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Facebook Dating Launch Blocked in Europe After it Fails To Show Privacy Workings (techcrunch.com) 31

Facebook has been left red-faced after being forced to call off the launch date of its dating service in Europe because it failed to give its lead EU data regulator enough advanced warning -- including failing to demonstrate it had performed a legally required assessment of privacy risks. From a report: Late yesterday Ireland's Independent.ie newspaper reported that the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) had sent agents to Facebook's Dublin office seeking documentation that Facebook had failed to provide -- using inspection and document seizure powers set out in Section 130 of the country's Data Protection Act. In a statement on its website the DPC said Facebook first contacted it about the rollout of the dating feature in the EU on February 3. "We were very concerned that this was the first that we'd heard from Facebook Ireland about this new feature, considering that it was their intention to roll it out tomorrow, 13 February," the regulator writes. "Our concerns were further compounded by the fact that no information/documentation was provided to us on 3 February in relation to the Data Protection Impact Assessment [DPIA] or the decision-making processes that were undertaken by Facebook Ireland." Facebook announced its plan to get into the dating game all the way back in May 2018, trailing its Tinder-encroaching idea to bake a dating feature for non-friends into its social network at its F8 developer conference.
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Facebook Dating Launch Blocked in Europe After it Fails To Show Privacy Workings

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  • What is the difference between this and Tinder or Backpage? You get the same result with various cover stories.

    I wish that they would stop calling this "dating" as it's the last thing it is.
  • The company... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by LatencyKills ( 1213908 ) on Thursday February 13, 2020 @10:21AM (#59723628)
    that destroyed privacy and reduced meaningful human interactions to (what I had thought anyway) was the bare minimum, now offers to step up to a whole new level. Good luck, human race! You'll need it.
    • Re:The company... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by hey! ( 33014 ) on Thursday February 13, 2020 @11:34AM (#59723930) Homepage Journal

      One of the things that old time science fiction got really wrong about the future was that it assumed people developed tech to solve problems. Nobody realized how much money was to made perpetuating problems.

      I introduced many people to their first experience with a computer. They didn't even know what a computer looked like; if you asked them to draw one they'd draw one of IBM's iconic 700 series tape drives. I can confidently report that the human managed to propagate itself before computers were involved.

      Yes, there was loneliness, anxiety, and frustration back then, but social media hasn't eliminated those things. Why would it? Those things drive user engagement.

      • My point is that social media has made those problems worse. We've replaced human interaction with screen interaction. Socially awkward kids who used to get pushed out of their comfort zone to meet people now don't even try for FTF interaction. The promise of social media allowing grandma to stay in touch has maybe become true, but the widespread adoption of social media as 100% of all interaction for many, many people has decreased our human interconnectedness, not improved it.
        • by hey! ( 33014 )

          I see it more as a mixed bag. I was *there*. Crushing and intractable loneliness was a big problem for people back in the day, just like it is now.

          The new problem is how easy social media makes creating a false facade, when genuine intimacy is about letting your guard down. When you know someone loves you, you don't feel like you need to suck in your gut.

          When somebody's life starts looking *especially* wonderful on social media, it often turns out they're actually going through a rough patch.

  • #DeleteFacebook
    • #DeleteSocialMedia

      • Does that include /.? Actually probably good. Even /. has posts I doubt the poster would say in person to others for fear of getting punched. Civility is non-existent on any forum.
        • I had this conversation before about whether or not slashdot counts as social media. My take is that social media is a "place" where people go to post pictures of themselves, write things about themselves, and comment on other peoples' selves. There, it's all about whoever is using the platform. But slashdot is a blog, where people share new articles, and comments happen. If I wanted to "look someone up" I'd certainly not come to slashdot. I'd go to facebook.

  • As if Zuckerbook wasn't creepy enough as-is, now they want their dirty little fingers involved in people's romantic lives as well?
    What's next. Zuckerbook? Facebook Kamasutra?

    Fuck off, Zuckerbook. Seriously, why are you still using Facebook, people? Are you dumb? Leave Facebook TODAY.
  • You see, you show them some sort of relic and they date it for you. Otherwise, you get hooked up with Zuckerberg for an entire evening.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
