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Want To Find a Misinformed Public? Facebook's Already Done It ( 145

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote a post pledging to combat misinformation about COVID-19 circulating on Facebook. "We've taken down hundreds of thousands of pieces of misinformation related to COVID-19, including theories like drinking bleach cures the virus or that physical distancing is ineffective at preventing the disease from spreading," Zuckerberg wrote. But at the very same time, The Markup found, Facebook was allowing advertisers to profit from ads targeting people that the company believes are interested in "pseudoscience." From the report: According to Facebook's ad portal, the pseudoscience interest category contained more than 78 million people. This week, The Markup paid to advertise a post targeting people interested in pseudoscience, and the ad was approved by Facebook. Using the same tool, The Markup boosted a post targeting people interested in pseudoscience on Instagram, the Facebook-owned platform that is incredibly popular with Americans under 30. The ad was approved in minutes.
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Want To Find a Misinformed Public? Facebook's Already Done It

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  • by Anal Creampie ( 6790824 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:31PM (#59980668)
    Like the Indian paper in January referencing the four probable gene splices, the conspiracy theory circulating that the virus was spreading in North America in December, and the conspiracy theory that the virus didn't originate in a pet flea market turned grocery store.

    Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
    [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
    Zuck: People just submitted it.
    Zuck: I don't know why.
    Zuck: They "trust me"
    Zuck: Dumb fucks.
    • by JoeyDot ( 5981942 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @03:12PM (#59981208)
      I agree. None of those are conspiracy theories nor have they been dismissed. I've extensively studied all of those and while last time I checked none of them were certainties it wasn't possible to discredit them. It wasn't even possible to put them in the improbably or too far fetched box.
  • by Pascoea ( 968200 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:32PM (#59980672)
    Select * from users;
    • by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:59PM (#59980858) Homepage Journal
      Why don't they just classify FaceBook as a nuisance, and that it is non-essential and just pull the plug on the fucking thing, eh?

      The world would be SO much better in so many ways without it and likely the other major "social media' networks.

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @02:19PM (#59980938)
        I'm not really a fan of the Scorched Earth approach, but I can agree with the sentiment. I just wish people wouldn't treat it like a news site.
      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        Twitter should be classed as a threat to civilization.

      • Nobody is being forced to use FB. Do we really want the our political leaders shutting down companies they don't like?
        • Only if they harm society more than allowing such shutdowns to occur. And yes, that's quite plausible.
          • Facebook is humanity's mirror. If we don't like what we see, blaming the mirror is senseless.
            • Facebook is humanity's mirror. If we don't like what we see, blaming the mirror is senseless.

              Well, the US at least...was MUCH better than before the FB 'mirror' was introduced.

      • Facebook will happily monetise anything it can identify as a category, until they get called out on it. A year or so back they had "white genocide conspiracy theory believers" as a marketable category until they got bad press about it. If this was the 1930s, they'd gave "global zionist conspiracy believers" as a category. If they can make money off selling it, they will.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I've been spamming GDPR requests lately and found that a lot of marketing companies have database entries detailing how gullible they think you are. They break it down into different categories too, medical, political, astrology, stories, news...

      From what I can tell everyone's score starts at 0.5.

    • Select * from users;

      In an absolute sense, this is true. There isn't a human alive -- nor has there ever been nor will there ever be -- who doesn't believe some things that are wrong. But that absolute sense is completely useless.

      There is, in fact, a rather large variation in the amount and type of misinformation believed by different people. Some things people believe are wrong, but still represent humanity's best current understanding. Some things people believe are wrong, and humanity has overwhelming evidence of their

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
        The comment was certainly tongue-in-cheek, but I appreciate your insightful input. My issue with Facebook (more so the people on it) seems to amplify the "Some things people believe are wrong, and humanity has overwhelming evidence of their wrongness." and the "while others foolishly base important decisions on such "facts" of unknowable value".
  • What we're seeing about Covid19 isn't pseudoscience, it's worse. Unfortunately it also gets an official seal of approval from the White House.
  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:35PM (#59980686) Homepage Journal

    All evidence points to the fact that people who died drinking bleach did NOT die of COVID-19. Also, what is the plan here? To "physically distance" until....when? 10 years? 20 years? 40 years? Never? A vaccine is found and everyone get vaccinated? Viruses do not just "go away". It is anti-science to suggest that it will just because we are six feet apart. The model that Sweden is following works. Eventually you will have "herd immunity". Sweden thinks that will occur in a couple of weeks. You cannot pretend to escape the virus. You will likely get it eventually, if you haven't already. And yes, you probably didn't even notice.

