point of why would she go to a bar to get picked up by someone who went there to pick up girls? If you use the right online services, you can increase your geographically presence from your local watering hole to a 20 mile radius, or greater. You don't have to worry about being in the same exact place at the same exact time. You can both filter for major likes and dislikes. You still have to talk to them, but now there's a greater chance that you'll both be talking with someone you really like.
      • There's also the issue where you and The Love of your life might never hit the bar at the same time

        The love of your life may also not use Tinder. I agree bar dating is not some ideal, but this is a silly reason for or against any option as it applies to all equally.

      • by kackle ( 910159 )

        Did you mean walk into a local bar, if there is one, and then talk to every girl there until you find one...


    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @07:49PM (#59428400)

      Does anyone meet others, romantically or otherwise, the old fashion way, by way of happenstance? []

      The way people met used to be through (1) family, (2) friends, (3) school+college. Now it's (1) online, (2) bars, (3) friends.

      I don't think that "happenstance" is how many people ever met other than in romantic comedies...

    • I've met all my ex girlfriends in real life, through friends, at parties, even one at work. I met my wife on a blind date, and I pretty much knew she was the one when she messaged me the next day and we got chatting. None of that "wait three days before texting" bullshit, thank you very much. Dating sites and apps are a giant waste of time, in my opinion. No one I know has ever had more than a one night stand from them.
      • What exactly is the difference between a "blind date event" and a dating site in terms of "modern dating" or "how to meet your significant other"?

  • Three whole articles on MICROS~1 on the front page and an advert for Tinder. How did slashdot come to this?
  • by sanf780 ( 4055211 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:23PM (#59427904)
    So now people are gaming the system, like what SEO positioning is. That is, you do seemingly random things hoping you get higher in the list. After a while you realize that rules may be changing all the time. It may be cheaper and easier getting a professional.
  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @05:43PM (#59428018) Journal

    I met my current girlfriend on Tinder and we really hit it off. That's how I found out my family is racist.

    I took my new girlfriend (who's Asian) to meet my family but my wife and kids got really pissed off and told her to leave.

  • Why? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by DogDude ( 805747 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @06:20PM (#59428184)
    What's the point in faking anything on a dating web site? Because you really enjoy it when you show up in person, and your date says, "Uh, no." and walks away? I mean, the whole point is to meet another person at some point, so why would anybody bother pretending to begin with?
    • by k6mfw ( 1182893 )
      I'm thinking the same thing. In general all these dating sites seem very suspicious, lots of very attractive ladies but something seems out of place. There is also the money angle. Seems to me the only real dating site used to be craigslist. OK so a few hookers advertised but hey, it was just like back in the days of personals section in the newspapers.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Because you really enjoy it when you show up in person, and your date says, "Uh, no." and walks away?

      Well maybe the other party was horny af and when you showed up they said "Uh, n... well... shit you'll do" and hands you a paper bag (or plastic bag, really depends on just how much you lied on the Tinder profile).

    • by dddux ( 3656447 )
      When one is a psycho, one can get away with a lot of things.
  • by sunking2 ( 521698 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @07:29PM (#59428340)

    Just when you think this site has reached a new low.... What is this garbage?

    • Just when you think this site has reached a new low.... What is this garbage?

      SEO, algorithm messing on social networks, cheating, fraud, dating tips involving the use of a burner phone. Looks like the ideal Slashdot article, the only thing missing is if there's any improvement in results if you run Linux.

  • Having been married for 27+ years to the same woman, I can tell you I'm happy I don't have to do fake stuff to get a woman's attention online or otherwise. What has the world come to? This is just sad sounding to me.

    You poor kids, why do I get the feeling that all the "instant gratification" stuff you've been accustom to has ruined your chances of meaningful long term relationships. As soon as things get uncomfortable in anyway, everybody is heading to their phone to see how they can hook with somebody e

    • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @09:32PM (#59428664) Homepage Journal

      You must be kidding. Men have been doing fake stuff to impress women for thousands of years.

      • by dddux ( 3656447 )
        Women have been doing that, too. We're all fake. Fake society to begin with. We're taught that getting around life will make it easier for you if you lie. If nothing else to yourself. Then all the psychiatrists and big pharma with its magical cures come into play... they have to earn some money, eh? We are one very fucked up and depressed society. No wonder, since you have to spend your life working at least 8 hours a day, usually much longer, which leaves you with just enough money to get buy somehow, or n
    • What has the world come to?

      I know. The fact that you took 27+ years to realise something that has been going on since the dawn of man just shows how stupid the world has become.

      No seriously. What has the world come to? Men trying to impress women? Are you from this planet at all?

    • Well,
      dating sites - or apps - have the advantage that you can clear many things upfront before TALKING.

      Why would I talk or date a woman that does not like sex daily, or does not like oral sex? You see: completely incompatible, why waste time dating till first sex and then realize after 3 or 4 month: it will never work out? I mean when I was 20, I thought: ah, when we are together it fixes it self, she will be more hungry for me. Obviously she never will be.

      And the most important thing: smoking. It is basica

  • ... are the fast-track to finally being comfortable and happy with being single.
    Which is a good state to be in to finally meeting the one.

    However, I would still recommend social dancing over tinder any time.
    Salsa, Kizomba or, in my case, Argentine Tango. It turned my life around and the women I met and got intimate with in the ten years I was dancing 3+ times a week every night taught me a lot. About women but also about myself as a hetero male. And about people in general, their proneness to vanity and the

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
