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Twitter Bans Posts That 'Dehumanize' People In Connection With Diseases ( 161

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Twitter said on Thursday it is banning posts that "dehumanize" people because they have a disease or disability or because of their age, a step that happens to correspond to an explosion of tweets about the spreading coronavirus. The company told Reuters that the policy change was not a reaction to the outbreak of the virus, which causes the respiratory disease COVID-19, but was part of its continual effort to update its rules against hateful conduct.

"We couldn't have predicted that this would happen in terms of the coronavirus," Jerrel Peterson, Twitter's head of trust and safety policy, said in a phone interview. Twitter's hateful conduct policy already bans attacking or threatening others on the basis of categories such as race, sexual orientation, age, disability or serious disease. This update will mean that those attacks do not need to be targeted to an individual or specific group. Now, even "if it's a tweet that doesn't have an @mention that likens a group based on their age, disability or disease to viruses or microbes or maggots, something that's less than human, that can be in violation of our policy now," Peterson said.
Twitter went on to say that any offending tweets must be removed. Tweets sent before Thursday would also need to be deleted, but would not directly result in account suspensions, it said.
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Twitter Bans Posts That 'Dehumanize' People In Connection With Diseases

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  • "OK boomer" is off limits now?
    • by Checkered Daemon ( 20214 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @07:35PM (#59801452)

      That's OK. We lived through 'Nam, we lived through the birth of the civil rights movement, we survived Timothy Leary, Owsley, and Ram Dass, and a whole bunch of other shit. We can take an oiccasional 'OK Boomer' with a wry grin.

    • "OK boomer" is off limits now?

      No, because it's aimed at chrono-Americans of the white persuasion.

    • Check yourself, Zoomer.
    • by Cylix ( 55374 )

      They only selectively enforce these rules.

    • The censorship fascists are in full bloom these days...

  • by fibonacci8 ( 260615 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @07:22PM (#59801422)
    Twitter takes milquetoast stand against libel.
  • by enigma32 ( 128601 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @07:23PM (#59801426)

    I appreciate what they're trying to do.. but why not just go all the way and outlaw saying anything bad about anyone? That way all of the people that have interesting thoughts and aren't sycophants can just leave now.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nonBORG ( 5254161 )
      Get rid of Jack! He does not believe in free speech and should head off to his safe space.
    • I mean, it's a text based site. If you get a ton of users run ads to pay for it.

      Now, if the _government_ starts telling you what you can post to your own twitter then yeah, that's censorship.
    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Because when a private company decides it doesn't want some particular kind of speech on its site, you're perfectly free to make your own site. When the government restricts speech, it's restricted everywhere the government reach.

  • again. Next lets hold hands and make the naughty adults stand in the corner. Isn't this new enlightened future grand?
    • People will stop being treated like preschoolers when they stop acting like preschoolers.

      • People will stop being treated like preschoolers when they stop acting like preschoolers.

        Part of being an adult is being held accountable for your actions. Piss in the pool and you're not welcome any more.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    From now on, twitter will only allow you to dehumanize others on the basis of race, religion, income, choice of operating system, food preferences, and transmittable medical conditions.
  • They need to say that they'll do it for everybody with one very notable exception.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      Don't worry, the pedophile-in-chief is already on the case. He's got one of his pals trying to buy enough twitter stock to fire it's current CEO and take control of the company.

      • Here I've been saying what goes around comes around. I can't wait to hear the screeching about 1A and principles of free speech for muh democracy, from the very same people who wanted to deprive it from others, should they be unfairly censored themselves.

        Maybe then they will learn.

  • I accept how any hominids self-identify, even if they specify "animal".

    Is that dehumanizing?

  • helping the Dems (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Jodka ( 520060 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @08:26PM (#59801574)

    Is it only a coincide that this ban was announced two days after the candidate who seems to have early-stage dementia pulled ahead in the Democratic primary?

    Does this mean that tweets mocking Biden's senility will be suppressed the next time he forgets who is his wife, his sister, where he is, where the audience is, or what office he is running for?

    • "Elizabeth Warren is saying that we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better will make it worse because now all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation; it’s like a small company cannot do that." -- Jen Gennai, Google Global Affairs

      If one can do it, so can others.

  • by mysidia ( 191772 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @08:41PM (#59801600)

    Its quick thinking by the Zombies at HQ who are already infected with the zombification virus to make sure that further zombies cannot be identified as Zombies by calling them zombies on Twitter.

    • Now this is the sort of insightful commentary I come here for.

      Usually twitter is full of orc hybrids, so their zombificiation could be very bad.

  • by RightSaidFred99 ( 874576 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @09:06PM (#59801652)
    So I'm sure all the woke types who complain about old white males all the time will have to stop now, right? Right?
  • based on their obvious sociopathy. Do I win a Twitter ban for mocking politicians now? They're mostly mentally ill by the DSM.

    What else will @Jack ban before the investors throw him out?

  • I haven't used it in a couple of years, so I'm just curious.
    • No. Only Twits hang out on Twitter. Hence the name. It is the Fletcher Memorial Home for twits.

    • I don't know why anyone would unironically use any so-called 'social media' anymore, they're all just massive advertising platforms. If you want to be 'social' with people then try emailing them or calling them or (shocking!!!11!!) actually being in the same place with them.
  • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Thursday March 05, 2020 @09:39PM (#59801734) Homepage Journal

    Fucking Twitter.

    You can't edit reality.

    You can't, in any even-handed way, stop people from being assholes to one another (without being assholes yourselves).

    And if someone can't handle reality, TOUGH FUCKING SHIT.
    Grow a spine and an epidermis.

  • "Ok boomer" dehumanizes the newly elderly by reducing them to their lost reproductive capabilities. Is Twitter going to protect them?

  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Friday March 06, 2020 @02:38AM (#59802352)

    What does it even mean?

    That's right. Nobody of *them* even knows.
    It only serves as a catch-all thought-terminating clichee to shame people based on the SJWs' prejudice that what those people said would imply hate. (Protip: It mostly doesn't.)

    That's the core trick of SJW terrorism:
    Simply imply that what the other person said or did was hateful, even if only *you* think that because of your lack of self-confidence, and even if the other person didn't say/do that or you heavily "interpreted" it however you wanted. And then "call them out" on that ... basically, hallucination.
    To amplify your attack by using the public as white knights to do the beatings for you, like the biggest coward ever. So you can keep in your role as the poor poor "victim". Or even just "victim" proxy.

    • The "social justice" mindset is itself dehumanizing, as it reduces people to generic instances of broad demographic categories, instead of judging them as individual human beings. And the most viciously hate-filled people I have ever met have all been SJWs.

    • ALL of identity politics is dehumanizing, as it reduces individual people to a mere collection of traits - skin color, sex, age, preferred genitals, etc.

  • But we can still say that Florida will be hit hard?

  • The WHO didn't want to call it that because it would stigmatize the people responsible. I say we should. Would I be able to tweet about that, or would it be a violation?
  • Twitter is Trump's personal attack platform. Twitter should have never existed.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