    • Sweden thinks that will occur in a couple of weeks. You cannot pretend to escape the virus. You will likely get it eventually, if you haven't already. And yes, you probably didn't even notice.

            What the heck kind of nonsense is this? If you followed this plan, you wouldn't have to institute a socialist police state, therefore defeating the purpose of the pandemic!

      • But what is someone dies? You don't want anyone to DIE do you???? Stay in your houses, someone might die, and even worse it might be ME!!!!11!!! And I am super important: I made six figures programming in JavaScript!

      • and lots and lots of people die. This is the consequence of applying Walmart style "Just in Time" business practices to our healthcare system. There is no capacity to handle emergencies.
        • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

          Proof needed. What you are saying is just parroting a line and is anti-science. Most likely millions of Americans have already been exposed (viruses work that way, they just don't "stop") and it hasn't happened yet. How long are you going to "social distance"? 10 years? For the rest of your life? I realize you are a Bernie Bro, and a Socialist, but we are handling it better than most of those countries that have "Socialized medicine". You really should move to another country, you would be much happier wit

          • they moved 120 yards to the other side of the field.

            5 weeks ago the story was "oh, there are not that many infected, and the problem will go away soon".
            Now the story is "oh, there are infected everywhere everywhere everywhere, so let me make up numbers about the mortality rate"

            When we have 60%-70% herd immunity, yes, the problem can probably go away with modest safety measures, better treatments (that are improving as we speak), and maybe a partially effective vaccine.

            The official numbers are ballpark

      • Also, Sweden at this moment is experiencing a death rate 7x the rate of their neighbors who implemented shutdowns, and likely Sweden is just getting rolling.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward []

      3+ months? Things will be back to normal on April 1st. China and SK already have a declining number of cases. Sorry kids, your dreams of Fallout won't happen. Back to ordinary life.


      Well, you're the expert. Your opinions on COVID-19 sure are insightful :) But why are we even talking about it? You told us yourself it ended over 3 weeks ago.

    • by Sique ( 173459 )
      There are three ways Sars-CoV-19 dies out:

      1. We find a vaccine.

      2. Enough people (around 70 percent of the population) are immune from being infected and getting healthy agian.

      3. We reduce the infection rate to zero by not getting into contact with people who have the virus.

      Whatever comes first stops the virus.

      • by Sique ( 173459 )
        Let me elaborate a little.

        ad 1) We just don't know how long it takes to have an effective vaccine. With Ebola, it took about four years, 2012 to 2016. If the virus mutates faster than that, vaccines might be years away, as we know from the strains of Influenza virus.

        ad 2) We don't know how high the actual infection rate is right now, we only have the test rate. Some studies in Italy, Austra and Germany point to a current infection rate of about 1%. If we have to wait until 70%, it means that we have to

        • "Some studies in Italy, Austra and Germany point to a current infection rate of about 1%"
          Incorrect. You cannot possibly believe that only 1% of people in Italy (or Germany) have been exposed to COVID-19. Viruses don't work that way. It doesn't make sense.

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )

      Sweden's approach to COVID19 is likely going to be shifting in the near future.

      They had not locked down because the trajectory of the illness was not threatening to overwhelm their medical facilities. Somehow, the rate of spread seemed to be containing itself.

      This is increasingly looking like it shall not be the case indefinitely, as the number of daily new cases starts an exponential upward journey.

      I would not be surprised if they will go into lockdown before the end of April, and would be quite sh

      • What makes you think like that? Their numbers have been pretty constant until now. []
      • I had seen they were experiencing much worse clinical outcomes than Germany with their strategy, besides that it turns out that many people without respiratory symptoms are still getting clotting symptoms. If we shoot for herd immunity we may have a generation of people with crippled organs.
      • by hey! ( 33014 )

        Their current trajectory is actually more linear than exponential. This seems to be typical for places that implement half-measures; cases continue to grow, but not exponentially.

        Sweden has a high level of voluntary compliance social distancing; about half of Swedish workers are working from home and cell phone tracking data and other metrics show reductions in travel by about 80% - 90%. So the idea Sweden is wide open is a bit misleading.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      I wouldn't put too much faith in Sweden's public health models. A couple of days ago they reported that their model thought that there were 1000 infections for every reported case, but if that were true there'd be over 15 million people infected, and Sweden's population is 10.2 million.

  • Visit any social media site.

    • They should join Slashdot instead, where we all have conclusively proven that billions of people are going to die because of Trump. Plus we are going to live on Mars soon, and Moore's Law will never end.

      • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
        You sure talk a lot for someone who rarely has anything intelligent to add.
        • Aww sorry. Another butthurt guy who is upset of other opinions. Lets look at your comment history:
          "Nailed it. I've had plenty of good ideas, I'm just too lazy to execute them."
          There ya go. Pretty intelligent guy.

          • by Pascoea ( 968200 )
            Who said anything about being butthurt? I'm merely pointing out that you spout consistently spout your opinion like fact, and I couldn't find an instance of you citing any actual references to back up your bullshit. You're only here to stir up shit and troll. "We know the death rate is like 0.08% based on the new antibody testing results " is a perfect example from one of Tuesday's trolling attempt. [] is a good read for anyone wanting to see how much fun you can have by
    • The problem is our right to free speech is being abused. And there is little legal recourse.

      The problem isn't bias news. But untruthful news.
      Bias news you can get a good picture of what is going on by checking with other sources on the topic where you can get a better picture of the problem.
      Eg. Tax Breaks on Hummers during the Bush Administration. Actually, after a little digging, I can see it was a tax break on large trucks over a particular weight. This is because these larger trucks were mostly shipping

  • by ranton ( 36917 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:43PM (#59980756)

    They were willing to put the public in danger by allowing politics to be overrun with false information and propaganda, so it's no surprise they are willing to help people profit over people's fears during this pandemic. Facebook will give lip service to small efforts in order to garner some good PR, and then go right ahead helping people push false narratives at the same time, as they always do.

  • by MobyDisk ( 75490 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @01:59PM (#59980864) Homepage

    Every time there is an article about advertisers using Facebook to target a certain group, it turns out there is a specific Facebook advertising category for that group. Does that not strike anyone else as weird? I would have expected categories like "age 18-25" or "elderly" not categories like "interested in pseudoscience" or "holocaust denier." I can't imagine being on the team whose organizes people into those categories.

    Boss: John, today your job is to tag all the racists on Facebook so that our advertisers can better sell their Nazi propoganda videos to them. Jane: You'll be finding all the people in the "votes for the same party no matter what the party does" category - there's an election coming up, so that's worth hundreds of millions.
    John/Jill: Okay boss.
    Lee: I'm 75% complete my task of identifying all the people who believe that soap and fluoride toothpaste are part of a secret CIA program.
    Boss: Excellent work! We have $10 million of advertising riding on your ability to sell those morons new forms of snake oil!
    Miranda: I have to report that there are only 14 people who still believe that Monster cables offer richer sound.
    Lee: Wow, that would be a big blow to our advertising revenue. Have you looked through the cell phones of people who stormed Area 51 to uncover the aliens?
    Miranda: Great idea boss!

    Could someone please just post a list of all the categories?

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      It's not odd at all. Facebook's raison d'etre is targetted advertising. Of *course* they have all sorts of interesting categories; that's the point.

      "Holocaust denier" seems like a pretty niche category, but if Facebook has it, you can bet somebody has figured out how to make money off them.

      "Pseudoscience believer" is completely straightforward. Pseudoscience, from herbal supplements to chiropractors, is a massive industry.

      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        "Holocaust denier" seems like a pretty niche category

        Jim Baker targets his overpriced dried food products at them, as they tend to be a particularly stupid subset of 'Doomsday preppers'.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      I can see various anti-nazi organisations wanting to advertise to holocaust deniers. Only people who would want nazis to stay in their social bubbles and maintaining their ideology are those who benefit from nazis existing.

      You know, the modern pearl clutchers, who need a handful of nazis existing to justify mass purges of those they don't like.

      I can also see people who actually want to diminish things like 5g tower burnings advertising that 5g doesn't actually have a link to coronavirus to people who are lo

  • by oldgraybeard ( 2939809 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @02:01PM (#59980870)
    is a disease. The healthiest thing an individual can do today is to just stop.

    Just my 2 cents ;)
  • by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <onyxruby&comcast,net> on Thursday April 23, 2020 @02:08PM (#59980890)

    Facebook has lost all credibility when they started banning and shutting down anyone who was organizing protests against "Shelter in place" / quarantines. This is clearly a first amendment protected activity and has nothing to do with bad advice or scams.

    This is quite unfortunate as I have no doubt that the majority of what they have taken down is pure junk (drinking bleach, buy this magical pill, etc...). Problem is that they lost the trust of a significant portion of the population by failing to stay neutral and picking sides on the politics of the issue.

    This is becoming more and more of an issue as we get closer to the 2020 US presidential election. The fact is that Facebook and Twitter have a history of picking sides on elections in other countries (e.g. Brazil) right before the election (when it is too late to challenge something in time through the courts) does not help at all.

    They are a monopoly whether they like it or not as they have become the modern public square. Their job is to be a neutral platform and stay out of the fray. The retort to just start your own service is even more absurd than it was in the days of standard oil. A lay person has no chance where multi-billion companies have failed.

    It would have been unthinkable for the phone company or the post office to filter your content based on whether or not they agreed with it. It should be just as unthinkable for Facebook, Twitter and other similar monopolies to do the same.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Gilgaron ( 575091 )
      Weren't the SIP protests astroturfed? It may technically be protected speach, but it is a pretty juicy target for our adversaries to seed our public with information that will help get us decimated by disease. Who needs anthrax bombs if you can just trick the ignorant into spreading a disease themselves?
      • It is also in the interest of our enemies to beat the drums of hysteria to shut down the US economy for as long as possible. Already we see meme shifting to "protecting you" is what the shutdown is about, when it is about stopping hospitals from getting underwater leading to even more deaths.

    • picking sides on the politics of the issue.

      This is the problem. Over politicization. Facebook takes an action that is viewed as objectively positive by public health officials, and it's deemed "picking sides on the politics."

      • Obstructing 1st amendment protected activities is definitely "picking sides on the politics".

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        Sadly, the ship sailed on that the moment our country elected an anti-intellectual, anti-science president. At this point, in the minds of a significant percentage of Americans, education, scientific knowledge, mathematical understanding, and basic intellect are all politically "left", and ignorance and stupidity are all politically "right". That is one seriously screwed up state to be in.

        The best thing the Republican party could do right now is split in two. Let Trump and the Tea Party politicians go o

        • "The best thing the Republican party could do right now is split in two. Let Trump and the Tea Party politicians go off on their own, and let the actual conservatives go back to being intelligent leaders."

          That's what would be best for The People, and the world in general, but only because it would be total disaster for the Republican party. They only succeed because the crazies and the actual conservatives all get behind their leader. The Democrats don't, and that's why they're less effective.

          If the reps ki

          • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

            If the reps kicked out the lames they'd never win anything again.

            I disagree. As a Californian who is registered as an independent, with the exception of a few local races, I find myself voting for a Democrat in nearly every single race these days, because the Republicans are only running the lunatic fringe. If they kicked out the nuts, they would win a lot MORE elections, because the people winning in their primaries would all be good, electable candidates that have a reasonable chance of drawing in indep

        • by cusco ( 717999 )

          the ship sailed on that the moment our country elected an anti-intellectual, anti-science president.


          • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

            Reagan wasn't anti-intellectual. His economic theories were bonkers, and yes, he really messed up the Republican party in ways that it has never recovered from, but listening to the wrong group of eggheads isn't nearly as bad as screaming "LA LA LA LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU" the moment you even see someone intelligent.

    • Private company does not need to allow any speech. There is no free speech rule that applies to private companies. This has already been proven in Lawsuits. If this was not the case then Fox News would be required to state Trump lies are lies. But no one can make them or claim free speech to make them.

      • Once a company becomes a monopoly in a market they need to provide their services on RAND (Reasonable And Non Discriminatory) AKA F/RAND or FRAND rates to all comers. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled in favor of RAND across all markets from the 1800s with railroads, manufacturing, utilities up through a patent case just a few years ago - the precedent is overwhelming. [] []

        RAND is an issue that has come up so often that ABA has put out guid

    • Facebook didn't pick a political side. You can still argue about the shelter in place orders being illegal on Facebook. But they don't allow coordination of illegal activity. Civil disobedience, although a healthy American tradition, is illegal activity until the protesters get the law changed (and maybe get a pardon for their earlier disobedience). Facebook is very consistently neutral in that regard: say what you want but don't organize illegal actions.

      (I hate defending Facebook at all, but there are s
      • There is no such thing as "Coordination of illegal activity". Go on, find a statute and show me the law that was being broken. You of course will never do this since there is no such statute since it would be blatantly unconstitutional. If there was the ACLU would have pursued it to the Supreme Court the moment it passed.

        Facebook does not have a leg to stand on as they have never done this for any other protest. They never had a policy against using Facebook to organize protests. The public welfare argument

        • "or the right of the people peaceably to assemble"
          It is not peaceful assembly when you are actively contributing to the spread of disease that is killing people. Quarantine law is well-tested part of USA law. Just as the freedom of speech does not extend to endangering others, neither does the right to assemble.

          Facebook doesn't have to shut down other protests because other protests are not violating quarantine and creating a health risk for the community. Not a single governor or county judge was invent
          • You forgot the context - it was a car based protest. You are not spreading anything inside your car.

            You also left out the context on the legal authority you cited. Those laws were written for things like quarantine when it was known that individuals may be infected or for a disaster in a given area such as a flooded river. Those laws were never intended to stop someone from buying seeds and planting a garden in their own back yard or to stop a protest against government overreach. To quote that Texas statut

            • In Texas, the protests were not vehicle protests, and Facebook shut down organization of the gathering at the Capitol. If you claim this is unprecedented in the courts, that strengthens my claim: the legitimacy of executive branch actions must be presumed by a private company like Facebook to be legitimate absent a court order otherwise. If FB does NOT presume that, then they ARE taking a side in a political dispute... FB would be practicing its own civil disobedience by encouraging the gatherings. I do n
            • Speaking specifically to why I think this is settled law:

              The legislative intent is questionable. The term {area} is not given size limits at all. Governor is given {control} of the area. And there are some serious $$$$ penalties associated with violating the governorâ(TM)s order, with legislature providing no means of challenging.

              To me, this reads as a legislature that trusts the governor to react in a crisis and do what is needed as commander-in-chief to protect the state. The governor is explici
    • Unfortunately I have to agree. I say "unfortunately" because I think the people calling for an end to the shutdowns are idiots and are endangering lives - but despite that, I believe it is valid political speech.

      Also agree that Facebook has become a de-facto common political forum.

      The root problem here is not facebook but the lack of a central source of trusted information. That is the role that the CDC should fill in this situation, but they have shown themselves to be untrustworthy

    • Facebook has lost all credibility when they started banning and shutting down anyone who was organizing protests against "Shelter in place" / quarantines. This is clearly a first amendment protected activity and has nothing to do with bad advice or scams.

      Scams, no, unless you include astroturfing. But it's definitely based on bad advice.

  • In a way, it's quite unfair to call things like "drinking bleach" pseudoscience.

    The science we typical discuss is all about evidence and observations. That's great given the time to run experiments and determine truth.

    There are, however, times when making a decision fast is more important than making it correctly. Like driving somewhere, which route do you take? Do you turn left or right? The first exit or the second exit? One will be faster, one will be slower, but take to long the make the decision a

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Thursday April 23, 2020 @02:17PM (#59980928)

    It's their members list.

  • Goebbels would be proud. Facebook is 100x worse than VolksempfÃnger was.

    That was the "state-approved" radio that would only receive "state-approved" broadcasts.

    If they caught you with something like a shortwave radio.. probably jail, or shot in the sidewalk (pavement for you brits)

    Facebook is all this, and more!

  • Facebook's Already Done It!
    Oh wait! that is how I read it at a glance ;) Funny

    Just my 2 cents ;)
  • The hoodie wearing multi-billionaire who perfected new forms of disinformation is now on a campaign to eradicate everything he considers disinformation. Well, one does logically follow the other. Should have been shut down already.
  • They are the enemy!

    Question those who question authority!

    Question those who question by what means authority is granted.

    Question those who look at where the money flows when policy is enacted!

    Don't think and thrive, call a designated mindset-maker.

  • by JoeyDot ( 5981942 ) on Thursday April 23, 2020 @03:29PM (#59981260)
    This is nonsense. I've seen a lot of user based categorisations. It's never a perfect art but to say only 78 million users like pseudoscience is junk. There's a subgrouping or co-variable they're not disclosing. Datasets I've seen and worked with look completely different to that. Although I don't work with facebook much, I hate it, I've seen some data a few years back and we had our own categorisations so there's some sense of the extent of interest in pseudoscience.

    One difference is that we determined pseudoscience objectively and not specifically. There's no accurate simplification of pseudoscience into basic categories that's entirely accurate but only using a grouping won't be accurate at all. Only 78 million? Extrapolating onto the size of facebook's userbase, people who like astrology is around five to ten times that at least. It might even reach a billion. Horoscopes are still consumed last time I checked.
  • It sounds a little like censorship, but I have a genuine, modest proposal: Social media should not be allowed to carry news information. Not in the form of ads, user posts, links, videos, and any other post type until they can demonstrate 5 9's (99.999%) filtration of fake, false, and misleading news. We created the FCC within 4 years of the first TV broadcast because the reach of TV had the potential to be dangerous to society, both from the perspective of advertising and news content, and that was at a
  • Tell the public drinking bleach cures COVID - it does by the way, don't worry about other side efffects.

    The people that remain might have some ***ing intelligence.

"You must have an IQ of at least half a million." -- Popeye
